Chapter Six: Freedom for the Wittol
In August, I was the first to arrive at our two-bedroom apartment. The landlord left it unlocked with one key. I gave the place a good inspection and it definitely wasn’t clean enough for Kristy. So I went to the store to get duplicate keys and cleaning supplies.
When Kristy arrived the next day, the appliances, sinks, countertops, windows, shower, toilet, and floors all shined. The first thing she did when she walked in was given me a long hug and a deep passwordate kiss. Then she took a step back and eyeballed my much-improved physics. The construction work had been hard, but paid well and got me in the best shape of my life.
“Looking good,” she said right before she turned her attention to inspecting the place. Starting with the oxygen, she looked in and said, “Wow. This place is really clean.”
“I hope so,” I replied, “I spent somewhere between 8 and 10 hours trying to get it as clean as you like it.”
“You did?” she exclaimed. “Oh, Michael. I’m so proud of you.” Then she hugged and kissed me again.
“You, know,” she started to speak as we walked around and she inspected the place a little more. “I think you’re going to be the perfect witting cuckold husband for some woman someday. And I really hope that woman is me.”
I smiled, blushing, “Thanks. I hope so, too.”
“Of course you do,” she laughed. It’s not like you have a whole lot of options now that you’ve devoted yourself to me.”
She was right, as usual. The previous spring, Kristy and I had spent the last two weeks of May to ourselves. No classes, no work, and, most importantly for me, no Adam.
But she didn’t see it the same way. In fact, from the moment he left, she just seemed to mope around barely doing or saying anything.
After two days of that, I got the idea that getting a substitute for Adam’s cock, like a nice dildo might cheer her up. So I looked up local adult stores. There was one about a half-hour away with a website where you could browse the inventory. So I did. And to my surprise and joy, I found a realistic ballsy dong that had eight inches of insertable length, six inches of girl, and was literally called “Adam’s cock”.
I told Kristy I had a surprise for her and finally convinced her to take a drive with me. She didn’t say much during the drive or even when we got there, but she agreed to go inside.
She halfheartedly followed me around the shop until I found it and handed it to her. She read aloud, “Oh my god. It’s Adam’s cock. It looks just like it. But it’s $50!”
I smiled, “That’s nothing. Do you like it?”
“I love it!” she further answered with a hug and a kiss. “And I love you!”
Then we looked around some more. I wanted to find a stick on I could use to wear “Adam’s cock” and use it on her in a somewhat natural way.
As we were walking around, Kristy spotted something in the clearance section, grabbed it, read it, and handed it to me. Itwas an “anal beginner” dong for $5 that at four inches insertable and three inches in girl was practically identical to mine.
“Look,” she laughed. “You prick is on clearance. I guess nobody wants it.”
She laughed but I just smiled broadly really taking, accepting, loving, and enjoying the truth in her statement. Deep down I knew it was true, that nobody wanted my prick. And that brought me shame, excitement, and relieve all at once.
After a moment I said “It makes sense that you prefer his. The sex shop says his is worth 10 of mine.” And this time we both laughed.
Then she patted my head and whispered, “In real life, baby, his would be worth 5 million and yours would be worth 5 pennies.” As she giggled, my prick twitched up and down as if fervently nodding in agreement.
I went to put the anal starter dong back, but Kristy said, “No. Let’s buy it. We can use it like it says. For butt play.” I became excited at this prospect since she was still an anal virgin.
We also picked up lube and found a stick-on device that worked with “Adam’s cock”.
When we got back to the apartment, she had me try on the stick-on with “Adam’s cock” attached. The balls and suction cup completely covered my entire package.
Looking at it, she giggled, “So how’s it feel to finally have a real cock between your legs.”
“I like it,” I laughed. “And you’re gonna like it when I fuck you with it.”
“I would, probably,” she said as she started to strip down. “But you don’t have to, Michael. I know it’s been so long since you’ve been allowed inside my pussy.” Naked, she walked into the bathroom and brought out a towel. Then, she climbed into bed, rolled up the towel, and tied it around her head over her eyes. “If you want to Take that thing off and fuck me with your prick, I’m OK with that.”
Excited, I went over to the nightstand where we kept my condoms, opened the drawer, and looked inside reaching to take two out. When I glanced overat her beautiful nude body, I thought to myself, “She deserves better than okay” and slide the drawer closed.
