The Benefits of a Girlfriend Ch. 08

Chapter Eight: A Big Ass Birthday Bash

“Let me hear you beg for it,” Kristy demanded.

I compiled, “I have no use for Michael’s pitiful prick, please give me Adam’s delightful dick.”

And after I said what she had taught me to say, she pegged me with the eight-inch dildo until my prostate was thoroughly milked for the fourth Saturday in a row. And that fourth Saturday was exactly one week before my birthday.

While snuggling after our first pegging experience early in September, I confirmed to Kristy, “I can’t believe how the Adam-sized dildo was able to stimulate my prostate so easily while the me-sized dildo couldn’t.”

Kristy laughed, “I love that! Now you know how I feel!”

“Yeah, I guess I do,” I replied.

A few moments later, she opined, “You know, I think it’s great that your hole and my hole both prefer Adam’s dick over your prick. That makes us even more compatible and strengthens our relationship.”

Although I had some nuanced objections to her oversimplification, I wasn’t going to voice them and spoil her joy.

The following morning when we both were just waking, she whispered, “I really enjoyed it last night when you ate my butt.”

“Me, too,” I replied.

“Did you?”

“Yes, you know how much I adore your booty.”

“Oh yeah? Which do you like more, eating my butt or eating my pussy?”

“Um…” I paused not wanting to answer. Eating her butt was more degrading, so it was more arousing in that sense. But her pussy tasted wonderful and allowed me to get her off.

“Can’t decision?” she teased. “Well, I’ll decide for you. You’ve eaten my pussy three times in the past week. Once to get me off and twice to suck Adam’s cream out of me.

It’s way More fun to have you perform clean-up duty than it is to finger and rinse Adam’s cum out of my pussy by myself. But, for the next few weeks, that’s the only time I’m going to let you lick my pussy.”

“Oh,” I objected. “But I lov…”

“IKnow you love licking my pussy and making me cum,” she interrupted. “But if you’re going to be taking my anal virginity, I want your focus to be on my butt until that happens.”

So, she allowed me to spend between ten and thirty minutes nearly every day with my face in between her ass cheeses.

And each time I feel the smoothness and tightness of her hole with my tongue, I lusted to penetrate it with my prick. Originally, the plan was for me to have regular anal sex with her from my birthday on until she was ready to take Adam’s cock. And then, of course, she would no longer allow me any penetration whatsoever.

But that plan began to evolve after our first experiment with pegging. Kristy announced one evening, “I’ve decided that I’m not going to just give you my anal virginity. It’s way too valuable. So you’ll need to earn it.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?” I asked fearfully.

“Well, you’ve been doing a great job so far. Wearing your sissy tube and never asking me to remove it was a great start. Teasing my butthole with your tongue, and getting it excited to be penetrated has also helped a lot.

But, if I’m going to give you this priceless reward, you’re going to have to do a lot more. When I lose my anal virginity I want it to be the culmination of the most incredible day of sex I’ve ever had. I want my mouth and pussy fucked more in that day than ever before.”

I looked at her confused, “How am I supposed to control how many times Adam fucks your mouth and pussy in a single day?”

“Oh, I’ve taken care of Adam. He’s agreed to allow me to make you a gangbang cuckold for your birthday. But, it’s going to be your responsibility to make it happen.”

“So you want to spend my birthday sucking other men’s cocks in Front of me, letting them fuck your pussy in front of me, denying me both of those things, and then letting me take your anal virginity?”

“Yes,” she smiled. “And you’ll be supplying them with condoms andlube, serving them drinks and food, and attending to my needs. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

I nodded, “It does. But who will these guys be?”

“Just all the guys I’ve already fucked and sucked,” she replied.

“All of them? All twelve?”

“I hope you can get all twelve to attend. But you’ll need to get at least nine of them not including Adam if you want your reward.”

“What if they won’t come?”

“Well, you’ll just have to convince them. I’m going to set aside money from my trust fund. Find out what they want. Maybe we can get some strippers to make it more fun. And you can offer reimbursements for travel expenses as needed.”

First I had to find a place that sleeps fourteen. I found a cabin about a half hour away with five rooms. There was a large open kitchen-dining-living room area and a finished basement with a game room complete with a pool table and foosball table. It also had two queens, six singles, and a pull-out sofa bed. That would sleep ten without anyone except her and me having to share a bed. I was sure we could borrow or buy four air mattresses if needed, so I booked it.

