The Benefits of a Girlfriend Ch. 05

Chapter Five: The Primary Parts of the Plan Come Together

After my Tuesday night class, Adam was nowhere to be found, but as soon as I got home, Kristy retrieved a plate from the refrigerator and put it in the microwave. “Is that for me?” I asked.

“Of course, it is. I’m sure you’re starving, baby. Just have a seat at the counter and I’ll grab you a cold beer.”

I did, feeling strange that she was being so nice to me. After she got my beer and food, she sat down across from me, “Michael, I want you to know that I didn’t mean what I said last night.”

“Um…” I wondered aloud, “What part?”

“The part about marrying Adam. I mean what I said to him in the coffee shop, that I’m not going to leave you for him. I’m sorry I said that.”

“Huh?” I thought. I had spent most of the day thinking about that very exchange, what she had said about making me ‘Uncle Mike’ and half the time it made my stomach crawl and half the time it gave me an erection. “Why did youSay it if you didn’t mean it?” I asked

“I think I sort of meant it at the time. I mean, it sounded good and it kind of went with the theme of the conversation. Plus, I could tell it was getting you really excited. So, I just went with it. But, I thought about it today and was ashamed for saying it because it isn’t true. Adam even asked me about it earlier and I let him know that Even if he does ever knock me up, it is you I want to raise my children.”

“Do you really mean that? Like, you want to spend your life with me?”

“Of course, Michael. I’ve always heard it said that you should marry your best friend. And, you’re my best friend. So, yes I do hope to marry you one day after we graduate.”

I smiled, realizing most guys would probably run for the door hearing such an expectation for a commitment, but I’m not most guys. “I’m guessing it wouldn’t be a conventional marriage.”

“Certainly not, but take it easy. Let’s not talk about marriage right now. If we’reStill together, we can talk about that again in a few years.”

Now I felt like the one pushing for a commitment all of a sudden. But, I just picked up my fork and began to eat.

“But, what I do want to talk about is last night. It didn’t go the way I had it planned thanks to you.”

I swallowed. “You had it planned.”

“Of course. I’ve had every night planned since Wednesday. Sometimes they went the way I wanted, sometimes they went a lot better.”

“Is that what you and Adam were referring to as ‘the plan’?”

“No. What we’re talking about is the goal. You’ll see. But, as I was saying, last night went a whole lot better than what I had planned thanks to you bringing up the night Adam and I first fucked. He reminded me of things I forgot and I reminded him of things he forgot. It was a really hot scene for both of us. You loved it, too, right?”

“Yes. It was awesome. So, what do you have planned for tonight?”

“I was thinking you should experience ablow job first hand.”

I was taking a drink of beer when she said this and I gasped causing it to run down my chin onto my shirt. She laughed as I ignored myself and asked, “Are you serious?”

“Well, yes I am. But finish your food and beer first.”

After I did, she led me over to the bed and got down on her knees in front of me.

“To start, I grab the cock, lift it up by the head and lick along the underside of it in long, soft, slow cares of my tongue. When the cock has become nice and hard and I can see a driblet of pre-cum on the tip, I move my lips over it spreading his mood like lip gloss. Then, I lick my way down to the balls. I take them in my mouth one at a time, circled my tongue around the ball itself and then gently pushing it out between my pumped lips which I then use to lightly tug on the scrotum. And then I do the same to the other ball. I never take both into my mouth at once, even though I often can. It’s all about showing my appreciationon for each one individually.”

She unzipped my fly and pulled down my pants and boxes, unveiling my semi-erect prick. “Then I take it into my mouth slowly, carefully rubbing my lips over the ridge of the head and using the tip of my tongue to ticket that triangle where the underside intersects with the head. Once the cock is again leaking pre-cum, I began to stroke it using the broad side of my tongue to cares the underside in slight vibrations as I move my mouth up and down the entire length of his cock.”

By then I was throbbing and leaking despite the fact that she hadn’t yet touched me. For once it was the promise of pleasure and not pain that brought me to that point, so I begged, “Please, baby. Stop teasing and do it? I’m so ready for this.”

She laughed, “Are you sure you’re ready to experience a blow job?”

“Yes,” I gasped.

“Well, then, get out of the way so we can all enjoy it.” I hadn’t even noticed Adam came in the apartment or the fact that he was now standing right behind me. But as I glanced behind me, the shock caused me to turn my legs and the fact that my jeans were wrapped around my ankles made me stumble and fall onto the bed.

