His voice sounded like silk in my ear. I didn’t want to wake up as I had slept so comfortable during the night. Even chained up as I was, I had never felt so at peace; however, my peace was quickly disturbed as I felt Tristan’s hand come down hard over my mouth and he whispered again, “Lisa…”
The force of his hand coming down on me like that shocked me awake. I opened my eyes and met his…gazing right back at me. It was the same look that captured me all those years ago. He smiled softly and whispered as he kissed my forehead, “Spread your legs nice and wide.” I did as I was told and he removed the blanket that was covering me. Keeping a firm hold over my mouth with one hand, he took the other and started stroke my pussy, gently. Not breaking his stare, he whispered, “Remember what you’ve been taught.” I nodded but keep looking in his beautiful eyes. He did not break his gaze, either, and I felt his fingers enter me. It felt incredible but I knew I had toexercise restraint. After all, today was the day of the party. I knew that if I made the slightest noise or moved even the tiniest bit, he would be incredibly disappointed in me and I could not let that happen.
He started fucking me very fast with his fingers and my breathing became increasingly labored the faster he went. I maintained my eye contact with him through this torque, which was obviously delighting him as his soft smile became a large grin. He chuckled a little when he saw my browser furrow. I think he knew I was getting close to coming. “Stay still, little one,” he said as he continued. The tension in my belly began to increase exponentially as he continued this torture and, once again, I didn’t know if I should just come or wait until he told me I could. I decided to err on the side of caution and I tried to hold it back. Tristan pulled his fingers out of me for a moment and started gently circling my clip, which was far worse. I had to close my eyes at this point toMaintain what little focus I had left but it felt so delicious and the whole scenario was turning me on so much that I thought I was about to crack. Upon seeing that I was starting to lose my focus, Tristan mercifully whispered, “When you’re ready, little girl, come for me” and he resumed his place inside me. This was the true test. Could I remain still and silent while having an orgasm? I was about to find out. Tristan started fucking me again and I knew it was time. When I finally let myself go, the experience of not moving, not making any sound and coming at the same time was so intense, I felt like I was going to pass out. I clinched down hard on Tristan’s fingerers when I came. He chuckled and said, “Very, very good girl. You did it!” He pulled his hand out of me and, removing his hand from my mouth, commanded me to “open.” I opened my mouth and he stuck his fingers in. When I had sucked his fingers clean, he drew back his hand and kissed me on the forehead. “Now…let’s get you undone,” he said.
He unclipped my wrist restraints from my collar, undid the chain that was hanging from the bed, then unclipped the restraints from each other and removed them as well. It was lovely to be in that position but it was even better out of it. Once freed, he stuck out his hands to assist me out of the bed and I immediately put my hands in his. He looked down at me and said, “I made your breakfast already. You need to eat.”
“Yes, Sir,” I said with a smile.
“Lisa, this is going to be a very trying day for you. Taking that into consideration, I’ve decided that, for right now, I just want you to relax. You can speak freely and you don’t have to call me Sir, all right? Not for a while, anyway.”
I voted deeply and thanked him. I was so grateful that he was sort of lending me back my identity. Even though I knew it wasn’t going to last long, I was taking what I could get. We walked hand in hand to the kitchen and he motioned for me to sit on one of the bar stools. There was a plate there mounded with scrambled eggs, four strips of peppered bacon, two pieces of toast with butter and, beside it, a large glass of orange juice.
“Wow, Tristan…” I said, my eyes wide at the huge amount of food he expected me to eat. “This is, um…a lot of food.”
“Yes, well, it’s made to last. The only thing you’ll probably be fed after this meal is cock and I’m pretty sure that won’t fill you up,” he replied with a smile.
I shook my head and smiled. “Happy about that thought, aren’t you?”
“Oh yes, Lisa. Quite. Go ahead and eat and make sure there isn’t one scrap left, understand?”
I nodded and began to eat as Tristan walked away. The breakfast he had prepared for me tasted wonderful but, after a while, it definitely became a chore to consume it all. I was more than full when I finally finished my plate as well as the juice. I slowly hoped off the bar stool to put my dishes in the sink and went to find Tristan. He was in the living room reading and, upon seeing me, smiled and walked over to me. “How was your breakfast?”
