18 June 1:15 AM
Circe (Angel)
It took me a few hours to get to the address indicated by Tillman and it was the longest and the shortest drive I had ever made. I have to admit I was afraid and that made the drive short, but I was also strangely excited which made the drive long. No, excited isn’t the right word. What’s the word that describes how soldiers feel right before going into combat? I guess I don’t know the word but it’s the heightened anticipation of a personal test that might end in victory or defeat. In any case I was a mess of emotions on the inside and felt like I was racing down some train track towards a locomotive and was locked to the rails.
The house was in a very affluent neighborhood set back from the road on a large wooded lot and surrounded by a high iron fence and gate. That allowed my fears a little bit but not a whole lot. When I pulled up to the security gate it opened all on its own before I could even press the intercom button. Now I wasback to fear again because it means someone was watching me and I know that the gate was going to close behind me. The meandering driveway led me to the front of the house where I parked and walked up to the front door. There were no lights on in the house but attached to the heavy oak door was a note which read, “Follow the path around the house and go to the Carriage House in back. Enter through the main door and wait quietly.”
It wasn’t a long walk but it was creepy since it was dark and had lots of trees around the path. Moments later I was standing in front of the door and there was a glow of lights from some of the windows. My hand was shaking as I turned the heavy iron handle and pushed the door which opened with a heavy creak. As I closed the door behind me I took in the features of the room. For the most part it was featureless with simple plastered walls and old flag stone floors. There were a number of doors surrounding the room, all of which were closed and wax candles lit the room. Not the fancy Yankee Candle scented kind, these were the old fashioned stick candles and they stood in heavy iron holders.
“Trainee!” boomed a masculine voice off to my left. Fortunately for me I was able to hold back a scream but I think I jumped so high my head hit the ceiling. Standing there was the man I recognized as Tillman, but he sure wasn’t dressed like he was the last time I saw him since he was wearing black leather from head to toe. The shirt and pants weren’t what I would call tight, they were just so perfectly tailored that they laid perfectly over every curve and line of his body. Let me tell you, he was one ripped man, and it wasn’t like a bodybuilder ripped, it was just a strong ripped. On his feet he wore leather dress boots and they had some sort of silver metal decoration which I Couldn’t make out in the dim light. On top of it all he wore a black long leather coat, I think it’s called a duster, like the ones they wore in the movie, “The Matrix.” He even wore black skintight leather gloves on his hands. He was gorgeous and intimidating at the same time.
“Step five paces towards me Trainee” he said in a quiet but very commanding and authoritative voice.
I moved the required distance and stopped. It put me an arm’s length away from him and I caught the scent of Bulgari Man cologne, the same scent I had picked up from his first written instructions to me. He looked at me intently for what seemed an eternity. Oh God! Those steely eyes were just dissecting me piece by piece. I suppressed the urge to cover myself somehow, even though I was fully clothed except for bra and panties. I wanted to look away and break eye contact but some invisible force held my eyes locked to his. Perhaps it was just my imagination but there seemed to be a slight look of pain or sadness etched on his face.
“You have pleased me by deciding to enter into this training. But I wish to warn you again that this will be painful sometimes and that I require complete obedience to every direction and detail of the plan. Do you still agree to these conditions and those of the contract you signed? You may speak.”
“Uh, well yes I do” I said quietly and with not just a little shake in my voice.
“Yes, what?!” he barked at me.
“Yes Teacher, I’m sorry.” This time it came out of my mouth even quieter.
“Never apologize! I will not tolerate apologies. Do you understand Trainee?”
“Yes Teacher, I’m sor…” Thankfully I stopped myself from finishing the sentence.
“Very well. Now there’s something I need you to understand. Amongst people who practice bondage and discipline they have a practice of agreeing to “safe” words. Are you aware of this practice? You may speak.”
“Yes Teacher. It’s an agreed code word that is used as a signal by the submissive to let the master know that things are going beyond what the submissive is comfortable with or that something is hurting too much and it’s time to stop”
“That is correct Trainee. But what you need to know is that for your training to be successful we cannot have a “Safe” word. Having such an escape allows the trainee to not have to put complete trust and faith in the Teacher. Without a safe word the trainee has to believe that the teacher will not let them experience pain or other tests that the trainee could not endure or survive. So we will not have a safe word. You will experience great pain, great pleasure and ecstasy like you have never felt before. And we will also deal with the dark secret you are suppressing. So you need to put your life in my hands and have faith that all of your tests will be in your best interest in the long run. Do you agree to this? You may speak.”
