9 Aug 3:10 PM
I had to claw my way back out of the thick fog that enveloped my whole being. It was like swimming through molasses. Then the smell of bacon frying blew away the fog. The events of the night returned to me. Yes the sex was wild and amazing, but more than that, the nightmare-free sleep had turned me into a new man, or at least the old me before the nightmares started. I wasn’t sure what to attribute that to except possible for Angel, since she was the only thing that had really changed recently in my life.
Back to the sex. Wow! I replayed all of it in my mind and allowed myself the luxury of savoring each moment. Her cent. Her amazing body. The wetness dripping in my mouth. The way she looked at me while she was having orgasms. Her skin. Her grogeous breasts bouncing with each violent thrust. The strength of my orgasms and the hardness of my erection were also erotic all on their own. Honestly I had not paid any attention to her needs but I sensed that she wanted it that way.
The images of the past night, and morning, caused a familiar stirring and my cock pressed against the fabric of my pajamas. Wait, pajamas? Last I remember I was buck naked between Angel’s legs and pounding away. So how did I get into my pajamas? And I should also be covered in, well, sex. But I smelled and felt clean and even the sheets appeared freshly changed. And where was Angel? Was she the source of the smell of cooking bacon? Then I panicked. Roxie! Angel was roaming the house and Roxie doesn’t like strangers, or even friends for that matter.
I leave up and ran to the kitchen and what met my eyes set me back on my heels and I froze just inside the door. I’m also pretty sure that my jaw dropped open. Angel stood at the stove plating eggs, bacon, and toast. Roxie was sitting quietly next to her cocking her head at the little tune Angel was singing. For a moment I had a horrible feeling that I was still sleep. Angel handed a small pieceof bacon to Roxie which she gingerly took from her hand. Okay, my world was upside-down now. Roxie being hand-fed by a stranger.
Angel turned and headed for the table with the plate of food. The table had been set and even had fresh flowers in a vase. She had also apparently been rummaging around the house while I was sleep because she wasn’t wearing what she had arrived in. I recognized the leather studied collar and Leash she wore around her neck but the rest of the outfit didn’t come from my inventory. She was wearing a black leather bustier adorned with red ribbons and tiny bows and below that were tiny black satin panties and black thigh-high stockings with big red bows on the back. But I have to admit that the sexiest thing was that she had pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She had been a busy girl.
My cock gave me away but she kept her eyes down as she approached the table and sat the plate down. Then she moved to the back of the chair and pulled it back fromthe table, waiting for me to sit. She remained silent as I sat and she pushed the chair in, then she moved to the side of me and kneeeled on the floor. What she did next blew my mind. Angel took the leash that was attached to the collar and handed the other end to me. She offered both hands, palms up and open with the leash drawn across them. She was displaying submission and supplication. I took the leash and attached it to the back of my chair. Roxie apparently didn’t want Angel to be alone because she padded over and laid down on the floor next to Angel. Ah, my two favorite girls. Wait a minute! Why did that thought come to mind. But I decided that there was still work to do to help Angel so I remained in character.
“Circe, how did I get into my pajamas?”
She still didn’t look up but kept her eyes downcast.
“I put They on you Teacher. I wanted you to be comfortable and you were sleeping so deeply and peacefully.”
“And why don’t I smell, like, um..”
“Mypussy Teacher? I gave you a sponge bath and changed the sheets. I wanted you to wake refreshed.”
“And your outfit? I know the collar and lean are mine, but the rest are not.”
“I had Alexandra do some shopping and she brought them to me.”
“So you and Alexandra are in cahoots these days?”
Angel did not respond and just sat quietly.
“And how is it that you and Roxie are getting along so well? She generally doesn’t like anyone except me.”
“Well sir, we had a little girl-talk while you were sleeping and I told her that I was proud of how well she had taken care of you. Then I asked her permission if I could help her take care of you too. She agreed and we’ve been BFF’s since.”
“What makes you think I need to be taken care of?”
She remained silent.
“I asked you a question Trainee. What makes you think I need to be taken care of?”
Again she remained silent but obviously tensed up.
“Trainee! Answer!”
“Because you do! It’sso fucking obvious! That’s why I came here last night!”
She paused for a few moments while her anger turned to tears.
