The Awakening of Angel Ch. 09

3 Aug 10:10 PM


As I sat across from Angel in the limo I contemplated my next move. She had reacted in a way that I had expected but the speed at which she had backed down was surprising. Most women who thought of themselves as strong would have stood up and walked out. But the truly strong ones fight back. When Angel walked out of the ladies room with her panties held out for all to see, she was fighting. She fought her fear of embarrassment, she fought her fear of being dominated, and she fought her fear of the unknown. And I knew she was afraid because I had picked up the acidic smell of vomit when she came back to the table.

So there she was, gorgeous as ever, looking at the floor with her hands folded in her lap. And she was being silent. Smart girl. Tactical it was a good decision to let me make the next move. As I looked closer I could see that she was biting her lower lip to keep it from quivering. Man that just drives me crazy when she does that!It took all of my discipline to not leap across and take her in my arms. But that wasn’t what was best for her right now. What she needed now was to be stressed, because under stress is when secrets are revealed.

When we pulled up to the house I told my driver we were done with him for the night and that he was released. He tipped his cap and got out of the car and once he was inside the house I turned to Angel.

“You do remember our contract correct?”

Quietly she said, “Yes Teacher.”

“Are you still in full agreement with the terms of that contract?”

More forcedly this time, “YES Teacher!”

I stepped out of the limo, reached in and grabbed a handful of hair, and roughly yanked her out onto the driveway. In the process she went sideways and broke a heel. She made a little sight of sadness which made me laugh on the inside because I think it was mostly sorrow over the broken Prada. The broken heel was fortuitous because it made her hobble and she kept stumbling. That means I had to keep yanking her up by her hair to keep her upright. The subliminal message to her was that she needed me to walk.

I basically dragged her up the steps and into the house where we arrived at the hidden passage to the dungeon. She whimpered a bit when she realized where we were but didn’t resist going in. Once in the main chamber I stopped at a spot that had two straps hanging from a heavy beam.

“Stand here. Don’t move. Don’t speak.”

Angel did as she was told. I took her handbag and kneeed down and removed her heels. Standing up I waved the broken heel in her face accusingly and throw it all forcedly across the room. She flinched slightly and her eyes grew wide but she remained still. I retrieved a large bottle of water and handed it to her.

“Drink it all. Now.”

The water disappeared in short order.

“Strip. Everything.”

There was a slight hesitation but there wasn’t a lot left to come off since I already had thepanties. The dress fell to the floor and then the bra.

“Step out and kick them away.”

The expensive Dior slide across the grimy stone floor.

“Above your head you will find two straps. Place your wrists through the loops and do not remove them until you are told. Once you have done that you will look straight ahead at the wall and at nothing else.”

Angel reached up and hooked Her hands in the straws and fixed her eyes on the opposite wall. I pulled up a chair facing her and sat down. Stretching out my right foot I kicked her legs apart about a foot and left my outstretched leg on the floor between hers. And then I sat and waited.

“So Trainee, you need to know something. My very expensive shoe is right beneath you and I’m very fond of these shoes. They are my lucky shoes and I would be upset if anything ever happened to them. And I would be really upset if anything got on them, like let’s say for example, urine. Now I know you’ve had all that water to drink but I do not want one drop of it to come out of you and get on my shoes. If it does the consequences will be dire. Do you understand?”

3 Aug 10:50 PM


To be truthful I got really turned on by being pulled by my hair. He grabbed it such a way that it didn’t hurt except for once in a while when my balance got out of kilter because of the broken heel. The strength and force he had simply took my breath away and no man had ever impacted me that way. Of course I had impacted men that way but never the opposite. Until now. Until Tillman. So here I stood before him naked again for what, the third time now? And our only real physical contact had been one rough kiss. Was he gay maybe? Or impotent? I just couldn’t see why he hadn’t taken me by now.

But right at the moment I had a bigger problem and that was my bladder and as everyone knows, the female version doesn’t hold as much as the male one does. And mine was rapidly filling. I tried to distract myself by thinkingAbout how erotic it was that I was hanging naked from a beam just inches away from this marvelous specimen of manhood. I tried imagining us making love in my bedroom, on a bus, and even in a busy restaurant. It worked for a while but Mrs. B was getting pretty full and my position was not conducive to holding it in well at all.