As far as contacting the guys went, she gave me a list of first and last names. The only number she had was Brett’s. He was in California but agreed to do it if we’d pay for his flight.

After Brett, I reached out to the guys at work. I started with my boss Chuck who was more than happy to get back inside Kristy’s pants. The next day he called a team meeting with Sam, Todd, Jermaine, and Melvin.

Chuck explained, “Y’all remember last semester when we gangbanged Mike’s girlfriend before they started dating? Well, Kristy had so much fun being gangbanged by us that she wants to do it again. And Mike here is so pussy whipped that he’s agreed to be a team player and let it happen on his birthday.”

After commenting on how fucked up that was, taunting me, and, finally, making sure I was cool with it, they all agreed to do it. Explaining about my reward of getting to take her anal virginity in exchange for the gangbang allowed me to save face, at least for the time being.

Since Melvin and Todd usually worked Saturdays, Chuck promised to work out the scheduling so that they’d be off without losing hours. I was happy to have Chuck on Kristy and my side.

I was also happy to have Sam on our side. While working together following the meeting he asked if I needed any help with planning. I wasn’t sure if I was being biged against him because I knew he was on the gay side of bi, but I figured he was probably as excited about watching Kristy take a bunch of cocks as she or I was. So, I told him about the guys I still needed to contact.

I found Dave and Tony who were still rooming together on my own. It took some back and forth, but I was able to help patch things up between them and Adam. Mostly, by taking the blow for driving the wedge between them. With Adam’s encouragement, Dave and Tony agreed to attend.

The next day, Sam presented me with contact information for Yori, Marco, and Anwar.

Yori was still living in the dorms. Marco and Anwar had gotten a place together off campus with another guy.

When I spoke with Yori, he told me that he had met a girl online and he was looking to transfer to a school in Texas to be with her next semester.

I met up with Marco who agreed to do it but Only if we bought the “party supplies” from him. He also assured me he’d get Anwar to come along.

When I presented the mostly great news to Kristy, she replied, “Oh, Michael. I’m so proud of you. This is going to be your best birthday ever. I promise. Do you have cell phone numbers for all of them?”

“All but Anwar. Marco lives with him and said he’d make sure he came.”

“Great. Give me the numbers and I’ll take over planning from here. You did awesome and you’re going to love what I have planned!”

On Friday evening before my birthday, Kristy, Adam, and I were theFirst to arrive at the cabin. An hour later Dave and Tony showed up. Shortly after Chuck, Todd, Sam, Jermaine, and Melvin arrived all together with a keg and some booze. I figured they carpooled. When Marco and Anwar showed up, the “party” officially got started. Brett showed up around eleven.

About ten minutes before midnight, the doorbell rang and Kristy instructed me to go answer it. I was surprised since everyone besides Yori had already arrived. And he wasn’t interested when I spoke to him. There was a giant man with a sealed head at the door, at least 6′ 5″ and 350 lbs.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah, I need to check the place out before Violet comes in,” he informed me as he stepped through the doorway. He pushed his hand towards me and I backed away. Then, he walked through the cabin and returned a few minutes later, and went back outside. He came back to the door with a pretty red-headed woman who looked to be in her late twentys. She was wearing a short red skirt, a tight white blouse, black fishnet stockings, and high heels.

When she saw me she winded and asked, “So you the birthday boy?”

I nodded.

“Such a cute little innocent face. This is going to be fun,” she teased.

They walked through the door. Everyone was now gathered in the main room and Kristy announced, “Thank you all for coming to celebrate Michael’s birthday. Before we begin, you all need to know that Michael and I do not have a typical relationship. He is my wittol. That’s a term that means witting cuckold. You will hear me refer to him as wittol and cuckold throughout the weekend.”

“What’s a cuckold?” Todd inquired.

“I’m glad you asked,” Kristy smiled.

A cuckold is a male whose partner regularly cheats on him with other men. A witness cuckold, or wittol, is a male who is fully aware and fully supportive of his partner’s infidelity.”

“Why would any dude put up with that, being cheated on and shit?” Melvin asked.

“Actually,” Kristy responded, “In our case, we don’t consider it cheating since Michael knows all about it. There are certain things I do with Adam, but not with Michael and vice versa. All of that only improves Michael and my relationship.”