“I’ve said too much and lost control. Please punish me! I’ve been a bad Trainee and failed yet again.”
“What did you say Circe? What do you mean by that’s why you came here? I sent my driver to get you.”
Shit! Shit! Shit! You said too much you stupid bitch Angel! How are you going to get out of this one? He’s not ready to face this directly and you did so well last night and now you may undo all of that. Think Angel think!
“Can I be completely honest Teacher?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I had the feeling that you hadn’t have intimate with someone for quite some time and knew you might be pretty horny. And the way that you have been training me has done nothing but build the sexual tension with no release. Yes I’ve had orgasms that were controlled by you but it’s not the same as being with another human being. To put it bluntly I needed to be fucked. Fucked long and hard. And I knew that I could count on you to step in and help when you thought I was in trouble. So I faked a panic attack to get over here for you to fuck me and tricked Alexandra as well. I figured that if you were the one that fucked me then you wouldn’t break our contract. But I needed a cock in my pussy so desperately that I manipulated you. And I did, didn’t I? I used your dick and your sense of chivalry to get my pussy satisfied. So what are you going to do about it, Teacher?”
Well that’s done it. At least I had protected Alexandra and with any luck I made him mad and he wouldn’t think about the holes in my story. And maybe, just maybe, I could continue to chip away at that Berlin Wall he had surrounded himself with.
“I see. That’s negative behavior isn’t it Trainee? And you know that negative behavior gets negative reformation don’t you?”
“Yes Teacher. But whatever you do it was worth it. You fucked my brains out and I feel great. No matter what you do to me you can’t undo the wonderful soreness I have right now in my mouth and pussy from that huge cock of yours. Boy can you give a girl a good fucking!”
Tillman was silent for what seemed like an eternity, and those steely eyes bore into me. I shifted slightly, trying to avoid the eyes that would discover my lie and end this relationship. Ok, I’ll say it even though you already know it. I’m in love with Tillman and if he cuts me loose I don’t know what I’ll do.
“Seems like we have some further training to do Angel. I’m going to finish this breakfast and then we will get started. You sit there quietly until I’m done. I hope you haven’t eaten anything today, besides my cum, since you don’t want food in your stomach for what is to Come, but you will need to hydrate so drink this.”
He handed me a large bottle of water and I told with relief. He bought it. The sense of relief was quickly replaced with a sense of dread. What did he have in store for me? Then I obviously shuddered. But wait, he called me Angel. He hasn’t called me that since I signed the contract. I filled with joy and warmth and my pussy second the feeling by getting wet. Oh girl, how do you do that after all the juice you made last night? And now Tillman was going to see wet panties, again! I sat quietly and waited while he ate. He fed some morsels to Roxie but ignored me. I didn’t care. We were continuing together and that was all that mattered to me.
Angel’s excuse was weak and contributed and I immediately saw the delay while she came up with the deception. It was as full of holes as a block of Swiss cheese. She was mostly lying but I had to admit that she had me fooled last night about the panic attack. That took talent. But why did she do it? I really didn’t believe that she just wanted to get laid. That just made no sense whatsoever. One thing for sure, she didn’t want to quit and she definitely did not want me knowing whyshe had manipulated me. How do I know that? Well it’s because she tried so hard to define me by taunting me and she had to think there was a possibility of me ending the contract out of sheer machismo. I wanted to figure out why she wanted to continue badly enough that she was willing to risk a contract termination. For sure I didn’t want her knowing that I didn’t believe her so that means I had to continue my act by punishing her.
I wasn’t ready to be honest with myself at the moment but I did know how desperately I wanted to kiss her as she kneeeled there next to me. Yes we kissed last night but that was different. That was sex kissing which connects directly to the penis and libido. I wanted to cup her face in my hands and kiss her gently which connected directly to the heart. Oh fuck! Is that sappy or what? That’s Just plain embarrassing! Get it together man! Keep it up and your balls are going to turn into ovaries.
There was no rush as I finished the meal Angel had made. Did I already mention it was delicious? It was just eggs, bacon, and toast but it was the best I’d ever had. I told Roxie to go to her spot and then stood, and taking the lean from the back of my chair, jerked on it forcedly. Angel let out a little yelp that was partially strangled by the jerk on the collar. She needed to believe that I was mad at her and that my pride had been hurt.