We made out, I performed my typical foreplay on her, which included bringing her to orgasm with my tongue. Then it was time to test drive Adam’s cock. After coating it with lube, I rubbed the tip up and down her pussy lips awhile before gently easing it into her opening.
When Kristy felt that, she cooed “Oh, Michael. I just knew you’d pick the right one.” After I made her cum once in the missionary position, she said, “I want to ride you, so you can see that view first hand.”
Kristy had never and said she would never “do the work” of riding my actual penis. But with Adam’s cock replacing my prick she rode me cowgirl as I gropeed her breasts and reverse cowgirl as I admired her ass, cumming once in each position. Then she had me take her doggystyle, something that would be impossible with my price due to her perfectly plump ass.
After she came once more, wesnuggled, both tired out from our longest shared sexual experience. In the morning, we awoke together and she whispered, “Thank you so much for last night, Michael. That was better than I ever thought sex with you could possibly be. I’m so proud of you. You had the option to disappoint me with your prick, but you chose instead to please me with a real, or at least the replica of a real cock.”
Beaming with pride, I responded, “It wasn’t a choice. Your pleasure is what matters most to me.”
She smiled, “I know. But I do want you to get pleasure too. Sometimes. If everything goes well these next few days and I’m ready for it, maybe you can enter me once more on our last night together.”
“Th-the-that would be amazing,” I stammered.
She laughed, “No promises, but I’ll try. Hey, have you ever thought about making your commitment to serving me official, about entering into a Domme/sub relationship?”
With us having dabbled in BDSM and me almost always doing what she asked for, I answered, “I thought we pretty much had that already.”
“Not really, not officially, with a commitment and a collar and all that,” she corrected me.
“Honestly, I don’t know much about it, but if that’s what you want, then that’s what I want.”
“Okay, well I’ll look into it some more and maybe we can make it official,” she announced.
That night after lovemaking using “Adam’s cock”, she seemed deep in thought so I asked what was on her mind.
“Just, well, you know, Adam,” she responded.
That hurt a little but didn’t shock me
She elaborated, “I meant to ask you something. You know last week when you watched me give Adam a rim job for the first time, how did that make you feel?”
“Honestly, it was incredibly hot. It made me feel so inferior to him. I mean, I was watching you do something for him that I knew there’s was no way you would ever do for me. And I thought about why that was and it got me so horny that I thought about rushing into the bathroom, kneeing down, and jerking off into the toilet.”
She laughed, “Why the bathroom? The toilet?”
“I don’t know. I guess I would have been too ashamed by my self-deprecating arousal to masturbate in front of you. And once I was in the bathroom, the toilet just seemed fitting.”
“Oh my god! I love that! It is so fitting, the idea of you cumming into the toilet after Adam cums into my mouth or my pussy. That’s perfect! I can’t believe I never thought of that!”
I gave her a half-smile, fearing that I’d said too much.
She continued, “Oh and you’re right, I would NEVER even consider rimming you. Like that thought would NEVER cross my mind. And I’m not exaggerating. I’ve thought about giving you a blow job before. It wouldn’t be completely awful. I mean, I like sucking dick. So I weighed the pros and cons and concluded that I enjoy denying you head way more than I’d enjoy giving it to you. At least I considered it, though. But, a rim job? No!Just ew! Adam has a sexy back and a super cute butt. Your back? Your butt? Ew, no. Not even going to think about it.”
I smiled, “As odd as it may sound, I’m actually happy to hear you say that.”
Looking down at my, now, rock-hard prick, she laughed, “I guess you are. I see all ‘three’ of us are on the same page. How about you follow me into the bathroom and we can discuss this a little more. Oh, and I want you crawling, not walking, behind me.”
When we got there, Kristy instructed me to get in position and start wanking. After about a minute, she began to egg me on, “It’s funny that since we met all of your cum has gone into a condom then into the trash. And before that what did you do? Cum in your underwear? A sock? A kleenex? It’s never been on a woman, inside a woman. And you know why that is? It’s because it’s nasty. It’s gross. It’s scum. That’s what it is. It’s not cum. It’s scum.”
Her words had the desired effect, me panting and groaning and dribbling my”scum” right into the toilet water.
She looked down at the milky water and laughed, “This seems so much better than you jerking off in the bedroom and wasting a condom. You’ll be getting off this way most of the time from now on.”
