The Bet (Mommy/Daughter Futa) Pt. 04

She continued untying my legs, freeing them from the ropes. I was honestly too exhausted to really respond, just letting her slowly free me. She took off the rope that had bound me to the chair and undid the breast harness, allowing me to stand up even though my hands and elbows were still strictly tied behind my back.

“Stand up,” she ordered. I did as she said and slipped a little bit on the cum that was on the floor. She caught me. “Hey, be careful there, silly.”

“Can you until my arms so I can walk properly,” I asked, hoping it would work this time.

“No way, you’re spending the whole weekend tied up. That’s an appropriate punishment for treating poor little me this way.” She gave me doe eyes before dragging me up the stairs. My legs were still wobbly so I had a hard time keeping up but she kept pulling me so I ended up sumbling around quite a bit.

She led me into the bathroom, my feet flip flopping on the cool granite floors. Our bathroom was rather spacious, with a shower that was so big we called it the ‘Pornhub shower’. A sizable whirlpool bath adorned the right of the room, positioned next to the toilet.

“Should we shower you or bath you?” My mom asked.

“Wait, you’re not gonna be doing that, are you?” I was horrified. I mean, I guess I was covered in her after having spent the last 15 minutes fucking her filthy pussy but the idea of her washing me made me feel like a child.

“Of course, how else do you expect to get clean with your arms tied up?”

“I’m eighteen. I’m not a baby! I can wash myself.” I stomped my foot to make it clear my Stance on the matter.

My mom surprised and then, rather roughly, grabbed my bound wrists and lifted them up, forcing me to bend down until my head was right above the floor, hair spilling all over it. Because my elbows were tied together, I really couldn’t bend my arms that far back and my mom totally took advantage of that.

“Mom, let go! This is really uncomfortable,”I said as blood started to rush to my head. My ass and pussy were totally exposed and I shivered from a sudden draft.

“Not until you understand that you can’t do anything without me. I want to hear you say.”

“These stupid domination games are getting annoying,” I retorted, feeling bold for someone who was tied up and currently have her arms yanked so hard behind her back that she was perpendicular to the floor.


Pain spread over my pussy. My own mom had just slapped my bare pussy!

“Ow! Mom!”

“Looks like you need more discipline because that wasn’t the answer I was looking for.”

I saw her, through my legs, reach her hand back for another slap. I braced myself preparing for the worst and boy oh boy did she deliver. She smacked my pussy and asshole five times in a row, really hard and it left me reeling. I almost tumbled over had it not been for her holding so tightly onto my bound wrists.

My pussy and asshole was on fire, feeling likeshe had put hot coals to it. I screamed and yelped but she didn’t seem to care, waiting for me to finish dancing and twisting. I hoped from leg to leg, cussing.

“That really fucking hurt!”

“Oh and now she’s gonna use such terrible language. Do I have to tie you up like this, strappado style or will you behave while I try to get your soiled face clean?”

I weighed my options, Noting that I really wasn’t in the position to try arguing with her. Fuck me, I regretted starting this stupid bet so much. She was totally letting the power get to her head, focused entirely on humiliating me. Having to fuck my mom was traumatic enough. Now, she was disciplining me by slapping my bare pussy.

I decided against resistance resisting resistance. “I’m sorry, I’ll behave.”

“You better.” She let me back up and then shoved me into the shower, turning it on cold. I screamed and hoped away but she climbed in and pulled off the hose, showing me down as I did my best to dodge it. I scrambled into acorner of the shower and knelt down, hoping it would be too far away but she had no problem nailing me with freezing cold water. If there was any blood left in my dick, it was gone by that point, the freezing water chilling me to the bone.

I huddled in the corner, being pelted by the strong stream of water until my mom finally relented and turned the water to a more gentle flow while also warming it up.

“Come over here, babygirl. Mommy’s gotta wash you.”

I struggled to get to my feet with my arms bound the way they were. The warm water felt so nice after that barrier of ice-cold water. I felt myself warming up quickly and it was easier to move over to my mom.

She hooked the shower head back to its place, got out some shampoo, and squirted out a bit of shampoo. She rubbed it into my head, giving me a nice massage that felt wonderful underneath the streaming shower water. I leaned into her, enjoying the nice treatment.

