21 June 2:45 PM
Circe (Angel)
It had been four days since I last saw Tillman and my butt was all healed from the lashing I received as punishment for losing control and having an orgasm. He had seen me pretty much naked now and I still didn’t know his first name. That’s pretty bizarre isn’t it? Does that mean there’s something wrong with me that I’d be willing to do that? What’s the old saying about the moth being drawn to the candle flame? I truly wondered if I’d get burned up in the fire or get stronger. I hoped it was the latter.
Alexandra poked her head around the door from the kitchen and said, “Miss, we have instructions from Teacher. I’ll lay out some clothes for you, we get to go shopping!”
I adore shopping and even better this would be on Tillman’s credit card. Yay! I dressed quickly and met Alexandra at the door. “Where are we going Alexandra?” I enquired.
“You will see Miss. The limousine over there is for us.”
Now this was living, being chauffeured to go shopping on someone else’s dollar. About 20 minutes later the car stopped in front of an old Victorian house that had been converted into a clothing shop. The sight inside was truly amazing. It was filled from floor to ceiling with women’s clothing from all the eras going back centuries. And there was every item needed to make an ensemble, dresses, hats, shoes, undergarments, makeup, pursuits, and jewelry. The realization then struck me that this resembled the one room I saw in the Carriage House, although there was much more of a selection here.
An older woman approached us and offered her hand. “Hello Miss Circle and Miss Alexandra. My name is Madame Moliere and I am the proprietor.” I shook her hand as she continued. “Mr. Tillman has informed me that you will be attending a formal Ball with him this Evening and we are to provide you with an appropriate gown. Please follow me.”
As we walked down the hall passing various rooms my mind was filled with the images of Hollywood actors on the red carpet wearing bejeweled skintight flowing designer gowns. But the room we stopped in was a shock to say the least. It was a step back to the 1700’s floor to ceiling.
“Uh Madame, is this a mistake?”
“No Miss, Mr. Tillman was very specific, it is a period costume ball. He did allow you to choose what you want to wear from this room but it Must be a complete and period accurate ensemble. And I should note that everything is in your size.”
To say the least I was floored. “Well this must have cost him a fortune with the costume companies!”
Madame Moliere got a kind of disgusted look on her face and raised her nose slightly in the air. “No Miss. We do not carry ‘costumes’. These are all vintage pieces, as is all of the stock in my shop.”
When she said ‘costumes’ it came out with the same intonation as someone saying ‘dog crap’.
“I didn’t mean to offend Madame Moliere, I had no idea. They are all so beautiful.”
“It’s fine dear. Very few people are aware of my shop since I cater to a very specific clientele. Now it’s time to make your selections. We have much to do before the limousine returns for you at 8 PM.”
The selection was almost too much to deal with but there was one that caught my eye. It was a white silk gown with hundreds of thin silver threads and ribbons woven through the fabric. If you Ever imagined Marie Antoinette this is the gown she’d be wearing. Madame Moliere nodded approval when I indicated my choice.
“This gown will be most flattering for your figure. I know Mr. Tillman will approve. Now Alexandra will take you back to the spa and I will gather the other required items of the ensemble.”
When she mentioned that Tillman would approve I felt a flush of warmth flood My inner being. And my hindquarters got warm when I remember the whipping. Hindquarters? That was a strange word to choose. But it felt like the right word. Maybe there was a little bit of animal in me somewhere. And why wasn’t I angry that he’d done that to me? Something to figure out another day I supposed.
The back of the shop was a fully equipped and staffed spa and the manager informed me that the time would be spent preparing me to be a lady of the mid-1700’s and some things might seem a little strange. Strange was right. I sat down in the manicure chair and ended up getting an un-manicure. They removed all traces of poison and trimmed my nails short on both hands and feet. The nails did however get a buffing so they took a natural shine.
Next we were off to have a bath. The attendant pointed to a benchmark and said, “You can undress there Miss, and please leave your clothes on the benchmark. We will launder them and return them afterwards to your home.”
Stepping over to the benchmark I Grasped at the button of my shirt and frozen when I remembered my unshaven condition.