Then she flushed my scum away.
We had “sex” five more times before we left for the summer. The first four times, after she had multiple orgasms from “Adam’s cock”, I was allowed to jerk off into the toilet.
The last night, to my disappointment but not surprise, Kristy decided she wasn’t ready to have me inside her again. She said maybe when I came to see her for the 4th of July or in the fall before Adam arrived, she would be. So, instead, she treated me to an amazing handjob. Then the “wasted” condom and its contents were mingled with the rest of the garbage in Our trash can.
In the morning, as Kristy and I were packing up, she handed me the unopened anal starter dong and said, “Here, you take this and bring it back with you in the fall. Maybe we can use it then.”
“Oh yeah? You think you’ll be ready to lose your anal cherry then?” I had always had a thing for Kristy’s ass and really enjoyed the thought of being the first to penetrate it. Witting cuckold or not, I was still a guy with some normal guy urges.
“Oh, I’m going to lose my anal virginity next semester. I just haven’t made up my mind as to how yet. The way I see it, we have two options. The first is for us to use that little toy there along with your tongue to work up my hole so it’s nice and ready for Adam to take me. Since your price is identical in size to that little mini dildo, the second option would be for us to use your price. Which do you think would be better?”
I wanted so badly to have her choice option two but didn’t want to appear self-centered so I quickly thought of another response. “Well, do you prefer the feel of the Adam-sized dildo or Adam’s actual cock?”
“Adam’s actual cock, of course.”
“Well, then wouldn’t you prefer an actual penis the size of the anal starter dong over the toy?”
“Generally speaking, yes. But there are other considerations. Like, don’t you think Adam would like to know his was the first cock to ever enter my ass?”
“I’m sure he would. But is that more important than your pleasure? What about mine? I am your boyfriend after all.”
“Michael, do you think you really deserve to be the one to take my anal virginity?”
“Yes, I’m your boyfriend. I know you like to deny me sometimes. But, there has to be some pleasure too. If he gets all the blowjobs and most of the pussy, why can’t I be the one to please you anally? I bet he’s too big for anal anyway.”
“So, what you’re saying is you want me to deny myself anal sex with Adam so that I can enjoy anal sex with you?”
“Well, no. Not now that you put it that way. If you really want to do it with him, I want you to be happy. But if he’s too big and it would hurt too bad, then maybe that could be our thing.”
“Okay, so let’s say I made that ‘our thing’, would you still expect me to let you inside my pussy.”
“I don’t expect anything, Kristy. But I would like it. Maybe we could alternate anal sex and regular sex once every other week. The rest of the time you could deny me and fuck him.”
“That’s an interesting idea, Michael. It gives me a lot to think about. Thank you for your honesty. Well, it’s time for me to get going.”
Then, we said our goodbyes and parted ways for what was to be an interesting summer.
Now, that summer was over, and here Kristy and I were back together again with no classes, no work, and no Adam. Knowing that Adam wouldn’t be able to come to school until the day just before classes, Kristy wanted her and me to come up a week early. That way, we could get all of our stuff in order so we’d be able to help him when he got there.
And that seemed to be Kristy’s only concern that first day. While we were unpacking and setting things up, Kristy was making a shopping list of all the things she wanted for the apartment.
My only concern was getting my chatity device off, performing “the key to her heart”, eating her pussy, then fucking it. It had been so long I’d pretty much forgetten what her pussy even felt like.
But Kristy pushed aside my advances after we climbed into bed, citing how tired she was.
After spending the next day helping her with shopping, hanging curtains, lining the cabinet shelves, and other forms of decorating, she was again tired out. I gave her a back massage and a foot rub secretly hoping that might invite her, but to no avail.
As I kissed her, I massed her breast through her nightie. She patted my head, pushed me away, and quipped, “Down, boy.”
After I lay next to her defeated, she hoped out of bed. “Oh, yeah. That reminds me. I have something for you. You know, to help with your little problem.”
I assumed she was referring to my genitalia, so it surprised me when she came back and handed me a bottle of pills. “I got these from my uncle. They didn’t work for his balding, but he thought they might work for you. They usually prevent any additional hair loss and even regrow hair in about twenty percent of cases. He said it takes about three months to be effective and this is a full three months supply.”
“Wow,” I said. “I’ve thought about trying something like that, but figured it was probably too late for me.”