Of course, she had to ruin the nice moment by grabbing my breasts and wiping her sud-filled hands all over them.

“Ugh, thanks for making this weird.”

“Mhmmmm, they just feel so nice.” Her heavy boobs pressed into my back as she tweaked my nipples. I squirmed in her touch but her arms kept me in place. Then she started to really work my tits, kneeing them like play-dough. If I was being completely honest, it did feel rather nice, especially after the rough torment they got from being fucked silly by my mom’s monster cock.

“Ok, you’ve had your fun now. Finish washing me up, please.”

She tweaked a nipple just hard enough that I gave a small yelp. “Don’t be rushing Mommy, young lady. I’m in charge, not you.” She continued to massage them, my tits starting to hurt from the aggressiveness. I whimpered, feeling the hot water run down as I was molested in my own shower.

“So, what do you think our next tie should be?” My mom asked as she rolled my hard nipples between her fingers.

“No tie?” I said, hopeful.

“How about a hogtie? That might be fun. What do you think, baby girl?”

I groaned. I always hated hogties. I had tried a few by myself but they always ended up being far too restrictive to really allow me to enjoy the bondage.

“Come on, let’s get you set up.”

She pulled me out of the shower and quickly shahed me down. She actually took time to blowdry my hair, which was nice and then I was out of the bathroom and laying stomach-down on her bed.

She went back to get all the supplies and I vaguely debated trying to get free but I decided that she would probably just pray me even more for it so I stayed put, feeling the bonds dig into my skin. The elbow tie was starting to hurt, having been left in it for at least an hour and a half and I squirmed awkwardly, trying to relieve the building pressure. Of course, no position was comfortable.

My mom returned with the chest. She immediately set to work but made sure to first give me a quick slapon the ass.

“Nice ass,” she commented and I buried my head into the bed in disgust and embarrassment.

She started by retying my legs, binding my ankles firmly. She had tied the rope such that there was a space for her to make a knot in between my ankles. I always thought that this method looked the cutest and most professional. This, unfortunately, got me a little revved up, leaving me sporting a pretty hefty boss for a petite girl like me.

“Ooo, somebody’s getting excited already and we haven’t even gotten to the fun part.”

“I won’t be excited for long. I hate hogties.” I felt her move up to my knees, wrapping rope around them tightly, multiple loops, before cinching it off.

“Nice and neat,” she commented.

Then came the worst part. She had slipped rope around my ankles and then pulled them roughly to my wrists. She took a moment, knotting and tying off the ropes. It was definitely tight. My legs were essentially connected right to my hands with very little rope in between.

“Jeez, that’s way too tight.”

It didn’t stop there though. I felt another rope connect my feet to my elbows, causing me to have arch my back

My mother plopped down on the bed right in front of me. “Well, I think it looks pretty good on you.” She patted my ass which made me wriggle in announcement.

“Hands off, lady,” I said sternly, brow furrowing to show her I wasn’t messing.

“Can’t help it. Your body just looks so young and sexy.”

“Ok, first of all, ew. Second of all, calling me ‘young’ is creepy as hell, you old pervert.” I tried to recoil but my back was already at a pretty significant arch so there really wasn’t anywhere to go. I struggled in the bindings, trying to see if there was any room to slip out or get the knots undone.

“Oh baby girl, it’s only gonna get worse,” she said as she patted my cheek. “I can’t imagine you’ve had the experience of giving a blowjob yet?”

The blood left my face suddenly and I looked aghast at my mom. “Wait, no, you can’t really be saying that.”

And then I noticed her raging hardon.

“Oh yea, it’s time you learned. You think you can really walk through all of life without repaying your sweet mother?” She moved off the bed before standing in front of me. “Open wide, honey,” she said with a cute smile.

I refused, keeping it closed. Before I knew it, my hair was being tied behind my head into a ponytail. She left a long tail of rope, making it into a lean of sorts.

“Now, if you don’t open up, little missy, you’re gonna get some nasty tugs.”

