The Awakening of Crystal Ch. 02

When Crystal finally fell asleep it was not relaxing or comfortable, but filled with fitful and dark dreams. Waking up started every few hours, she looked at the clock and then at the man lying next to her. He seemed content in his sleep. Staring at him in the darkness, she wanted to wake him, tell him she was uncomfortable and wanted to go home. But something inside her said that if she did, he would not be very happy. She Surmised he would get mad and discipline her. And so, she remained silent, trying hard to fall back sleep.

The dreams were dark and menacing, each one involving domination. She was the object of some man’s fascination with bondage. Each time she tried to get away from something evil, she found herself unable to escape. In one particular dream, that seemed so real, she found herself enjoying the discipline. The leather struggling her body made her whimper, eagerly waiting the next painful but enjoyable assault. He was asking her if she liked it and she calld out in her sleep for the man to give her more. The image looked exactly like Nick and upon waking, shaking, perspiring and breathing hard, she knew it was just a dream. Glancing at Nick to see if he was awakened by her outburst, she heard only his soft even breathing.

Unable to sleep and chained to the headboard, Crystal’s mind mulled over the events of the previous night. She and her husband, Charles, had a delightful evening celebrating their tenth anniversary. The last thing she remembered was using the women’s restroom and returning to the table. After that, everything was a blur and nothing but darkness filled her mind. She tried over and over to remember what happened in the restaurant, but only confused thoughts rambled around in her head. She remembered talking to her husband and then the next thing she remembered was waking and Finding herself bound to a chair with this man sitting in front of her. How she got there was still a mystery.

Crystal tried hard to figurere out how this man know about her watching porn. It was as if he had access to her computer. When he started disciplining her, she had initially resisted Nick’s tactics, afraid for her life. But as the disciplining continued, she had to admit, some of it turned her on. The pain was real, not like the videos she watched and where it was safe to imagine being hit with a flogger or a riding crop. There was no real physical pain associated with watching other women be distributed by a dominant man or women.

Thinking of her orgasms with this man could only be described as intense. She couldn’t remember the last time Charles made her feel this way and they certainly were not like the orgasms she had while watching porn videos in the privacy of her bedroom. The private ones at home were induced by her fingers or one of her toys while her mind conjured up fansies of what it would be like to be one of those women. Sighing as she looked out into the darkness of the bedroom, she had to admit she enjoyed the intensity releases of last evening’s orgasms. They were not fantasy but reality.

Crystal shifted and felt a streak of pain in her ass, bringing back a memory of him fucking her backdoor. This was a taboo subject with her and Charles. They tried it once and it was a clumsy effort. Nick knew what he was doing and though the pain was still present, it didn’t hurt now as bad as it did when he fucked her. Would he fuck her ass again? Crystal shivered at the thought of Nick banging her from behind.

Her mind shifted to Charles and what he must be going through. Then, as if hit with a lightning bolt, she thought of her purse and cell phone. Where were those items? Did she leave them in the restaurant? Or did this madman have them hidden away so she couldn’t call for help? Jumbled thoughts screamed in her brain. If she could only call Charles or the police, she might gain her freedom. Maybe she could fool him into letting her call her husband. Hearing a sound, shelooked at Nick, seeing him start to stir as the morning light filtered into the bedroom.

Nick’s eyes flickered open and he stirred, waking from his sleep. Turning to face her, his eyes blinked a few times, adjusting to the dim light and the figure lying beside him. Her face was a mask of concern as he smiled, yawned and then stretched his arms over his head. His voice was tinged with a bit of humor. “Well Crystal, did you have a good night’s sleep?”

She glared at him. He seemed so cocky and arrogant. “No, I didn’t. Are you done having your fun and going to let me go home? My dear Charles is probably worried sick about me.” Her voice took on an indignant tone. “And where is my purse and cell phone?”

Nick remained silent for a moment before responding. “Your purse and cell phone are in a safe secure place. When I decided to let you go, I’ll give them to you.”

Maybe reasoning with him would help her situation. “Please let me call my husband. He’s probably worried sick about me.” She hesitated for a moment and then added, “And if it’s money you want. I’m sure my husband will pay whatever you want.”