That took me back a bit. What was going to happen to me? Was I crazy for even being here? But then my inner being must have sensed something that made me trust him. Not only did I trust him but I wanted to trust him. And I wanted to show him thatI was up to any test he cared to conceive. With a little more confidence in my voice I told him yes.
He then continued, “Good. Then you must now agree to some further elements of your training, one of which is that no matter how much pain or pleasure you experiencing, you must strive to retain control and not speak or make sounds, unless you are directed otherwise. In addition you must obey all details and instructions as quickly as possible and as accurately as you can. Do you understand and agree? You may speak.”
“Yes, yes I do Teacher.”
“You have made a good choice and one that you will eventually be glad you made, although you may have misgivings during the process. As your first lesson you are to raise your top above your shoulders but do not take it off. Hold it so that your head is covered and you cannot see. Do not lower it until directed. Do it now.”
My actions were almost immediately but during that brief delay my brain took an hour or so to debate withme about the sanity of what I was about to do. Here I was about to expose my breasts to a man I really didn’t know and stand there with my shirt blocking any view of what he was doing. But my heart said it trusted this man, my soul said I needed this man, and my lust said I wanted this man inside me. So the brain lost the argument and up came my top.
It seemed like I stood there for ages, like an idiot girl who got her head caught in the neck of the shirt trying to take it off. But I did sense the cool air of the room swirling around my breasts and across my stomach. The anticipation was almost overwhelming and I wanted to whimper but I didn’t. Then the air around my tits got considerably colder as I felt something icy on my left nipple. I think it must have been an ice cube. The sensing was amazing and it caused all of my consciousness being to focus on that one tiny niblet. Soon it was followed by a matching experience on my right nipple and both pieces of ice began an expandingspiral trace that covered every inch of my breasts. The two pieces of ice met in my cleavage and began a slow trace down towards my belly button and ended in a circular trace around my stomach. Every nerve I had was tingling and I was also really horny. Did I mention I was horny?
As the cold from the ice was wearing off I again felt something cold on my left nipple but it didn’t feel like ice. It felt more like a metal rod. I wondered what would he be doing with a metal rod and then there was a loud pop accompanyed by a painful electric jolt that shot through my boob. “Ow!” Pop. “Ow!” Pop, pop. On the last jolts I held back and kept silent. Then I felt the metal rod caressing my right nipple. Oh no, here it comes again. Pop, pop, pop. But there was no sound that escaped my lips, even though I was yelling on the inside.
“You may pull your top back down. Next you will turn and face away from me, place your feet about one foot apart, pull your jeans halfway down your thighs,and bend over at the waist. Hold that position and don’t stand up until directed. Execute.”
As instructed I turned away and spread my feet slightly apart. My fingers struggled with the button because my hands were shaking too much and they felt numb. It wouldn’t come undone! Dammit girl! He’s going to zap you with that electric thing again if you don’t worry up. I was about to try to rip the button off when it finally gave way. Down came the zipper and my pants almost simultaneously and I was bent over in an instant, with my vagina completely exposed for his complete inspection. Ugh! I could feel my juices beginning to flow. Then there was a drip down my thigh, followed by another. My body was sending him a message that he could not misconstrue.
“During this step you must keep your eyes glued to your feet and not turn back to look at me. I am pleased to see that you have followed my instructions regarding body hair. Are you aroused? You may nod.”
What the hell was I sUpposed to do? Lie and say no when my slut of a pussy was giving me away? There was no point in trying to pretend otherwise so I mutely nodded. Then the ice returned tracing its way down my spine, spiraling around my ass cheeks and then down my inner tights. God I wanted it to touch my lips and clip but it only came microscopically as it retraced its journey back up to my lower back. Then it stopped on my lower spine and just stayed there. It had the effect of making everything above my waist go sort of numb, but it heightened my awareness of the sensings from everything below. In fact my clip felt like it had become the size of a marble and I swear I could feel my pulse in my labia.
“You have done well so you will receive a reward. But be warned, you must not orgasm. Do you understand? You may grunt once for yes and two for no.”
It’s not like I could have spoken or nodded at that point anyway so I grunted once. My body was telling me I should have grunted twice because tHere was probably no way I could keep from cumming no matter what he did. I was so on edge that if he had just breathed on my crotch I would have sprayed pussy juice all over his face. But there was no hot breath, instead I felt the metal rod again and I braced myself for a painful zap. The rod explored the area of my inner thighs and in the process picking up some of my wetness. Then it ever so slightly made Its way to my labia and spread my wetness around. Oh God! I can’t bear this!
