The Birthday Gift

“So, what would you like for your birthday, Sir?” Anne asked as they sat after dinner, trying to find the energy to clean the table off. “I was thinking about a nice weekend away, maybe we could just get on the train, head to Virginia and back. Just for the ride. I’m kind of stuck, Doug.”

“Anne, I know what I want for my birthday, I’m just not sure you’re going to like it.” Doug said as he sat and looked at her. She looked beautiful in the candle light. Her make up almost non-existent. Her hair was up, off her neck, the way he demanded it to be. Her chaser clasped tightly around her neck. She was wearing a corset, g-string, thigh highs, heels. It was her weekend attire. It was what she wore most weeks, just as she was instructed by her Master, her Daddy.

“Doug, I know it’s only a week away, but, it’s your special day, and I want you to enjoy it. Come on, what’s your birthday desire?” she asked as she leaned forward, accentuating her breasts. “I’ll do anything to makeyou happy. All you need to do is ask. I love you, Daddy.”

“And, all I need to do is ask? Is that right, Baby Girl? My birthday, my wish, huh?” he asked, unbelieving.

“Yes, sir. Your birthday wish.”

“OK, fine, then. I’ll let you know. As for the weekend away, yes, I think so. Like that first Valentines Day we spent in Atlantic City. I’ll make all the plans, and packing, you just need to be ready Friday, noon.”

“Wait, it’s your birthday, I’m the one who’s supposed to do all the arranging, you’re just supposed to sit back and enjoy.”

“Did you just question me, Anne?” he asked darkly, immediately causing her to cower from the table.

“No, Daddy, I’ll be ready.” she said softly as she rose from the table and began cleaning plates.

The week went by quickly, the plans all made, she assumed. Anne had to do nothing. Doug had done it all. The only thing she had to do was ready at noon. She had gotten him a small gift. A nice bottle of cologne, a gorgeous outfit for dinner (assuming they’d be eating out), a card that took her an hour to find at the Hallmark store. And of course, she’d shavled, prived herself, and was ready, waiting by the door when he came down the stairs. She was wearing one of her travel outfit. A loose sweater, no bra, so he could access her nipples when he wanted. A short jean skirt, no panties, if he wanted her pussy, she’d be ready, bobby socks, canvas sneakers, she was his Baby Girl after all. Her hair was pulled up, in a high pony tail, with a red ribbon wrapped around the elastic. Her travel collar, matched her sweater, though it wasn’t really a collar, but, a chaser, with a diamond loop. Her make up was softly applied, and she smelled wonderful.

“Ready?” Doug asked as he took in the site of his submissive, his Princess, his wife, his best friend, all wrapped up into one gorgeous, sweet smelling package. He feel his groin tighten.

“Yes, Daddy, I’ve been ready. Can I help you with the bags?”

“No, Baby Girl, I’ve got them, lets go.”

“Where are we going, Daddy?” she asked as they settled into the truck, and pulled out of the drive way.

“We are going to the shore for the weekend, my boss let me have the keys to his beach house. It’s ours until Monday afternoon.” he said, knowing she would be grateful.

“Oh, thank you, Daddy. I love the beach, Especially in the winter time. It’s so deserted, Oh, Daddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.” she said excitedly.

“You’re most welcome, Baby Girl. I’m planning on enjoying this weekend too.” he said as he settled back into his seat, stretched his legs out, and hit the gas.

“Daddy?” Anne asked shyly.

“Yes, Baby? What can I do for you?”

In answer, she leaned over, and unzipped his pants. Already his hard cock was straining against his briefs. She pulled his under wear down, leaned further over, and licked the head of his cock, tasting his cum. She slowly slide her lips over the head, and sucked gentlely. He groaned, using his right hand to push her head further down his cock.

“Suck my cock, Baby, make Daddy cum.” he said as he slid a bit further down in the drivers seat, giving her more access to his penis. “Oh, yeah, you’re such a whore. You’re Daddy’s whore, aren’t you slut?”

“Yes, Daddy, I’m your whore.” she said when she came up for a bit of air. “I’m your whore.”

“No one told you to stop, whore. Suck my cock, and swallow my cum.” He said as he grabbed her pony tail, and shoved his cock back into her mouth. He pushed her head all the way down until her nose was buried in his pubic hair, and she gagged. “That’s right, cunt, suck my cock.” He continued to hold her pony tail, using it to drag her mouth up and down his cock, and quickly, he felt his balls tighten, and knowing he was about to cum, he shoved her head down until her nose was buried again, and held her there. She gagged once, and his cum started shooting into her throat. “Yeah, cum slut, swallow my cum, all of it.” he continued to spurt, filling her mouth. “Oh, Baby Girl, I love it when you suck my cock. I love filling your mouth with my cum. You’re wonderful.” Doug said as she straightened up, fixing his pants for him. “Anne, in the back pack on the back seat are your toys, get them.”

