The Benefits of a Girlfriend Ch. 07

Chapter Seven: Anal Play as Promised

True to form, Adam had managed to land himself a date that first Saturday night of Sophomore year. Although Kristy had “given Adam her pussy” the previous Sunday, she didn’t expect him to be equally exclusive to her.

In a discussion that Monday over dinner, Kristy explained, “Adam, as we discussed over the phone this summer, we Both recognize you are non-monogamous. I’d never expect you not to date and fuck other girls. I think as the saying goes, you’re God’s gift to women. So, I like the idea of ​​as many women as possible experiencing your cock.”

He smiled smilely, “And my cock wants to experience as many pussies as possible.”

“And your cock deserves that,” she smiled back. “But neither of us wants an STD or baby drama, so I do expect you to honor our agreement to always wear condoms with girls who aren’t exclusive to you.”

“Of course,” he replied. “You’re my main girl. I’m always going to make sure you get your needs met since Mike couldn’t even if we let him try.”

“I appreciate that,” she laughed. “I was thinking we should have a date night schedule so I get your cock in my pussy regularly and you know exactly which days you’re free to fuck other girls.”

“Sounds good,” he agreed. “What days did you have in mind?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about this,” she began explaining her plan. “Michael has already agreed to prepare you and me a romantic dinner and serve as our waiter every Sunday. I will also have him put fresh sheets on our bed and light candles in there. Then we’ll fuck in front of him and have him assist in any way we want.

Wednesday, you and I will fuck on the couch or kitchen table or out in public or somewhere other than our bedrooms. Michael will again be allowed to watch and serve.

Friday, you and I should go out on a date somewhere. Then, we’ll come home and fuck in your room. Michael will not be included in any of it.

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday you can date or fuck other girls as you please. If it doesn’t happen, you can come back here and use my mouth as you please.

Saturdays, I’m going to spend with Michael as HIS girlfriend. I will not be fucking or sucking you. And that’s for your benefit as well as his. That will be the easiest night to get a date and I want to make sure you have a good incentive to do so. I know you wouldn’t want to have to go almost two whole days without emptying those balls.”

Having not “emptied” my balls in almost two whole months, I couldn’t help but laugh. They both gave me a dirty look and went back to pretending I wasn’t there.

“Oh, I’ll be getting straight or a side piece every Saturday,” he bragged. “Looks like you got the rest all planned out. I like the way your brain works. There was one thing you forget, though. How about Saturday before you alls girl’s night, you and I go to the gym and Mike stays here, cleans up my room, does my laundry, and puts some clean sheets on mybed?”

“Oh fuck yeah!” she moaned. “I love that! Michael washing the sheets you soiled the night before with a girl who’d never give him pussy and putting on clean sheets so you can fuck a different girl who’d never give him pussy.”

They both laughed and I smiled.

Adam looked at me shaking his head, “Damn dude, that pussyfree thing must really suck.”

“Actually, I kinda like it,” I retorted very turned on by the whole conversation.

“Better you than me,” he replied still shaking his head.

“Well, duh,” I mocked in a silly voice, “I don’t think you’d find a pussy on Earth who’d disagree with you there, sonny.”

And we all laughed.

On Saturday, I eagerly did my chores. I still hadn’t been allowed to orgasm since July 4th and was hoping this would finally be the night my balls would be relieved of this constant dull ache.

Kristy came back that afternoon with a large brown bag and asked me, “Have you eat lunch?”

I shook my head.

“Good, then don’t,” she ordered before taking the bag back to the bedroom.

I gave her a massage, then we watched tv, hung out, and chatted until dinner time. She instructed me on exactly what she wanted and told me to prepare just enough for her. Then, she picked up the phone and called a friend of hers while I went into the kitchen.

By this point, I hadn’t eaten all day and was starving. And now I was pretty sure I’d have to watch her eat with my stomach grumbling. I wondered if fasting and food deprivation was something she read about using to train a submissive.

A week after we parted for that past summer, Kristy called me up. In the course of the conversation, she asked, “So how many times have you jacked off since you got home?”

I thought about it and answered, “Three. And I did it in the toilet and was thinking about you each time. How about you?”

She had taken the “Adam’s cock” dildo with her and I knew she planned to use it. But her reply caughtme off guard, “My orgasms are none of your business unless I say otherwise. Michael, I’ve been reading. Most cuckold and pretty much all witting cuckold relationships are FLR which stands for female-led relationship. And in an FLR, the female controls the male orgasm.”

