[This is a BDSM piece featuring some returning characters — submissive lesbian Lara and her dominant male friend Josh from The Exception to the Rule. It’s very loosely a sequel to that story, but you can read it on its own.
Be aware, this story concepts domination/submission, lesbian-to-straight orientation play, humiliation, reluctance and pissing/watersports. Avoid if any of that troubles you.
All characters involved in sexual situations are aged over 18.]
I always loved the drive to the lake. It was good country, wild country. Soaring pines and firs stretched off in grand ranks into the sun-dappled shadows on either side of the snake road, broken up here and there by clearings bright with spring flowers. The road divided and divered through step valleys and bridged tumbling whitewater streams. Small villages flashed by, sleepy places nestled in the forested hills or strung out along high ridges. There were few other cars in sight. It wasn’t much more than an hour’s journey out of the city, but on the quieter stretches of the route, I could have imagined we were a thousand miles into the wilderness.
Lara was looking out the window, taking in the view as it rushed past us. Her gaze followed the scene with what looked like geneuine interest. She had an aesthetic’s eye, fittingly enough for a fashion stylist. Always on the lookout for inspiration.
We We’d started the day off with an extended brunch at a café in the suburbs with four of Lara’s five older siblings. The food hadn’t been the greatest, but the brunch was a lot of fun. I was very fond of Lara’s brothers and sisters. They were markedly different from her personality-wise, a lot more extroverted and talkative, but they shared her kind and easygoing nature. It was sweet to see how much they adored her. As the baby of the family, they doted on her, to the point that a less humble girl mightt have become spoiled. And they were very welcoming to me, their lesbian little sister’s token straight male friend.
They probably suspected me of having a crush on her. If so, they were right. But they also thought Lara was a pure lesbian. And I knew firstthand that she really, really wasn’t.
The weather had turned out so good that we’d decided to head straight from the café to the lake, stopping only to pick up some drinks for the beach. I had spare towels and a cooler box in the back of my car already, and we didn’t need to both with swimwear. We’d be swimming in the nude.
“That was a good time back there, La. I love those guys,” I said brightly, as I spotted the sign indicating the turn-off to the lake.
“Oh, they love you so much,” Lara replied. She turned away from the window, smiling at me in that slightly nervous, eager-to-please way of hers. Her dark hair was cut short with simple straight bangs, framing her delicate features; her narrow little nose andlarge, expressive brown eyes. The prettiest tomboy I’d ever met, though she got embarrassed when I called her that. “They’re always asking me, ‘How’s Josh? Are you bringing Josh next time?’ I bet they wish you were my boyfriend.”
I smiled. “I basically am.”
“No. You’re way better than any boyfriend,” Lara said, resting her hand on my thigh affectionately. “You’re basically family to me. Like an honorary brother.”
I was tempted to ask her if she sucked her brothers’ dicks like she sucked mine. Whether she let them pin her down, choke her, cum in her sweet pussy. Whether they pissed on her and called her a fake-lesbian who like I did. I rather suspected not.
The road ran parallel to a narrow, fast-flowing river for a couple of miles, before an old stone bridge took us across it. We rounded a bend, driving downhill out of the shady treeline, and the lake unfolded ahead of us. A wide expansion of calm blue, mirroring the cloudless sky. The sunlight reflected off it in a silvery, rippling sheen. A small island, little more than a crescent-shaped hilllock with a few scrapny pins growing on it, lay near the middle, gentle waves washing on its shores. There were lakehouses among the trees on the far side of the lake, ranged from the cosy and picturesque to the huge and opulent, but still mostly empty at this time of year.
“Man, look at that water. Perfection,” I said.
Lara smiled. “It’s so beautiful. I never got tired of that view.”
“We picked a good day for a swim. And look, it’s practically deserted.” The beach was coming into view as the road dropped down towards it, a slice of pale sand dotted with green tufts of marram grass. There were a handful of coloured towels laid out among the dunes, the tiny shapes of swims in the water, but very few considering the lovely weather. We’d been right to come here out of season.
“Where should we go — down there?” Lara asked, pointing to a pristine stretch of beach ahead of us.
I shook my head. “I’m gonna take us a bit further around the edge. There’s a place I found last time I came here, somewhere I haven’t taken you before. It’s extra sheltered, so we can have some real privacy.” I knew how shy Lara was; she was hesistant enough about swimming naked even when it was just me and her. Any hint of onlookers would have the poor girl too embarrassed to strip off.