“Whoa, hold up,” Melvin replied. “You’re talking about new shit without answering my first question. I don’t care what you call it. Mike, why do you put up with this shit from her.”

I looked at Kristy and she nodded, so I answered, “I don’t see it that way. I don’t put up with Kristy’s shit. I love her and everything she does. If anything, she puts with me and MY inadequacies. She understands me, accepts me, and does a lot for me. I know some of these things you see and hear this week might cause some of you to pity me. Don’t. I know what I signed up for it. I don’t care if what you witness causes you to lose respect for me, but please don’t disrespect Kristy for getting her needs met.”

Chuck chimed in, “Okay, then. So what are these thingsyou do for this Adam that you don’t do for Mike?”

Kristy pointed to Adam, “This is Adam. Adam is the only one who gets oral sex from me. I have never and will never give it to Michael. But Adam has agreed to share my mouth with the rest of you this weekend.”

There was some chatter and murmuring before Brett said, “I for one love the way Kristy sucks dick, so thanks for sharing Adam.”

Most, if not all of the guys repeated Brett’s sentiments.

“Okay, that’s enough talk for now. It’s time for some fun!” Kristy declared. She then pointed at Violet and continued, “This is Violet and her, um, manager Mark. Violet is an erotic dancer who’s here to get us all in the mood with a little show. I’ll turn it over to them.”

Mark started, “Alright, gentlemen and lady. There are three rules you need to follow during the performance. The first is to keep your hands to yourself. The second is if Violet gets close to you, keep your hands to yourself. The third is if Violet isgrinding up on you and touches you, keep your hands to yourself. If Violet decides she’s going to allow you to touch her, she will take your hand, place it on the body part she wants you to touch, and you will be allowed to touch that part and only that part. Everyone understands?”

There was a chorus of sufficient replies.

“Okay, all of those wishing to participate need to get chairs, couches, whatever, and get in a circle. You all need to be seated.”

After the seating was arranged, Violet took the stage. “Hello there, everyone. I’m very excited to be here tonight. Usually, when I do a birthday party, I single out the birthday boy for special attention. But, today, at Kristy’s request, we’ll be doing things a bit differently. All the rest of you will be getting my extra special attention in his place and he’ll be getting something, ah, different shall we say.”

Then, Violet began dancing simultaneously to the music while slowly removing her clothes. It was my firsttime seeing a stripper in real life. Her performance was very sexy. So was her body. She had a nice hourglass shape with huge breasts and a huge ass.

Once she was nude completely nude, she strutted over to Sam who was seated just to the right of me. I was so jealous when she rubbed her ass against his chest. She ground her crotch on his lap while rubbing his face in her cleavage. Then she took both of his hands and invited him to squeeze her breasts and her ass. She even let him feel her crotch.

She proceeded to give each guy a very up close and personal lap dance. Eventually, she reached Kristy who was seated to my left. Kristy got a lap dance as well. The only difference was that while rubbing her breasts in Kristy’s face, Violet placed her nipple directly in front of Kristy’s mouth. Then she encouraged her to suck it. Kristy did and most of the males in the room, myself included, moaned in approval.

Violet stood a few feet in front of me and pointed at the floor.I instinctively dropped to my knees.

She laughed, “Kristy has you well trained. You know your place. So, birthday boy, did you enjoy the show? Did you like being left out?”

I looked up at her with a puzzled expression.

She continued, “I know a bit about cuckolding but this is my first show with an actual cuckold in attendance. Kristy explained that you are a virgin in a lot of ways, including when it comes to getting a lap dance. She’s the only woman to touch you in a pleasant way and we’re going to keep it that way. Michael, I hope you enjoy my gift of denial. That’s all Kristy thinks you deserve. And after hearing all about your shortcomings and then seeing you here tonight, I completely agree.”

“Brutal” one of the men commented while some of the others laughed.

“So,” she smiled before turning around and placing her butt in my face. “Prove that Kristy and I are right about you. Kiss my ass and thank me for denying you.”

I thanked her sincerely before kissing both of her ass cheeks.

Then, Kristy stood and announced, “In Scotland, it is a birthday tradition to give a pound note and a smack on the bottom for every year a person has been alive. We’ll save the pounds for my mouth and pussy, but I would like Michael to get his smacks.” She pointed to Adam who was now holding a large fraternity-style paddle with the word “wittol” carved into it.