The rod then poked at the entrance of my vagina and remained motionless. It was again! I wanted to moan and push back against the shake and force it into my waiting wetness, to envelope it in my waiting folders, to feel it sliding in and out, tugging at my clip. But it was not to be. Soon I felt it travelling along between my lips headed for my clip which it eventually butted up against, the cool wet metal remaining nested in my folders. The sensing was glorious and the pressure almost lifted me up onMy tip toes. I waited for the shock but instead began to feel a tingle, the same tingle I felt that time in the chair. Oh great! I remember the experience of that beast of a device and the vaginal contractions that led to orgasm. How was I supposed to not cum if this was anything like that?
Sure enough, the tingle quickly built into twitching and then full blown vaginal and anal contractions. The wave was building and I attempted to put my mind elsewhere. Dead puppies, buckets of worms, snakes. Oh fuck! Snakes look like cocks. Long, thick, hard, beautiful cocks. Then I heard someone screaming in ecstasy and realized it was me, riding the wave of an intense thigh trembling orgasm. Then it abruptly stopped when I felt the hard slap of a whip across my ass. It was quickly followed by another, and then another. I bit my lower lip to keep from yelling in pain. I wanted the whipping to stop. They were measured blows and weren’t angry, but they hurt and I could feel my ass cheeses begInning to swell with the welts. Then as quickly as the blows began they stopped.
“You may stand up now, pull up your pants, and turn around.”
I did as I was told but wished Alexandra hadn’t chosen skinny jeans for me to wear. I winced as I pulled them up over my swollen butt. After zipping up and redoing that rebellious button I kept my gaze fixed on my feet.
I stood in the shadow of the corner of the entry room of the Carriage House as she entered. God was this woman beautiful! I felt a familiar stirring from my groin accompanied by an electric blast of testosterone and endorphins. Only guys know what that feels like and there’s no real way to explain it to a woman. It’s very animalistic and overpowering. It’s kind of a caveman kind of thing. Bop the woman over the head, haul her to your cave, and mate with her. Of course the real desire is that she only pretends to be an unwilling victim and really wants to be taken, and taken forcedly. Any smart cavewoman knew how to get the particular caveman she wanted to bop her over the head and drag her by her hair back to his cave.
So this caveman stood in the dark corner drinking in this cavewoman, so desperately wanting to grab her by the hair and pull her head back and taste her lips. But I knew I couldn’t. Not at this point. I needed to be strong and distributed in order to help her. It was not the wisest choice to pick tight fitting leather since it made it very hard to hide the open display of my arousal.
Circe jumped a bit when I first spoke to her and her breasts repeated the movement in an incredibly feminine fashion. The urge to grab them and squeeze hard was almost overpowering. And then when she lifted her top they caught on the edge of the shirt, being pulled up momentarily, and then dropped free, first the left and then the right. Again They bounced and within an instant I could see her areolas contracting as her nipples became erect. Oh man, I wanted to fuck her so bad. She did well with the ice and shock and quickly gained control.
My real challenge came (and I almost came) when she pulled down her jeans and exposed her pussy. I saw her lips getting wet, then wetter until a drop formed that strung out on a long thread of juice and dangled alluringly, until it swayed over and attached itself to her inner thigh. I just about blew my load right then and there. My balls ached with the desire to empty and my cock throbbed in my pants trying to find a way out. More than that though I just really wanted to touch her, to feel the warmth of her skin, to hear that intotoxicating giggle. That calming presence that made my inner turmoil abate somewhat.
There was no joy for me in whipping her. It was all part of the process of self-discovery for her and that was foremost in my mind. When it was finished and she turned around my heart melted when she kept her eyes focused on her feet. Then I noticed a trickle of blood coming from where she had bither lip. That was it. Caveman took over and I grabbed her hair, roughly pulled her head back, and gently kissed the blood from her broken lip. She made a soft moan and I did nothing to suppress it. She deserved this moment of pleasure but for me it was only going to create lots of time sitting at the bottom of my pool in the cold water.
Breaking the kiss, I let loose of her hair and stepped back. Her gaze Again went to her feet. Now I was the one off balance. Was this cavewoman choosing her mate? In any case it was time to move to the next phase.
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