They both got a good laugh at my clumsiness.

Then they both moved closer to the wall, away from me. After that, she unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped them and explained, “The most important requirement for a great blow job is a cock worthy of a worship and devotion.” She looked at me and smiled, “I’m sure you, of all people, completely understand that some men will simply never be able to meet this essential requirement.”

I looked down at my shriveling prick and frowned. Then, I stood up and pulled up my jeans and boxes, feeling odd to have my inadequate offering on display in those circumstances. She watched me do it, smiled, and nodded her approval.

She turned back towards Adam’s crotch, letting go of the jeans she had been holding up. She pushed her face into his bulge andinhaled through her nose in a deep, slow, deliberate breath. “Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. You can always tell the deserving ones by the way they smell. The difference may be subtle, but it enters the nose and goes straight to the pussy. But, then, I’ve never gotten my nose this close to the groin of a man who didn’t deserve a blow job. Come to think of it, I’ve never sniffed your crotch, have I, Michael?” She turned to me, smiled and wounded.

As she pulled down his boxer briefs and let his cock spring out like a jack-in-the-box, she kept jabbing me, “To me, there are few habits more heartwarming than when a husband or boyfriend recognizes he has an unsuckable prick and shows his woman the consideration of stepping out of the way and pulling his pants up so she can fully devote her attention to a cock that is very much worth sucking.” She lifted his cock, ran her tongue up and down the underside of it and then kissed the tip in a lustful lipstick spreading motion. Then, she went down to his balls, worshiping them as she had described moments earlier.

For some reason this was more difficult than what she had done or said up to that point. It wasn’t so much the balls themselves as what they represented, what was inside them. It was the essence of a species purpose to replicate themselves through mating. I was concerned that this adoration represented far more than just sexual urges, pleasure and pain; that perhaps she longed for his genetic material and had no use for mine.

My thoughts were interrupted when Kristy let his glistening scrotum fall from her lips and turned towards me, “Why don’t you get on your knees so you can see better, Michael?”

“I’d rather not,” I answered defiantly, opposed to the idea of ​​being on my knees while Adam, or any other guy, for that matter, was getting a blow job.

She looked at me sternly, “Okay, let’s try this again. Get on your knees, Michael. I will not have you looking DOWN at me while I’mgiving a blow job. That view is for Adam’s big beautiful green eyes, not your squinty little blue ones.”

My instant hard-on compelled me to begin obey. Then I watched, first-hand, from about a foot away as she slowly took him into her mouth. As she worked her way to almost three quarters of its length, I could see her eyes begin to water and her face begin to redden. Yet, she persisted to go down another inch before working her way back up. After a few minutes her pace sped up. Watching her mouth engulf so much of his shake left me wondering how she could do that. He had to be hitting the back of her throat, but she kept at it despite the tears and flushed chefs until he grabbed her by the hair and started to convulse. When he withdraw, she squeezed him with her lips, presumably to milk out the last of his cum.

Then, she looked up at him and opened her mouth. He nodded in my direction and she turned towards me, showing me her mouthful of cum, before turning back tohim. He nodded his approval and she swallowed it down. Then, she opened her mouth to show him that it was all gone. He leaned forward which I figured was to inspect, until he pursued his lips and dropped a large glob of saliva into her open mouth.

I felt a little of my stomach bile hit the back of my mouth. “Ewww!” I gasped. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

He laughed, “It’s just what you do. Girls love that shit.”

“No they… They can’t,” I watched as Kristy swallowed the glob of saliva she had been holding in her mouth. “It’s so gross and disrespectful.”

“Nah, man. You don’t get it. It’s not gross to them. It’s like a kiss. I just jizzed in her mouth and watched her swallow, so no way am I going kiss her for real, not until she brushes them real good. I do that, instead, so she can have a little taste of my mouth like she’d get if I kissed her.”