“Is there a problem Miss?” the attendant queried.
“Well umm, you see there’s, I mean I’m not allowed to..”
“Oh Miss, please do not worry about that. Women of the 1700’s did not practice hair removal and we are familiar with the requirements. Please put yourself at ease. It is of no consequence.”
In a sense I feel a little less self-conscious but as I undressed all the hair seemed to scream, “Look at me! Look at me!” The underarm hair was the worst but the leg hair wasn’t so great either. And my pubic hair had grown out into this wild unruly jungle that extended well outside my bikini line. I know it sounds disgusting, and it was. But there was also something freeing about it. Sorry but I can’t explain it any better.
The bath did have a rosewater scent to it but I was vigorously scrubbed to remove any traces of makeup, deodorant and perfume. I was a little worried about the deodorant and asked the attendant but was just told that the ladies of the 1700’s didn’t wear deodorant but they did rub big alum crystals under their pits and I could have thatIf I wanted. The last thing I wanted was to stink up the party so I opted for the alum treatment.
When I stepped out of the tub two ladies wrapped me in the softest towels imagine and dried me off. They then indicated that I should lay face up on the neary massage table. Laying there all hairy and naked as a jaybird was pretty freaky and uncomfortable. It got even more uncomfortable when a male masseuse Walked in and headed my way. I freaked for just a second and then decided I didn’t care. He put some sort of astringent on his hands and began rubbing it in. This was not a deep tissue massage, it was just supposed to be a calming one. Oh, and did I mention he rubbed every inch of my front? My tits and pussy got some attention but no more than any other part of my body.
The masseuse broke his silence, “Miss, before I proceed you will need to visit the ladies room. One of our staff will be in there to assist you. Once you have finished would you please return here and Ican complete the massage?”
I nodded assent and smiled as I got up off the table with a little assist from him. He was definitely a great piece of meat, and one I wouldn’t mind spending a few hours with. But I had other things to do as I made my way to the ladies room. I wasn’t sure why I needed assistance from a staff member in there. I pretty much have the peeing thing down. Walking in the door I saw that it was a large room with an exam table and a rather portly and stern looking woman.
“Hello Miss. We have an item to accomplish and it might make you a little uncomfortable. Please be assured that I am here to minimize the disappoint as much as possible.” Well now that’s a little scary, I thought to myself as she continued. “It won’t take long. Please lay face down on the exam table but Only your upper body, and keep your feet on the floor. In a few moments you will need to use the toilet which is over there to the right.”
Somewhat reluctantly I did as she had instructed. There was no way this was going to be good. Here I was, completely naked, bent over an exam table, and my ass hanging out in front of this woman who was probably named Helga. Then I heard the snap of latex gloves and had a moment of panic. Helga must have sensed it because she told me not to worry and that it was routines and would not hurt. Mere seconds later I felt a lubricated gloved finger lightly touching my asshole. I tensed at first but then will myself to relax. It actually started feeling good until the finger was quickly replaced by something tubular and hard. It happened so fast that it slip past my anus before I could react.
I heard a little snap and then liquid warmth started filling my intestines. Holy crap she was giving me an enema. “Miss, it is important that you hold this until I say it’s OK to empty. If you don’t then we will have to repeat the process. I’m going to remove the nozzle in a moment and when I do it’s important that you clench to keep the water inside. Sure enough she started to remove the nozzle from my ass and I tightened my sphincter as it left. The fullness was really uncomfortable, especially with my belly pressing down on the exam table.
The urge to go was really building. “Please can I go now?! I really need to go!”
“Not yet, I will say when,” Helga said rather authoritatively.
“Ohhhhh please, please!!”
“A little while longer.”
“If you don’t let me go I’m going to make a mess of this room! Please?”
“A minute more!”
That minute felt like an hour and I was bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet and hand my cheeks clenched together like iron to keep the liquid in.
“Ok go!”
I realized that I couldn’t just jump up and run to the toilet. I had to keep my ass clenched while I walked. Well waddled really. But a really quick waddle and I must have looked comical. I got to the toilet and just started to bend when it all came out. Luckily it all went where it wassupposed to. I sat there emptying for what seemed like an hour and then I peed. I cleaned up and Helga had some warm wet towels. She indicated for me to spread my legs slightly and bend over and she proceeded to clean me up even more. I have to say I was feeling humiliated.