“My toys? You bought my toys?” she asked happily, as she leaned back to get them. “Daddy bought me toys!”

“Yes, Baby Girl, I did, I got you a few new ones too. Take the big dildo out, no, not the pink one,” he said as she dug her favorite dildo out of the bag, “There’s another one. Bigger.”

“Bigger? Daddy, I can barely take the pink one, I don’t think I’ll be able to take a bigger one.” she said, starting to worry.

“It is not your job to think about these things, Anne, it’s your job to do.” he said sharply.

“Yes, Daddy.” she said softly, digging further in the bag, looking for her new dildo. “Um, Daddy?” she said tenatively, “What are your plans for this weekend? It isyour birthday tomorrow, you know?”

“Yes, Baby Girl, I know my birthday is tomorrow, and I have a wonderful gift planned for myself, and you as well, I think you will enjoy this weekend as much as I will.” he said, smiling, as he reached over and stroked her ear softly, running his fingers over her gold hoops lined up on her lobe. “Yes, Baby, you’re going to love it too. Now, there’s that dildo. Suck on it for me,” he said when she pulled it out of the back pack.

“It’s huge!” she exclaimed, smiling, “I don’t know about this….” but, she wrapped her lips around it, just as he instructed her.

“That’s it, get it nice and wet.” Doug said trying to focus on his driving. “We’ve got a long drive, Baby, and you’re going to be busy. I want you to put it in your pussy now. All the way in. You’re going to spend the next two hours with that buried in you. Good girl.”

By the time they hit the good old Garden State Parkway, she was working on her fourth orgasm. And she hadn’tmoved the dildo since she slide it in 40 minutes ago, as they got on Rt 80. Doug made her put the vibrating butter fly on her clip, and took the remote. The 40 minutes was heavenly torture for her.

“Anne, pull your sweater up, over your breasts, I want you to play with your nipples.”he said as they came over the Raritan bridge. She had a lustful look on her face, and she knew what he had planned. He always made her do this, and then went through the toll plaza, handing the guy a dollar bill. Doug knew the attendant could see his slut, playing roughly with her pierced nipples. Pulling on the rings, moaning and squirming in her seat. And he set the vibrator on high, and she went off like a rocket. Her legs came up, she reached for the dildo, but his hand met her, and he pushed it further in, hitting her cervix, making it hurt. Just as he knew she liked it. And he sat in the lane, letting the attendant get a full view.

“Here ya go, Buddha,” the attendant said as he handed thedollar back, “you just go right on ahead, and have a great day. Gorgeous tits!”

“Thanks. Have a good one, Bro.” Doug smiled as he took his dollar back, and hit the gas.

Every toll plaza was the same, and he never paid a penny. Just kept passing the same dollar bill back and forth, making his blushing bride scream in orgasms. Anne was exhausted as they hit the Toms River toll. She had fallen into a restless sleep, the dildo still buried in her pussy, her sweater up, nipples rock hard, and didn’t even realize they exited onto Rt 37.

“Anne, Baby, wake up. We’re going to stop for food and wine, fix yourself, come on, Princess, open you’re pretty eyes. There’s my Baby Girl. God, I love you, more than you know.” he said with a look in his eyes, that made her crumble every time.

“I love you, too, Doug, you have all of my love, for all of my life.” she said sleepily, and leaned over to kiss him. “You’re my best friend.”

“Come on, baby, lets go shopping, I wantto get to the house, and get settled. I’ve got big plans.”

“K, lets go.”

“I can’t believe we need all this stuff, Daddy. There’s enough to feed an army.”Anne said as they piled bags into the back of the truck. “Are we having people over for dinner?”

“Yes, you could say that, love, but, don’t worry, lets go.”

They pulled into the drive way a short while later, making it to the Island in no time at all.

“God, Daddy, I love it here. Can you ask your boss to leave me the house in his will?” she joked as they climbed out of the car.

“Don’t worry about helping me unload, Baby, why don’t you take a walk?” Doug said, when he saw the look that crossed her face. It was the ‘long lost love’ look. The look she got every time she was this close to the sand. If he wasn’t so strong in his love for her, he would be jealous of the ocean. He knew, no matter how cold it was, her socks were coming off, and she was going to have sand between her toes in seconds. And itwas cold for February, but, he watched as she leaned against the car, brought up her foot, and started to untie her sneaker.

