I am a salesman. I work for a large greeting card company, and I drive great distances to visit my clients. Long distance driving can be very boring, and I have found a way to entertain myself that helps to pass the time.
When I get out on the road in the morning, I take my cock out and stroke myself. I never wear underwear, so access to myself is easy. I take my time, as I know I sometimes will be driving for hours before my first call. I like the feeling of building slowly to a climax, then backing off for awhile and letting my cock point straight up for passersby to admire (well, that’s really just a fantasy. Mostly the only drivers who could see me are big tractor trailer drivers, who wouldn’t actually both looking at me unless I was a hot babe).
One warm Summer day I was taking a shortcut I know through a residential area, massaging away, humming to the music on the radio, when suddenly I heard a siren behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw a State Cop on a motorcycle, light flashing.
“Oh shit” I thought. I did the best I could to stuff my fully engaged cock back in my pants. I could only rezip about half way. I pulled over and waited.
The cop pulled over behind me and got off of his bike. I rolled down my window and could hear his boots slowly approaching the driver’s side of my car.
“Good morning, sir. License and Registration Please.” That was no man’s voice. I turned to look and she had removed her helmet because of the rapidly warming morning. Gorgeous blond hair came cascading down. I could see her liquid eyes and luscious lips. I could only imagine the body beneath her military style uniform. She was spectacular. She did not smile at me.
“Yes, officer”, I responded. With a big boner in my pants, I had to be very careful as I reached to the glove box to retrieve my registration. I then gently removed my wallet and gave the officer both documents.
She perused them and said, “You were going 33 in a 30 mileper hour zone”.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am.
“Don’t be sorry. Just don’t do it. I’m going to have to write you up.
Before she took out her ticket pad, she said “By the way, are you carrying a weapon?”.
I was a bit shocked by the question. “Of course not. I’m a salesman. Why would I carry a weapon?”
“Well then, what is that between your legs”.
I was momentarily speechless, and then said one of the dustest things I’ve ever said, “Why, that’s nothing, officer.”
“Don’t give me that shit, buddy. I was trailing you for several miles before I turned on the siren. I could see through your back window, by the movement of your arm, that you were beating off. And now I see that you have a weapon between your legs. Please remove that weapon so that I can see that it meets regulation”
I was dumbfounded. I stared at her and she stared back. I knew she meant business, so I unzipped, and out popped my fully engaged erection.
“Hmm”, she said. “Looks to me likea Magnum 45. I’d like to check to see that it is completely functional. Please get out of the car, sir”
I didn’t know what to do. “Officer, this is a residential area. Someone might see me”
“Listen, pal. I cruise this route every day. At this hour of the morning, the kids are all in school, and everyone else is at work. It’s very unlikely that anyone will drive by. You’re going to have to take your chances. Now, get out of the car, sir.”
I reached for the door handle and she backed away. I got out, closed the door, and faced the car out of embarrassment.
“Turn around, you idiot.” I did.
“Now back up against the car, spread your legs wide, and spread your arms just as wide.” Again, I did as I was told. I stood there with my cock pointing straight at her.
She took 2 steps toward me, grabbed my cock very hard in her right hand and said, “During this regulation check of your weapon, you are to stay glued to the side of your car. You are not to move a muscle, not even a twitch. You are not to utter a sound, not a peep. Should you have the urge to cry out, stifle it. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Ma’am”
She croouched down and began to examine my cock and balls carefully, moving her fingers everywhere at the same time. I was already aroused from masturbating, and the feelings she was giving me were exhaust. I knew it would be extremely difficult to keep from moving or making a sound. I tightened my ass cheats as hard as I could to try to control myself, and I locked my teeth together to try to prevent a sound.
She began to tease the end of my penis with her tongue, and it was all I could do to prevent myself from shuddering. Suddenly she put her mouth around my cock, and swallowed it all the way. She began to move her mouth up and down my shaft, and I could feel the contractions in her throat as it surrounded me. She ticked my balls with her long fingernails.
This was going to be the hardest thing I had ever done, but once I am that aroused, I will do anything for relief. So I stayed pressed against the car, closed my eyes tight, and hoped for the best.
She continued to deep throat me, and I became more and more aroused. I didn’t even care any if a car drove by. I don’t think I would even have heard it.
After 5 minutes of this treatment, I could no longer hold back. I came. And I don’t mean I came, I mean I *gushed*. Cum spurted into her throat, and then kept spurting, and then spurted some more. I must have come for what seemed like a full minute. I was both out of control and completely in control. I was breathing heavy, but somehow managing to keep it silent. It was the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced.
I continued to stand there, against the car, afraid to move until told to do so, her mouth still on me. Another minute passed, and I was starting to get soft.
She removed her mouth and stood. She held my soft cock in her right hand again, but gently this time,and said “I believe your weapon meets standard. You may now put it back in its holster”. I tucked my dick back in to my pants, and zipped up. Just then an SUV passed with 2 soccer moms in the front seat and I thought “Shit, talk about timing”.
The officer and I stared at each other for a few moments, and she said “Now get back in your car”. I smiled at her, but she did not return the smile. I got in the car.
She took out her ticket pad and began to write. I was a bit taken aback and said, “You mean you are actually going to give me a ticket!?”.
“You’re damn right. I have a quote to meet, and you’re just another notch in my belt”.
I took the ticket, and she said, “Now get the hell out of here”. I drove off and, looking in my rear view mirror, I could see her with her hands on her hips, looking at my car receiving into the distance.
And that’s the story of how I got the best speeding ticket ever.
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