If she only know the real story. She would eventually find out in good time but it was not his place to tell her. That would be her husband’s choice to tell her how he planned the whole thing. Would he tell her he paid him $20,000 to have him Take her for the weekend? Nick doubted he would tell her that part of the story.

He sidled up against her and felt her try to shy away. “No, you’re not going to call your husband and you’re certainly not going to call the police.” His fingers ran over her cheek. “And you are not going home today because I’m not done making your fans come true.”

She tried to squirm away when his fingers slide down her chin and blow until they were touching a breast. “I don’t care about my fansies. I just want to go home.” The pressure of his fingertips on her breasts made her shiver. “Please don’t touch me,” she implemented.

Ignoring her comment, Nick cupped and massaged the well-formed mound, seeing the nipple he was teasing growth taut. “It would be a shade to send you back to your beloved husband without letting you enjoy more of your fans.”

Crystal was scared. “I don’t care about my fans. Please let me go home,” she whimpered, her eyes narrowing as if trying to hold back tears.

Nick sensed Crystal was going to be resistant all weekend to anything he had planned. And why not. She thought she had been abducted, which in a way was true even though her husband orchestrated the whole thing. Last night he played the tough guy, dishing out discipline along with pleasure that he was sure she secretly desired. And while she acquired to some of the discipline, her underlying fear of him stopped her from giving in completely to the sexual experiences.

It was decision time for Nick. Did he tell her about Charles and how he commissioned him to show Crystal the reality of her deep desires? Or did he continue to play the bad ass and hope she found the inner spark that would ignite her desire to be a real submissive? From her mannerism, he doubted she would magically decide to let go of her inhibitions. Maybe it was time to let her in on what her husband planned from the very beginning.

She might balk at the truth and be angry, but maybe once she accepted her situation, she might be More comfortable and willing to open up to her own fans. This was Charles’ surprise anniversary gift and if she believed it was, then she might trust him and give in to her dark observations. He hesitated, staring deep into her bright emerald eyes, seeing fear which confirmed to him that, until she knew, accepted and relaxed, she was going to remain compatible. If she fought him constantly, it would make for a long weekend.

In a very serious voice, he knew what needed to be said. His facial expression was soft and alluring, giving her his best friendly look. “Crystal, there is something you need to know about why you’re here with me.”

Her eyes opened wide and her mouth hung partially open. She yanked on the restraints holding her safely to the headboard. “What ….. what are you talking about?”

“I’m not supposed to tell you until you leave but I think it better that you know now.” Her face scrunched a little but she remained silent. “This weekend is an annual present from your husband.”

She practically spit out her unbelieving response. “WHAT ……? YOUR LYING ……” Her arms yanked hard on the restraints, her body squirming on the bed and her eyes glared.

Nick quickly put his finger over her lips. “Relax and let me finish.” She seemed to calm down for the moment and Nick continued. “Your husband approached me a few weeks back after he found your open laptop while you slept. He saw you had visited some internet sites that catered to bondage.” Her eyes opened wider. “And while he was a bit upset that you keep it from him, he said he loved you very much and wanted to make you happy. Personally, I think he should have confronted you but that’s between the two of you and it was his choice not to tell you about what he found on your computer.”

“I don’t believe you,” she whispered in a disbelieving tone. Her eyes narrowed, searching his face for any sign of lying and wondering what game he was playing.

“You can believe me or not. It doesn’t matter to me because what I just told you is true.”

Crystal was at a loss for words. What the fuck is going on? Did Charles whore her out for the weekend?

Nick watched her eyes quickly scan his face and when she didn’t respond, he continued. “He contacted me on my web page and we met at a downtown tavern. He told me how he found your laptop and know your relationship wasn’t like what you were viewing on my website. He wanted to tell you but didn’t know how to approach the subject with you. He knew he wasn’t the type of manwho could give you that kind of pleasure.”

Crystal was floored with the realization her husband had found her dirty little secret. She felt sick to her stomach that her dark pasttime was exposed. She felt trapped and cornered. How many other people know about her observation with bondage? Did her girlfriends at the club know?

