Almost imperceptibly, she hesitated as it became clear that the brownstone before them was their destination today. In the same subtle way, his grip on her upper arm tightened as his smile grew fractionally, and he ensured that their progress to the door continued as he had planned.
To the woman in jogging pants walking her dog as she glanced across the street, nothing had happened, just a couple reaching their home. She saw a tall well, well-dressed Caucasian man with glasses and a small bear, probably in his late 50s, with a younger lady. She looked Hispanic and wore a simple summer dress, strappy summer sandals with high siletto heels, her shoulder-length hair pulled back and held in a ponytail. The one feature that did seem out of place was her lipstick. It was a shade redder than seemed right. Her lips were perfect and shone as if the gloss was varnished.
The couple climbed the front steps in unison, moving as one. At the top, he reached into his left trouser pocket, pulling out a large, rather gothic key that he slipped into the brass plate on the door. Twisting and twisting again, the double lock clicked open so that when his hand moved to the handle, the door opened smoothly without a sound.
Inside the hall, it was semi-dusk. The light fell down from the stairwell above, breaking on the bannisters and, in places, illuminating the dancing dust that their entrance had disturbed. Stairs to the left led to the upper floors, while the simple, straight hallway ahead contained two doors leading to the right and a single door at the back on the left.
He guided her past the stairs to the second door on the right.
He stopped and turned her to face him. His left hand rested on her right shoulder as the thumb and forefinger of his right hand gently held her chin and guided her eyes to his gaze.
‘Laura, we both know your ideas are your security blanket, and your words are your weapons… of attack or defence – as devastating as a nuclear bomb or as subtle as an epee. Today, you will be stripped of both. I will take you back to the basic primary feeling being that you are. You know that I will not harm you, but you can turn around now and leave if you wish.
‘If you agree to enter this room, the words you say next will be the last you will utter until you walk back out of the door. Understood? Are you happy to continue?”
Laura’s eyes darkened from milk chocolate to plain and nodded her head. Her lips parted and he heard her quietly say, “Yes, please”.
The last word was delivered with a plaintive edge.
He dropped his hands to her elbows and watched her eyes lower as she accepted what would be.
“The rules”, he said, “are simple.”
“You may not let another word cross your lips until you return to this spot. You may make any other sound that you want or need to, but no recognize words in English or indeed in any other language.
“Should you slip and a word come out, thEre will be a rating punishment. The first time will lead to a five-minute time-out with the passage of all contact or stimulation. The second will be a 15-minute time-out. A third instance will bring the session to an immediate close and prompt my bitter disappointment at your lack of control. Other than that, you accept my instruction at all times.”
Her lips moved as she started to form the shape of “Yes….”, but before she could, his finger bridged her lips, reminding her of the rules. Instead, she nodded.
He twisted her to face the door and reached round to open it.
The room was dark except for a single cone of light from a source in the centre of the ceiling. Within the cone was a gynaecologist’s chair. The back was almost upright, and two leg stirrups and a webbing strap fell from each side of the chair. Besides the chair was a table over which a dark clothes covered the evidence of his toys for the day. There was also a coat stand witha clothes hanger.
He gave her long enough but not too long to take this all in before a hand in the small of her back encouraged her into the room. While not really afraid (she knew he would not harm her), she was uncertain, and her feet felt leader, but he did not let that impede their progress to the chair.
Rather than hear the door close behind her, she felt it run through her body as the darkness became pitch and the white light of the cone solidified.
While she entered the cone of light, he remained in the dark. She knew he was there and felt his presence as always when he was near, but she also felt some what alone. He was starting to strip her of the fences that she relied upon to keep her safe when she was alone. But she was not alone now.
“Undress and sit on the chair, please”
She could not see him, but he could certainly see her as she unbuttoned her dress, revealing the creamy lingerie set she wore underneath. As she slipped the dress from her shoulders, a gentle draft of air caresed her exposed skin, reflexively goosebumping her skin.