The fullness was now becoming uncomfortable and I started squirming trying to find some comfortable position. I was starting to hurt.

“Teacher, may I please speak?”


“I have to go really badly. Can I please go?”

“No, not yet.”

I stifled my frustration with a little whimper but continued on. Minutes passed and I wished desperately to be able to put my hands between my legs to hold it in but I didn’t dare do that. It was becoming agony and I was afraid there would be a dribble any moment.

“Teacher, please?”

“Not yet.”

This time I heard groaned and tears started welling in my eyes.

“I don’t want toruin your shoes! Please move and let me go! Please, I begging you!”

And with that he deftly moved to the side and slapped me on the ass really hard. The force of it shocked me so much that I lost control and my bladder emptied then and there. I shot a stream straight out at least six feet and it didn’t stop until I was empty. I had never peed in front of a guy before, well not like that anyway. I’d done it on a toilet but there wasn’t anything for the guy to see. This was different. And the sensing of relief, the flow of urine, and the sting of my ass were a delicious combination.

I fell limp in the straws. Tillman took a small towel, walked up to face me, looked me straight in the eyes and reached down with the towel and wiped the remaining pee from my pussy. I moaned with his touch and thrust myself towards him but he didn’t react in return. Stepping around behind me he wrapped his arms around my wait.

“You can let go of the straws now.”

I was glad that hehad a hold of me because I had been stretched so long that nothing was working right. I saw with relief.

“We aren’t through you know. I had hoped that this evening would be special but you lost control yet again. I am so disappointed.”

That last word cut to my core and I had to fight back the tears. Why didn’t he see how hard I was trying? With no apparent effort he picked me up and throw me over his shoulder, my face to his ass and mine displayed in a most unladylike fashion. I was hoping he’d slap it as he walked but it didn’t happen. After a few steps I was roughly deposited in a heavy wooden chair. Then my world went dark as something tight and leathery was pulled over my head and zipped from behind. I could breathe through my nose and mouth but really didn’t care for the feeling of confinement.

“Do you have any concerns Trainee?”

“No sir. You are the Teacher and you control me.”

He gave a slight grunt of approval and strangely I felt a little moreat ease. Like a little weight had been lifted.

“Stand and follow my lead. We are walking straight ahead a few paces.”

I did as I was told. As I shuffled my feet I became intensely aware of the cold stone beneath my feet. It had a solid oldness to it, like it had always been there. We stopped and I heard a heavy wooden door open and we moved in, but just a step. I could tell by the sound it was just a small space, like a closet. Oh man, I hate closets. This was not good, not good at all. He grabbed my hands and shackled them to the wall over my head. I fought the rising panic and bile coming up from my stomach.

Then the door slammed and all was quiet and inky black. I tried desperately to control my breathing and heart rate but the harder I tried the worse they got. I was trapped in this closet and couldn’t get out. I pulled desperately at the shades but they just dug into my skin. Pulling up my legs I tried kicking at the door but it was solid. A white curtain roseup behind my eyes as adrenalin rushed unchecked through my body. “DADDY! DADDY! PLEASE LET ME OUT! DON’T HURT MOMMY AGAIN! PLEASE! PLEASE DADDY!” And then my world went blank.

4 Aug 1:35 AM


Bingo! The confinement in the closet was the trigger I was looking for. In one sense I was happy to have finally found one of the anchors but it tore me up on the inside to hear her cries of emotional pain from her childhood. I almost immediately opened the door but by that time she had feinted. I checked her vitals, removed the shadows and hood, and then carried her out of the dungeon. Were there more anchors? That I didn’t know. But I did know that I had work to do now and Angel could start the process of cutting away that first anchor.

4 Aug 8:50 AM


As light began to return to my brain I reflected on the bizarre dream I’d had about a dungeon. But as human biology is wont to do, my head cleared a little more of the sleep and I realized it hadn’tbeen a dream. My surroundings seemed strangely familiar, I was in a huge antique four poster bed with canopy, and the room had gilded walls and a massive fireplace. Then I remembered my fantasy of having oral sex with Tillman. It gave me a warm feeling all over again. But why did the room in my fantasy look just like this one? I had never seen this room before so it was unsettling.