“It was good but sooo filling!”
He laughed, “Well, again…it was meant to be. Time to clean you up.”
Taking my hand, he led me to the bathroom where a bubble bath had already been drawn. He motioned for me to get in and I sat down in the warm water. It felt so good to finally have the chance to bathe. Once I sunk in the water and surrounded myself with bubbles, Tristan sat on the edge of the tub, rolled up his sleepes and began to wash me. He began talking to me as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on…telling me funny stories about him and his friends from London, how his time back in the States was going… He was laughing and so was I…it was all very light-hearted and I completely forget About my present circumstances. More importantly, I momentarily forgot about what was expected of me that evening. When I was all cleaned up, Tristan slowly got up and looked at me in a very stern manner.
Oh yeah, I thought. Here we go…
“Stand up,” he ordered.
I did as I was told and stood straight, facing him. He pulled out a razor from a drawer under the sink and handed it to me. “You need to shake yourself…everything. When you are done, you will get down on all fours and knock on the door to let me know you’re ready. Is that Understood?”
I humbly nodded and he left the room. I saw…that brief moment when we were just two friends talking was so nice but far too abrupt. My heart sank a little when I realized that the fun was over and it was right back to business again. I sat at the edge of the tub and worked on shaving my legs and my underarms. I always keep my pussy shavled so it only needed a little touch-up and, soon, I was nice and smooth all over. I emptied the bathtub and put the razor back in its place. In the same drawer, I found a hairbrush, luckyly, so I brushed out my hair and made sure it was good to go as well. OnceI looked perfect, I reluctantly got down on all fours, crawled over to the door and knocked. A moment later, the door opened and Tristan was standing there with the leash in his hand. He attached it to my collar and gave it a slight yank. I moved forward and he walked me into his bedroom. Once there, he tied the end of the leash to one of the legs of his bed and said, “Now let me inspect you to see if you’ve done well.” He walked behind me and put his hand on my pussy. “Mhmm…good job there. Now what about here?” and he parted my ass cheeses.
“Lisa…” he said.
“Yes, Sir?”
“You seem to have forgotten something.”
I knew what he was talking about. “Sir, permission to speak freely?”
He told with announcement. “Yes, what is it?”
“Tristan, I…can’t…do that.”
“Can’t do what?” he replied.
“Tristan, I think that’s a hard limit for me.”
He walked back to face me and knelt beside me. His eyes were filled with concern. “You don’t want yourass to be used?”
“I just can’t, Tristan, I’m sorry.”
He looked disappointed and didn’t say anything for a while but he looked deep in thought. “Well,” he eventually said, “how about this? I’ll keep that part of you off limits but you have to wear a plug instead. Does that sound fair?”
The notion of having an anal plug in me all night didn’t sound the greatest but it was better than the alternative. “Yes, that sounds fair. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now then…see what’s on the bed?”
I looked up and saw an array of objects but couldn’t quite make out what they were. “What are they?” I asked.
“They’re for you. It’s about noon and I’m going to dress you now so you can become used to being somewhat isolated. I need to get you in that frame of mind so you’ll be right where I need you for the party. That being said, I need to tell you a few things. First, I will remind you that the hood you’ll be wearing is very tight and while you will still be able tohear everything, it will be very muffled. I’m going to keep the zipper over the mouth unzipped but you will be gagged. You should have adequate room to breathe so I’m not necessarily worried about that but if you find that anything… anything at all goes wrong, remember that I will be holding you by your lean the entire night so all you need to do is tug on the leash three times but, Lisa, I can not stress this enough. Do not tug on the lean unless it is an absolute emergency. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” I responded.
“Excellent, darling. Second, should anyone decide to give you pleasure…and they most assuredly will…you have my permission to come however many times you want. You don’t have to ask regardless of the situation. No one should be giving you any commands tonight besides me so that order stands. Got it?”
I nodded.
