The Big Deal Ch. 01

Chapter 1: Tammi’s Life is Interrupted

Tammi was taken from her luxurious bedroom at 8:30 in the morning and taken outside of Nick’s beach house and walked briskly to the beach. The heads of several of the men and even the women turned to watch her naked body with her bound wrists walk past them. Some of the watching eyes held carnivorous stars, while others held admission. But all held Some measure of goal deep in their depths. She walked with her chin high, her own eyes flashing angrily and her embarrassed fearful face cast downward.

Thirty yards from the back patio of the beach house, the two female guards accompanying Tammi stopped her and motioned to the still wet sand where four long spiral anchors had been screwed deeply into the sand. When she did not lie down between them, as she knew they expected, the shorter of the two guards shot out a sudden right hook that drove into Tammi’s lower abdomen driving the wind from her lungs and her knees to the wet sand. While she struggled to get air into her lungs, the guards quickly unlocked the handscuffs and placed nylon wrist and ankle cuffs to her limbs and secured them tightly to ropes from the four anchors. By the time she could breathe without intense pain, Tammi was tied very tightly in a spread eagle position on the sand. The Caribbean sun was just beginning to climb into the sky from directly between her feet. She was already hot and thirsty from her struggles.

Three hours later, her skin was on fire and the sun was not yet overhead. She continuously licked her dry chafing lips in a vain attempt to relieve the painful dryness she felt there, all to no avail.

In her abject misery, she contemplated just how she had arrived in these dire straits. It was a pitiful and pitily stupid story indeed. Five years ago, she and her husband Ken had sold their very profitable on-line mail order company for a little over two million dollars. They had decided to pull up stakes in the goodold US, take their appreciate capitol, and start a new business in Costa Piñata, a small thriving island nation in the Caribbean. The plan had worked beautifully. Within three years their company, had turned into a gold mine. That was where the trouble started.

She and Ken had worked nearly 20 hours a day to secure their hundreds of suppliers of authentic South American specialties for their marketing program. Enter Jack Singer, the nemesis of her sad story. He was an American exile wanted by the FBI among other law enforcement agencies back home for tax evasion, conspiracy to commit murder, and racketeering among other charges. Costa Piñata did not have an extradition treatment with the US.

Ken estimated the .com would clear a profit of seven and a half million dollars over the next five years with a ton of work on their part. He offered the whole thing to Singer for five million. Jack offered one million and some free advice, “Don’t fuck with mein this country. I own it.” Ken refused to sell for less than four and a half million.

A week later, Ken was arrested for bribery, tax evasion, and trafficking in human traffic, commonly called white slavery. The witnesses were coerced, blackmailed, and bribed into their false testimony and Ken was tried and sentenced in less than two weeks. His prison term was 40 years.

That very evening, before Ken was transported, Jack came to Tammi’s home and talked to her. “I can have his prison changed from the Black Wall prison to the relatively comfortable Plaza de Steel with a sentence reduced to 10 years if you sell to me at one million. That price also includes your pretty ass as my property.”

Tammi had angrily refused and thrown a tear filled temperature tantrum. All the while, Jack sat smiling and sipping a rum and coke. As she settled down he added, “By the way, I have learned that there are two arrest warrants out for your daughters. Several witnesses have come forward tying them to the white slavery, prostitution, and drug running your husband was found guilty of. But there was a mistake in the court planning. Somehow, the prison they will be sentenced to WHEN they are found guilty is the co-educational prison at San Ramos. It has a terrible report concerning the safety of the female prisoners housed there. Many of them it seems have been assigned to dormitory cells where there is one woman and ten or twelve men with no supervision after dinner in the evenings. Some really horrible things happen to the women there.” After that he left telling her that she had 24 hours before the arrest warrant was to be served on her daughters.

The next day, she signed the contract for sale of the .com as well as the quite legal contract for her indentured service to Jack Singer for ten years. A third document was signed and notarized guaranteeing her daughters would be protected from harm for that ten years. The next day, Jack had brought her to this beach house.