Adam stepped over and handed her the paddle. Then she looked at me, “Michael, get down to your boxes and bend over with your hands on the chair.”

A moment later I felt a light sting on my lower but cheats. “That was just a practice swing,” Kristy declared. A moment later I heard a loud crack and felt a sharp sting that caused me to gasp. “Who’s next?” Kristy asked.

“Oh, I’ll have a turn,” I heard Violet says. She, too, took a practice swing before connecting right above where Kristy did.

Adam wanted to be next. “I don’t need a practice swing,” I heard him say before connecting with the middle of my thighs and causing me to yelp. “See,” he laughed.

“Adam,” Kristy admonished, “You hit his legs. Tradition says you have to hit his butt. So, try again. And, please, take a practice swing so your good swing connects where it should.”

His practice swing was as nearly as brutal as Violet’s full swing. His full swing sent a momentary Shockwave of pain out from the nerves at the center of my ass cheats down my legs and up my spine.

I heard Sam ask to be next. When he connected with his full swing, I entered subspace where I had little awareness of what was going on behind me. I was high on pain-induced endorphins. In that state, I took comfort in knowing that everyone else was having fun at my expense.

At some, I heard Kristy says, “Mark since you’re the biggest and strongest here, I would love for you to take the final smack.”

His might have been the worse. I can’t honestly say since my butt stung so bad by that point I was in another world.

The next thing I remember was being in our room kneeing a few feet away from Kristy. She was passwordately sucking Yiro’s cock. Violet was rubbing his chest and he was sucking her nipple. Mark was standing several feet away watching with his arms folded.

I didn’t remember Yiro arrived and was shocked to see him. I realized I had something in my hands. I looked down to see a red solo cup that appeared to have about two ounces of milky liquid in it.

Then I heard Yiro moan and felt Kristy shove my arm. She pointed to the cup and held her hand out, so I gave it to her. She spit his cum into it and handed it back to me.

As Yiro got up to leave, I whispered to Kristy, “Can we talk?”

She turned to Yiro, “Hey, can you tell the next guy to give me five minutes.”

He said okay and left.

“What’s going on?” I asked her.

“What do you mean? I’m giving all the guys birthday blow jobs for you.”

“For me?” I thought before shakingmy head and asking, “Why are you spitting?”

“I told you, that’s a secret. What’s gotten into you?” she seemed concerned.

“I don’t remember anything since that last hit with the paddle,” I stated.

“Oh, wow,” she smiled. “It must have been a good one then. You’ve been sitting here the whole time. I sucked Adam’s cock first. The rest of the guys drew numbers. Jermaine was next and then Yiro. Okay. How’s your bottom?”

“It still stings and it’s very sore,” I while looking for sympathy.

“I’m glad,” she giggled. “You’re welcome.”

Violet gave the next guy, Dave, a lap dance before Kristy took out his dick and sucked it. As Kristy was sucking his dick and licking his balls, Violet was using her tits and hands to get him Even more revved up. It wasn’t long before Kristy was spitting his spunk into the cup.

Between Violet’s tits and ass and Kristy’s mouth, none of the guys lasted longer than ten minutes inside our bedroom.

I was only allowed to kneel or sit on the floor while watching. Being extremely uncomfortable in either position both took away from and added to the experience. I appreciated the erotic humiliation of being made to suffer while my male counterparts thrived.

When the birthday blowjobs were all complete, we joined the others in the basement.

Kristy announced, “Before Michael and I call it a night and Violet and Mark head out, I’d like to propose a toast. So, everybody get a full beer or a shot.”

Once everyone compiled, Kristy continued, “It’s customary to have a birthday toast to the person whose birthday we’re celebrating. But let’s be honest. None of you are here for Michael. You’re here for me. But, mostly you’re here for your own benefit.

And that’s kind of what I want to toast to. You’ve all seen the necklace Michael wears around his neck. It’s the yin, one half of the ying-yang. One of the main concepts of the ying-yang is balance. As most of you know, Michael here has never receivedved head. He doesn’t deserve it. He’ll never get it.

I know the rest of you have received head. I gave it to you because you absolutely do deserve it. And I believe each and every one of you should get it as often as you want.

That’s what I call justice. Fairness. Balance. Michael is the yin, you are the yang. Michael does without so you never have to. So, let’s toast to something that benefits you, let’s toast to balance.”


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