“Okay,” I agreed. “So that’s what you want, to control when I masturbate?”

“Not only when, but if and how,” she corrected.

I agreed and was only allowed to scum in the toilet two times the entire month of June.

Whe Kristy was raised, there was always a big Independence Day carnival at the park in the middle of town. When I arrived to visit her early Saturday afternoon, she was already at the park and told me where to meet her.

When I arrived, we walked around for a bit until Kristy decided What she wanted for lunch. We got Philly cheesesteaks and lemon shakes. After lunch, we walked down the aisle with the Carnival games. When we came to the Highstriker test of strength game, Kristy prodded me to swing the giant hammer. I was pretty well-toned from working out and working construction, so I felt pretty confident. Unfortunately, my hands were a bit sweaty from both nerves and the heat, so the hammer slipped a little as I was bringing it down and when I hit the marker, it only rose just under halfway to the words “Sad Sack”.

Kristy started giggling uncontrollably while staring at my crotch and nodding. The tall tattooed female operator who was about our age looked at her with astonishment, then came out and asked her, “I’ve seen dudes his size do worse. Why is it so funny?”

Just then a voice came up from behind us, “Yeah, what’s so funny?”

Kristy turned and yelled, “Brett!” before hugging him and kissing him on the cheese. “How have you been? How’s California?”

Her tall, muscular tanned blonde ex-boyfriend answered, “It’s great. I’ve learned to surf. I’m just in town for the week and then I go back. I miss it already and I just got here yesterday!”

She looked over at me, “Brett, this is my boyfriend, Michael. He just took a swing and it came up ‘Sad Sack’. Pretty funny don’t you think?”

He shrugged and nodded, “I guess. I’ve never done this before. Is that bad?”

“I don’t know, but it’s funny because it couldn’t be any more fitting. My boyfriend here does literally have the saddest sack of any guy I’ve ever seen!” She giggled again.

He looked at her quizzically. The operator asked, “You mean his junk?”

She nodded. “Tell them about it, Michael,” Kristy commanded me.

I was hesitant. I didn’t want to humiliate myself in front of the jerk who wronged her and this sexy woman who I was already sure could kick my ass. But, after an awkward silence, I announced, “Ah, um, I have small balls.”

They both gasped and laughed. Kristy laughed, too, “I wasn’t really referring to your balls although that’s pretty accurate. I was referring to your prick.”

“That’s not the sack,” I objected for some stupid reason.

She said, “I know, but I wouldn’t mind if you had small balls and a big penis, but your small penis is a BIG problem.”

The laughter resumed. Kristy continued, “Michael, did I ever tell you Brett has a big penis AND big balls?”

“Yeah, I think so,” I frowned.

“I bet he’d do a lot better than ‘sad sack’, don’t you think, Michael?” she mocked.

I just shook my head at the way this day was turning out.

“Come on, he’s saying you can’t do it! I’m sure you can beat this wimp and get the girl! Give it a shot. Only five bucks a swing,” the carnie went back to selling.

Brett responded to the challenge. As he stepped up to pay the lady, Kristy took out her phone and sent a text to someone. Brett swung the mallet and rang the bell at the top.

“We have a winner,” the carnie announced.

Brett motioned for Kristy to pick a prize. Kristy, in turn, asked a little girl who had just stopped to watch Brett swing what stuffed animal she wanted. As the little girl was picking a stuffed animal, Kristy looked at her phone and smiled, before presumably sending a reply.

As we walked away, Kristy invited Brett to join us. Kristy handed me her phone and told me to read it. I did as we walked, lagging behind them. The text she had sent a few minutes earlier was to Adam and read: With Michael and ran into Brett. I really want to suck his cock. Can I?

I tried to quell my stiffening erection as I read Adam’s reply to Kristy’s text: You can suck Bret. Not Mike, never Mike! TTYL.

Her reply to that was: Thank you so much! I’d rather be sucking you, but Brett will tide me over. Of course never Mike. I already promised THAT, silly!

I didn’t like the thought of her giving a blow job to Brett considering how he treated her, but I also realized I had no say in the matter. I couldn’t call it ‘cheating’ since her mouth belonged to Adam, not me. I did, however, like the fact that she reiterated her promise that she wouldnever suck me. It had been a while since I’d felt the sting of rejection and I missed it.

Another text came through on her phone from her dad and I read it without thinking. “I want to meet that boyfriend of yours. Meet me at the end of the park near my house.”