“You won’t know unless you try,” she shrugged. “But it’s completely up to you.”
I figured it couldn’t hurt, so I took my first dose that evening.
By early afternoon the third day, everything was in order and we even had a somewhat stocked fridge and pantry. Kristy wanted to go to the gym, so I took that opportunity for some “alone time” to prepare a surprise romantic evening.
I made stuffed chicken breast, roasted rosemary red potatoes, and parmesan garlic asparagus with a small Capresesalad for an appetizer. I set up the candlelights and broke out a bottle of wine from the case I was lucky to get from a coworker over the summer.
Midway through dinner, she said, “Michael this is all really nice but you shouldn’t have.”
“It was no problem. I enjoyed doing this for you,” I replied.
“No, Michael,” she explained, “You really shouldn’t have.” She pointed to the elements on the table, “So what, you’re trying to wine me, dine me, and sixty-nine me?”
I smiled and was going to laugh until I saw the stern look on her face. So I answered sheepishly instead, “Well, um, no. I mean, well, I know we’re not going to sixty-nine but I was hoping we might have some fun.”
“Well, you’re right, you and I will never sixty-nine. I would never degrade myself by putting my mouth anywhere near you’re ugly prick. But, by all means, do tell me just what kind of ‘FUN’ did you have in mind?” she asked mockingly.
“Well, um. Well…” was all I could seem to get out.
She took a deep breath and surprised. “I’m sorry for being condescending Michael. I really do want to know exactly what you were thinking so we can work on correcting this behavior in the future. So, tell me what were you hoping we’d do tonight?”
“Well, just, you know like making love. You know kissing and foreplay. Eating you out and then maybe some intercour…”
“Okay, let me stop you right there. So that’s what this is all about. Well, let me assure you, that’s not going to happen. Especially not now.”
Dejected, I asked, “What did I do wrong? If Adam would have done all this would you be happy with him?”
“Michael, I think working with those construction workers screwed up your head a little. You are not a normal guy. Normal guys don’t spend two days shopping and helping their girls decorate. A normal guy leaves the decorating to his girl while he goes off and does guy stuff.”
She took a bite of her chicken followed by a drink of wine and continued, “Then he buys flowers or arranges a romantic dinner hoping she’ll forget the fact that he didn’t want to spend time with her. And the whole reason he does anything for her in the first place is because he wants to get laid. You’re not like that are you, Michael?”
I shook my head.
“Then why would you do all this?” she asked seemed concerned.
I shrugged.
“I know you’re horny, Michael. Probably hornier than you’ve ever been. But I still expect you to behave. This is the third day in a row you’ve tried to initiate sex with me. This isn’t the third times a charm. This is three strikes and you’re out,” she proclaimed.
I look at her quizzically.
She explained, “Michael, I don’t want you to attempt to initiate sex or any form of physical contact with me again. If I want your touch, I will ask for it. Do you understand?”
I nodded.
“Furthermore, if I feel you are deserving of physical pleasure I will inform you of that as well. Do notask me for it. And do not try to manipulate me into giving it to you. This dinner you made here tonight wasn’t for me. It was for you. So you could get laid. Isn’t that right?”
I nodded, eyes down in shame.
“It’s okay. I get it. You’ve gone almost two months without an orgasm and are probably getting really desperate. But prolonged orgasm denial is going to be a part of your life as long as you’re with me. Sometimes it will be a week, two weeks, a month, six months. I might have you orgasm every day for a month then go an entire year locked in a cage. I like having this power and I’m going to have fun with it. You’ll never know when your next orgasm will be coming. And, because you’re a cuck, you will only ever be allowed to have an orgasm if another man’s cum is inside me at that very moment. How’s that sound?”
Getting goose pianos from masochistic excitement, I replied, “Pretty awesome.”
“I thought you’d like that. Now about this dinner. It struck me that youDid say you enjoyed making it. Would you enjoy making a romantic dinner for me as a service to me without some excess motive?”
“Absolutely,” I looked up eagerly.
“Really? You do understand I’m not talking about you making these dinners for you and I but for Adam and I, right?”
I nodded, slightly disappointed.
“Good. From now on, every Sunday evening you can make and serve a romantic dinner for Adam and me. We can start with this upcoming Sunday when Adam arrives. It’s such an important occurrence, I need it to be an extra special night,” she witnessed dreamy.
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