The Benefits of a Girlfriend Ch. 02

Chapter Two: The Humiliation of Adam

I woke up that morning appreciate about the day ahead. I feared that Adam would once again come between me and Kristy, shattering my hopes and dreams. Not so long ago, he defeated me and spent the next few months rubbing my nose in it every morning I saw her come out of his room. But, I reassure myself that he had ruined it for himself and she had chosen me. Tonight would be my vindication. Tonight would be Adam’s turn for the humiliation of defeat.

At lunchtime, I heard a guy in the cafeteria trying to get rid of two tickets for a house show that night in the city. Because they didn’t serve alcohol, it was the only club in the city that allowed an under twenty crowd. I asked who was playing and the name he said rang a bell. After letting it sink in a minute, I remembered seeing a few of their cd’s in Kristy’s car. I offered him the face value of one ticket if I could have both. I fully expected him to try to counter offer way overface value and we’d negotiate to somewhere in between. But, to my surprise, he accepted.

When I got home, I showed the tickets to Kristy. She became very excited, hugged and kissed me. Then, she looked at the date printed on them, “Oh honey… It’s tonight? We can’t do that. Don’t you think it would be incredibly rude to take off right after Adam gets here?”

“Adam will understand, baby. I’ve never heard of them doing such a small vendor, before. It may be a once and a lifetime opportunity,” I persuaded, facetiously. I fully expected her to call me out on my bs, but she didn’t.

“You’re right. They usually only do stadium shows. Oh, I hope Adam won’t be too mad,” she fretted.

“I’m going to cook a nice meal before we go; some steak, potatoes, and steamed broccoli. I think that will more than make up for it.”

“Maybe,” she smiled.

Soon after I got started, Adam showed up with a just few bags full of clothes. I was cooking dinner, so Kristy answered the door, “Come on in. Make yourself at home. Do you need help carrying anything in?”

“This is all I’ve got left,” Adam answered. I thought about his big flat screen tv and video game systems. I figured he must have sold them to try to keep up with rent or utilities. I smiled, though I didn’t really take as much delight in his misery as I wanted to.

He came in and sat down. “What happened to all your stuff?” Kristy asked.

“I sold what I could and the rest I throw away,” he answered pretty calmly. “I was able to pay some of my bills, like my car payment. But, I still owe two months’ rent, three months electric, and they took back my cell phone since it was on a monthly.”

“Oh, that sucks, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s that bitch over there’s,” Adam quipped, referring to me.

I turned with a dirty look on my face. Before I could speak, Kristy scolded him, “Adam! I’m not going to have you two at each other’s throats. You both have your reasons to be mad at each other, but, as long as you are living under the same roof, you are going to be civil to one another.”

“Sorry,” he relented. There was silence for a few minutes.

“So, how can you survive without a phone?” Kristy asked him.

“Since I had that falling out with Dave and Tony over you, it’s not like I have any friends to talk to. But, I did have a lot of girl’s numbers in there, so it’s affected my sleeping arrangements a little. See, when I returned my phone, I asked them to save my contacts for me. The guy put them on a flash card and then told me it would be thirty bucks for the flash card. I only had twenty and didn’t get paid for a week. He told me he’d save it for me, but when I came back the following week, he didn’t work there anymore and nobody knew anything about it. So, I lost all my numbers. I should have written them down, but I didn’t think about it.”

“Oh, that sucks. So when’s the last time you got laid?” Kristy asked bluntly.

“Kristy!”I gasped, “Isn’t that a bit out of bounds?”

“It’s cool,” Adam told. “We’re all friends here, right? Honestly, it’s been over a month. The last time was the day before Valentine’s day. I was seeing this one chick who stays in the dorms. I thought we had something going, but apparently she already had a boyfriend and didn’t tell me until I told her after we fucked that I made reservations for dinner the next night.”

“Why didn’t you just find someone else to take to dinner?” Kristy asked.

“I did. We went to dinner and then to a party. On the way back to my place, I got pulled over and arrested for a DWI and spent the weekend in jail. Then, they took my license for sixty days. I had to get a bus back and forth to the school and that’s when I started working at the coffee shop since I lost my other job.”

I wanted to want to laugh, but I felt sorry for him. Still, there was a comfortable irony in the idea that ‘the player’ hadn’t gotten laid once since I started having sex with his ex.

