The Benefits of a Girlfriend Ch. 03

Chapter Three: Savoring the Moments

After he left, Kristy came out of the bathroom and walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. I was surprised to see her completely nude with damp hair. She held the coffee to her nose and inhaled, “Oh, I love the smell of fresh coffee. Hmmmm.” I just watched her, glancing at her bottom. It was a sight to behold when she was wearing tight pants or practically anything, but in the nude it was a masterpiece. She wasn’t one to walk around the apartment naked so I rarely got to see it like this. After a few minutes of silence, she asked, “Where’s Adam?”

“He went for a jog,” I told her. “Thankfully.”

“Yeah, I’m glad we have a little time to ourselves to talk,” she concurred. I watched her as she slowly sipped her coffee, but my eyes kept falling to her perfect ass. There was so much I wanted to say, but I was enjoying the view way too much to interrupt it.

After a couple minutes, she placed her empty cup on the counter, walked up behind me, put her hands on my shoulders and began to rub. After several minutes, she blurted out excitedly, “Oh, baby. Wasn’t last night amazing?”

I remained silent for a moment, thinking of the words to avoid busting her bubble, but still getting my views across, “At first, it really shocked me. And then I was both hurt and horny that you were sucking him while I fucked you and, Even more, when you demanded that I let him fuck you. But, when I came and he actually started fucking you, I couldn’t take it. I felt horrible and just wanted it to stop. All I could think about was ending it all just so the pain would stop.”

“Oh, god, baby. That’s awful,” she cried, wrapping her arms around me and kissing my cheek. “We won’t ever repeat that mistaken again.”

I let out a deep breath. “Oh, thank you, baby. That’s such a relief. I didn’t think you’d be willing to just make it a one-time thing.”

She took my hand in hers, “Come on.” She led me next to the bed, whichI hadn’t made, yet, and pulled down my pants and boxes. “On your back.”

“You know it’s Sunday, right?” I asked stupidly.

She laughed, “Oh that was just a dump excuse to get out of pretending I was in the mood for boring sex with you more than two nights in a row. But no more boring sex for us, right? Get on your back.”

I obeyed. She climbed onto the bed near my feet and crawled up my body until her breasts were hanging over my mouth and I could feel the warmth of her sweetness against my semi-erect prick. “Suck my nipples.”

I sucked the left and caressed the right, then switched. Considering that it was the first time I had ever recalled the bare skin of my prick coming into contact with her pussy, even just the outer labia, the moment was heavenly. Yet, an overwhelming urge to fuck swept over me. I reached up and grabbed her waist, planning to roll her over and fuck her bareback like Adam had done the night before.

But, as I did, she pushed my arms backdown and turned herself so that her pussy was directly over my mouth. Then she began stroking me in an upward motion with just the tips of her fingers. The odd but welcome sensing was all the encouragement I needed to forego my plans and lick her instead.

She pressed herself firmly to my lips and spoke, “Now, I think I need to clarify what I mean by not repeating the same mistake as it seems you Missunderstood. I know that not only are you quite capable of taking any pain I decided to give you, but also, deep down, you desperately need me to hurt you for my enjoyment. Isn’t that so?” She raised herself just enough to allow me to speak.

I wanted to argue, to repeat that last night had been too much, but I was way too hard and horny to object to anything she said, so I relented, “Yes.”

Once again she applied pressure to my face. “That’s what I thought. You see, the problem last night had nothing to do with Adam or me; it was your fault for ejaculating prematurely. As amasochist, your mechanism for overcoming pain is your arousal. So, ejaculating when there is still so much that I want to do that is going to hurt you is just plain stupid. It weakens your defense mechanism and ruins your fun. You should always be the last guy in the room to cum, never the first, Michael.”

I tried to speak, but it was muffled. She raised off of me a little and I asked, “Does that means you ARE going to cheat on me again with Adam?”

“Whoa, buster! I didn’t cheat on you. You said it was okay and you wanted it to happen, so it wasn’t cheating. It was just a sexual act we agreed to do as a couple.”

“What if I say no; that I don’t agree to let you sleep with Adam ever again? Will you cheat on me then?”

“No, I’ll dump you.”

“What?” I yelled and lightly shoved her to indicate I wanted her to get off of me.