He stopped talking as she tried to register his words. Giving her a sly smile While his fingers continued to toy with the rigid nipple, he knew she wanted more details. “I know from our time last night that you liked the pleasure you obviously got from watching the videos.” She started to say something but he pressed his fingers against her lips. “He told me he loved you very much and wanted you to experience the side of you that was curiously directed to more erotic and kinky sex. It’s nothing to be ashamed of Crystal.”

Crystal’s mind was reeling with confusing and conflicting thoughts. Should she believe this man? Hell, he put her though hell lastnight and then made her sleep chained to the bed. Her voice was frosty and disdainful. “You’re making all this up. I don’t believe a word you’re saying!”

Nick’s voice took on a more serious tone. “Be quiet and let me finish.”

Crystal was flustered but kept quiet for the time being. Listening to Nick tell her about the meetings he had with Charles and how they planned the evening at the restaurant, Surprised her. Her eyes starred blankly at his dark orbs as he revealed how he watched her from the bar. She let out a soft breath, eyes blinking, when he told her how her husband slipped her a mickey and after it started to take effect, he came to their table. “I didn’t imagine another man at the table,” she murmured in a very soft surprise tone. She mulled his words while he told her about the car ride and then placing her in the chair.

She couldn’t stay quiet any longer. Her tone demanding. “Why are you telling me all this now? Why didn’t you tell me last night? WhyNot keep me in the dark until you set me free.”

His fingers released her hard nipple and then stroked her cheek, chuckling when she quickly turned her head in a futile attempt to get away from his touch. Capturing her chin, he easily pulled her head back so their eyes were fused together. Gazing into her emerald eyes, he detected a weak sparkle. “Because ….. because Crystal. I need you to trust me so You can truly enjoy the experience of being a submissive.”

“Yeah right,” she sarcastically murmured, trying again to turn her head away from him.

Nick’s first instinct was to slap her but he held off. She needed to trust him and believe he was here to guide her though her initial experience with submissiveness. He had plans for her to meet some of his friends and it would be good for her to have a little trust in him. “You can believe me or not but it’s the truth. I want you to trust me and more importantly I want you to keep an open mind ……… letting your inhabitations take a vacation. If you open your mind to new exciting sexual experiences; who knows it might just help your sex life with Charles?” He saw she was going to speak but again he put his fingers to her lips.

“Last night you were scared and I know you are this morning. But if you really think about everything, this is what you’ve wanted to experience in person and not behind a computer screen late at night when your husband isn’t home.” He could see her expression change as she mulled over his explanation. He tried to drive his point home again. “I want you to be more open and trusting. And if you do you will experience things you only dreamed about late at night when you pleasured yourself while watching porno videos.

Her voice was filled with venom, pulling on her restraints and arching her back. “How do I know you’re telling me the truth and not lying just to take advantage of me?”

“I’m coming clean with you Crystal. I’m not the monster you think I am. If I wanted to really hurt you, I could have done it by now.” Getting up, he crawled to the edge of the bed and picked up his wallet. Pulling the picture of Crystal from it, he held it up for her to see. “I have this picture given to me by your husband the first night we met.”

Crystal was speechless. She squirmed again, pulling on the restraints, wishing she could be free of them. Her voice streaked with hatred. “How do I know that you got it from him. For all I know you hurt him and stole it from him.”

Nick picked up his cell phone from the bedside table and showed it to Crystal. “Is this Charles’ phone number?”

Staring blankly at the familiar number, she shook her head. “Ye …… yes,” she stuttered.

If he called Charles, Nick knew Crystal might call out. “I guess There’s only one other way to prove it to you. But you have to be quiet.” Nick’s fingers were poised over the call icon and he saw what appeared to be some anticipation on her facial expression. Dropping thephone on the bed, he turned to the bedside table. “I better make sure you remain quiet.”

She watched him pull a scarf from a bedside dresser. “No ….. please I promise to be quiet,” she pleased. But it was to no avail. She struggled, twisting her head from side to side but in the end, Nick secured the gag in Crystal’s mouth. Her eyes glared at Nick, realizing she would be unable to yell out at her husband.

