8 Aug 9:40 PM
(Four hours prior to Tillman’s crisis at the end of Chapter 9)
I had been sitting on the back porch and just chatting with Alexandra like we’d been friends for ages. Of course the two bottles of wine had also helped the conversation. Eventually we meandered to Tillman.
“Alexandra, can you tell me anything about Tillman? It seems like he Knows all sorts of things about me but I know very little about him. Can you tell me about how you came to know him? I don’t want you to get in trouble or anything though.”
She got a far off look in her eyes and I saw the beginnings of tears. Alexandra paused for a moment like she was choosing her words carefully.
“I really like you Miss and I know that you will keep this to yourself as much as you can, knowing what Tillman’s talents are. What I’m going to tell you I’ve never told anyone else but I very much want to tell you.”
“Firstly you need to know that I work for Tillman, both in a civilla role and a military one but I knew him long before I ever went in the military. The short story is that Tillman and one of his teams saved my life and that of my two sisters. Civil war was raging in my home country and some rebels came to our house one night. My father tried to protect us and our mother but the rebels overpowered him. The tied him to a chair and made him watch as they brutally raped my mother for days. Eventually she died from the abuse and then they went out his eyes. The leader would not let the men touch me and my sisters but I didn’t know why.”
“We were blindfolded and put in a truck which traveled for a few days. We stopped one night and were taken into a house and our blindfolds removed. An older woman was there and she took us with her and told us everything was going to be alright. But it wasn’t. She ran a whosehouse and we had been sold into the sex trade by the rebels.”
“It was a nightmare Miss, and it went on for weeks but me and my sisers did what we had to in order to survive. Then very late one night, when all the customers were passed out, there were flashes of light, and bangs, and soldiers with night vision goggles clearing the rooms. They told all the girls they were friends and they were there to take us to safety. There were female soldiers with them and they took us to helicopters. On the way out of the whorehouse we saw many dead customers and the security men who guarded us.”
“We were brought to the United States and Tillman arranged for everyone to have good homes and educations. When I turned eighteen I decided to join the military to try to pay back some of the great gift I’d been given. After a few years Tillman arranged to have me transferred to his special unit. But I can’t tell you anymore about that side of things.”
Honestly I was dumbfounded. This little, beautiful woman was a rape survivor and someone on a very special military team. I had experienced some of her personal strength previously and now it all made sense. “Please go on Alexandra. I’m just happy with whatever you are allowed to tell me.”
“Yes of course Miss. In any case, Tillman saved my life, and not just that one time. It has been many times since on various missions. But I should also tell you this, but you must promise to never tell Tillman, even under torture.”
“Alexandra, I will do my best but I’m not sure I can promise that. You know how capable he is. I can promise you that I would have to be in extreme pain before I said anything.”
She paused for a moment and looked intently into my eyes as though she were trying to judge my determination to keep her secret. Then in a moment I could see that she had decided.
“Miss, I am in love with Tillman, and have been for years. Who wouldn’t be after what he did? But he does not love me. Not in that way anyway. He sees me as a little sister, and if he ever found out my true feelings he would kick me off the team because he would saythat my emotional involvement could cloud my judgment. But being on the team is the only way I can watch out for him, and I love him so much that I care more about his well-being than my own personal feelings.”
A couple of tears formed and ran down her cheek which were quickly wiped away as she perceptibly forced her composure back in line.
“I should also tell you that I’m very Worried about him. He never talks about it but at one time he was engaged to a really great woman but a terrorist group found out about her. While he was away on a mission they kidnapped and tortured her. Eventually the strange her and dumped her body. They tapped the whole thing and put it on the internet. He actually saw a highly censored clip of the video while he was sitting in the airport on the way home. He pretended like it didn’t impact him but between that and the stuff we have done on missions…”
Her voice trailed off into tears and I joined right in. After a few minutes of huggingand crying she continued. I had questions I wanted to ask but didn’t dare interrupt such an outpouring of feelings.