Turning to hang up her dress, she displayed her profile, firm full breasts, a curvaceous rear and shaped legs. Her tummy was not perfectly flat, but he was not looking for perfection. He wanted a real, geneine lady with the desire and capacity to love and submit, ultimately without limits. She was not yet that lady, but today could be a big step along that road, a road she so desperately wanted to travel. They do say that it is not about arrival at your destination, but the journey that counts, but deep down, she craved to reach the end of this road, for she was sure that when she arrived, a better road would open on the other side.
Remembering where she was and how she had been instructed, her hands reached behind to unclip her bra before shrugging it off and drawing it on the coat stand.
Next, her thumbs hooked the waistband of her thong as she slipped it past her hips anddown her thighs. Her feet were close together and still in heels as she bent forward. She smelt her arousal as she did and knew that his eyes would be harvesting the globes of her arse before she stood up and stepped one foot out of her knickers. She lifted the shred of clothes to her hand with the other foot before adding it to the bra adorning the coat stand.
That left her heels. She was not entirely sure whether he wanted Those off, too…she was naked after all…as instructed. She couldn’t ask him, so she decided and hoped she got it right. She stepped forward, still wearing her sandals, before twisting and sitting in the chair.
She heard him walking around the chair. There were moments when she thought she saw his feet in the spill from the light cone, but she was never sure. She just knew he was there. Her focus was on him and what he might do, and she noticed that the usual cacophony of thoughts and ideas that danced in her brain had quietly. They were there but not dominating. She was being controlled from without rather than within.
For some reason, she found herself mentally examining her body. Unsurprisingly, she just noticed that her breathing was shallower and faster than normal, the upper slopes of her breasts pulsing with life and expectation. Her breasts felt heavier, maybe as she was sitting straighter with her shoulders back. While her legs dangled open, Her fingers gripped the edge of the seat. Her grip was tight, but when she thought about it, that tension was not from fear but anticipation. It was a long while since she had felt so exposed, yet safe, so out of control that she did not know what was to happen, yet happy to be so.
She knew she was wet; she had already smelt her arousal undressing, but now, with her open legs, that heady aroma drifted up. She did not need to look down to know that her lips were blushing, filling with blood and colour, opening as a flower would to a buzzing bee. Her cunt wastense, and her arse clenched.
This was not conscious but rather in response to the situation he had created for her.
Just as she was about to close her eyes and lose herself in the moment, he stepped in front of her. He smiled, took her head in his hands and lean to kiss her deeply on those oh-so-red lips. As he straightened, she saw that she had left her mark on him.
His hands parted her knees, and he stepped between them.
“Are you ready?”
“Umm hmmm”, lucky she had remembered not to speak.
His hands slipped down the outside of her thighs, lifted and sat her back deeply in the chair.
“I am going to restrain you now. This is a physical reminder that we’re bringing control to your body and mind. It is not to punish nor intended to hurt, but will prevent you Wandering.”
He smiled at her.
Then he adjusted a stirrup and lifted her leg onto it. Her thigh was near vertical, her calf parallel to the ground, and the sole of her shoes faced the wall somewhere behind him. He fastened the strap over her shin and repeated each step with the other leg.
He stepped back to look at her. From the front, her thighs created a “V” of almost 90 degrees. Her bare, blushing cunt was exposed to him while her tiny clip still hid modestly from his sight.
Now, he walked behind her. He lowered the back a little and, in doing so, tilted her hips a little, lifting her cunt and exposing the tight starfish of her anus. When he was happy, he placed her arms on her side and lifted the strap she had seen. He wrapped it around her arms just about at elbow height and across her chest under her breasts. He fastened it behind her, not so tightly that she could not breathe, but enough that she felt it with every movement of her chest. The strap was some form of soft microfibre material that should not chafe her unless she struggled too hard – the trick would be. to relax.
She found herself looking up at the bright light source. Itwas uncomfortable bright.
His face appeared over her’s, “Are you OK?”
With out thinking she answered, “Yes” and immediately regretted it.