“If you can’t drive, how did you get here tonight?” Kristy asked the question that hadn’t even occurred to me.

“I drove. I couldn’t leave my car back there.”

“Don’t be stupid, Adam. We would have come to get you and your car. You don’t want to get more time added on, do you? Oh, and we’ll be happy to give you a ride to the school and back each day, too.”

The conversation turned to classes and work out routines as I served dinner. Then, we ate and left for the concert. Adam seemed disappointed Kristy was leaving and she seemed equally disappointed to leave him. I was beginning to get worried, but she had a great time at the show. A couple of older guys were hitting on Kristy right in front of me and spiking her drink with the flask they snuck in. I was a bit offended, but she was enjoying the attention and I knew who she was going home with. Then, after I counted her drinking roughly six shots, she came over to me, wrapped her arms around my shouders and whispered in my ear, “Hey, baby. They said they know a secret route into the alley. If I go with them, they’ll let me suck their cocks. Would that be OK with you? I mean, it’s not cheating if you say it’s OK, right?”

“I guess it’s not cheating if I say it’s OK, but I’m not going to say it’s OK. You’re just drunk and those guys are just trying to take advantage. We wouldn’t even be talking about this if you were sober, so no.”

“Ah, you’re no fun. It’s not just cause I’m drunk. They’re cute and I’m pretty sure they have big cocks. I mean, if it was just cause I was drunk and desperate, I’d be asking to suck yours,” she laughed.

Just then, the two guys came up behind me and one of them asked her, “So what did the wimp say?”

“I’m sorry, boys, but my possessive boyfriend doesn’t want me to have a decent sex life,” she replied, giggling. “I think he’s jealous that I’d rather suck your dicks than his.”

The other one spoke, “Ditch him, then. We’ll take you back to our apartment and fuck your brains out. It’ll be the best night of sex in your entire life.”

I wanted to turn around and tell them to fuck off, but she was holding me tight and seemed to be in control of the situation when she answered, “I bet it would be and my pussy really want me to say yes, but my head and my heart want me to stay with him, so I’ll have to take a rain check. Sorry, boys…”

“Fucking tease,” one of them moaned. “We ought to beat the fuck out of him, take you in the alley and split your asshole wide open.”

I had enough and turned around, but before anything happened, the other guy put his arm in front of the chest of the guy with the bear and persisted, “Let it go man. She’s just a slut. There’s plenty more here.” The guy with the bear turned around to walk away, and the other turned to Kristy, grabbed his crotch and said, “Your loss, bitch.”

As I looked at her, she replied, “I know,” with a pouty expression on her face.

We sat back down and I put my arm around her and asked, “What was that all about? What’s gotten into you? Did you really want to fuck them?”

She told, “Kinda, but not really. I really just wanted to hurt you. Between seeing Adam today, watching the lead singer with his shirt off and that big bulge in his tight leather pants, and having two hot college seniors trying to get in my pants, I’m really fucking horny. And you know my new favorite thing to do when I’m horny is hurt my little masochist.”

“I know, but it’s not the time or the place for Truth or Dare, Kristy. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the show together and then go home, get naked, and you can say whatever you want to me.”

“Okay, but you better believe I’m going to hurt your feelings for Ruining my fun,” she laughed.

“And why am I looking forward to that?” I laughed, myself.

When we got back home, Kristy had sobered up a good bit. She entered first and stopped near the living room area where the tv was on. I went to the fridge to get her a glass of water out of the pitcher and brought it to her. That’s when I realized she wasn’t looking at the tv, but at Adam’s naked crotch.

“Kristy,” I whispered scoldingly, “This isn’t right!”

“What? He always sleeps naked,” she muttered. Apparently, since he was still clutching it, he had started the night with a blanket. Now, it just covered his chest and the lower portion was hanging off the couch, leaving him fully exposed from the belly button down.

“I mean what you’re doing, staring like that.”

“I can’t help it. Look at it. Isn’t that the prettiest penis you’ve ever laid eyes upon?”

I draped my left hand over her shoulder and cupped her breast, gently nudging her in the direction of our bed, kissed her ear and whispered, “I’ve never used the word pretty and the word penis in the same sentence and am not about to start doing it now. But, it is the biggest I’ve ever seen in person. A lot bigger thanthe only other one I’ve ever looked at.” I twisted her nipple.