“He has nightmares Miss and gets very little sleep. And they are getting worse. He used to talk to all of us about things beyond the missions but now he is just so withdrawn. But you came along and it seemed to help. He looks at you in a way that he’s never looked at me, or any other woman that I know of. Some of the guys have mentioned how he looks at you and they say it’s the same look he had with his fiancé. And I know what you are thinking Miss. You are thinking about my feelings and how that if I love him so much it must really hurt me for him to have feelings for you. And you are thinking you should step away. But you cannot do that. I want him to be happy because of all that he has done for my family and so many others. He deserves some happiness that I can’t give him. But maybe you can. And if you are able to help him then I would be indebted to you and it would complete my happiness.”
“But I’m so afraid that he’s going to do something to himself. He has sunk to depths that the Team is just as worried as I am now but we are helpless to reach him.”
At that last statement Alexandra began to cry and this time she didn’t try to hold it back. I cried along with her. Such a sad story for a man who had done so much to help others. Then I got really scared. I had a premonition that something bad was about to happen.
“Yes Miss?”
“I’m going to ask you to do something for me. I’m scared something bad is about to happen to Tillman and I want you to get in touch with him right now. Tell him that I’m freaking out about something and that he needs to get me to his place right away and that you think I’m in really bad shape. Will you do that for me? For Tillman?”
She didn’t even hesitate and picked up her phone and stepped into the other room and made the call.
9 Aug 12:32 AM
I was floating above myself and watching me place the muzzle of the 45 automatic in my mouth. It would be quick and then I could be at peace from all those demonstrations. It would be so nice to rest. My finger tightened on the trigger taking up the slack. And then my phone rang with the emergency ring tone. I contemplated not answering for a moment and my finger continued to tighten on the trigger. Then it rang again and I got pissed. I set the gun aside and answered the phone.
“Hi boss. We have a problem here. Angel is freaking out and I can’t calm her down. Something must have set off another trigger and I’m worried about her stability. She keeps mumbling something and then saying your name over and over. It might be best if you got her to your place.”
Ugh! I had to admit that this messed things up a bit but Angel needed help and I was always the helper wasn’t I? I told Alexandra that I’d have the car there shortly to pick her up. As I was hanging up I reached over and dropped the pistol into the partially opened nightstand drawer.
9 Aug 12:35 AM
“He agreed Miss. The car is on the way and should be here in 20 minutes. His voice was very detached and I’m even more scared now. What are you going to do when you get there?”
“I’m not totally sure Alexandra but I think you people in the military call it a tactical interference don’t you?”
Alexandra nodded.
“For now I’ll just have to play it by ear but it’s time Mr. Tillman let some people help him. But I need your help at the moment. We need to make me look like I’ve had a total breakdown so let’s get my makeup messed up, and my hair and clothes a wreck.”
Alexandra started to work and another idea entered my mind.
“And let’s find me a button up top that can be opened easily but will hide that I’m not wearing a bra. And let’s find some of that calming oil.”
“What are you planning Miss? I see a conniving look in your eyes.”
I laughed, “Alexandra, Tillman might have fought a lot of battles against a lot of bad guys over the years, but he’s about to fight another battle that I hope he loses. My mother used to have panic attacks and I think Tillman is going to get to see one in action.” With that I turned at Alexandra and we got to work since we only had about 15 minutes left.
9 Aug 1:40 AM
The chime indicated that the car was pulling into the driveway. I stepped out to meet it and even before the engine stopped I heard sobbing. My driver shot me a concerned look and I opened the door to see a completely disheveled Angel. Her eyes were puffy, mascara had run all down her cheeks, and lipstick was smelled all over her mouth. Her hair was a rats nest, she was hyperventilating and her eyes were darting wildly about. I reached in to help her out and she screamed. What the hell was this all about? Truthfully I was a little worried because it was so out of character for her. What had set this episode off? I finally got her in the house but she was hysterical and I couldn’t make out anything she was saying. Then she got a phrase out between the tears and the rapid breaths.
“I, I, nee..d to l-lay down….”
She latched on to me with a death grip and wouldn’t let go. I half-walked half-carried her to my bedroom and tried to lay her on the bed, but she wasn’t letting go. Roxie was giving me the evil eye and I told her to go to bed which she dutifully did, although grudgely. I tried prying her loose but the grip just got stronger as did the hyperventilating. I had no choice but to fall onto the bed with her and I tried to work my way loose but all I got was increased reaction and sobbing.
