“I have a surprise for you,” Master said to me one day.
He got up from his favorite chair, where I lay at his feet, and extended his hand. I took his hand in my own, and he assisted me in rising from the floor. He dug into his pockets and produced a blindfold and a leash. I stood quietly, naked save for my collar and heels, as he placed the blindfold over my eyes. I heard the metallic clank of the leash being attached to my collar. With one hand firmly holding the leash and the other on the small of my back, Master guided me down the hall to the play room. He paused briefly at the end of the hall to unlock the door and then guided me inside.
I let out a gasp when the blindfold came off. Standing before me was a massive steel cage. This wasn’t the typical oblong “jail cell” cage that one would expect to see in a well-equipped dungeon. Instead, it resembled a massive, antique birdcage, cylindrical in shape with a domed top. Inside the cage, a large ring was attached to theroof, presumably for securing whoever would inhabit the cage. I noticed odd looking clamps attached to the cage bars at varying heights and intervals. I could not begin to imagine their purpose, but I would soon find out.
“What do you think?” Master asked.
“It’s beautiful,” I said, still staring in awe.
“Now, I just need a little ‘bird’ to be my captive plaything,” Master said with a wicked grin.
I could suddenly feel the heat of Master’s clothed body pressing against my bare backside. He wrapped his arms around me, sliding his hands upward from my lower belly, over my breasts, and up to my neck. He removed the leash from my collar and tossed it aside. Squeezing my throat gently and tilting my head back, he whispered in my ear:
“The cat has caught the canary, and there is nothing the canary can do to stop him.”
I shivered at the sensing of Master’s breath tickling my ear. Goosebumps formed all over my naked skin. The heady aroma of his cologne made me swoon as I watched him open the cage door. With a soft push, he urged me into the domed enclosure. I stepped inside and then turned to face him. I wondered what he had in store for me.
“What are you going to do, Master?” I asked, promptly.
“You should know by now that I don’t answer questions. I only give commands,” he replied.
I watched as Master retrieved a bundle of rope from one of his “toy chests”. He stepped inside the cage just long enough to tie my wrists together. He then pulled the rope up and looped it through the ring above my head. He finished his work with a secure knot and stepped out of the cage, locking the door behind him.
Master slipped out of my line of sight momentarily. I heard the sound of clanking metal. When he returned, he was holding several long, metal rods. The rods were pointed at one end. I had no idea of their purpose, but the sight of them filled me with anxiety. I felt myself starting to shake inside.
“You’ve probablyhave wondering about those clamps on the cage bars.” Master said, “This cage has a special feature which you will now experience for yourself.”
I watched in terror as Master slide the first rod into a clamp in front of me at chest height. I recoiled as the pointed end of the rod drew perilously closer to my right breast. Master stopped pushing the rod towards me when the point came to rest on the fullest part of my breast. If I moved forward in any way, the point was sharp enough to poke me painfully but not sharp enough to pierce the flesh.
I forced myself to remain as still as possible as Master repeated this process with the rest of the rods. In the end, he had placed a rod on each breast, a rod on each thigh, a rod on each side of my upper back, and a rod on each buttock. If I squirmed even the slightest bit, some part of my body would be poked.
“You’re already realizing what will happen if you move, I see.” Master chuckled, “You struggle to remain still, but I am making it my mission to force you to move as much as possible.”
I whimpered in response, trying to imagine what he might do to me now that he had me trapped. I felt beads of nervous sweat forming on my browser. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I mulled over my prediction. Master stood before the cage in silence for a moment. This was a common tactic of his. He would announce his intent to torque me in some Outrageous way and then allow me to contemplate what his words meant. Oftenimes, my imagination of the possibilities would go completely off the rails, leaving me feeling helpless and scared.
When Master was certain that I was quaking in my silettos, he went to work. I watched as he opened the case containing his violent wand. He removed the wand and a glass probe. This particular probe was long and tapered towards the end, which was topped with a tiny glass ball set at a ninety degree angle. After connecting the probe to the wand and plugging the device into a neary outlet, Master turned the dial on the bottom of the wand. The dial clicked, and electricity passing through the gassed sealed within the glass caused the probe to glow eerie purple. The smell of ozone filled the air, and a fear electric buzz could be heard coming from the device.
I jumped slightly when Master’s arm holding the violence wand passed between the cage bars. I felt my skin being scraped by the rods at the same time my right nipple received a small, static shock. Master hadn’t gagged me, so I was free to cry out. Another shock from the violence wand on my left nipple caused me to heaven my body backward, which resulted in my upper back and buttocks being jabbed by the rods. I shrieked.