By the time this memory and its bitter after taste cleared her mind, Tammi knew her skin was sunburned and approaching second degree burns. It was at this time that Jack sauntered up beside her. Two women whom Tammi knew were sex slaves of the fiend set a folding chair for him to sit in and held an umbrella to keep him in the shade. “Hello, Tammi,” Jack said in an amenable voice, “how are you feelin after Your day of lying in the sand and resting and relaxing on my beach, eh?”

“What do you want, Jack?” she asked evenly.

“Just your promise to become totally cooperative and obedient to my every whim and request,” he said smiling.

“What choice do I have, you bastard,” she said heatedly, “you’ve got me over a barrel with my daughters in it. What else can I do?”

“You misunderstand me, Tammi,” he responded as if he was talking to a child, “I want and demand your WILLING cooperation. I don’t want to fuck you I want you to aggressively seek to fuck me. In fact, I want you to fuck, suck, eat, lick, me or anyone else I specify with your full amount of gusto and energy. In addition, I want you to smile, contrast pleasantly, and entertain charmingly all of my social friends who will not know you are my little fuck toy.”

“That I can’t promise you, Jack, but I’ll try, as long as you keep my daughters safe.” she said quietly beginning to weep once again.

“That’s why we are here on the lovely sunny beach, my Dear,” he said smiling. “He held out his right hand and the pretty teenaged girl who had brought the chair placed a two inch wide leather strap with a wooden handle attached to it in his hand. “He added in a confident tone of voice, “When you feel that you can make such a promise to me, just tell me you love me.”

With a suddenness that she did not expect, the strap crashed down across her badly sunburned stomach at her navel. The scream she exuded drowned out even the roaring surf out past her feet. The second blow landed a neat one inch above the first. The third blow an inch above the second and a scant inch below the juncture of her lower breast and her chest. The fourth blow crashed into her abdomen an inch below the first and two more followed making a path of wide angle fiery red stripes on top of her milkly red sunburned skin. He held the strap out to the slave who exchanged it for another rum and coke.

“Think carefully about whether you can make a sincere promise to love me, Tammi,” that cool calculating voice was terrifying to Tammi now.

Her agon screams were still erupting from her already raw throat as the fire of the wide red welts interacted with the more subtle anguish of the badly sunburned flesh upon which the welts gleam and angry red.

“In a few minutes Tammi’s screams lowered to hypercrylic crying and eventually to continuous sobbing. She looked Through her tears at Jack and said, “I love you, Jack. I will love you for as long as you don’t hurt me like that again.”

“I don’t detect the depth of sincerity I really need from you, Tammi. You see, I will continue to hurt you even if you become totally compliant with my wishes. That is part of the deal. I think the lesson is not over,” he gave her a leering sneer and held his hand out again. A four foot long thin whippy cane was placed across his palm by the same slave girl. Her stomach was covered with welts from the stick.

She looked down her body past her breasts and suddenly realized what was about to happen. She redouble her screams before the first sssssh reached her ears. The cane landed on the top of her right breast and inch from the junction of the breast and her upper chest. Sssssh, the pain exploded halfway to the top of her right breast, and sssssh, just above the nipple of her right breast. Then the dreaded sound again; sssssh on the top of her left breast near her chest, sssssh the middle of the top of her left breast, and sssssh just above the nipple of her left breast.

Tammi screamed in mortal age but managed to form the words through her screams, “I love you Jack! I’ll do anything you say to and with anyone you want! I’ll love you forever!”

Jack smiled and said, “I’m sorry, Tammi, but the lesson cannot be interrupted in the middle. You can be g me later.”

Sssssh, the cane landed six times on the lower half of Tammi’s tortured tits and then one mind bending blow that caught both nipples. Tammi crossed over into blessed unconsciousness with that god awful pain.

She awoke some time later, she had no idea how much time had passed, and found her self lying on the bed in her luxurious bedroom on her back. The two slaves from the beach were gently laying strips of soft clothes dipped into cool water over her sunburned beaten breasts and stomach. Even the gentle fingers of the young women brought gasps and groans from Tammi’s pared lips. She licked those painful pieces of flesh and noticed that they had been coated in a soothing balm and were rapidly moistening again. She tried to get up.