“P-please don-don’t leave me!”
So there I lay on my side with her locked to the front of me and incoherent. I wasn’t sure what to do so I just did nothing except stroke her hair.
Now I had him where I wanted him and he had taken the bait hook line and sinker. I was afraid that hewould see through my deception but either I was a good actor or he wasn’t thinking clearly. In this case it was probably a little of both. My next step was to get onto my back and after an appropriate length of sobbing and hyperventilating I relaxed my grip enough to roll back onto the bed. Of course the chivalrous Tillman tried to excite himself to leave but I was having none of that. As he tried to pull away I ramped up the hysteria and begged him not to leave me. I grabbed him by the shoulder and neck and pulled his head down to lay on my chest.
“I feel like my heart is going to exploit from my chest. Please just lay here with me. Please!”
I used my best helpless female voice. Now before you get all bent out of shape please remember that I was trying to help him and I was shooting from the hip. If talking sappy was what would work then sappy was what he was going to get. Sue me if you don’t like it.
He laid still with his head on my chest and so I gave him somepositive reformation by slowing my breathing and calming on the crying. I made sure to make my breathing deep and rhythmic and he started to relax even more. As I slowed even more his body started to go limp and I reached for my silk shirt and pulled it open. His cheese was now laying on my bare breasts which had some of the calming oil on them.
As I relaxed he relaxed, and soon I could tell that he was sleep. As I laid there I stroked his hair but I didn’t go to sleep. I wanted to hold him and keep him sleep so while I was laying there I glanced around the room. On the dresser was a picture of him and a very beautiful woman in what looked like an engagement picture. I stood the urge to cry but wept on the inside. Turning my gaze I saw the partially opened drawer of the bedside nightstand which contained a pistol. I hoped it was Just for defense but had a nagging feeling it had a more ominous purpose.
The warmth of the side of his face on my bare breasts was having aneffect on me. Plus he had some bear stubble coming in and it was creating a prickly sensing on my tits. Add to that my forced celibacy and the experiences of the past few months which I couldn’t stop thinking about had the normal biological on me. I started getting wet. What the hell, he was probably going to figure this out and cancel the contract and I was crazy horny.
I reached my free hand down and undid my jeans and slid my hand into my panties and followed my labia to my vagina and dipped my finger into my juices and smeared them on my clip. Tillman laid there on my breasts his breath warming them. My arousal built as did the flow of my juices and I went back numerous times to transfer more to my clip. The little circles I was tracing got more urgent and quickened and I focused on Tillman laying there on my tits. I tried really hard not to react strongly to my orgasm but didn’t do a good job. In any case Tillman didn’t stir.
I couldn’t stop myself and keep masturbating to three more orgasms and Tillman slept through them all. I was so fucking wet that my jeans were soaked. Then I had a killer idea. I took all my fingers and scooped as much juice as I could and smelled it all over my chest. I went back a bunch more times until my whole chest was wet and smelled of my musk. Then I laid there the rest of the night stroking Tillman’s hair as he slept. I didn’t know where Things would go next but basically I was living in the moment.
9 Aug 9:45 AM
Fog was clearing from my head. Light was getting through my eyes. What time was it? I was feeling really good. Why was that? Oh, no nightmares. This was great. What was I laying on? Then the night before came to mind. Angel. I’m laying on her chest but there’s no shirt or bra. The soft warmth of her bare breasts overpowered me. Then my nostrils picked up a scent off her skin but it wasn’t perfume. It smelled really familiar and good. I breathed in deep and then it clicked. Itsmelled like pussy.
An electric jolt of adrenaline and testosterone shot through every cell of my body and I honestly lost my senses. My penis jumped to life and my hand crept up to find a breast. It found the target and gently squeezed and then brushed the nipple. Angel let out a little moan and pushed slightly into my hand. I circled her areola with my fingertip and then rolled the nipple between my fingers. It immediately got hard.