“Are you sure, Daddy? It’s your birthday, you know, you’re the one who’s supposed to be relaxing, having a good time, enjoying yourself.” she said, even as she was undoing the other shoe. “I can help.”

“Anne, go.” he said laughing, as he took her socks and shoes from her. She leaned up on her pretty toes, kissed him quickly, and went off running.

“I love you.” she called as she rounded the house, heeding the call of the sea.

“I love you, too.” he said, knowing she couldn’t hear him anymore, she only had ears for the ocean.

Doug unloaded the truck, taking his time, knowing she’d be lost for hours if he let her. He went up the stairs to put the bags in the master bedroom, over looking the beach, and stopped when he saw her in the distance. She was dancing with the waves. It was a site he never tired of. He pulled the camera out of herbag, and opened the door to the balcony. He focused, and took several pictures of her. ‘God, why am I so lucky?’ he thought. He clicked as she bent down to look at something, a shell perhaps, she did another dance with the waves, ‘click’, she kicked the water at the sea gulls, ‘click’, she throw her head back, her arms out, and spun around, ‘click, click, click.’ He was breathless when he watched her look around to see if anyone was watching, she spread her legs, and peed. She let it go, and he could see the steam as her hot pee hit the cold air, ‘click, click, click, click, click’. He felt his cock stir again.

‘Finish unloading the truck, Buddha, you don’t have all day.’ he told himself as he went back inside, closed the doors, set the camera on the dresser and headed back downstairs.

He put all the groceries away, the wine in the fridge to chill, turned some music on, a country music station out of Philly. And went to draw her a bath. Anne would stay out there, in the cold for hours if he let her. But, he had plans. Big plans.

“ANNE,” he called from the deck, “ANNE, TIME TO COME IN, BABY. YOU’LL CATCH YOUR DEATH OF COLD.” He could see her slump her shoulders, but, she did as she was told, and made her way up the beach to where he stood. “Anne, you’re freezing, and your toes are purple. Come, I have a bath drawn, bubbles. How about a glass of wine?”

“That sounds wonderful, Daddy. Thank you.” she said breathlessly, “Thank you so much for bringing me home.” Every time he brought her to the beach, no matter where, she always said it was home.

“Come, before the water gets cold.” he took her hand and pulled her into the house.

“This house is just gorgeous. I can’t believe they never come here. I’d be here every chance I got. I’d never want to leave.” she said as she started undressing. “It’s heaven.”

The master bath was just off the bedroom, with two full walls of windows facing the east, and south. The huge bathtub sat in the corner, asunlight right above it. Doug had lit candles, unscented, and opened a window, far enough away so she wouldn’t feel the breeze, but, she could smell the ocean. They had argued one weekend about that. She insisted the ocean smelled. And he agreed, but, only at certain times, low tide, right before a storm. She adamantly insisted she could smell it always. No matter how the tide turned, she could smell it. The sun was still out, it was early evening, and the beach was deserted.

Anne pulled off her sweater, and undid her skirt. Doug came up behind her, and slide his hands around her waist. Without saying a word, he hooked his thumbs in her belt loops and pushed the skirt down over her hips, ‘GGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrr, I love those hips.’ he thought. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and she stepped out of her skirt. She heard his zipper come down, and thought he was going to join her. But, he only had to relieve himself.

“Anne” was all he said, and she went to knee in the shower, on the cold tile. He came over to her, pulling his soft cock out of his underwear, and stood before her. She put her head back, and sat back on her heels. Her hands were upturned on her thighs, and she waited patiently for him. He relaxed, and starting peeing. He aimed his penis at her breasts, and released all he had been holding for a while. Doug had been training her to swallow some of his pee. She still gagged, and fight the urge to vomit, but, he loved her so much more because she tried. For him, Anne tried. Tonight, though, he let it all go on her breasts, and leaned in for her to suck the last few drops out of his pee hole. “I love you so much, Baby Girl, you are wonderful.” he said as he helped her to her feet, and kissed her, pulling her close, regardless of the urine all over her. He could taste the bitterness on her lips, and on her

tongue. He grabbed her hair, pulled her even closer, as he viciously attacked her mouth with his. She started undoing his buttons, and reached for his pants.

“No you don’t, Anne, not now. In the tub you go.” he said as he pulled away, and took her hand to lead her to the tub. “Bath time.”

“But, Daddy, I want you. I’m horny, and I want you.”she said with her hands on her hips, getting ready to stamp her foot.

