The Big Game

Jordan was the definition of a star. Attractive, smart and enormously endowed, he was living the life of kings at the small college he attended. He was a legacy at this school as his father had gone there and his grandfather before him, and given this connection (and a nice big check from Dad) he was a shoo-in. Now going into his senior year, everything was headed his way and when he found he had just gotten accepted to law school, he knew that it would be just a short time before his bright future would be before him, everything falling into place perfectly.

His future was golden and he knew that once he graduated law school, and passed the bar, a partnership was waiting for him at his Family’s law firm. Then he would no doubt marry a beautiful spoiled blonde just like his dad did, join the country club, make lots of money and fuck around as much as he could get away with. Yep, things were shaping up just perfectly. As they often say, fortune tends to favor the fortunate, andSince he had just also been made the starting quarterback and captain of the college football team, he was exhibit A of this rule.

Holden College being a small elite Southern school was typical of other colleges in the land of Magnolia and Bourbon and being captain of the football team was about as close as you could get to being named Emperor in the modern day. Football players in general enjoyed a huge social status on campus but getting to be Captain was a golden ticket to an infinite parade of erotic delights.

People in the South love three things: Fried Food, Old Trucks and Football, and rank this trinity right up there with the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Given this, being the star quarterback of the team, Jordan could write his own ticket. Since he was already model worthy handsome and hung like a horse, he never was lonely as every girl on campus either fell to his charms or wanted to. Across the state line at Smith College an almost identical tale could be told.

His team, the falcons, were having a relatively decent season so far, but his nerves were on edge as he knew that the big game, in fact the BIGGEST game of the season, was coming up next week. This was the week that the Falcons took on their arch-rivals the Panthers in the regional championships and as the vitality was intense, and had very long roots, it was the biggest social event of the year. The pressure to win was unbelievable as rich alumni spent thousands of dollars for box seats and would do almost anything to help their alma mater win. Given the almost psychological attention everyone paid to this one game the intensity glowing heat applied to the quarterbacks was beyond intensity and Jordan, as the new quarterback, was feeling the lava like intensity. If he won the game he would be the hero of all times; able to heal the sick, raise the dead and walk on water and for the rest of his college career he would literally be drowning in pussy. If he lost, he might as well become amonk as he would be radioactive, forever branded as the loser who failed to beat the hated history.

Holden college in upstate Louisiana, home of the falcons, was in almost every respect identified to Smith College just across the state border in Mississippi. Both were small private colleges, and not known specifically for athletics, but more for academics. Jordan knew he would never make the pros, but that was not his goal. He wanted to get an education, get laid as much as possible (being a big fish in a small pond made this VERY easy) and hopefully get his law degree and join the family firm. Everything so far had gone exactly as he planned and the life he was living now was one most men would kill to experience if only for one day.

In addition to being history on the football field, Smith College also was the school that his ex-girlfriend attended. They had dated all through high school, but broke up right after graduation when Julie (his girlfriend) finally got sick of his serial cheating. Having a huge penis with the cut body and charming personality to match made Jordan quite lazy with women so he was unable to resist Julie’s slutty cousin’s advances. Finding them together did NOT make Julie very happy and they broke up quite spectacularly.

Dating Jordan had been great at first but quickly became a drag. Girls were always throwing themselves at him and he was more than happy to oblige their advances. She had originally planned on going to Holden to be with her well hung boyfriend but after their bad breakup she switched to Smith just to get away from him. Jordan felt she did it out of spite, but as the years, and multiple psies he had sampled built up, his memory of her faded into the background. Now three years after their breakup, she was but a faded memory, her gorgeous body and tasty cook melting into the swirl of so many others he had tasted.

Julie however never forget about Jordan and burned with anger every time she thought aboutt him. In the Irony of all Ironies she was a cheerleader for Smith and had just become head of the Panthers cheer squad at the same time Jordan became Captain of the Falcons Football team. Leading the cheeses against her ex-boyfriend on the field made her feel just a little bit better as she still sawed with anger towards his cheating ways. Although being a total stunner, she rarely dated as she was still very hung up on Jordan, but leading the squad in joy at his fumbles made her feel much better and acted as a stand in for her having an actual boyfriend.