Master walked behind me. I felt a jolt to the center of my back. Naturally, this caused me to jerk forward against the rods on my breasts and thighs. I wailed, and I found myself shaking despite my fiercest effort to maintain stillness.
Master was standing in front of me again. I watched helpedlessly as he slowly brought the violence wand closer to my cunt. I knew what was coming, and I tried to brace myself. It was to no avail. The moment the static electricity hit my clip, I involuntarily pulled myself backward onto the rods behind me. I tried to right myself, overcorrected, and ended up lunging forward onto the rods in front of me. This time, I screamed. Circular, red marks were forming on my skin where the rods had poked me repeatedly. I looked around, and I realized Master was behind me again. Within seconds, I felt a sharp, electric zap to my asshole. I screamed again as I hurled myself forward, and the rods dug into my breasts and thighs.
I heaved a sight of relief when I heard Master turn off the violence wand and saw him set it aside. My relief was short lived, however. I should have known that Master had more severe tortures in mind for me.
Master began setting up the piece of equipment known as the “forced orgasm tower”. This object consistent ofa tripod base with an adjustable vertical bar. At the top of the vertical bar was a clamp designed to hold a wand style vibrator. Master opened the cage door and set the tower with the wand attached between my legs. He methodically adjusted the vertical bar until the head of the wand was firmly rested against my clip. Once again, he exited the cage and locked the door behind him.
Master walked behind the cage. He was out of my line of sight, but I could hear him tinkering with something. Without warning, he plunged his lubed fingers into my already wet cunt. He was spreading the lube around, preparing me for a hard fuck. It became evidence to me that he was setting up his fucking machine to enter me from behind. I heard him moving the machine across the floor. I felt the dildo attached to the machine slide into my lubed cunt. I stood there, being poked and prodded from all angles, and waited for the next onslaught of torque.
The wand vibrator and fucking machine had the abilnature to be controlled remotely through an app on Master’s phone. Master pulled his phone from his pocket, and began tapping away on the touch screen. Instantly, both the wand and the fucking machine came to life. The wand was humming at a modernate speed. The dildo on the fucking machine was slowly thrusting inside me. I squirmed as my body began to wake up to the pleasure I was receiving. Of course, that pleasure was tinged with the pain of being poked by the rods. Nevertheless, I found it impossible to not move.
“I bet you’re feeling very conflicted right now,” Master observed with a laugh, “You want to cum, but you know that cumming will be a literal pain in the ass…and the tits and the tights and the back!”
“I don’t even care, Master!” I while, “Please just let me cum!”
“You asked for it,” Master replied.
With a couple of quick swipes on his phone, both the wand and the fucking machine went into overdrive. Every muscle in my body went rigid, but I somehow continued to shake as the first of a series of orgasms hit me like a truck. Even though I was wobbling back and forth as I continued to cum, I barely noticed the rods jabbing me repeatedly. It didn’t matter, because pain had become pleasure as well. My juices flowed like molten lava down my legs and onto the floor below me.
I lost track of how many orgasms I experienced. My body was completely beyond my control. I was undulating and grinding my hips forward against the wand and back to meet every thrust of the dildo without concern for the state of my buttocks or thighs. I felt myself being completely exhausted, and my legs started to buckle. I saw Master tapping his phone again, and both the wand and fucking machine stopped.
“I bet you want out of that cage now, don’t you?” Master said.
“Yes, Master, please,” I moaned.
Master quickly removed the metal rods from their clamps and put them aside. He unlocked the door. He reached above my head and untied my hands. He removed the forced orgasm tower. I was ready to wobble my way out of the cage when Master stopped me.
“Not yet,” he declared, “First you need to get on your knees and show your Master some gratitude.”
My legs were so tired that kneeing was a relief. Once I was kneeing before Master, I waited patiently as he unbuckled his belt and opened his trousers. His hard cock sprang out I immediately. Gliding my hand up and down the shake, I sucked on his balls. I swirled my tongue over the entire length of his cock, teasing the head and tasting his precum. I revealed in his musky, male scent and the feel of his hardness in my mouth. I sucked him deep into my throat, continuing to twist my tongue around him even as I worked my way up and down. I cradled and caressed his balls in my hand. I could feel them drawing closer to His body as his climax was approaching. His thighs and abdominal muscles tightened and twitched, and his breath came faster. His cock was balls deep inside my throat when he came. I could feel his cock jumping slightly with each spurt of warm cum that filled my eager mouth. I swallowed and licked his cock clean.
Master allowed me to emerge from the cage. He held me steady as he guided me out of the play room and back to his favorite chair. He sat down, and I reclaimed my spot at his feet, slightly bruised but feeling both tired and content.
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