He stood over her, his belt in one hand and a drink in the other. Raising his glass to his lips he noticed the ice had melted more than he expected, the large cubes watering down the bourbon. That was probably a good thing, he knew he would hurt her if he lost his head and she wouldn’t tell him to stop when she was this far in. This was the sixth weekend in a row she had been to see him and her pale skin showed evidence of His work over the last few visits. He couldn’t see her face but knew her right cheek still bore his handprint. He had never backhanded a woman before but there had been many things he had done with her that were new. She brought out something primary that almost frightened him. He took one more sip and placed his glass carefully on the table behind him then raised his arm, aiming for her outer tigh.
She heard the stiff leather hit her skin an instant before she felt it. A sting and then heat spreading through her body. He rarely spoke when they were togetherand never gave a warning before delivering a blow, but the first was always warning for the next. She sucked in a breath sharply and arched her back. The next strike caught her across the buttocks. A third and fourth followed quickly and she cried out, only to have him push her head down into the cushion of the ottoman she was kneeling over. Once more and then she heard ice clinking on glass as he took a drink.
The belt had left angry red stripes on her skin. He pulled a piece of ice from his drink as he knelt behind her, she gasped as he ran it gently over the welts. He caressed her skin with his other hand and she arched her back again, her body becoming for more. He noticed how wet she was now and ran his fingers up her slit and over her ass, it amazing him how much she really did enjoy this. It also amazing him how much he enjoyed it- his cock was throbbing now. The ice was melting on her skin and leaving trails of moisture where it touched, he ran it down to her ass and pushedit quickly inside. He clamped his hand over her mouth just as she started to cry out and drive his cock all the way inside her ass behind the ice cube. She screamed against his hand and he pulled her body back against his, he grew and sank his teeth into her shoulder, making her scream again. The ice melted quickly and lubricated his long, deep strokes as he fucked her, pulling out almost all the way before slamming back into her.
She was gasping for air but grunting every time he sank his cock into her ass. He was big, bigger than any man she had experienced before and this was the first time he had been inside her. They had discussed it, God, she had begged him to fuck her but he never had. Now that he was she was in equal parts pain and ecstasy. He took his hand off her mouth just long enough for her to get a deep breath in, then covered her mouth and nose, completely cutting off her air supply. They had experimented with some breath play before and her orgasm had been mind-numbing. She shuddered with the anticipation of the one she could feel building. He released his bite on her shoulder and pain suffered through it as blood flow returned, at the same time he wrapped his free hand up in her loose hair and pulled out of her ass. She had a split second to feel very empty before he slowly pushed into her pussy. He began thrusting slowly, deliberately, pushing in deep every time and within a matter of seconds her body started to shake. Blackness was creeping in around the edges of her vision, her whole body was trembling and her muscles were contracting around his cock inside her.
He pulled her against him with both hands and pushed in as deep as he could go. There was resistance when he met her cervix but he kept pushing, there would be no part of her body that wouldn’t feel this tomorrow. He was close and he could feel her orgasm- her muscles squeezing his cock and her juices running down their thighs- he moved his hand down to her throat and groaned, filling her pussy with cum. In a distant part of his mind he was surprised, she had sucked him dry twice in the last few hours and didn’t think he had another in him. Easing his grip on his throat and hair, he realized she was unable to hold herself up. He eased her down to the floor and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest as she panted softly. He was still catching his breath as well, but then again no one had been cutting off his air supply. He felt her breathing slow and saw that her eyes were closed.
“Daisy!” he whispered.
She moaned lightly and looked up at him through half-closed eyes.
“Good girl.” he said and pulled her back into him, closing his eyes. His last thought before drifting into sleep was that he could love this girl and maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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