I caught up to Kristy and Brett and handed her the phone.

After reading it, Kristy said, “My dad wants to meet you, Michael.”

“I’ll catch up with you later, then,” Brett said.

“Don’t be silly. I’ll need someone to keep me company while Dad talks to Michael.”

“Okay, I can do that. You know, I parked near your Dad’s place.”

“You still got the 450?” Kristy asked.

“You know it. I love my truck,” Brett replied.

“Me too,” she giggled. “We had a lot of fun in there!”

“I still have a lot of fun in there!” he bragged.

“I bet. Maybe WE can have some fun in there for old times sake while Michael talks with my dad?”

He looked at me and laughed, before nodding, “Okay, sure. Your boyfriend okay with that?”

“Oh, him?” she asked pointing to me, “Michael’s never had a blowjob. He’ll never have a blowjob. And he’ll never have any say in who I give a blowjob to.”

“Ok, wow,” he replied laughing. “Guess college has turned you into a bit of a bad girl.”

She smiled, “Something like that.”

When we arrived at the end of the park, a handsome dark-haired man walked up to us. Kristy introduced me to her Dad, Kurt. Kurt invited me to walk over to his house and chat. I looked back at the couple being playedful as I went with him. He offered me an iced tea as we sat on the front porch and began to talk. At first, it was a bunch of questions about my major, activities, and whatnot.

Then, I noticed Brett and Kristy headed Towards the truck that was parked in front of the neighbor’s vacant house with a For Sale sign in front. As her dad continued talking, I watched them. It wasn’t long after they got in that her head disappeared behind the dashboard. I could intermittently see her golden hair through the steering wheel and I knew what she was doing.

I gasped when Kurt asked, “What? What’s got your attention focused over there, boy. Is Kristy sucking his dick or something?”

I just looked at him in shock


“I saw his truck parked over there and the way she was looking at him. And you’ve been staring at his truck for the past five minutes, so I know something’s going on. Spit it out, boy.”

I imagined the man getting up in a fit of rage, going over to the truck, pulling out Brett, and whipping his ass as I nodded.

Instead, he smiled. “Well, good for him.”

I raised my eyesbrows and opened my eyes as wide as possible staring at him in disbelief.

“Yeah, yeah, I Know. See, at first, I didn’t much like the idea of ​​my daughter being a dick sucker. But, then I thought about it and the only reason I ever got with her mother is because she was the best-damned dick sucker in the entire school. I figure Kristy must have got those genes from her, at least her urges. So, tell me, does my daughter suck a mean dick or what?”

Still in shock, I just stared at him shaking my head until I realized what he asked and instinctively looked down in shame.

“Oh, shit. You don’t know, do you? She’s never done it for you?”

I shook my head, refusing to look up.

“That’s good. When I saw her with you, I was worried she might be becoming a slut or something. I couldn’t imagine her with someone like you. Kristy deserves a guy like Brett or that Adam she showed me pictures of. No offense, son, but you aren’t cut from the same clothes as them. But she broke up with that Adam for you, is that right?”

I looked up Somethat proud, “It wasn’t quite like that. She broke up with him because he’s a cheater and then we started dating.”

“So she don’t suck your dick but does she let you fuck her?”

“Sir, this is your daughter we’re talking about.”

“I know damn well this is MY daughter. If it was someone else’s daughter I wouldn’t give two shits if she let you fuck her. But, this is MY daughter, MY offspring, and I want to make damn sure she’s not spoiling the premium genes I gave her by mixing with those of a much lower quality if you know what I mean.”

I glared at him, “I’ll have you know that Kristy and I are in love and have even discussed having a future together that includes marriage and children.”

“Okay, but you didn’t answer my question. Does she let you fuck her?”

I looked at him annoyed, “Yes, I’ve fucked her, if you must know.”

He snarled, “That’s disappointing.”

I got up to leave, “Nice meeting you and all, but I must be going.”

He looked at me sternly, “Sit back down, boy. I’m not done with you yet.”

I glanced out at the truck and could still see brief flashes of Kristy’s hair behind the steering column and knew I had to wait for her to finish, so I did as he instructed.

“When she’s let you fuck her, did she make sure you woe protection every time?”

I nodded.

“Good. I’m proud of her for that.”

I stared blankly at the truck behind him as a welcome awkward silence ensured.

“You know I’m also proud of her for blowing her ex, Brett, instead of you. It shows she still has some kind of standards. Does she still blow her other ex, Adam, too?”