“Come here, Michael,” she ordered. As I slide towards her a few inches, she wrapped her arms around me and planted her lips over mine. I resisted at first, but as her tongue glided over my closed lips with a light pressure that pleased for entry, I gave in. Her tongue quickly found the tip of mine, pressed it for a moment, then slowly backed away. She continued to do this until I got the message and kept my tongue locked to hers as it backed out of my mouth and into hers. She slide her tongue beneath mine and produced me upward, guiding me to lick, first on the sharp edge of her teeth and then along the line of her gums. It was like she was brushing her teeth with my tongue, but I didn’t object. I could feel her chest pressing against mine, pushing me backwards. I followed her lead backwards and onto the floor, our lips still locked as she fell on top of me. As her mouth salivated, streams of her water entered my mouth. I swallowed to avoid drowning from it. Feeling this, she pulled off of me.

“Now, was that gross?” she asked, winding and smiling.

“No,” I replied, overwhelmed by the passionate embrace. “It was hot.”

“I just spit a lot more of my saliva into your mouth than Adam spit in mine and you swallowed it all.”

“And some of my cum, too,” Adam chimed in.

“No, I think every drop of that found its way into my stomach. I’m stuffed like after Thanksgiving dinner,” Kristy teased him.

He smiled confidently, obviously appreciating the huge ego boost the scene had given him. She got up, hugged him and said good night. As I got up, crawled into bed and she joined me, Adam took his place on the couch. As we spooned, I began to think of what he said. “Did I really just have another guy’s cum in my mouth?” I asked myself. Then, I thought back to when Kristy was teasing me about my ex sucking off my coworkers and coming up to French kiss me right after or when Kristy did the same with Sam. “Probably isn’t the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last,” I thought looking at Kristy as I smiled and shook my head.

It wasn’t until the followingnight that I realized how right I was. I got home, cooked dinner, and they both came in a little after it was ready. After we all ate, Kristy wanted us to go into the living room, Adam and I sitting on opposite sides of the couch. She stood in front of the tv, like she was getting ready for a presentation. When she plugged a usb into her phone and then into the tv, I thought that’s exactly what she was doing. But rather than turn the tv on, she spoke, “Okay, boys, the past week has been very revealing and it’s gone much better than I could have dreamed. I think we’re ready to move on to the final phase of our plan, Adam. Michael, do you know what a cuckold is?”

Adam interrupted, “I don’t know if we should do this anymore, Kristy. I watched a couple cuckold videos today at school. Michael may be weird, but I don’t think he’d go for that shit; wearing a bra and panties, while sucking my cock.”

I opened my eyes wide, looking at her in disbelief. She just looked at me, then athim and laughed before saying, “That’s not what a cuckold is. That’s just some silly fantasy fetish video. I guess some do that stuff, but not most. As I asked before, Michael do you know what a cuckold is?”

The term rang a bell, but I wasn’t exactly sure, “I thought from literature that was when a woman tricks a guy into raising another guy’s kid, like the old jokes about the mailman and the milkman.”

She said, “That’s a great answer. It’s actually how the term has been understood for most of the last millennium.”

I smiled, like a boy trying to impress his hot teacher until Adam brought me back to reality, “But that isn’t what it means now, right?”

“Well, kind of,” she started to explain. “The term was borrowed from the mating habits of the cuckoo bird, who lays its eggs in other bird’s nests so that the other birds raise its offspring. So, yeah, that’s exactly what it means at first. And it was one of the most insulting things you could call a man and usuallycaused fights, sometimes to the death. It still is seen that way in some parts of the world.”

“Why would people insult a guy for being the victim of his wife’s infidelity?” I asked.

Kristy smiled, “Because it was seen as his fault. See, strong matrixal society expect a man to be able to control his wife through fear and respect. So, a man who doesn’t have his wife’s respect isn’t considered to be a ‘real man’. Also, it was often assumed that she had a valid reason for cheating like he was unable to satisfy her in bed, which was due to him being an inattentive or selfish lover or being impotent or poorly endowed, like you, Michael.”

Adam chuckled and asked, “So how, exactly, did it get to mean what those videos show?”

“Somewhere in the renaissance period, a new breed of cuckold emerged, one who know about his wife sleeping with other men and put up with it. Naturally, these were considered to be even more pathetic than the unknown cuckold and a new, even mor insulting word evolved for them. They were called wittols, which was a combination of the words of that time for willing and cuckold. The term isn’t used much anymore, but that’s what I want to call you and to make you, Michael.”

“Seriously? Is that what you two have been planning? You want me to willingly accept you sleeping with other men and even having their kids?”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, baby. ‘The plan’, for right now is for you to willingly accept the fact that I’d rather fuck and suck Adam than you, even though you continue to be my faithful boyfriend. And, I think you already have accepted that, right?”