“Good. I have one last thing for you and then you’re going to get dressed. At some point during the party, I am going to display you onthis.” He pointed towards something that looked like a wooden box with two steps leading up to the top of it. It was stained and varnished a very nice, dark brown. “You won’t be able to see, remember, so you need to get used to what this pedestal feels like and how I expect you to display yourself, all right?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Okay, first thing’s first.” He reached down and untied the lean from the leg of the bed and removed it. Grabbing my arm, he stood me up and now, of course, I could see everything on the bed perfectly. The first thing that caught my eye was the hood that I was expected to wear. It was all black leather with two eyeslets where my nostrils would be and a zipper over the mouth. I could see that there were laces in the back so I knew he was going to make it as tight as possible. Next to the hood were two black leather ankle cuffs and two wrist cuffs that matched the others. They had very delicate-looking silver O-rings dangling from them. I thought they were exquisite and was excited to wear them. Then there was a pair of nipple clamps–the kind that are adjusted by turning the bottom and, of course, my old friend for the last day and a half…a red ball gag. Tristan immediately started putting the restraints on my wrists and ankles. When they were on, he stepped back and looked me over with his finger resting on his chin…he looked displeased.
“Lisa, come over here,” and motioned towards his dresser.
I walked over to where he was standing and he opened the top drawer. Meticulously laid outside inside the drawer were a series of anal plugs…all different sizes and some even had what looked like tails coming off the end. I must admit, they excited me. After all, if I was to be Tristan’s pet, what better way to play the part?
“Pick one,” he said.
After careful perusal of all of them, I chose a small-ish black one that had a short black-haired tail on the end. When I picked it up and handed it to him, he seemed surprised but in the best way possible.
“Lisa, that’s adorable,” he said with a huge smile on his face. I smiled back in agreement. “So this is the one then, yes?”
I nodded.
“Very well,” he said. “Down.”
I got down on all fours and presented my ass to him. Before too long, I felt his fingers on me, warming me up a little and getting a sufficient amount of lubricant on the area before he inserted the plug. When I felt the tip of the plug against me, Tristan told me to relax as much as possible. I took a deep breath and I felt him start to push. To my surprise, I accepted it faster than I thought I would and, mere seconds later, I could feel myself clench down around the small part at the very end.
“Are you all right, Lisa? How does it feel?”
“I’m fine, Sir. It feels really good. Thank you.”
He laughed, “No, thank you! I’m glad you don’t want to be fucked in your ass because this is way more enjoyable and you look wonderful.”
I smiled. I loved makinghim happy with me. He commanded me to stand so he could continue. The plug felt very different in me now that I was standing. It was a little painful but only because it had been an extremely long time since I had forgotten one. I knew that, after a while, I probably wouldn’t even feel it anymore…at least that’s what I had hoped.
Taking the hood in his hand, he asked me if I was ready. We had gone this far…there was no reason to turn back now. Nodding my head yes, he put it on me and started lacing the back. I’ve always been a huge fan of the smell of leather and the inside smelled so good, that alone could have made me this mindless creation Tristan was so desperate to create. Slowly but surely, I felt the leather wrap tighter and tighter around my face until I was consumed by darkness. I felt Tristan’s hands on my Shoulders as he moved from my back to my front. He unzipped the zipper in front and said, “Lisa, how are you doing?”
He was right about my hearing. I could hearhim fine but it was definitely muffled. “I’m okay, Sir.”
“Can you breathe properly?” he asked.
“Yes, Sir,” I replied.
“Do you need anything before I gag you?”
“No, Sir,” I said.
“All right…remember. If ANYTHING goes wrong…anything at all…three tugs on the leash, do you understand me?”
“Yes, Sir. Three tugs on the leash.”
“Anything,” he said again and, when I felt the ball against my lips, I opened my mouth nice and wide. Once the gag was secured around my head, he commanded me to get down on all fours. I felt him reattach the leash on my collar and, when I felt a yank, I instinctively started to crawl forward. I felt something by my hands…something hard. I heard Tristan says “up”…right! The pedestal! I lifted my right hand and, sure enough, found the bottom step. After that, even though I couldn’t see, I easily found the next step up and then the platform at the top. I crawled forward enough to where I could feel the edge with the palms of my hands and stopped in what I perceived to be the center. When I straightened out my posture as Tristan had instructed the day before, I felt his hand on my ass.