“Please, Tammi,” one of the slaves said soothingly, “do not try to move. We only took you from the cold water tub a few minutes ago. Your pain will become much worse if you start moving around. Tammi lay back down and began gently sobbing in pain.

She succeed to the suggestion of the younger woman and lay back trying to relax her exhausted body. She looked at the slave who had spoken and asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“My name is Marie and I am, like you, a possession and slave of Master Jack. “He had my mother arrested and placed in the Plaza de Steel when I was 14 years old. That was five years ago. If I please him, he lessens my mother’s tortures and rapes. If he became displeased with me, he has her moved into cell block 69, a pun he likes to impress on me. She is tied loosely to a bed on her stomach in such a manner as to allow a man to slide beneath her and fuck her pussy, while a second man kneels behind her and fucks her ass. A third man usually fucks her throat at the same time. I have been tied to the bars of her cell and forced to watch for hour after hour. She has also had several cigarette tattoos drawn on her ass cheeks, stomach, and breasts below the nipples.

Tammi’s heart suddenly feared for her daughter’s safety. This man was unscrupulous. But her fate was cast. She never wanted to be Beaten like she had been again.

The next day, Tammi was allowed to rest while the two slaves bathed her in cool refreshing water several times and rubbed soothing salve into her welts. The salary had two purposes. At dusk, Jack came to visit her. She was still naked as he took her hand and sat her on the velvet covered couch beside him. As he began to kiss her and fondle her still aching and burning tits, she was surprised, no Shocked, to find that the painful independent movement of his fingers across her recently tortured skin sent deep stalling bolts of erotic pleasuree across the still reddened flesh.

As her attention turned to the pure pleasure his hands were kindling in her body, his talented experienced mouth began working with the zest he wanted from her as he kissed her. His tongue invaded her mouth but was almost gentle in its insight to explore her tongue, cheats, lips, teeth, and finally her throat. This poured appreciate gasoline onto the fires in her belly and breasts.

He slide a hand and five engines of tantalizing pleasure on that hand to her pussy. The five fingers did not attempt to penetrate her, but rather teased, titillated, and tormented sweetly her pussy on the outside while her sex flower began to unfold as the labia started to engage.

Her hands, at their own bidding, slide down to rest upon the top of his hand as her own fingers sought out his five demonstrations and encouraged them to slip past her guardian labia and burgle pleasure from her inner pussy.

“Oh, God,” she thought through her red haze of horny lust, “how can this bastard, this cruel arrogant son of a bitch demon, make my pussy lubricate this quickly and drive me towards an orgasm this quickly? She knew she was doomed to bend to his will until she broke for him if he assaulted her senses like this very often.

Then she remembered something the slave had told her as she had slathered the balm onto her wounds earlier, “The balm will make you feel better Now and help you meet the master’s demands later.” The fucking balm was also a topical aphrodisiac! The creep was making sure she bent to his will.

As his fingers, at the independent pressure of her own fingers, entered her pussy and began to radically, gently finger-fuck her wet cunt, she caught her own tongue and lips seeking the inner sanctums of his mouth, his lips. She knew, somewhere deep within herself, that she was gone, had abandoned her ideas, her intentions, to please this man with her body while withholding her mind and soul from him. At this moment all she could think of was the pleasure he was bringing to her whipped drugged body knowing that she had to reciprocate the levels of sexual pleasure for him or he might leave her unfucked and unfulfilled.

Within minutes his magic fingers brought her screaming and panting to her first orgasm of the evening. She understood in password bliss as wave after wave of bestial lust wrapped in fulfilling pleasure took over her mind. Each time the spasms began to lighten up or spread out in time, his fingers returned to her clip and off she went again. After three shattering orgasms each followed by weaker sexual tremors of lesser orgasms, he removed his fingers and she immediately felt Marie’s wet, warm, velvet tongue surrounded by warm sensitive lush lips at her cunt and clip. She took sensitive flight soaring on the wings of passwordate completion. And she slept in his arms.


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