Hank walked up behind Jean as she was preparing the salad for the evening’s meal and cupped her breasts, pulling her into his body. Jean pursued as Hank squeezed her breasts and bit her on the neck. She wiggled her ass, grinding it into his groin.
Hank chuckled. “I’m not sure who’s appeal is more insatiable, yours or mine.”
“Mmmmm, probably mine!” Jean replied as she reached over her Shoulder and fed Hank a slice of tomato. “And you’ve made me this way. So you better keep me satisfied!”
After swallowing the slice of tomato Hank nipped at her ear. “That’s my plan babe. A satisfied bitch is a horny bitch. I want to keep you coming back for more.” Hank slide his hand down her stomach and cupped her apron covered cunt. Jean was wearing her mandated attire when she was at home. When she prepared meals she was allowed to wear an apron. Any other time she wore nothing at all. He pinched her nipple with his other hand, rolling it between his thumb and fingers.
Jean groaned softly as his fingers pressed against her sensitive clip. “Your plan is working!” Jean turned in his arms to face him. “Do I satisfied you?” The look in her eyes told Hank it was a concern for her.
He kissed her tenderly. “Yes you satisfied me! What brought that question on?” Even as the last word came off his lips he realized why she’d asked it. “Are you worried about Denise coming over tonight, and what may come of that?”
Jean looked down and didn’t reply immediately.
Hank swatted her bare ass. “I asked you a question babe!”
Jean looked up with a weak smile on her face. “That’s the first time you’ve spanked me since last week. I’m a bitch with needs you know.”
Hank looked at her with a tenderness that Jean had come to crave. A look that melted her every time she saw it. “I got carried away last time I spanked you. Scared me a little. I don’t want to hurt you, ever.” He paused for a second. “I love you Jean. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.” He kissedher tenderly as his hand kneaded her breast.
Jean moaned into his mouth as their tongues danced together. When they separated Jean said, “I promise I’ll tell you when you’re hurting me. I need your strong hand and domination. And I need a good spanking every now and then. I don’t know why. I can’t tell you what a turn on it is for me when your spanking my ass and dominating me like that. Maybe I’m sick or something. Or a freak.”
Hank swatted her ass playfully. “My bitch is no freak! If I ever hear you talk about yourself that way again, I will spank your ass good.”
Jean gave him a devilish grin. “Really?” She paused. “I’m a freak! I’m a freak! I’m a freak!” she kept chanting trying to get a reaction out of Hank.
All Hank could do was laugh. He tried spanking her ass but couldn’t stop laughing, which only made Jean taunt him more. “Is that the best you can do master?” she taunted him as she wiggled her ass.
Hank took one hard swing and landed solidly on her ass with an open palm. Jean yelped from the sting. Hank then took her in his arms again. “You bitch!” he said with a smile. “You changed the subject nicely. Did you think I would let my question go? Now answer it.”
Jean got serious. “Yes. I’m a little worried about Denise coming over and what might come of it.”
“You think I’m looking for someone to take your place?” Hank asked. “Or that you don’t satisfy me any?”
“No. I don’t think either of those things. I know you love me and want me. I guess it’s just a little jealousy with a bit of insecurity thrown in. Don’t forget where I came from.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything. Let me remind you of something. You’re my bitch! I’m not getting rid of you! I’m not replacing you! I’m not letting you go! You belong to me, and only me! I may or may not bring Denise into our relationship. But if I do you have nothing to worry about or be insecure about. Do you understand bitch?” Hank’s tone let Jean know he’d slipped back into master mode.
“Yes master!” she said softly.
Hank took her face in his hand and held it gently. “You have nothing to be afraid of. You’re mine! Nothing’s changing that. Got it?”
“I got it Master!” Jean smiled. “What would you like me to wear for our guest this evening?”
“Wear that blue dress I like so much. No bra and no panties. Just the dress! And Wear the matching collar!”
“Yes master!” Jean said smiling.
Denise’s pulse was pounding so hard she thought she might have a heart attack as she parked her car in front of Hank’s building. She didn’t know what to expect from the evening. And it was that uncertainty that had her both excited and afraid. As far as she was concerned, she was Here just to talk and to try to come to an understanding of the relationship that she knew existed between Hank and Jean. She’d read a great deal on the BDSM lifestyle. It had become a topic that both intrigued her and excited her.She had talked to her husband on a number of occasions about experimenting with it, but had been rebuffed on every occasion. The more she read and understand, the more she realized her husband was just too vanilla, and her tastes were changing, and changing quickly.