“You scope out the lake for good hookup spots?” Lara laughed.
“Well, yeah. You’re not the only girl I bring here.”
“I’m the only lesbian, though, right?”
“Come on, La. We both know you’re not really a lesbian,” I teased her. “That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?”
As always, I loved seeing the answering look in her eyes; the cute little flash of anxiety. She knew what I was going to do to her. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop me. And, despite herself, she loved it.
I parked in a grassy clearing overlooking the east shore of the lake, a mile orso from the more popular picnic spots. A narrow dirt track snaked down from the clearing towards the beach, soil and winding tree-roots eventually giving way to sand and marram grass. Lara and I walked down to the water’s edge with our towels over our shoulders, me carrying our cooler of drinks. We held hands, like any lovers would. Although I had the feeling I was leading her along.
We slipped off our shoes to feel the sun-warmed sand beneath our bare feet, picking our way among the driftwood. A soft breeze blew in over the water, stirring the grass on the dunetops. This part of the beach was as deserted as I’d hoped; the nearest sunbathers had to be at least a thousand yards away, and the dunes were taller here, offering even more cover. The sun was sinking from its peak now, but the air was still perfectly balmy. We had hours of daylight left, and not a soul to both us.
We laid down our towels in the hollow between two grassy dunes. I immediately retrieved a couple ofbeers for us from the cooler, while Lara sat down on her towel, immaculately cross-legged like she was at a yoga class, and began to peel off her tee shirt. She wore a slightly dowdy white bra under it. After a quick glance around to ensure nobody could see us, she took that off as well.
Lara had the cute little tits I’d ever seen. They were pale, perky, upturned, with pointed nipples of a pink so light they were almost as white as her skin. She blushed slightly when she caught me looking. Even after all the times I’d seen her naked, she was still a tiny bit shy, which I utterly loved.
“We’ve been here one minute, and you’re already giving me a hard-on,” I told her, grinning. That made her blush harder. It was true — my cock was stirring in my shorts as I took my time ogling her lovely bare torso. She was so thin, her skin so flawless, as pale and delicate as fine porcelain. I feel so protective of her whenever I saw her naked. Strange, considering what I planned to do to her.
“Jeez, Josh, let a girl have a couple of drinks first,” she replied, reaching out to take the beer I offered her.
We closed bottles and drank deeply, both of us thirsty after the drive. I took off my shirt, sat close beside Lara and slipped an arm around her slender wait. She leaned herself against me, her soft hair brushing over my bare chest. I kissed the top of her head and looked out at the low waves marching their way across the glittering surface of the lake. Birds flitted and wheeled over the islet in the middle, their calls carrying desperately over the water. Absolute tranquility. The only thing disturbing the peace was the growing, important hardness of my cock.
“Thanks for bringing me here,” Lara murmured, after we’d been watching the lake together for a while. “It’s becoming one of my favourite places. I really need to show it to Izzy sometimes.”
“Invite her along next time we go,” I suggested. I had met Izzy, Lara’s on-and-off girlfriend, a fewtimes. We got on reasonably well, though I felt she was a bit unexciting. Lara worked with fashion models in her day job, so it was a surprise to me that she’d gone for such a plain-Jane.
“It’d have to be super PG-13 if I did,” Lara said. “We couldn’t skinny-dip, for one thing. I don’t think Izzy has ever seen a real cock before.” She let her small, gentle fingers rest on my crotch as she spoke, not quite struggling my cock but tracing its lengthy outline through my shorts. “Especially not a big one like yours.”
I exhausted softly at her tantalising touch. “I guess she’d probably not be too keen on us fucking in front of her, either?”
“Yeah, that might be a hard sell,” Lara replied sardonically. “She knows we’re not exclusive, but I never, like, specifically told her I still fuck guys. Well, one guy,” she corrected herself, sipping her beer. “I think she assumes I’m a hundred percent lesbian, because she is.”
“Would she be mad if she found out, do you think?” Lara’sother relationships weren’t my business, of course, but I was curious. She’d kept me secret from the girls she slept with for more than a year now, even as we fucked more and more frequently.
“I don’t think mad. Surprised, maybe. If her and I ever went exclusive, I’d have to tell her, but as long as she’s seeing other people I don’t think she needs to know.”