“Don’t be stupid, Michael. If you want to be a baby, then I’ll get off you, but it may be the last chance you get to even see my pussy,let alone taste it. So, just calm yourself down. I promise I’ll explain, but only if you’re licking my pussy and I’m playing with your weenie as I do. We both know brutal honesty works better that way.”

“Okay.” She pressed herself to my lips and I began to lick, savoring the taste in fear of losing it.

“Now, Michael, I DON’T want to dump you. I love you. But, I’m not a masochist. Sure, I enjoy some pain like a light spanking, the twisting or nibbling of my nipples, or the momentary sharpness when a cock like Adam’s first stretches me out. But, I can’t deal with the hardcore emotional pain that turns you on. If I had to spend the next five weeks with Adam’s cock in the same room, itching to penetrate me, and not being able to touch it, taste it, or feel its fullness, I would lose my fucking mind in misery. It would be far more ageing than that little bit of jealousy you felt last night.”

I was a little pissed that she was trivializing the pain I felt the night beforee, particularly when I told her it included suicidal thoughts. But, then I started to wonder if maybe I had been a baby about the whole thing. After all, pain was my thing, not hers.

“So, yes, if you tried to do that to me, I would have to dump you. And, Michael, you know I’m the best thing that ever happened to you. You’d never be able to replace me. I mean, look at yourself. You have a soft, out of shape physics. Thankfully, you’ve lost quite a bit of weight from last semester, but you still have a long way to go before most girls would actually get excited to see you naked. And, then, once she sees what you’re packing, she’d get an instant headache. I would have gotten a headache that first night had I not seen you enough times in pajama bottoms or gym shorts to know you didn’t have any kind of bulge to speak of. I didn’t expect you to be as small as you are, though.”

I could feel myself stiffening even more with her words.

She giggled, presumable at that, beforeContinuing her denigration, “And your height is only about average, just like your face. So, those factors neither help nor hurt. But, then there’s the hair. Michael, you have less hair than most forty year old men. And I’m not trying to be mean. See, my uncle went bald at 30 and he went from bringing home a new hot girlfriend every holiday to settling down and marrying a plane Jane who already had two kids from her first marriage. So, if women in their late twenty things and thirties don’t want a guy with no hair, how much chance would you have with girls who aren’t even twenty yet? Not much, I’m afraid.”

I’m not sure exactly why, but what she had said about my hair didn’t feel very good. By that I mean, it did nothing to arouse me. In fact, it had the opposite effect. It was already a sore subject and perhaps there was way too much truth in her words.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess I shouldn’t have gone there. Now you’re little dickie is all soft and nasty. I guess there’s agood reason I’ve never even mentioned your hairline before.” She lifted herself off of my face and scooted down to where the bottom of her ass cheeses were barely touching my chest. “But, I do think it’s very important that I come up with ways to both increase your pain and decrease your pleasure for both of our enjoyment. I could feel you staring at my ass earlier. Why don’t you plant some soft kisses on that ass you adore while I try to think of something that will arouse you?”

After I strained my neck to plant roughly twenty kisses all over each of perfect chef, she teased, “That’s it my little asskisser. You do that like it’s what you were born to do. In fact, you’ve been kissing my ass since the day we first met long before I ever considered letting you see it nude, let alone fucking you. Speaking of fucking, you know I fucked Dave and Tony, right?”

“Really, when?”

“Last December, after you showed me the picture of that blonde with big tits riding Adam’s cock andtold me he had been cheating on me all semester but didn’t think I’d believe you until you had proof. I still didn’t believe you and I thought it was rather strange that he just carelessly let you take a picture of him fucking someone.” She edged back up to where her ass cheats consumed my field of sight and her lips were touching mine. “So, I went to Dave and Tony hoping to get some straight answers. They were reluctant to betray Adam at first until I offered to give them both some pussy in exchange for the truth. That’s when Dave said that Adam had been a pretty selfish friend, never sharing any girls or even hooking them up with the one’s he didn’t want. Is that true?”

I nodded with my tongue outstretched.