His face changed, hardened. Not the one she liked.
“Strike One”
With that, he reached and lifted the clothes from the company table. She could not see what was on it, but what he picked up was a MindFold. This is rather like a blindfold but more effective. It looked something like a pair of ski goggles, except it was totally opaque black plastic, and the edges were all black foam rubber. When hurt, there is no way for light to get in (or out, for that matter!).
It was with this MindFold that he took away her sight. He made sure that it was secure, and then she heard him walk out and close the door. She was left in total blackout and damn near silence.
How long would this be? Five minutes, if she remembered properly, but five minutes can be an eternity when you only have yourself for company. She felt the ideasin her head pushing back now, looking to stage a recovery, but she knew she was there for a reason, and while she had struck out once, she was going to try her best. She started closing her inner bulkhead doors and prepared for some time in the void.
Time dragged. The silence became noisy, tinnitus ringing in her ears as on a quiet night in bed. She felt what were probably imagined dreamts tip-toeing across her bare skin. She could see nothing but imagine everything. She pushed against her restraints but found little give, and then she felt her unease grow. It was not a panic, not yet, but a feeling she did not like, and it was building.
She thought about calling out. Be damned with this game. She was too intelligent to play like this, but as she gathered her breath, she remembered his promise that he would not Harm her and that he would be disappointed at her lack of self-control.
This realisation released an inner valve, deflating the bubble of anxeety inside and allowing her to drop into a more relaxed state than she could remember. Instead of straining, she felt as if she floated on the upper levels of some warm cumulus cloud, drifting without a care. The pins and needs developing in her legs were the only thing that intruded.
Whether he was watching for her to accept where she was or if it was just coincidencidence, her reverie was broken by the door opening and the sound of his approaching footsteps.
“Are you ready to continue?” he asked.
She nodded with her head and shoulders; she was so ready now.
His first touch was to release her left leg to stretch it straight, and then he used his large hands to massage the circuit back. Having done this and re-secured the leg, he repeated it with the other one.
Feeling the air move beside her, she knew he was close.
“I have taken your sight, now I will quietly your mind. The only sound you will hear distinctly is my voice.”
She could not see,but he picked up a pair of expensive over-ear headphones. These headphones cut out a lot of external sound, but these ones had noise cancelling, too. He slipped them onto her head, over her ears, and the world became silent.
Then she heard his voice through the earpieces, “I can’t leave you in there alone as I know you will start filling it, so instead, I will fill your senses with white noise.”
And he did. At first, it was nothing special, but as the seconds passed and he turned the volume up a little, it started to crowd out her thoughts, filling her mind with nothing to speak of.
Then his voice penetrated the crumpled, clatter of sound.
“Now we start on your body. I am going to clamp your nipples. I will warn you when each is attached. You will breathe and Keep breathing. You will not bite your lips. If you cry out, there must be no words. Are you ready?”
She nodded just before she felt his hand lift her right breast and something flick across her nipple, the little soldier standing immediately to attention.
“I will attach the clamp at three, so start breathing and keep breathing.”
Her mouth slightly open, she was aware that she was breathing faster
He twisted her nipple.
Something grazed her nipple, but she kept breathing.
And she could not help the exercise of air as she emptied her lungs. The sound was a groan, but she said nothing. The fire in her nipple was harsh and sharp to start with, but as she breathed, the feeling softened and spread as if molten lava was flowing inside her and gravity was pulling it to her cunt.
“Good girl, now the other. Same process.”
Her left breast was lifted, and the count started.
Half her mind counted, and the other half surfed the river of fire inside her.
“Two”, and he pinched her nipple before, with little hesitation, he spoke, “Three.”
This time, she was ready but not ready. She accepted the sharp pain more readily, and the second molden river followed the first.
“Very good”
She felt him cares her shoulders and arms, smoothe and warm.
He was filling her with the sensings and noises of his choice. The crackling in her ears was pervasive. The clamping of her nipples gave her a new focus somewhere around her stomach. What she did not know was that these were weighed clamps. Not too heavy but enough to pull against her nipples as she breathed and moved, enough to keep adding stimulus.