“Fair enough.” Selfishly, I hoped Lara never went exclusive with Izzy. We would stay friends whatever happened, but I’d miss her pussy way too much.
We finished our beers and got started on fresh bottles. Since I was driving us back, I was planning to switch to non-alcoholics after this beer. Lara was free to drink as much as she liked, though. It would help to settle her nerves.
I Keep my shorts on for the time being. I wasn’t ashamed of my growing erection. In fact, I enjoyed the looks of anxious interest Lara directed at the considerable bulge. I just liked to remain in control. Lara had to get naked first, that was always the rule. She had to remember that her beautiful body belonged to me.
The alcohol must have done its job, because she took off her denims as she finished her second beer. I starred shamelessly as she slipped off those figure-hugging shorts, tugged down her simple cotton panties and bared her pretty cunt. For such a shy, slight girl, Lara had a fabulously extravagant pussy — thick, fleshy, floral lips and a big happy clip, accentuated by the soft fuzz of trimmed pubes on her pale mound. It was a pussy that was made to be kissed, licked and fucked, and between me and her girlfriends, it got plenty of use.
My cock throbbed at the sight of it. I immediately wanted to be inside her. I’ve always prided myself on my willpower, but I had to look away before I throw myself at her right then and there. It wasn’t time yet.
It turned out Lara had a fairly practical reason for getting naked. She rose up, leaving her discarded clothes on the towel, then knelt onThe sand a couple of steps away, facing towards the lake. She looked around shyly, though we were still the only people on the beach for an easy half-mile in either direction. Then she looked down at herself. I recognized her tension, awkward pose, though normally it was a squat rather than a knee.
“Are you pissing, sweetheart?” I asked her, gazing at her smooth pale back and sweet, tight little ass.
She nodded, clearly embarrassed, even though she must have peed in front of me a hundred times since I’d known her. “Those beers went right through me.”
“Yeah, and that massive Bloody Mary you had at the café, too. A lot of drink for such a little girl.” I got up off the towel and went to knee right behind her. My cock was growing ever harder, from semi to full erection. I looked down over Lara’s shoulder to see her spreading her big pussy lips apart with her fingers. She had started peeing already, but only an intermittent dribble so far. Stage fright, I guessed.
I reached down across her, making her look up at me in surprise as my hand slid between her pert little breasts and over her slim belly towards her vulva. “Josh, what-“
“Relax, La. Let me help you.” I kissed her cheek and gently moved her hand out of the way, so I could spread open her labia myself. They were so soft to the touch, so deliciously warm, and wet — with piss, and something else.
“I can’t pee if you do that,” Lara protested. But I felt the tiny tremor of pleasure that ran through her when I touched her. I could see her plump clip was swelling up, practically a little cock in its own right, as I often joked to her.
“Yes you can,” I said calmly, my cock now hard as a steel bar. “Empty your little bladder, sweetheart, then we can have a swim. Look at the lake, La, think about all that flowing water. That’ll help you pee.” It gave me a real kick to talk to her like that, so condescending, as if she was a helpless little girl who couldn’t even be trusted to control her own bladder. And I knew it turned her on even more.
“Josh, please,” Lara said weakly. But, after a few moments of obvious disappointment, she managed to relax, and her trickle of urine strengthened into a good healthy flood. It hissed out of her, glittering pale yellow in the sunlight, and foamed in the sand between her parted knees. I could feel the wet heat of it on my fingers as I held her pussy lips open.
“Good girl,” I told her, like a proud father watching his daughter potty-train. My other hand crept around her body to cup one of her bare breasts, lightly squeezing it, making her flinch as she pissed. “You really needed it, huh?”
She didn’t answer, though she didn’t resist my touch. Kissing her neck, I started to gently massage her flowery labia with my fingertips, While her golden river flowed on and on.
“Have you ever pissed on Izzy?” I asked her. I knew she hadn’t — Izzy was as vanilla as they come. Sure enough, Lara Shook her head, and I laughed”I have an idea for you to try, sweetheart. Next time Izzy’s going down on you, why don’t you let her get really into it, her face all up in your pussy, then you take a good long piss straight in her mouth?”
“No,” Lara moaned. She was still pissing desperately, the sand before her now dark with her urine. “She’d hate that. She’d get so mad at me.”