She unzipped me with her right hand, pulled me out and started stroke me with her thumb and index finger, “Oh? You’re comparing this little caterpillar to that massive python. You know the LACK of comparison gets me hot. But, I’m not talking about size, baby, I’m talking about form, shape, aesthetic beauty. Don’t you think his is also a lot prettier than THAT other one you’ve seen?”

My first thought was “No”, but then my mind flash backed to the times I’d seen my flaccid prick in the mirror and how I though about how ugly the shriveled little thing was at the time. “Okay, yeah. I guess his soft cock is less disgusting than mine.”

She laughed, pulled me by my fairly erect Prick until I was facing her, then placed her hands on my shoulders and guided me to my knees. She unbuttoned her tight jeans and wiggled them down below her knees. I slipped off her shoes and she braced herself on my shoulders as she stepped out of her jeans and panties. Then, her hands on the back of my head guided my face to her pussy.

“Oh, yeah, eat me, baby. I want you to know that I totally agree with you. When your price is all soft and limp like Adam’s is right now, it is a disgusting thing to look at. But, when it’s hard like it is right now, it’s not so bad. I mean, it’s not pretty like Adam’s and it’s not something I really want to look at. So, I guess you could say it’s ugly, but it doesn’t gross me out like it does in its shriveled state.”

Her words stung and I responded by curling my tongue around her clip and stroking it which caused her to shudder and orgasm. I stopped licking and prepared to get up. She stopped me, “No, keep licking. I want to go again. I’m really enjoying the view, here.”

I started up again and after about a couple of minutes of staring and drooling, she spoke, “Now, Adam’s cock, on the other hand… When it’s limp and soft, like it is now, it’s a beautiful sight tosee. It gets my pussy wet and I could star at it all night long. But, when it’s hard, oh my, it’s absolutely fucking gorgeous. The veins, the head, it’s a work of art, a true sculptured masterpiece of Mother Nature, ah, oh, ah, yes, yessss…”

She came again and as she did, we heard Adam grunt and roll over. We both remained silent and still until she whispered, “False alarm, I think.”

I grabbed the remote, turned off the tv, and we went to bed, both snickering. She put a condom on me and I fucked her for about four minutes while she continued talking about the ‘pretty cock’ on the couch. Then, she grabbed her book and started to read as I drifted off to sleep thinking about how this was the most nights of confidential sex we ever had. We usually did it every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. For religious reasons, she suggested we abstain on Sunday. And, due to my late classes, she also suggested we abstain on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But, her reunion with Adam seemsed to be significantly improving our sex life, helping her give me the pain I required and helping me give her the pleasure she did.

The following day, I was able to get a case of beer. I cooked dinner and we all ate, drank, and played cards. Then, we watched a movie, Kristy sitting between us on the couch. I had my arm around her and could tell Adam was jealous. After the movie, we went to bed and Adam went to sleep on the couch. Kristy read for a bit and I did off while Adam fell asleep. She woke me, fingering herself and struggling my prick, while moaning, “Yes, Adam. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. I love your cock.”

For a moment in the haze of just waking, I imagined him on top of her, filling her pussy, while she half-heartedly struck me. Sensing that I was awake, she pulled off the covers and pointed to her pussy. I slid down and buried my face between her legs. “That’s it,” she moaned. “That’s what I want. Your tongue and his cock. Oh baby, I want it. I need it.” After thatshe remained silent while I licked her to orgasm. After she came, she panted, “Fuck me. Fuck me now. I need it.”

I got on top of her and prepared to enter until she stopped me, “Wait! What are you doing?”

“You told me to fuck you?”

“You’re not Adam. I was telling Adam to fuck me.”

I stared at her in disbelief.

She laughed. “Got you. But, seriously, where’s your condom?”

“Oh,” I laughed. “In all the excitement, I almost forgot.”

“It’s not funny, Michael. You can’t do that! You can’t forget! We can’t take that risk.”

Dejected, I got up and put on a condom. By the time I got back in position, I was only seventy five percent erect which was enough due to her wetness, but she could clearly tell I wasn’t at full strength.

“You know,” she told, “I wish another guy was on top of me right now.”

“Oh yeah?” I whispered, getting more aroused. “Who?”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter. The lead singer with the huge bulge, the college seniorsfrom last night, Dave, Tony, my ex-boyfriend Brett, any one of the boys from our college, any of the men in this building, even the smelly old ones, just anyone but you.”