She did not know nor care how long he left her like that as she started to drift, metaphors mixing as she surfed the molten river, while resting on crackling clouds. The main thing she was not doing was thinking, she was just feeling. Neither was she talking, but she felt she was happy where she was.
It started as she floated somewhere, just outside of nowhere, black, yet colourful, full of noise, yet so quiet.
The heat from the nippleclamps had suffused her whole body such that she would now be hard-pushed to tell you where the sensings started were it not for the occasional tug of gravity as her chest rose and fall. While she may have lost her grip on where the feeling came from, she know where it was going. It seemed as if she had her own singularity, a black hole in her cunt, and every feeling was making its way there by the shortest, fastest route.
He could see the effect of this as her labia glistened, and her nectar crawled its way down past her anus and started to pool on the edge of the chair. Before long, it would be anointing the wooden floor below.
So what started? Well, it might have been light beams tangoing down her neck, between her breasts, across her arms, in fact across her whole exposed skin. The touch was so light, yet so define. It left warm trails in its wake until her outer skin felt charged with electricity.
Then she feel it touch her just above her clip and stroke betwe her legs. Her legs were still held in stirrups, exposing her sex to anything he chose to do. Like a skateboarder in a park, the sensing started on one knee, descended into the bowl and up the other side to her other knee. And back again. Time and again. Skipping between her parted lips in the form of miniature sexual parkour.
What she did not know, could not know, was that he now wilded two peacock feathers as if they were floggers. The feathers each had the distinctive blue/green eye and the lightest of fronds at their end. It was these gossamer fingers that were raping her skin. His aim and control were such that only the lightest parts of the feathers made the slightest touch, exactly where he wanted to.
Arm over arm, left then right, he worked her neck, torso, legs and cunt. He avoided her breasts and the clamps that decorated them. That would have been too direct, too define.
As he struck her with the feathers and moved around, he watched her body. He saw it takes on a glow and then a sheen. He saw her breathing becomes ragged and her chest shake the clamps. The only sound was a shallow wheezing as her facial features softened. Yet still, she remained silent.
“Good girl!”
She jerked as if electrocuted when his words sliced through the headphones. She had entirely forgotten where she was, with whom or why. She had just existed, floated, captured and at peace as never before.
“You are ready for your reward now. Stay still; don’t even try and speak; just trust me to guide you.
Then she feel his hand lift hers. While still bound at the elbow, she could move her forearm and flex her fingers. He guided her, palm up, to something she knew well. His heavy tests now rested on her palm She closed her fingers gently and involuntarily started to massage them. She felt what she presumed was his cock knock against her forearm. She knew he liked this but that there was a fine line between pleasure him andhurting him.
Had she thought about it, she might also have enjoyed the irony that while he had her bound and blindfolded, she now held him in her hand, quite literally. Who had the power over who?
No matter that, he had other ideas.
“Now, Laura, I will remove the clamps one by one. You know this will hurt, but I want you to prepare and absorb the sensings like the good girl you are and not squeeze and hurt me. You will need to be aware of much and control it all. And remember… no talking!”
“Squeeze my balls gently if you understand and are ready. Let go of my balls if you are unclear.”
Momentarily, he feel the reassuring squeeze that made his already rampant cock swell just that little bit more.
“Now, Laura, I will count as you breathe. At five, I will remove the first clamp. Keep breathing, and I will count. At ten, I will remove the second clamp.”
With “One,” her inner attention focused on her breathing. For the moment, she did not hear the sound or think about what she held. She synchronised her breaths with his slow, “Two….., three……, four” and prepared for what she knew was to come.
At “Five”, her world exploded in a cacophony of colour. Her breath ran away from her, and he flinched (but said nothing). Her hand spasmed slightly.
What had been a warm glow in her breast was now an atomic bomb. The connection to her cunt remained intact as she instinctively clenched and almost peaked.
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