I paused for a second, weighing my options but before I could make a move, my mom pulled on the rope backwards, forcing me to arch my back even further as I tried to prevent my blonde hair from being ripped out of my scalp.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” I yelled.

Of course, me leaving my mouth open to scream meant my mom was now able to slip in her fat, ugly cock. As it passed underneath my nose, I flinched at the horrid stench. Even after showing, it was coated in a thick musk. And then it was in my mouth, head resting ever so lightly on my tongue, maybe half an inch inside my mouth. It was so big that I had to really stretch my jaw so my teeth wouldn’t scrape it. I knew the hair tie leanh would get yanked if I let my teeth scrape so I did my best to avoid it.

Her cock tasted horrible. It Immediately caused me to salivate, tasting like dried semen and dirty socks mixed with sweat.

“Ok honey, now this is the part where you get used to having it in your mouth. You gotta suck good babygirl, otherwise it won’t feel great for mommy.”

Without any other warning, she slipped the dick in deeper, hitting the back of my throat. I gagged and wretched, feeling the dick throb and pulsate in my mouth.

Kendra’s POV:

My daughter’s tongue couldn’t help but massage the underside of my cock as she chased on it. I had to admit, it was awfully fun terrorizing her like thats.

She gagged, retching hard as my dick slowly inched deeper than it already was.

“Do I fuck your throat yet?” I asked with an evil grin.

She mmphed wildly on my cock, writing back and forth but the leash and bonds preventing her from moving all that much. Not to mention that she was currently impaled by my dick. She gagged in between retches, a fully bodyed one that caused her diaphragm to spasm and her tongue to go wild around my dick, slathering it in saliva.

“Ok, well, I’ll just fuck your mouth for now so we can get warmed up.”

I slid back, lavishing in the feel of her warm mouth wetting my dick as my head slowly pulled back until it was just barely in her mouth. I grabbed one of my big tits and started to fondle it, pulling my nipple and sending like tinges of electric pleasure down my body. My boobs were big enough that they would obscure the delightful image below if I wasn’t careful.

Cassie suddenly throw her head back, as much as she could,and my dick popped out of her mouth, feeling the chilly draft of the house.

“Excuse me? Did you just pull out?” I said, anger starting to flare at her lack of compliance.

She pretended to be throwing up on the bed, making a revolutioned face, likely to get me even more mad.

“Fine, you wanna play this game? We can play.”

I spun around and marched out over to the chest of bondage toys. I dug around until I found the perfect instrument of torture: the ring gag.

I walked back over to her, seeing her eyes wide at my new tool.

“No wait, I’m sorry. Please don’t use that on me!” She cried.

“Too late.” I grabbed the leash again, pulled on it, and watched her open her mouth wide in pain, eyes closed shut. I jammed the ring gag in and then, with quick and nimble fingers, got it latched behind her head.

She tried to speak but it came out as muffled gibberish and even with a little bit of drool. She looked so adorable all tied up like a package, her feettied tightly to her hands and the elbow rope forcing her to arch her back. The gag cut into her delicate cheeses and she looked up with pleading eyes at me, a few strands of that cute blonde hair falling in front of her face.

“Time for round 2.”

I slip my dick back in, revealing in the pleasure of her moist mouth and her tongue against my dick.

I started out slow, just taking it back and forth at a Reasonable pace and allowing the saliva to build up in her mouth. She was still making noise but it was even more muffled now that my dick stuffed her mouth, seeing back and forth at a consistent rhythm.

I pulled both of my heavy tits away to really see the sight before me. My daughter’s full lips were wrapped tightly around my cock, jaw extended fully from the ring gag. She had tears in her eyes, likely from my cock having triggered her gag reflex again. I shivered at the sight before me, so naughty but so incredible. I should have thought of punishments like these along time ago!

She couldn’t do anything to resist the way I penetrated her mouth, using it like it was just some fucktoy. I put both my hands on the back of her head, enjoying the sensing of her tongue sliding against my dick.

“Oh yea babygirl, just keep going.”

She mmphed in response but I ignored her, singing a peek at her cute ass, those precious tanned globes of fat jiggling Everytime I moved into her mouth. I would have to fuck that eventually. Getting a girl doggystyle was really just one of my favorite things, especially if they thought they could take my cock in their ass. So far, no one was truly successful but that wouldn’t stop me from continuing to try.