“Ooh, I like that answer. They also told me that the girl riding Adam’s cock was a stripper and that YOU had approached THEM with the idea to all go in together on to celebrate Adam’s birthday. They said they only agreed because she had a reputation for getting gangbanged by her clients. Judging by the angle of the picture, you had snuck into the kitchen, waited until everyone was watching them and snapped the photo. They said you were lucky her bodyguard didn’t catch you because he would have broken you and your phone. You completely set Adam up. Don’t you feel guilty about that?”

I shook my head, again with my tongue in her pussy.

“I think I like the way the yes feels better. Anyway, they were still mad at you and Adam for not getting a piece from the stripper. I kissed them both on the cheek, then turned to leave. I grabbed my purse off of the stand next to their door and took out my keys and jiggled them. When I turned around, you should have seen the look of shock on their faces! They looked like they were ready to cry. I smiled, put the keys in my purse and took out two condoms then walked back, turned around, bent over the couch, and hiked up my skirt to show them I wasn’t wearing any panties. Tony took me first, then Dave. Theyweren’t nearly as good as Adam, but they were both way bigger and better than YOU. I mean, I came on both their cocks.”

I moaned into her and thrusted my hips upward, inviting her to stop teasing and start stroking.

She did, but very slowly, “You know, to be honest, your little price has never made me come. I never even came ON it until last Wednesday and that was the look of humiliation and pain on your face not because of that little bit of barely noticeable rubbing you were doing down below. You know, in fairness, every guy I ever fucked was bigger and WAY better than you. But, that’s fitting, considering you were my unlucky number.”

Confused since I had only known about Brett and Adam and now Dave and Tony, I pushed up on her ass enough to speak, “What do you mean unlucky? Was I number six?”

“Try again,” she giggled.

I thought for a minute thinking I had to be missing something, but couldn’t come up with anything, so I winced, “It can’t be thirteen?”

She lowered herself back down, “Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. You get the special price of licking a pussy that a dozen guys fucked before you!” She giggled again.

After that she was silent for a couple minutes while I explored every part of her pussy my tongue could reach. As I did, I came up with a stupid rhythm that Kristy may have liked if I only had the opportunity to share it: I am not her best nor am I her first, I won’t be her last but I will be her worst. I’m pretty sure that most guys wouldn’t be proud of or turned on by that or the fact that they were their girlfriend’s unlucky thirteenth, which were the main reasons I was.

“It’s kind of ironic that you were number threeteen considering you tried to use Adam’s lucky condom and it was too big. It just says something about luck and fate. Would you like to know who else I’ve fucked besides Brett, Adam, Tony, and Dave?”

I stuck my tongue out and nodded my head.

“Good answer! From now on when you’re licking my pussy and I ask you a yes or no question, I want you to always answer yes and do it just like that. Will you do that for me?”

The idea of ​​always answering yes regardless of what she asked filled me with dread but also excited me since she could manipulate me into anything just by asking me when her crotch was mounting my face. So, of course, I nodded in agreement.

“That’s my boy. Okay, now let’s talk about the dirty dozen who were all better than you. First, there was Brett. I’d rank him second best. He wasn’t quite as equipped as Adam, but pretty close. Where Adam really has him beat is height and muscle definition. Brett worked out, but his lower back, abs, thighs, and butt muscles just didn’t have the power Adam’s do. As I said before, Dave and Tony were about average in size, which is what, about fifty percent longer and wider than you? Anyway, they fucked me doggystyle, which you’d never be able to with the size of my butt. That’s why you and I have only tried missionary. I think it’s best for your size, don’t you?”

I was actually quite happy at that point with missionary as well as our current sexual position which was a modified version of the sixty nine. And considering it was my only possible answer now that I’d agreed to it, I nodded.

“Good. There is actually a position that’s better for your size and probably would feel better for you and maybe a little better for me. But, I won’t do it since it requires me to do all the work. However, I did do it with my fifth guy. He came up to me after my first English lit class this semester, introduced himself as Yori, and asked if I had a boyfriend. I told him I didn’t. He asked me out for coffee. I asked if he had coffee in his room. He said he didn’t. I asked what he did have in his room. He told me soda. I said I’d prefer soda in that case. He took me back to his room and after he poured the soda and turned around to me, I dropped to my knees, unbuckled his belt, slid off his pants, and took him into my mouth. It didn’t take long for him to get fully hard. He was slightly below average, though he still had an inch on you. I stood up, took the glasses of soda and sat them on his desk, pushed him on the bed and stripped for him. Then I rode his cock while he massed my boobs. When we both came, he asked if he could see me again. I told him I wasn’t ready for any kind of relationship and that the only reason this happened was because I could tell he was shy and was proud of his courage. I also made him promise to keep what happened to himself. Now, doesn’t it excite you to know I rode this stranger Yori’s cock and will never ride yours?”