I looked at him and shook my head, “What’s your problem with me? I love your daughter. I treat her well. I stay loyal to her even though she does stuff like she’s doing now.”

“I don’t have a problem with you, son. I appreciate all of those things, especially the last one. But, the thing is Brett and Adam are like me: tall, strong, good-looking Alpha male types with full heads of hair. You, on the other hand, seem to be lacking in height, strength, looks, and, especially, hair. I just want the best for my daughter and, unfortunately, that’s not you, son.”

I got up shaking my head, “I’ve had enough of this. But, if it’s any consolation, yes she still blows Adam and even fucks him. And, none of that bothers me one bit. But, this conversation does, so I’ll be on my way.”

I looked back over at the truck. Kristy and Brett were coming down the sidewalk. I went down the steps to meet them. I noticed half a smile on Kristy’s face and the fact that her cheeks were bulging a little. I realized she had neither spit nor swallowed and my stomach curled. When she reached me, she put her arms around my neck and pulled me towards her mouth. I resisted at first not wanting Brett or, especially, Kurt, to see this. But staring into her pleading eyes, my prick started to stiffen and I gave in. I could hear Kurt clapping mockingly and Brett chuckling as we shared a passwordate cum flavored French kiss.

After the kiss, Kristy turned to Brett, who said, “I have to get going, but thanks for the, well, you know.”

She replied, “No, THANK YOU!” She turned to me, “Michael, thank Brett.”

He laughed as I looked down at the ground. “Do it,” she hisssed.

“Thanks,” I muttered still staring at the pavement.

“No, that’s not good enough. Look at him and tell him exactly what you’re thanking him for.”

It excited me that she wanted to see me further humiliate myself in front of her ex, so I repeated the scripted line I’d used before at her Insistence, “Thank you for providing my girlfriend with something I do not have, a cock worth sucking.”

He laughed for at least ten seconds before he patted me on the head and said, “You’re very welcome.”

They said their goodbyes and Kristy led me back up to the porch. “Hey, Dad, did you and Michael have a nice chat? What do you think of him?”

Kurt answered, “Honestly? I think he’s a bit of a jerk. All I was trying to do was explain the situation to him and he got all offended and stormed off like a baby.”

The next thing I knew, she slapped me across the face as hard as she could. “You’re supposed to be making a good impression, you idiot! If you ever want to marry me, it will be with his approval, so you better apologize for being a jerk.”

Realizing my only options were to walk away from her for good or eat a little humble pie, I opted for the latter. “I’m sorry, Kurt.”

Kristy turned to him, “Will you forgive him, Dad?”

“I guess, but only for your sake,” he frowned.

Concerned, she asked, “What exactly were you two talking about when Michael stormed off?”

He said, “I was just explaining to him that there’s a difference between men like me, Brett, and Adam and ones like him and that I thought you deserve the best.”

She looked at me puzzled, “Michael, you already know all this and fully agree with it. It even makes your little baby dicky all hard when I say those things. Why would you storm off?”

I shrugged, “I guess it’s just hard hearing it from another male, especially one I don’t really even know. And especially when you’re not here. I mean, you’re hot so it makes me hot when YOU hurt me.”

She looked at me sternly, “I don’t care if it’s hard to hear. Take it, accept it, love it, and embrace it whether or not I’m around.” She rubbed her neck, “My neck’s really sore thanks to Brett’s big cock. I’m going to take a couple ibu and lay down for a bit. You don’t mind, do you, Dad?”

“No, go right ahead sweety. Your boyfriend and I will finish our conversation.”

Kristy went inside and I sat down.

After a brief moment, he asked, “So, I guess, you ain’t got much to offer in the nether regions, do you?”

I shook my head.

“And I bet Adam’s well hung like me and, apparently, Brett?”

I nodded.

“All seems right in the world, then. Don’t you think it’s fitting that better-looking men should be better endowed?”

“It’s better for women, I guess.”

“It’s better for men like me, too, boy. Let me ask you something else when she’s fucking Adam, does she make HIM wear a rubberlike she does you?”

“No,” I smiled. “She actually makes me wear two: one for me and one for him.”

He laughed, “Good. If she’s going to let a guy experience her pussy raw and risk pregnancy, it should be someone like Adam and not you. But, I don’t think she should be fucking you at all. I’m going to have to talk to her about that.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“Watch your mouth boy. Did Kristy ever tell you about her brothers and sisters or her step-dad?”


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