Helga indicated she was finished and pointed to the door.
On the way to the door I turned and said, “Can I ask what that was all About?”
Helga looked at me for a moment and then said, “All I know is that it’s preparation for your evening,” And then she turned at me. For whatever reason, that wink was more disturbing than the enema. Preparation? That was concerned and exciting at the same time. I walked out the door and climbed up on the mass table face down. I was truly concerned that I was losing my mind, What sane person would do all this? And yet I continued down the path, towards who knows what.
The masseuse was waiting patiently by his table but thankfully we wasn’t looking at me but busied himself arranging towels and oils. I climbed up on the table face-up as he had previously instructed. I felt pretty naked laying there like that, face-up with no covering. I already know what you are thinking. You were naked before laying face down and now you felt naked? Well it’s just different and I felt very vulnerable at that moment and so I kept my eyes closed which allowed me to think I had some modesty left.
I also have to say that I was very charged up at that moment. The massage had covered every area except my tits and pussy and that had focused all of my sensings on that area. There was the sound of a snap of a bottle being closed and two hands being rubbed vigorously together.
The masseuse leaned down to whisper in my ear, “Miss, this formulation is for your breasts and vagina. It will feel warm at first and then begin to tingle and eventually you will find those areas have become supersensitive.” He then went to work on my breasts, evenly distributedng the oil over every inch but being careful to stop where my breasts transitioned to chest skin. The bottle snapped again and he used a finger to apply extra to my areolas. Another snap and there was a cotton swab applying even more of the oil to my nipples, which embarrassingly stood up in response to the attention. Just as he had said, I felt a warmth which spread to a tingle, but I didn’t feel any super-sensitive.
“Miss, I need you to bend your legs and spread them apart a little, so that I can apply the oil correctly.” As I started to comply he assisted by pushing my knees to where they needed to be. I felt the warmth of his hand as it nearly my swollen mound. He touched with two fingers and I sensed that he was following the triangle of my public area. Then it went to one to make sure the oil didn’t get in the area past my bikini line. His hand moved away and I was thinking he was done. I was wrong.
Another snap of the bottle and I felt the warmth of a single fingerpressing into the folds of my pussy lips. It slide up and down a few times distributing the oil evenly. The bottle snapped again and the finger poised gently outside the opening of my vagina. “Please take a deep breath Miss and try to relax.” A few deep breaths later he must have felt my vaginal walls lose tension and his finger slide gently in. “Only one finger Miss. I just need to distribute the oil evenly.” After a few gentle strokes he removed his finger.
“We are almost done Miss. Thanks for being so cooperative.” The way he said “cooperative” made me shudder a bit. It almost sounded he would have done this anyway, with or without my permission. Then I remember the contract and the fact that I had already given approval for whatever Tillman wanted to do to me. More oil came out of the bottle and Then there was a cotton applicator applying some directly to my clip. “Holy shit!! Wow!!” I yelled as the oil dripped from the applicator onto my clip. It was like it burst into lifeand had swollen to the size of my little finger. Everyone in the room pretended not to notice. I was impressed by their professionalism but also knew they would probably be laughing about it after I left.
The masseuse bent down close to my ear again. Oh great, I thought, what’s next? “This next oil will also feel warm, which will transition to a tingle and then the area will go numb. It will stay that way for the better part of eight hours and will help you with the events of the evening. I would advise that you refrain from eating anything heavy as it will be difficult for you to control your function.”
Function? What function? The thought was interrupted by the sensing of a finger circuit my anus. Okay, so anus sounds so clinical but asshole seems cruel and butt flower just seems juvenile. In any case, there was a finger circled my pumpered opening and massaging it gently. Then I heard the words once again, “Please take a deep breath Miss and try to relax”, and I knewwhat was coming. Having tried anal sex on a number of occasions I knew how critical it was to relax or it would hurt.