“Yeah. Which is why it’d be so funny for you to do it,” I said, with a wicked smile. I pinched her nipple, finding it sharply erect.
“Josh, stop, I can’t pee when you’re touching me like this,” Lara pleased. Her flow didn’t abate for a moment. It was frankly impressive just how much she was pissing. She must have been needing to go before we even reached the lake.
“You pretty clearly can, sweetheart. You’re going like Niagara. I wonder what your girlfriends would think if they could see you now.”
Lara mewled in dismay, but put up no resistance as I carried on fondling her. When she finally finished her humiliatingly long piss, I let go of her, after kindly wiping the drops of urine from her labia with the back of my hand. But if she thought I was done tormenting her, she was very wrong.
When she started to stand up from her kneeing position, I shook my head, placing a hand firmly on her skinny shoulder to keep her where she was. “Stay down there, La. I helped you pee, so you need to do something for me now.”
I stood up, walking to stand in front of her. She looked up at me in frightened confusion. I gave her a cool neutral smile as I unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to my feet.
My rock-hard cock stand out, thick and angle. It was no monster, but respectably big, a good seven-and-a-half inches at full mast. I was usually gentle with my girls, and with Lara especially, but When I wanted to be rough, I could do a lot of damage with that cock. Lara knew that very well. Her big dark eyes shone with anxiety.
“I don’t think I should swim with this much of a hard-on,” I told her. I swished my erection tauntingly in front of her face. “I think you should take care of it. You know how, don’t you, La?”
Lara stared at me, before her shoulders slumped minutely with defeat. She was going to suck my dick, one way or another. If she hesitated for too long, I would just grab her pretty little head and facefuck her right here on the beach. The peaceful veneer of our wholesome friend-date had fallen away. The game had begun.
She leaned forward, wrapping her fingers around the base of my cock. She kissed the tip, the way she knew I liked, slowly jacking my shake in her hand. Her lips parted, and then I was inside her warm, delightful mouth. I saw in pleasure as she took me all the way in. My Lara was so good at blowjobs.
She licked and sucked my whole length in a slow, continuous rhythm. I was thick enough to be quite a challenge for her small mouth, yet she never complained or showed any hesitation, even when I began to cheekily thrust forward. I loved watching the motion of her lips, the gleaming tidemark of saliva that they left on my cock.
“You have no idea how hot you look right now, Lara,” I drawn. “Putting those pretty lips to work, sucking dick like a good girl. Not wasting your time kissing some dyke.” I knew it upset her when I talked about lesbians in such cruel terms. But it excited her, too, in a way she’d always struggled to explain to me. Being demeaned and degraded by her closest and most trusted friend was a thrill like nothing else in her life. She got off on the sheer wrongness of it.
I combined my fingers through her hair and caressed her cheek, smiling down at her with a sort of loving mockery. My cockhead hit the back of her throat. She sucked and sucked all the while, so devoted to her task. This, I Thought, was real friend.
I grunted contentedly as I worked my shake in and out of Lara’s mouth. My cock throbbed and twitched as it tested her gag reflex to destruction. I couldFeel my orgasm building, going from a tingle to an ache to a hot, intense pressure. “You’re way too good at this, sweetheart,” I groaned. “Fuck. You suck cock better than most straight girls. You could do this for a living.”
Encouraged, Lara sucked harder and faster, bobbing her head eagerly on my cock. Her technique didn’t false. My resistance cracked, weakened, then crumbled altogether, and with a quiet growl of joy, I ejaculated. My cum flooded Lara’s mouth, spurting forced into her throat. She flinched, obviously trying hard not to cought it up. Semen dribbled from her lips and trickled down her chin.
I slide my cock out of her mouth, letting it hang in front of her face, still semi-hard, long and glistening with her saliva. A glassy string of cum bridged the gap between my cockhead and her open lips for a moment before snapping.
“You got it all in your mouth?” I asked, impressed.
Lara nodded, looking up at me shyly, her mouth too full of cum to speak.
“Show me, La,” I ordered her.
Lara stuck out her tongue, pathetically eager to please. She showed me the great creamy mess of my fresh semen. I was quite proud to have cum so much. I hadn’t had sex or even jacked off since the last time I fucked her the week before, to keep myself fresh for her. My restraint had evidently paid off.
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