Turning my head slightly my lips found her other breast and began to kiss gently. Angel moaned a little more and turned towards me. My tongue flicked out at her nipple and started licking off the dried pussy juice. I was so far gone I didn’t even question why it was smelled all over her tits. Within just a moment she grabbed me and pulled me towards her lips which Parted eagerly, her tongue eagerly seeking out mine and every nose and cranny of my mouth. She grabbed my tongue with her lips and sucked it in and out of her mouth repeatedly likeSome little cock struggling in and out of a vagina.
My hand traced along her stomach to the waistband of her jeans which were already undone, another curiosity that my lusting brain overlooked. Sliding my hand in under her panties I found an oasis of warmth, softness, and wetness. She moaned louder and bucked her hips towards my hand which was exploring the folds of her flower.
More testosterone let loose when I felt the pressure of her hand against my erection. I hadn’t been hard like that in a long time and I basked in the sensing. I barely noticed that she had moved and my pants were being undone. But I for sure took notice when my cock was encircled by her hand and pulled free. She stroked it for a few moments and then I felt the warmth of her lips on the head of my penis. I nearly came right then and there. Her lips slide down to the base of my cock and I heard her make a little gagging sound followed by a moan of pleasure to which I added my own. I was lost in the sensation of her mouth sucking and licking my cock and then she sucked my balls into her mouth. Mentally at that point I was no longer there. My whole being focused on my cock and her sucking it in and out of her mouth.
“Tillman, grab my hair and fuck my mouth!”
Robotically I obeyed and began thrusting like a man possessed. I was getting close and I stopped and pulled out.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m stopping. I’m about to cum.”
“I don’t want you to stop. I want you to shoot your cum in the back of my throat.”
To which I thrust right back in to the base of my cock. She made a gurgling sound and then thrust out her tongue and licked my balls. I lost it and started pounding her throat mercilessly. She just moaned harder and the harder I thrust the louder she moaned. I couldn’t take it any and felt the muscles in my groin start to tighten, and they got tighter and harder to the point they almost hurt. Then she grabbed my balls and it was unstoppable then. Muscles contracted, my cock jerked in her mouth and jet after jet of hot cum shot down her throat. She was moaning and swallowing and I noticed that she was rubbing her pussy while I was shooting my load in her mouth.
Finally the last contract stopped but my erection remained firm. Angel sucked and swallowed the last remaining cum from my cock and moved up next to my ear and whispered, “You’re not done yet,” and then climbed up and straddled my face hovering over it about a foot away so that I had a good view. Looking up I saw her engorged pussy and then noticed a little glistening clear drop. I watched mesmerized as it grew and then dropped away connected by a strand of juice. It dangled there, swinging gently back and forth and getting longer and closer to my face. I opened my mouth and touched the drop with the tip of my tongue and it stuck itself there. Soon the strand started streaming and I eagerly sucked her juices into my mouth.
The taste of her was pure bliss and soon I couldn’t stand it anymore and I grabbed her hips and pulled her pussy to my mouth. I flicked my tongue into her vagina, and licked along her labia and then circled her clip. She moaned and pushed into my mouth. Again and again, vagina, labia, clip until I sensed she was nearing climax and I focused solely on her clip and clitoral hood. Her moans increased, and she started to grind her hips and Angel grabbed my hair and forced my face hard into her pussy. Her orgasm was strong and hard and she screamed with ecstasy as she rode the wave. Her wetness flowed freely over my face.
Before the orgasm ended she rolled off onto her back and spread her legs.
“Fuck me Teacher. Fuck me now. Make me your bitch, Make me cum again!”
My cock was raging hard and I rolled over Between her legs and positioned my cock against the lips of her pussy, and rubbed it into her labia to pick up her lube. She didn’t close her eyes and was looking right at me begging me to enterher. Finally she couldn’t stand it anymore and reached for my cock and rammed it into her pussy. Her warmth enveloped me and she grunted with delight. I descended into a frenzy of mad thrusting and not thinking much at all about her needs. But I do know that she came a bunch of times, or at least made a good show of it if she was faking. In any case I blissfully banged away at her pussy, biting her neck and nipples, grabbing handsfuls of butt, pulling her hair roughly, slamming her hips into the bed. Then the familiar tension built again but much stronger this time. My thrusting went out of control and I started grunting and my cum released in wave after wave. Then my world went black.
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