I smiled, not really taking her seriously. “Oh, but not Adam?” I asked curious as to why she didn’t mention him.

“Of course, Adam, dummy. I wish Adam was fucking me now instead of you!” she yelled.

I gasped, “Kristy, what are you doing? He’s going to hear you!”

She smiled and turned. “I want you to say it. I know you feel the same way. Say you wish Adam’s big fat cock was inside me instead of your skinny little prick. Say it.”

The idea of ​​it: the words she used and the pain it would cause filled me with lust and a burning desire to see a wicked smile on her lips, so I gave in, “Okay, I wish Adam’s big fat cock was inside your tight pussy instead of my skinny little price.”

She grinned widely, “Doesn’t that feel good, being completely honest?”

I nodded as I continued to thrust.I was nearing the edge when, suddenly I saw a figure that looked like a cock creep into my peripheral vision. I ignored it until it moved closer and positioned itself right in front of Kristy’s lips. With my penis entirely inside her, I stopped thrusting and pushed on his stomach to shove him away, but he didn’t budget. “Get the fuck out of here, man,” I grewled.

“Keep your hands away from my dick, bitch,” Adam replied.

“Keep your dick away from my girl, asshole,” I quipped back.

“Stop it! Both of you. Adam, what the hell are you doing?” She asked as she pushed him away but grabbed hold of his cock to keep him at arm’s length.

“What’s it looks like? I’m trying to bust a nut here. It’s been almost two months and my balls are starting to hurt.”

I laughed, “Well, you can go over and sit in the chair and jerk yourself off while we fuck. We don’t mind, do we honey?”

Kristy looked at me and shook her head as Adam barked, “Fuck that shit. I ain’t no fuckingwanker. I ain’t never jerked off like you, loser.”

Again I laughed, “Yeah, right…”

Kristy looked at me and confirmed his claim, “He hasn’t, Michael. He doesn’t believe in it. Although, he’s an atheist, he believes the biblical teaching that it’s wrong because it makes a man weak.”

“That’s right,” he added, “I ain’t gonna waste a nut on myself when I know there are plenty of girls out there that would love to get me off. It’s my job to find them and convince them to do what they already want to. Jacking off is giving up and admitting you’re a loser, like skipping a workout or eating fast food.”

She looked at me, winked, giggled and whispered, “I think he’s talking about you…” I had only started working out regularly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, stopped eating fast food, and stopped masturbating since her and I got together officially. Though, I had slipped off the wagon a few times, skipping three worksouts and giving into my fast food cravings twice. I hadn’t yet masturbated, though.

Adam spoke, “You know, I’ve heard you two the past couple nights.”

Kristy looked at me with an expression of shock that I returned, before she looked up at him and inquired, “Wait, you heard us? What did you hear?”

“I heard you both comparing my cock to Mike’s, saying how mine was big and pretty and his was little and ugly. I heard you both saying how much you wished it was me fucking you instead of him. I heard you moaning my name and begging me to fuck you. So, I don’t get the problem here. If Kristy wants my cock, I want to give it to her, and Mike wants her to have it, what are we waiting for?”

Kristy looked at me, folded her hands together and pleased, “Pleeeeeease?” All I could do was nod. She pulled him towards her, turned her head and licked and kissed his cock until he was almost fully erect. Then she took him into her mouth and he gently pumped the head of his cock in and out.

During the conversation, I hadgone completely limp, but was still enjoying her warmth, so I was afraid to move. I looked at his cock struggle to see what the big deal was, no pun intended. Granted, the thing was impressive in size, about the width and length of a can of shaving cream. I thought about what common household item would be comparable to mine and all I could think of was a trial size can of body spray. Although that amused me, it did little to help the arousal situation.

Then, I thought about what Kristy had said about his cock being a work of art and tried to see it from her perspective. I tried to figure the appeal of the shape, the size of the head and what not, but just couldn’t see the difference other than size. But, then I noticed the veins, not only on his cock but on his chiseled arms. Although I had some muscles, my arms were smooth, like my cock. I saw the connection to strength, power, masculinity, and the ancient sculptors’ view of aesthetic beauty in the male form. This made me feel bad about myself which sent blood flowing back to my groin.

Then, I noticed the way her lips looked gliding over the ridge of his head and I tried to imagine what my cock would look like in her mouth. I was trying to remember the last time and suddenly I realized mine had never been in her mouth.


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