Okay, Lisa…I thought. Don’t move. Don’t move.
I feel his hand leave my ass for a second and then it came down again with a loud slap. It shocked me a little but I remained still and silent. He continued spanking me and I was so grateful for the gag in my mouth as it allowed me something to bite down on. I could feel my ass start to get very hot as he continued and the strikes were beginning to get very painful. Then, he stopped for a moment and I felt his fingers start to gently pull and tease my nipples until they were hard. Sure enough, the nipple clamps came shortly thereafter and provided me new pain to focus on. When they were firmly attached, he resumed spanking me. The pain of his hand coming down so hard on me was worse now that my skin had time to become more sensitive and I didn’t know how much more I could take before I made some sort of noise; however, as he is want to do, the pain was, inevitably, paired with pleasure. I soon felt his fully erect cock fill me and he started to fuck me slowly while continuing the spanking. Remaining perfectly composed as instructed, I was in heaven. Succumbing purely to sensing and not to anything visual, I had no choice but to slip into everything I was feeling. It Actually got to the point where I didn’t want to make noise and, whatever it may have looked like, I was smiling inside my hood as much as the gag would allow. After a while, Tristan pulled out of me and gave me one final slap. “Good girl,” he said, breathlessly.
At that moment, I truly did feel like a good girl. I felt that all he wanted to me to accomplish was finally delivered and I was amazed that I could do everything he expected me to do. Moreover, the very fact that he was so happy with me was all the motivation I needed to continue to try to do the best I could atplaying this game with him. I felt my previous hesitations fall away and I was deeply immersed in my present role.
The pressure of the clamps soon fell away and I assumed he had removed them. I felt my lean being tugged to the right and I slowly turned around on the pedestal. “Down girl,” Tristan commanded and I slowly found the edge of the platform leading to the steps. Carefully making my way down, I stopped at Tristan’s feet. “That’s it…now come,” he said and, upon feeling the force on my collar, followed the pull of the leash. When we started to walk, I could feel the little tail between my legs move with my hips. It was a wonderful feeling and it made me feel strangely beautiful. This whole experience was just getting better and better.
I didn’t know where I was being led to but, upon feeling the familiar carpet Underneath my palms, I knew I was in the living room. The carpet was very warm where we stopped so I knew he must have led me over to the windows where thesunlight had been hitting that same spot all day. I heard him unclip my leash and he said, “Lay down.” I laid down on the carpet as I had done before and I heard his voice very close to me. “Good girl. I’m going to leave for a while to get things prepared for tonight. I’ll wake you if you fall asleep, understand?” I nodded. He patted me on my head and I was, once again, left in solitude. I curled up in a little ball and reached behind me to feel my new tail. It was so soft to the touch and I was very proud to wear it. All of this was exciting me so much that I could feel myself getting very wet at this point. I tried to listen closely to see if Tristan was still around but I really couldn’t hear very much at all. Turning over on my back, I shifted my hips and, spreading my legs as wide as they could go, bent my knees. This new position was putting a fair amount of pressure on the plug inside me and all that did was heighten how aroused I already was. My hand soon found its way to my clit and I began to masturbate. I hoped to God Tristan wasn’t around because he might get very upset with me. After all, I think he expected me to take a nap, not touch myself. I must admit, with everything in tow…the anal plug, the hood over my face, the gag in my mouth, being treated and used as a pet for all this time and, most importantly, doing something I shouldn’t be doing, it didn’t take long for me to come at all. I made sure to be quiet but I damn sure wasn’t still. The power of my orgasm sent me into a whirlwind and I arched my back as I let myself go. It was so wonderful to be able to honor every feeling in my body without having to exercise any sort of restraint or self-control. After I settled down, I graciously faded into the blackness of the hood and fall asleep.
I awoke to the feel of the back of Tristan’s hand gently struggling my arm. It was so nice to be woken up in this way…so gentle, so caring. I rolled over so the front of me was facing him and I nuzzled myhead into his hand. He chuckled and started rubbing my back. “Did you sleep well, little girl?” I nodded vigorously in response. “I’m sure you did. That orgasm you had seemed like it was a good one, yes?”
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