My wrists hurt and I grunted a bit when I put weight on them. Even stranger was the fact that I was in my own pajamas. Just at that moment the door opened and in walking Alexandra carrying a breakfast tray. I was stunned to say the least.

“Alexandra! I’m so happy to see you! How long have you been here?”

“I’m happy to see you too Miss. I’ve been here since the early hours of the morning, around 2 o’clock.”

“But, but I don’t understand. Why are you here?”

“Because Mr. Tillman asked me to come over Miss.”

“But why did he do that Alexandra?”

“Mr. Tillman wanted me to take care of you Miss. And he needed someone to, ahem, put you in your jammies and into bed. His exact words I might add.”

“Okay Alexandra. Now I’m completely confused. He has me naked and strung up, bent over a table with a horsetail butt plug up my ass, and having orgasms and peeing in front of him and he calls you over to put my pajamas on and put me in bed?”

“Yes, of course Miss.”

She said that so matter-of-factly that I was just totally baffled.

“Come on Alexandra. Throw me a bone here. Please! Why would he do all of those things and then not even touch me to put on pajamas? Why wouldn’t he just leave me naked? Most men would have at least copied a feel now and all I’ve had is one kiss and a slap on the ass. What is up with him? Is he gay or just a sadist or something?

Alexandra let out a short giggle. “Oh no Miss, he’s not any of those. I can tell you that he is a man of principle and honor and the things he does are purely tools to reach an end. EverytHing that he has done so far have been wholly for your benefit. Touching you in a romantic way would be outside of the plan.”

My heart sunk at that. I was becoming very attached to him and this sounded like I was just a patient that a doctor was trying to cure. I was like a clinical study.

“So he doesn’t care about me personally then?”

“Well Miss, during past events he has remained detached. But…”

“But what Alexandra? Please!”

“I really shouldn’t say Miss, but he seems different this time. I can’t put my finger on it but there is a softening to his voice. I can’t really explain it more than that.”

That was all I needed. Just a little slider of hope to hold onto. Tillman was working his way into me and I wanted to do the same to him. I determined that I was never going to quit on this and that I was going to see it all the way through to the end, whatever that was. If he needed complete control of me so that I could have him, then he was getting allof me.

4 Aug 2:30 PM


I was laying out by the pool enjoying the soothing warmth of the sun when the butler stepped out and said that Mr. Tillman would like to speak with me. Robert, which I discovered later was not his real name, indicated that he would come get me in an hour so that I’d have time to shower and change. I went back to the room to find some clothes already laid out and the shower was running. This guy was detailed oriented and organized to the tee. I was excited that maybe I would get to have a normal conversation with Tillman for once. I hoped in the shower and found myself spending extra time cleaning certain areas. Do you suppose that means I was hoping for more than conversation? Before you judge me put yourself in my shoes and tell me you wouldn’t want to be banged silly by this point.

4 Aug 3:35 PM


This upcoming conversation was not going to be easy. During an interrogation you generally aren’t too concerned about the details feelings. But when you were trying to help people it became a different matter. Decent human beings don’t get enjoyment over ripping off other people’s scabs or reopening old wounds, and that was what I was about to do to Angel. But doctors have to hurt people to cure cancer and this was no different.

A few moments later there was a knock on the door to my Study and Robert let Angel in. My heart skipped a beat. She was just as beautiful with her clothes on as she was without them. How did she do that? And she wasn’t really wearing much in the way of makeup. Ok, pull it together Tillman, you have work to do.

“Good afternoon Angel. Please have a seat.”

“Sir? Teacher? You called me Angel. Are you dismissing me from the training? Please don’t do that!”

“No, I’m not. Not at all. Quite the contrary. But we jumped a hurry early this morning and we need to have an open and frank conversation. I must warn you that in some ways this will be more difficult than anything you’ve done so far. Do you want to continue?”

“Yes, sure. What could be so hard about talking?”

“Tell me about your childhood Angel.”