“Do not stand up! Follow on all fours like the untrained animal that you are! And if you don’t keep up I will just drag you. Move!”
I jerked the lean again hard and walked away quickly. I heard her grunting with pain as the her knees kept hitting the hard ceramic floor. Out of my peripheral vision I could see that her stockings were torn and her knees were starting to bleed. Inside I really wanted to slow down and let her get up, but I needed to keep up the charade. Besides, skinned knees healed, and soon skinned and hurt knees were going to be the least of her concerns.
I was so glad that he bought my story. But right now I was in pain. My knees were getting torn up from trying to keep up. And my expensive stockings were now ruined. I had held onto the notion that tonight would be a repeat of the last and the lingerie was part of that plan. But I botched it, big time. You know, Tillman has been trying to teach me control and I’m just struggled with it. If I would have just considered my words, or said less, I might have been on my back tonight with him between my legs again. But now I know where we were going to end up which was the last place I wanted to be. The dungeon. Well not the last place. The last place I wanted to be was released from the contract, so I guess the dungeon has a silver lining. The bookcase door opened and we descended into the depths as I heard the bookcase door close behind us. It was like he was reading my thoughts.
“Just so you know Trainee, the dungeon has military grade acoustic insulation with noise canceling systems on the exterior and in the ventilation ducts. A small explosion could happen in here and people in the Library wouldn’t hear it. So by inference your screams, no matter how loud, will not be heard.”
We stopped at a post to which he cinched the leash tight and it pulled my neck up against it. I could smell the dank stone beneath me which also carried the scent of sweat, fear, and piss.
“You will stay Here while I make preparations.”
Ok, now I was a little excited but more than that I was scared to death. Not that I thought he’d kill me or hurt me irreparably. Mostly I was scared of the unknown and whether or not I could pass the test or tests. Then I heard loud banging with a hammer and the sound was just too much. I felt warmness, first in my panties and then it was running down my legs. As the flow increased it broke free and it became a steady stream splashing noisily on the stone floor. Great! Pissed myself again. The banging ceased and I heard Tillman heading back my way.
“Oh what a shame and how embarrassing. You peed in those pretty expensive panties like a little girl. And you messed up my nice floor. Let’s see, that requires punishment too.”
Tillman stepped over to a rack and grabbed a whip, a flail I think it’s called.
“You made a mess of my floor so you need to be a mess. Lay down in the puddle you made.”
Ew! Lay down in my own pee? That’s disgusting. But I delayed for a minute and the whip hit me hard on the ass. I bit back a yelp and then laid flat in my now cold pee. The whip struck again and really stung. The interesting thing was that I heard it as it arced through the air.
“Well those panties are ruined and they are protecting your ass from the direct contact of the flail. So they need to go.”
The right side of my face was laying in my own pee, which is considered better than laying in someone else’s pee, even though that’s never happened. Yet. Tillman bent down next to me and grabbed my pAnties and I saw the flash of a knife which easily cut them away. Wow, sharp knife.
The whoosh of the flail cut through the air which helped me prepare for the strike. This time I yelped when it struck. My ass was wet from piss which increased the sing of the whip. Again, whoosh, snap yelp. And yet again. The blows were measured but my ass was becoming very sensitive and I screamed a few times but refused to cry. A few more and then they stopped.
“Are you going to pee on my floor again Trainee?”
“No Teacher, I will do my best not to.”
Whoosh, snap.
“No Teacher! I will not pee on your floor again!”
“You know, considering the past recent events I think it’s time for a change of names. You will now refer to me as Master and you are now Slave. Do you understand?”
“Yes Master.”
He undid the leash from the post and told me to stand. Again there was a sharp jerk on the leash and he lead me to a corner. There was nothing there except a grate inthe floor.
“You smell of piss Slave and that offends me. We need to clean you up. Stand in the corner.”
Tillman picked up a hose that looked like a small fire hose and the next thing I knew I was almost knocked off my feet and a high-pressure blast of cold water hit me in the chest. It hit so hard it took my breath away and knocked my tits out of the bustier. I spluttered and struggled to catch my breath.
“Turn around Slave!”