She almost was about to get over him when to her disgust she found that he had begun to seduce and fuck his way through the other members of her squad, and discovering this she sawhed. Now just HEARING about him, or seeing his smug face would send her into a complete rage. Driving her even more psychotic was the fact that even though they had run into each other a few times over the past year, he had NO memory of their time togetther. When he tried to pick her up at a sorority mixer, not remembering that they had dated, her fury exploded and she vowed that one day she would teach him a lesson he would never forget.

The two schools had a lifetime both on the field and off that went back 150 years and made the Hatfield and McCoys look like “Father knows Best”. Both institutions had very rich and extremely well connected Patrons, and the results of the big game between the two schools was a major event on the social calendar of many a wealthy patron. CEOs, Senators and Governors all attended the game, and on the big day it was not unusual to see a line of limos tailgating out in the parking lot, living servants dishing out barbecue on silver plates.

Bragging rights between these fat cats as to whose team beat whose was beyond a silly vitality but became a true Good vs. Evil struggle. Sports it must be said sometimes do NOT bring out the best in mankind and inter-collegiate history can have the same level of hatred as Sunni’s and Shiites. This vitality was so intense it was something these very wealthy and bored people would spend almost anything on to achieve victory for their side, just to have the satisfaction of some shit-talking at the country club. Worst of all, extremely rich patrons with almost limitless resources being rabid fans were sometimes a very dangerous combination.

Hollins and Smith College were Relatively a perfect example of this dynamic. J.D. Huntzinger, grand patriarch of the Huntzinger Oil Fortune was a HUGE fan of Hollins College having graduated in 1955. His office had a huge gold Falcon on his desk, and his yacht had silver falcons embroidered on the deck furniture. He NEVER missed a game, and from his air conditioned private box every Saturday during the season he would hold court as everyone watched the game with him. If the Falcons won, well, the next week would be a boon for everyone. Deals would be cut, money loaned, parties given. If they lost, it was hell on earth. Foreclosures would be made, executives fired, businesses closed. Because of his volatile nature the results of the Falcons game could decide the fate of thousands of people.

Similarly, at Smith College, the almost identical situation existed. R.J. Wigglesworth the business magnate was as rapid and insane a fan as was J.D. Huntzinger. Graduating from Smith College the same year that his nemesis graduated from Hollins the two great men had many alterations over the years, both in business but also socially. When R.J.s son married the ex-wife of J.D.s son their history went from intense dislike to absolute seething and unreasoning hatred. Now, as had been the case for twenty years, the big game between their two schools was the focus of all their vitriol. Both being multi-bilionaires several times over, no expense was spared just to cause the other to have a bad afternoon watching their team lose and for several years they spent MILLIONS to attempt to humiliate the other. Although there were whispers about what went on during this history, few new the whole truth.

One of those rumors involved the odd disappears that always occurred after the championship. It was well known that after the night after the big game (always the last game of the season) the winning quarterback was sent away for the whole summer, presumably on some all-expense paid vacation by one of wealthy patrons. From the looks on their faces when they returned after summer was over, the winner always seemed VERY HAPPY on their return, obviously having had the time of their life at some wealthy donor’s expense.

Having shamed his team, and his school, no one ever really paid attention to the loser when he returned from summer vacation and the poor unfortunately failed captain would fade quickly into obscurity. This tradition had gone on for decades and amazingly NO one had ever spilled any details of exactly what occurred over the summer but rumors were juicy. Being a secret right up there with the initiative rites of the “Skull and Bones” society at Yale, everyone whispered their theories about what really went on, and hinted at the involvement of the billionaire patrons, but the secret remained hidden and thus grew in legendary status as imaginations ran wild with imagination embedded details.