Up until now, the only sounds I could get out of her were mmphms, none of that delicious choking and slurping I loved to hear so I quickly moved at a speed that made her jump.

Her arms tugged against her bonds as I started to hit the back of her throat with power and speechd.

One moment the entirety of my shaft would be out of her mouth and then the next moment it would be halfway in her mouth. She gargled and gagged, a lovely sound to hear. It really did get me horny.

Cassie’s POV:

Lewd sounds emanated from my mouth, her big dick hitting the back of my throat and making a wet slapping sound each time. I realized back every time she did it, doing my best to pull away as far as I could in the state of bondage I was in but it was no use.

Her dick tasted so nasty, salty from the precum and slightly sweaty, and the muscle was so overpowering.

I couldn’t close my mouth, only wiggle my tongue around in protest which didn’t seem to do much except elicit an occasional moan from my mother. She also reacted everytime she hit the back of my throat, her strong thrusts making me gag and retch.

Her dirty, disgusting cock saw in and out of my mouth, defiling it through incestual sodomy. Here I was hoping to be able to kiss someone withThese lips and now they were being soiled by my very own mother, against my wishes.

The ropes holding my elbows were beginning to hurt. It was hard to hold this position for so long and my body was already starting to wear down despite how young and flexible I was.

My mother placed her hands on the back of my head and started to moan loudly as she continued to thrust back and forth, using my mouth like it was some fucking toy.

“Alright, time for some deepthroat training, babygirl.”

Panic settled over me like a blanket. Deepthroating? There was no way I could do that. I couldn’t even get the tip of her dick past my throat, much less the rest of it but she didn’t seem to pay much mind to that fact, pulling her cock out until the spongy head was almost clean out of my mouth before launching it back in, pumping itself against the back of my throat.

I gagged, hard, but the force of push shoved her cock into my throat.

“Ooo, now that definitely feels like we are in deep territory.” She patted my head, like I was a dog. “Now that’s a real good girl.”

I couldn’t see much, forced to stare straight at her belly, tears filling my eyes. I squealed.

She slide in deeper and it only caused me to thrash against my bonds, a desperate hope of escaping filling me.

“You’re about to understand the phrase ‘nose to pelvis.’”

She slammed the rest of it in.

With that she shoved her way into my throat. I spasmed and gagged as it was violent by my mother, her thick cock shooting into my esophagus, me unable to do anything about it. Her pelvis banged against my nose and it hurt.

She started to go buck wild, thrusting in and out of my mouth, her big dick filling up my throat until I could feel it start to throb in between its thrusts. Fear filled me and I realized she totally planned on orgasing in my mouth or even worse, down my throat.

I struggled against her but the way the rope connected my hands to my feet and the way I was impaled on her cock means there wasn’t much I could do. In between gargles and gags, I tried to tell her no, to tell her that I wouldn’t drink any more of her cum but it wasn’t intelligent.

“Here we come!” she said, with a singsong voice and she bottomed out one more time, hips thrusting forward and burying her dick once more in my throat.

Then she came. She moaned hard as I felt the gross semen spilling down my esophagus and into my stomach. I couldn’t really taste the cum, only her meaty, sweaty cock as my tongue danced back and forth against its underside in protest of invasion.

Rope after rope spurted into my belly and I tried to scream in anger but her cock did a great job of muffling any sound, leaving me sounding like a whimpering baby, suckling away on her mommy’s milk.

“There you go, drink it up, babygirl. Let mommy’s cum fill you right up.”

This was even more cum than her previous two times, somehow her balls working overtime tocreate more disgusting seed. She ran a hand gently against the back of my head and caressed my cheek lovingly as I continued to be forced to guzzle her cum like a pack animal, her own daughter sparred by her mom’s cock.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, her balls were drained and she slowly drew her cum-dripping dick out of my mouth. I was about to try speaking through my ring gag when I heard a sound that made my blood go cold.

The doorbell rang, and through the thin walls, I could hear my best friend Ashley yelling for me.


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