My agreement to always say ‘yes’ became very difficult at that point. In truth, at that very moment I wanted her to get off my face and ride my prick, instead. I was kicking myself for the promise I made as I nodded.

“The sixth guy was just your regular jock type. His name was Marco and he was a cocky jerk. I went out with him during one of your Thursday night classes. I went back to his room but I wasn’t sure if I was going to sleep with him until I saw his room Anwar. He asked Anwar to leave, but I asked him to stay. Marco called me a slut, but had no problem sticking his cock in my mouth or fucking me while I sucked Anwar’s smelly uncut cock. His dark masculinity was intotoxicating. Marco wore a Regular condom, was about average in size, and lasted about ten minutes. Anwar wore a XXL and lasted nearly twenty minutes. He was very rough and demanding. If I’d have fucked him more than once, he might have replaced Adam as my favorite lover. But, Marco ran his mouth telling people I was a slut and Anwar said his family would never approve of him dating a girl with that reputation. Do you think I’m a slut, Michael?”

I frozen. She couldn’t possibly want me to answer yes to that question. But after a few minutes of me holding still and her not stroking me anymore, she started lightly smacking my balls. “Answer me,” she ordered.

I nodded hesitantly with my tongue outstretched. After four slow licks up and down, I heard and felt her hand smack my balls with considerable force. I yelled into her pussy.

“Oooo, I like that. Do it again.” She smoked me again and I yelled louder into her. After a few moments of savoring my age, she started slowly struggling my prick again.

“It’s OK if you think I’m a slut, Michael. All of your coworkers do. After Anwar, I went a few weeks where Adam was the only one who fucked me. Then, near the beginning of February, I happened to notice your boss Chuck, the head janitor mopping some floors. Because of the way he was standing and the fact that the middle aged pervert wasn’t wearing any underwear, I could see the outline of his cock through his pants and it was impressive. I don’t think he saw me looking but I noticed his eyes following my ass as I walked by through a reflection in the window. Realizing it was just us in the hallway, I turned around and went up to him and asked if he liked staring at teenage girls asses. His jaw dropped to the floor. Then I told him he could get a better view if he took me into his office, bent me over and fucked me from behind. He left the mop and bucket in the middle of the floor and did just that. Does know that I fucked your boss get you so horny you’re itching for another smoke to the balls?”

I hesitated to nod, as I couldn’t believe her story. I had almost got into a fight with a couple of my coworkers when I overheard them talking about my girlfriend. And, yet, here she was admitting that she fucked my boss. How could I ever look at him the same way again? And does he know she’s my girlfriend? Do they make fun of me behind my back? The questions kept racing through my mind. While I was thinking, Kristy grew impatient and decided to bring her hand down in a closed fist this time. My lips were sealed around her pussy when I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“Oh my gawd!” she cried. “Now, that was amazing. It’s punches for you from now on, mister. Sound good?”

I nodded hoped she wouldn’t punch me again, at least not so soon.

Fortunately, she resumed her stroking and her story, instead. “But, it didn’t stop there. I told Chuck I’d meet him in his office at the same time the next day. I did and he fucked me the same way, bent over the desk facing the door. Soon after he started, one of your coworkers, Sam, opened the office door and walked in without noticed us at first. Chuck told him to anxious up, get in and shut the door. Sam tried to excuse himself, but Chuck insisted he come and get some. So, Sam whipped out his cock and stuck it in my face. It was a nice size and shape and I started to suck it. Soon after, he said he recognized me and asked if I was your girlfriend. I don’t know why, but I told him I was but we hadn’t slept together yet, so it wasn’t official. I asked them to keep quiet about it because it would breakYour heart. They agreed, but only if I was willing to keep doing this until it was official. Then Chuck insisted they switch places, which they did several times until they both had gotten me off and themselves, too.”


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