As this was Jordan’s first season as starting quarterback and being Captain he certainly Did not want to fuck it up right out of the gate. His nervouss increasing as the big day of the final game approached he thought about nothing but football day and night, honing his body and skills into a pigskin tossing machine. He also wondered about the tradition but never could get a straight answer about it from anyone. Working harder than he ever had in his life, his body ached as he hit the afternoon’s drills exceptionally hard. Every muscle in his body ached and as when and the other teammates hit the shows, he decided to spend some extra timein the whirlpool to soothe his burning body after everyone had left.

As his teammates all left, they all said good night and left Jordan alone with his thoughts. Soaking in the hot tub, he witnessed as his mind went back and forth between his plays for the game, and the gorgeous sophomore who rode his monster cock the night before. He was swearing off ALL sex until the game was over next week, so he wallowed in his erotic memory. Finally realizing it was getting late he went into the shower and soaked for a long time under the hot water trying to calm his nerves. When he finally finished up and came back into the empty locker room naked and dripping, he did not notice the very well-dressed man in an obviously incredibly expensive and well-tailored black suit standing in the middle of the room.

“Jordan”, the man called out “You ARE going to win this game for us next weekend aren’t you son.”

“Yes sir!” Jordan answered sharply, as his sudden presence in a locked private colleg locker room was starting and alarmed him. Blushing he grabbed a towel and quickly covered up his impressive package, suddenly remembering he was naked. Looking at the stranger he studied him closely as obviously this was someone with serious connections as entrance to the campus was strictly controlled and his mind began to boil as his curiosity this stranger grow immense.

“Good to hear it Son, DEFINITELY Good to hear it!” the strange continued. “As you know, this is a very old school, and the vitality with Smith goes back 150 years, back before the WAR even.” Being that Smith and Holden colleges were in the DEEP south, the war being referred to was not the war you might think. Clearing his throat, the strange continued. “Because of this seeing multi-century vitality between the two schools the outcome of this game is very important to some VERY wealthy and powerful people. I just want to make sure you know what is at stake, and, more importantly for you, what you stand to gain if you win.”

Jordan’s ears immediately priced up at this. He of course had heard many stories of rich alumni giving cars and cash to football players and so his mind instantly began to fantasize about a brand new Porsche he might be scoring if he won. His dreams of a new car were also enhanced by thoughts of the other tradition, the special super-secret summer-long trip given to the winning quarterback and every neuron fired as he tried to imagine what unimaginable delights might be coming his way now. His daydream was rudely interrupted by the black suited man continuing to talk. His curiosity piqued, his eyes grew wide as the future promised land was revealed.

“You see Jordan; the tradition is the winning quarterback is treated to three months of the most mind-blowing pleasure any man could ever imagine. He is GIVEN, as his own personal toy, the losing team’s entire cheerleading squad to do with as he sees fit. Whisked away to a private bayou estate, he can play wit, fuck, suck, lick, stroke, and in fact, do whatever your little hormonely overcharged mind wants to, for the whole summer NO HOLDS BARRED, no questions asked.”

Hearing this, Jordan’s mouth fell open in total disbelief. This had to be a joke, how could such a thing be possible. Sensing his doubt, the black suited man smiled and continued.

“Think about that boy, even with that enormous schlong hanging between your legs, you could never get that much tail at one time ever in your life. Threesomes, Foursomes, hell, you might even score an Octosome since all of them, ALL TEN of some of the hottest girls imagine will be at your sexual beck and call all summer. Think that might incentivize you to win BOY?”

Jordan could not believe his ears as it seemed frankly unbelievable. His mouth watered at the prospect of a three month unrestrained fuckfest with some of the most beautiful women in the country, as their historical squad was chosen full of some definite hotties. BothColleges had gorgeous cheerleaders in fact and as the teams had a living on the field, the squads also had an equal vitality off the field, each wanting a higher ranking in Maxim Magazines “Hottest College Hotties” annual issue.