Thankfully he allowed me the time I needed since it took longer to do that than it does to relax my vagina. His finger slide in gently and massaged my opening and I relaxed even more. The finger moved out momentarily for the application of more oil and went back in, this time up to the second knuckle. My body involuntarily tensed and he stopped for long enough to relax again, then out came the finger for more oil. This next time it went all the way in and I could feel his finger on my insides and he distributed the oil.
Within moments the area around my anus had lost all feedback from nervous endings. Let me tell you that it’s a really freaky sensing. You feel like your anus has totally gaped open and you need to close it. Even though I knew that wasn’t the case my body made me clench to try to close it. But the action of clenching pulled in on my labia, whoich pulled my clitoral hood down, which rubbed against my engaged super-sensitive clip. I almost yelped but held it in and the masseuse said I was done and wished me the best. He then held out a silk robe and indicated it would be more comfortable for me than the terry clothes one I had forgotten earlier.
I slipped my arms into the robe and when I pulled it closed in front I got the shock of my life. The silk material grazed my nipples and nearly buckled my knees. They were so sensitive that they sent an electric charge though my body but it then came back in a ripple and shot to my pussy. It went back and forth in diminishing waves and I had to stand still for a moment to let it receive. I was so very thankful it had been a silk robe. I couldn’t imagine what the terry clothes one would have done.
Madame Moliere was waiting at the door and escorted me to the next room. She chatted lightly with me as we walked.
“I do hope Miss Circe that your time with us has not been too uncomfortable and that we have handled things most professionally and to your satisfaction?”
Enemas, sensing oil, numbing oil, and a guys finger in my ass and pussy? But then I thought about the contract, how much worse it could have been, and how nicely the staff had treated me. So I thought it would be better to be nice. But I was also very worried, and quite truly scared about the preparations. Why sensitive a few areas and then number my anus? Why would an anus need to be numbered?
“Yes, they have all been wonderful Madame, considering the circumstances.”
“I am so pleased to hear that and I’m sure Mr. Tillman was happy to hear it as well.”
Red flags went up in my head. What did she mean by, “…Mr. Tillman was happy to hear it as well.”? Was he listening to all of This? No wait, was he watching all of this? He had watched me that first night in the pitch black room. Why wouldn’t he be doing the same thing now? I should have been angry and incensed at the actions of this sad excuse of a voyeur, but instead I found myself becoming excited. What the hell!? Was I an exhibitionist? Would he share videos with friends or parade me naked in front of strangers? I didn’t know for sure how I felt about that until my pussy let me know by producing some luxury I hadn’t asked for.
The room we entered was brightly lit and was obviously a makeup room. Madame Moliere introduced the staff and seated me in the chair. “I should inform you Miss that the makeup and hair will be period correct and you may like it, or not. But it will be correct.” The makeup artist began by sponging some sort of white base over my whole face, neck, and shoulders then continued down across my chest and covered the top of my breasts and cleavage. Rouge was applied to my cheeks but in a large area and it was really bright. Then I got bright red lipstick with more on the lower lip to create a rosebud effect. She and her assistant moved onto my hair which was put up in large open curls and powdered white. Again, think Marie Antoinette but in some ways I thought I looked foolish.
The last item of makeup I was a little confused about. Madame Moliere asked what kind of patch I wanted.
“Patch? Ummm. I’m not going as a pirate or something am I?”
Madame Moliere laughed. “No Miss Circle. A patch is the little dot on ladies that You see in the movies and portraits that many people call a beauty mark. In reality it was a tiny piece of fabric, in the shape of dots, hearts, stars, and were applied to the face with adheren. The patches had coded meanings. One near the mouth indicated flirtatiousness; on the right cheek denoted marriage; on the left cheek showed engagement; and one at the corner of the eye signed a mistress. Mr. Tillman is unaware of this part of Your toilette so you are free to choose which patch you desire.”
I thought for a minute and then answered, “So near the mouth is flirtatiousness and at the corner of the eye is amistress?”
“Oui Miss, that’s correct.”
“Well then, a heart at the corner of my eye is my choice,” and within moments there was a pretty little black heart affixed and truly it looked really sexy.”
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