I spun around as directed and the blast hit me again and the worst part was it pumping my ass which was sore from the whipping. The spray stopped and I must have looked like a wet damaged dog and I was freezing as well. Tillman stepped over.
“Is it cold in here Slave, or are you just happy to see me?”
Cheap shot. My nipples were more erect than I had ever seen them before. He tossed me a towel.
“Dry off and get the rest of those things off. They are ruined anyway. Leave the collar and lean on.”
I unhooked the busier and let it fall to the floor and peeled off what was left of my poor stockings. It felt really good to dry off. And once again I was naked in front of Tillman, but it felt different. Probably because we had screwed our brains out last night and I had sat on his face and had sucked his cock. Once you’ve done that the whole nakedness thing takes on a new perspective. There was another yank on the leash and this one hurt my neck a bit. He led me over to the stone wall which had shackles attached high on the wall and down on the floor. He pushed me roughly up against the wall and put his hand around my throat slowly tightening. My vision started to narrow. He had his fingers and thumb in just the right place where it was cutting off my blood supply to my brain.
“Look at me Slave! Look into my eyes and don’t look away.”
Just as I was about to fail he released his grip and my vision returned. Then his hand went back but not as tight this time. His grip was so strong that itmade my knees weak. I had noticed his strength previously when he pulled me out of the limo by my hair. Yet last night during sex there was a gentleness to him. Yes it was frenzied and animalistic but there was an underlying gentleness. Even with his grip around my neck I could feel the control and desire to not really harm me. Of course that didn’t mean I wasn’t in for some pain but I knew then and there that I would be safe.
“Raise your hands over your head and spread your legs.”
I did as I was told and felt the shadows close around my wrists. Tillman then knelt down and locked my ankles in the floor shadows. The rough stone of the wall overled against my shoulder and buttons and I was stretched tight. As Tillman stood he moved close. He was about a foot away and looking directly into my eyes when I felt his hand roughly grab my pussy and thrust a finger in my vagina. I moaned and my eyes rolled back into my head a bit.
“Oh, so that’s what sort of Slave you are.Well let’s just see what you can handle.”
He stepped away and rolled over a table with all sorts of clamps and medical instruments. He reached down and grabbed something that looked like a clothespin but made of stainless steel. He reached out and grabbed my left nipple and pulled it out roughly. I let out a little gasp and he chuckled. Then he clamped the pin on my nipple and it hurt. Then he did the same to my right one.
“You know, I think you are enjoying watching this and I need to put a stop to that.”
With that statement he put a black hood over my head and my world descended into darkness. Then another clamp went on, and then another. With the hood on, all I could do was focus in the sensing and the pain. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and wetness starting to flow from my pussy. Oh you bitch of a pussy, you are such a slut. I try to be a good girl and you give me away every time. Shit! More clamps. How many more were there going to be?
Angel was holding up well but I had just started with the clamps. After the nipples I encircled her areolas and then I ran a line of them along the side of her breasts up to where they met her arms. Every single sensitive area would be clamped. Another line of about 50 each ran under her arms from the armit to the elbow. Her breathing was becoming labored and she was starting to whimper with each new zone. Even though she had a hood on I clamped her earlierbes and lips. Then a line ran down her sides from armpit to hips. Smaller clamps were attached it the area where her butt transitioned to thigh. Fingertips and toes, the back of the knees and the inside of the thighs running all the way down to her ankles.
Now for the piece de resistance. Kneeling down I examined her pussy to see where I wanted clamps. Juice was actively running down her leg. I was constantly amazing by her body’s ability to produce lubricant. Angel was continuously moaning and whimpering now and all her majormuscles were involuntarily twitching. Five clamps went on each labia major but these were special as they had eyesets in them. I ran a cord from one, ran it behind her and then attached it to the opposite one and cinched it tight. I repeated the process for the remaining clamps which had the effect of pulling her wide open. A second set with eyesets was attached to her labia minora and the process with cords was repeated. Then I grabbed her clitoral hood, stretched it out and slide a v-shaped clamp over the tp and behind. Then I attached two ball shaped weights to the bottom legs of the “V”. Then I took a tapered plug that had a heavy weight attached by a cord and slide it up into her vagina.
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