Nick smiled and observed her naked body, taking in the softness of her skin. He couldn’t resist touching her cheek and then his fingers made a trail down to a breast while she squirmed, trying unsuccessfully to get away from him. But Nick took his time, drawing circles around the darker pink colored areola and then rubbing the hardened nipple. Tweaking a nipple, he chuckled as her eyes squited shut and a groan escaped from behind the gag. “Such a lovely body,” he mused running his fingers into the valley and up the opposite slope, teasing it with circular designs and then tweaking the other nipple. Nick had a particular love of breasts and as he massed each one, he found his own desire rising. But there was something more important that needed to be done. Pinching a nipple, he chuckled when she let out another groan. “Time to call in and report to your hubby.”

Crystal closed her eyes hoping it was all a dream but he was tenacious in his touching of her breasts and though she squirmed, she was unable to escape his touches. Then when he picked up his cell phone again, she watched with anticipation when he hit the call icon. She saw him hit the speaker icon and soon the familiar voice of her husband filled the bedroom. She tried to yell but the gag was well-placed and the only a guttural sound came from her throat.

“Hello Nick. How’s everything going with Crystal?” Charles’ voice sounded gleeful on the speaker phone.

“I wanted to give you an update on how things went last night.” Nick saw the piercing gaze from Crystal’s emerald orbs. His fingers ran aimlessly over her breasts as he waited for Charles to speak.

There was a pause on the other end and then with a bit of hesitation after a deep breath, asked, “Is Crystal nearby? Is she ok?”

“She fine and she can’t hear anything. You might say she is tied up at the moment.” Nick chuckled, wondering if Charles got the humor. Winking at Crystal, he tweaked a ridid nipple, seeing her eyes close tightly.

Crystal moaned at the sharp pain in her nipple, wishing she could yell at her husband for being a fucking bastard.

“Did everything go as planned Nick? Did she suspect I had anything to do with this when she came out from under the influence of the drug?”

Nick rubbed a rigid nipple and smiled at Crystal. “Na, she thinks I kidnapped her and she’s Still trying to figure out if I hurt you or maybe even killed you.”

The sound of a loud chuckle resonated over the speaker and Crystal squirmed, unable to escape Nick’s roaming fingers as theyslid from her breasts to her tight abdomen. She wrinkled her brow into a scowl, wiggling her body in an attempt to stop Nick’s roaming fingers.

Another chuckle from Charles echoed on the phone’s speaker. “Good. I don’t want her to know I was the one who suggested this. I probably should have told her but I wanted it to be a surprise.”

Crystal couldn’t believe her ears. She forget about Nick’s fingers drawing small circles on her lower abdomen, inching closer to her tightly closed thighs. Charles had set this encounter up with Nick and didn’t mention anything to her about finding porn on her laptop. Why didn’t he says anything? Wild thoughts whirled through her mind. What was his game? Why was he allowing another man to have his way with her? When Nick’s fingers touched her vulva, her attention was drawn back to the conversation.

Nick grinned, staring at Crystal while he answered Charles. “Ohhhh she was surprised alright.” His own chuckle sounded omino. Pressing his fingers into the furrow sheltering her sex, he smiled as she tried to hold her tights tightly together.

“Did she fight or argue with you?”

Sliding his fingers down over her thighs, he didn’t force their way between them, at least, not for now. “Let’s just say she resisted at first and then seemed to accept it and then resisted me again; all the while pleading to let her go home. I don’t think she’s wrapped her head around the idea of ​​relaxing and enjoying what she’s kept hidden from you.” Nick forced his fingers between her tights as he added, “but I have a feeling that today she is going to be very accepting of your anniversary gift.”

Crystal had flashes of last night’s sexual bouts, remembering how she tried to resist the discipline but also basking in the pleasure of her orgasms. Why should she give into this man? She clamped her thighs tightly on his fingers hoping she could ward off his grouping fingers.

Charles’ voice was suddenly filled with concern. “You’re not going to tell her, are you?”

“No Charles. I’m not going to mention anything about an anniversary present. I’ll leave that up to you when she comes home tomorrow evening or maybe Monday morning.” Nick saw her eyes widen a bit at the realization she was going to be freed at some point. “But like I said, I think she’s going to be more relaxed when she wakes up this morning.”


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