He also personally knew the Panther Squad quite well and there were some super-hot girls on their team whose panties he wanted to see on his bedpost. He had been meticulously ticking down the roster of those girls as somehow having sex with the historical team’s cheerleaders excited him even more than their delicious bodies. A few he had sampled already and some he had already dipped his impressive wick into, so nothing would please him more than to complete his collection, especially all at once.

In his perverted mind he already was playing out future scenes of the insane debauchery he would inflict on them all. Tits, ass, pussies everywhere, it was mind boggling the possibilities as the images of what he would engage in with each one kept flashing inHis testosterone soaked brain. Reviewing the cheerleaders in his mind, he instantly thought about the new girl that he saw last week at a sorority mixer, their brand new captain. She was exceptionally hot and would be no doubt be an absolute delight to pound his meat into for days on end. Thinking hard as he reviewed their roster in his mind he kept trying to think of her name. “What WAS her name again?” He knew it was Jody, Jill, or something like that and he was pretty sure he must have met her before as she seemed oddly familiar.

Soon the erotic images disappeared and reality set in. This HAD to be a joke. How on earth could such a thing be arranged? These were rich spoiled college girls, not prostitutes. Why would they agree to such a thing? This had to be some kind of insane mind-fuck and he got suspicious, thinking this was a setup.

“Look mister, what is your game here?” he snapped. “What you are saying cannot possibly be true. There is NO fucking way you could ever get the Panther’s cheatleading team to agree to such a thing? Who are you REALLY?”

Laughing, the stranger stepped forward. “Boy, you are going to make a good lawyer one day. Suspicious, cynical, defensive, I like that. I understand your hesitation to believe such bounty is possible, but believe me it is possible. In fact, right now, I am sure a similar conversation is being held at Smith College with their team’s captain about a similar arrangement.”

“RIGHT!” Jordan sneered now definitely suspicious. He personally knew the Falcon Cheerleaders and knew those girls would certainly never agree to be whored out over some game. “Go on home Mister, if you are trying to psych me out, it is NOT going to work.” Throwing his hand up in the air, he dismissively turned and began to walk back to his locker. As he started to move he frozen when the stranger spoke.

“Does the name J.D Huntzinger ring a bell to you?”

Now Jordan turned. Of course that name means something to him asit did to EVERYONE at Hollins College. They ate in Huntzinger Memorial Hall, he had biology class in the J.D. Huntzinger laboratory. He had even had sex with a girl just the other night in the middle of the J.D. Huntzinger memory garden. Yes, EVERYONE knew that name as it was emblazoned on almost every building on campus as he had given MILLIONS of dollars to the University. Even more convincing though, he also knew of his reputation. Known not only for his insane wealth and his devotion to the college his love for the team was legendary and given his earned status as the number one fan, he knew that HE certainly could get whatever he wanted no matter how impossible it seemed.

Seeing that he had Jordan’s attention, the man turned and handed him his card. It read. “Pierre LaPone – Attorney at Law – Chief Counsel J.D Huntzinger Oil Company.”

Now Jordan was a true believe and his mind raced with questions but he suddenly was speechless. He knew now exactly how such a thingcould be arranged as HUNTZINGER money could not be argued with. He was sure with a few well-placed threats, and a couple of bags of tax free cash passed around, convincing a bunch of college girls to service a quarterback for a summer would not be that difficult. Hell half of them would do it for free. Now realizing that everything he had just been told was true, he felt his cock stir as such a tantalizing Prize dangled before his eyes, so close he could taste it.

Smirking as he knew Jordan got the message, Mr. LaPone turned and started to leave, satisfied that the quarterback had been properly motivated to win. As he reached the door he paused as Jordan asked the inevitable and quite obvious question.

“What happens if I lose?” Chilling him to the bone came the terse very sharp response.

“DON’T!” and with that he left as mysteriously as he had entered.

The rest of the week Jordan could hardly sleep as the pressure built and he fantasied about the huge payoff. When the day finally came, the competition was fierce as obviously the other quarterback was operating under a similar promise and a more exciting game had never been played in both their school’s history.


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