“Listen to me, little girl, this is my weekend. I don’t rightly care what you want right now. It’s my birthday tomorrow, and this weekend is all about me, do you understand? It will be my pleasure to discipline you should you need it. I did bring your paddle.” he said sternly, “Now, get in the bathtub, whore.”


That was all she got out before he grabbed her, pulled her over to the toilet, he slammed the lid down, sat, and pulled her over his lap. “Fine, a spanking before you bathe, not a problem.” he said as his hand met her ass. Anne started squirming, crying, begging.

“Please, Daddy, no. Don’t spank me. I’m sorry.” she cried out, “I’ll be good. Please, Daddy.”

“Yes, you will, Anne, but, please, don’t make me do this again, not this weekend, I want to enjoy myself.” he said, though he did enjoy spanking her, no matter what the reason, he loved to feel her ass heat up, watch it jiggle a bit, hearing her beg, made him rock hard every time. He counted out 30 spanks, and let her up. She was on her knees on the floor, he stood up, undid his pants again, and shoved his hard cock into her mouth. “Now, whore, make me cum.” For the second time, she sucked him into heaven. “Your mouth is so warm. I love to bury myself in your mouth, suck me.” he said as he fucked her face. Doug could see her touching herself, god only knew how many fingers she had jammed up her cunt, the other hand she massed her clip. He held her head with one hand, with the other, he reached down, and pulled hard on her right nipple ring. She gasped, and he shoved his cock in to the hilt, and shot his cum down her throat. “Good girl, now, TAKE A BATH.” he said as he pulled out of her mouth, wiping his sticky cock all over her face. He never bothed to help her up, but, walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom. She smiled, licked her lips to get every bit of his cum, and got up to get into the tub. Doug returned a second later, just as she settled into the steaming hot bath. He had her IPod in his hands. “Here, Baby, enjoy your bath.”

Anne set the ear pieces just right, and searched for her song. He laughed as he left the bathroom, he heard her doing her Julia Roberts impression, singing Prince. ‘Pretty Woman,’ one of her favorite movies. ‘Oh, yeah,’ he thought, ‘s a prostitute, but, she’s mine.’

She enjoyed the bath, the warm water, the smell of the ocean, her music, she was encased in her own little world. She had no idea what was transpiring downstairs, while she sang, and bathed.

“Anne, Anne,” he called, and then remembered she had her IPod on. He went into the bathroom, and pulled an ear piece out of her ear. “Anne, time to get dressed. I’ve laidYour clothes out on the bed. Remember, don’t question me, it’s my weekend.” and he turned and left. She grabbed the fluffy towel he had left for her, pulled the plug, and got out of the tub. A quick shower to rinse the bubbles, she blew out the candles, closed the window, and left the bathroom. The outfit was similar to her weekend outfit. The one she wore when they were home, with no intention of going out. But, this one was new, red, and she loved it. Everything was red. A red corset, matching thongs, red thigh highs, red heels, and there was a ribbon for her hair. She knew he wanted her hair up, he always did when he left a ribbon.

Her collar, the dressy one laid right next to it all. She dressed carefully, enjoying the feel of the silk against her skin. This corset wasn’t a full one Though, it came to just below her breasts, pushing them up a bit. Her nipples went hard. She flicked them a bit, but, not enough to make her cum, she knew better. She had no permission to cum. She pulled the stockings up, and claped them. She went into the bathroom to fix her hair, and re-apply her make up. Doug had laid everything out for her, ‘He remembers everything.’ she thought as she smoothed red lipstick across her lips. A few spritzes of his favorite perfume, and she went into the bedroom and stepped into her heels. These had a strap around the ankles, and she did them up tight. One last accessory, and she was ready. She picked up her collar, and closed it around her neck. Tight enough that she could only get one finger underneath, and she started for the stairs.

“Daddy?” she called as she came down the stairs, “I’m ready.”

He met her at the bottom of the stairs, and pulled her into his arms. She noticed he had changed. Before she had a chance to ask if they were going somewhere, he pulled a black dress from the banner, “Put this on, we’re going to dinner.” It was a wrap style dress, also new. But, of course, a perfect fit.

“Daddy, if this is yourweekend, why am I getting patpered? Why all the new things for me?” she asked as she slip one arm in, and with his help, the other one.

“Anne, when you dress like a woman, it is a gift for me. I love when you are dressed very feminine. When you look beautiful, and smell beautiful, it’s a gift for me.” he said as he helped her tie the dress. “And, you look gorgeous!”


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