“What’s to tell? It was just a normal childhood. Why do you ask?”

“What was your relationship with your father like?”

“What does any of that have to do with this? I don’t understand Why it’s any of your concern.”

Angel was clearly becoming agitated so I knew I was on the right track.

“Tell me about your father. What’s his name? Was he a good father?”

“His name is Ed and he was fine.”

“Just fine? Normally girls are pretty attached to their fathers. Daddy’s girl and all that.”

“Well I wasn’t a Daddy’s girl. My mom and I have always been close. We protected each other. I really don’t want to talk about this.”

She was starting to obviously shake and her eyes darted to the door more than once. Fight or flight was kicking in and the door was the emotional escape.

“Why did you andYour mom have to protect each other? Where was your dad?”

“He was there.”

“Then why wasn’t he protecting the two of you?”

“He just wasn’t okay? He wasn’t!”

“Why not Angel. That’s the job of a dad and husband, to protect his family.”

I let that sink in for a minute and Angel got the ten-thousand yard star in her eyes. Her hands balled up in fists and tears and rage filled her eyes and then the dam burst.


Angel pounded her fists on her legs and completely broke down into ageing sobs of grief. I moved from my desk to go sit next to her on the couch and reached out to put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. But it must have triggered some past memories and she instinctively started pushing and pounding on my chest and slapping at my face. I didn’t try to stop her but allowed her to vent on me and simply took the blows. Eventually she ran out of steam andreturned from the past. In mid-strike she looked up at me with the saddest look I’ve ever seen and then fell into my arms.

“I’m so sorry mommy. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m so sorry I can’t protect you now. I’m sorry Teacher. I’m sorry that I hit you. I know you don’t like me saying I’m sorry but I just have to say it. Punish me if you have to but I’m sorry.”

I just shushed her and stroked her hair and allowed her to cry it out. After about twenty minutes she started to regain some composition but I did not release her from my embrace, nor did I make her look up at me.

“Do you want to tell me about it now?”She simply shook her head yes and began at least two hours of remembering past events.

What it all boiled down to was the fact that Ed, I refuse to call him a father, was an animal. He was abusive to his wife and daughter and apparently had been from day one. When Angels mom would try to keep him from hitting Angel he would tie her down and make herwatch. When Angel would try to protect her mom he would hang her by wrists in the bedroom closet and would shut the door. Angel was left in the dark for days, having to listen as Ed repeatedly beat and abused her mother.

That was the short story. Suffice to say that there were many other details that she shared that I chose not to outline here, mainly because they create so much rage on my part. A lot of that rage is due to the inhuman things I’ve seen done to innocent people by so called ‘soldiers’ of enemy nations. I can tell you that they weren’t soldiers, they were criminals hiding behind the name in order to satisfy their own evil lusts. And as my teams knew, I had no moral or ethical qualms about tracking these animals down and permanently putting a stop to their evil deeds.

To top it all off, Angel shared the fact that Ed was still in town, still with her mom, and very much in the picture. The courts and police had been mostly ineffective in protecting Angels mom and he even continued his abuse of Angel when she tried to intervene and protect her mother. And there my friends was anchor number two.

Angel and I would work together over the next few months to cut away Anchor #1. But Anchor #2 I could deal with right away. I had Alexandra come and get Angel and once they had gone I picked up my phone and made some calls. It was time to assemble a team.

7 Aug 11:32 PM


I really only needed a small team for this particular “operation” since the elements were relatively simple and we weren’t operating in hostile territory nor were we offensively armed. A few days of surveyillance showed that the target had very predictable patterns. The main one was the habit of stopping at a local bar after work, drinking for four to five hours, and then staggering home through back streets. We selected a particular street with lots of abandoned houses and broken streetlights. In military terms this was a kill-zone but there would be no killing tonight. Spotters were out, the target was inbound, and the snatch team was ready.

“Victor 1 Victor5, target has passed point Bravo. ETA 2 minutes, unless he falls again.”

“Roger Victor 5. All radios standby.”

Right on time the target came staggering around the corner. Once the target reached a predetermined point the go signal would be given. About 30 seconds to go. 15………… 10……… 5………


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