“Well, yeah. So what’s the big deal? Why the secret about ‘the plan’?”

“Let me tell you about the recently evolved cuckold fetish before we get into that. See, with the birth of the internet and the digital voyeurism it created, more and more men started to want to see their wives with other men. Some were simply voyeurs wanting their ownpersonal real life porn queen. Others were close bisexual or even gay and just wanted to see naked men or perhaps suck their cocks like the videos Adam described. And, then, others were masochists who wanted the pain and humiliation of their wives preferring bigger, stronger, sexier, or better endowed lovers. Most fetish cuckolds fall into one or more of those categories and it’s almost always the cuckold, not the wife who brings up the idea of ​​the affair.”

“Is that why you want to call me a wittol instead of a cuckold? I am a masochist and I like to watch. Doesn’t that make me like some of the others?”

“Well, yeah. The reason I want to use the word wittol is because it’s not as well known. That way when you tell people you’re a wittol, they’ll ask what that is and you can give them the definition I’m going to give to you.”

“Wait. Who says I’m going to share any of this with anyone, if I even agree to do it?”

“Again, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Anymore,in the fetish sense, the definition of a cuckold is rather confusing. Basically, self-proclaimed cuckolds can be any man whose wife sleeps with other men whether he be faithful or philandering, dominant or submissive, sadist or masochist, alpha or beta, cis or transgendered, well or poorly endowed, straight or gay, etcera. Sometimes, they don’t even have wives or girlfriends. Would you believe there are Some so called cuckolds who are just like Adam? That’s insane, right? Who the fuck would ‘cuck’ a man perfectly designed to fuck? Anyway, I don’t want to call you a cuckold because I don’t know what the fuck that means anymore.”

I shook my head, confused. “So what is it you want me to be? What is this master plan? What is your definition of a cuckold, I mean wittol, that you want me to be?”

“You haven’t even let Adam get one question in Michael. Do you have anything to say, Adam?”

He shook his head, an annoyed look on his face, “Nope. I’m just waiting to get past allThis talking and get to the fucking part of the evening.”

“Patience, baby. Isn’t this what you wanted, me to unveil the plan to Michael so things will be just how you want them to be?”

“No offense, but if it was just how I wanted it to be, you’d be MY girlfriend and there would be another girl here instead of Mike. I’d be fucking both of you instead of listening to you explain to Mike how completely fucking worthless he is as a boyfriend.”

“Adam, if you don’t change your attitude, I’m not moving forward with this. Michael has been perfectly hospitalable to you and put up with more than practically any other man could. If he wasn’t such a great and accommodating boyfriend, the plan would still be weeks away from this point. Instead, I’ve almost got him convinced and you have to go and be a jerk.”

I was just listening. He was being a jerk, but it didn’t really both me. It’s not like it was something completely out of character, but his response was, “I’m sorry, Kristy. It’s just that I’m kind of jealous that you’re doing all this for him, so you can keep him as your boyfriend, rather than just dumping him for me.”

Kristy laughed sheepishly, “There’s no reason to be jealous. You’ll have pretty much everything you ever wanted for the next month and maybe even longer. As long as we can get Michael to agree to it. And, I’m pretty sure he will.”

“It’s not everything,” he argued.

“It’s enough, though,” she chided, “You’ve proven that you’re never going to be the faithful boyfriend I need, so you’re getting a lot, considering. Most guy’s would kill to be in your position; ALL of the rewards and benefits, but none of the effort or commitment.”

The word rang in my ears and I blurted out, “All? What do you mean by all?”

She basically ignored my question, “I think it’s time we watch the video.” She turned on the tv, played with the remote and then her phone for a minute and a video came up on the screen.

It showed a woman in a white blouse, a black knee length skirt, and black stockings sitting on the couch with her legs on the lap of a man in dirty blue overalls and work boots who was giving her a foot rub with his called hands while she complained about her hard day at the office. The camera zoomed in on her wedding band and then his. Then there was a knock at the door and the woman answered greeting a large black man in a business suit with a passwordate hug and kiss. Then she took his hand and led him and yelled to the white man on the couch, calling him hubby and telling him to follow her. He did so, crawling on his hands and knees to the amusement of the white collared interracial couple.


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