Denise looked at herself in the lobby mirror, double checking to make sure everything was as it should be. Her black mane was immaculately brushed. She had spent extra time fixing herself up before she left the house. She knew nothing was going to happen this evening, or so she thought, but subconsciously she wanted to make a good first impression. She didn’t know why, but she wanted to gain Hank’s approval. Her husband had asked her as she was getting ready what was going on. She told him she was meeting two of her colleagues for dinner, Hank and Jean. She had told him the truth. He didn’t need to know the whole truth. Not that he would have cared if he had known. It seemed as though the more she had tried to tell him about her sexual needs the more he pulled away.
Denise tucked the edge of her blouse into her skirt. She’d hurt a conservative outfit. But one that accentuated her assets, a button up white blouse, that clung to her, and a button up beige skirt that came down to just below her knees. She knew she was a little overweight for her height of 5’6″. But she carried herself well. Her 36D breasts were something she was still proud of as they had little sag to them after nursesing two children. She wished her husband showed them the same attention she got from some of the men she passed on the street.
The elevator opened on Hank’s floor and she began the long walk down the hallway towards his condo entrance. The closer she got to his door the weaker her legs felt. She knew there was nothing to be nervous about, yet she Couldn’t stop shaking as she knocked on the door. Jean answered the door wearing her prescribed blue dress and the matching blue velvet collar with a gold ringlet. DEnise’s eyes widened when she saw Jean’s attire and could tell immediately she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Jean smiled as she extended her hand. “Hi Denise! I’m so glad you could join us this evening.”
Denise took her hand as she stepped into the condo. She didn’t know what to say. She’d rehearsed several lines in her head before arrival. But now they all seemed lame. “Thank you for having me! I’m just looking forward to . . . .” she stopped not sure how to finish the sentence.
Jean smiled sensing her disappoint. “Come on in. Dinner is almost ready.” Denise followed Jean into the living room as Hank made his way out of the bedroom and walked in.
“Good evening Denise!” Hank greeted her warmly as he extended his hand too. He eyed her up and down with approval. “You look very nice this evening. I’ve wanted to tell you that on a number of occasions at the office, but didn’t want to be accused of sexual harassment.” All three laughed at that one.
“Well thank you.” DEnise acknowledged the compliment. “Thank you for asking me over this evening. I’m really looking forward to the evening.”
Hank smiled. “Good! So am I!” He looked at Jean. “Dinner almost ready babe?”
“Yep! Why don’t you two go sit and I’ll bring it in.” Jean brought in the evening’s meal as Hank poured each of them a glass of wine.
Jean and Denise talked About some office politics as Hank listened and enjoyed his meal. Jean was not only an incredible lover, he was discovering she was an excellent cook. After several minutes of listening to them he decided to get to the point of why Denise was visiting them this evening. “So Denise. What is it you want to know about Jean and me? And why do you want to know?” He knew his question would put her on the spot, but he didn’t want to give up any information about his relationship with Jean till Denise committed herself.
Denise was a little taken back by Hank’s straightforwardness. But she knew she shouldn’t have been. That was one of the qualities that made him a rising star at the firm. “Well, I’ve just noticed a change in your relationship. But I guess the biggest change I’ve observed is in your demeanor Jean,” Denise said as she looked straight at her.
“Oh, what do you mean?” Jean asked not wanting to commit herself.
“OK! Before we go any further let me put your suspicions to rest.” Denise spoke as she put her fork down. “I’m not here looking for gossip material. I have no intention or desire to open either of you up to public embarrassment. I generally want to know what’s going on with you two, because I like what I’m seeing. Jean, you seem to have a peace and calmness about you since you hooked up with Hank that I haven’t seen in you in years. And you and I have have been at the firm for a long time.”
Jean smiled as she looked down at her plate. She knew exactly what Denise was talking about. Hank had not only awakened the sexual creativity within her, but he had made her feel safe and secure so that she could express herself, not just sexually, but in every way. She had never known such freedom before. She felt as though she was breathing for the first time. And it felt so damn good.
“And Hank, I see the way you look at Jean and the way you dominate her.” Denise thought quickly about what she’d just said. “I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean . . . it’s a good domination . . it’s a . . . oh, I don’t know how to say it!” Denise was getting flustered.
Hank laughed. “I know what you mean Denise. You don’t have to keep trying to explain yourself.”
“OK! So you know what I’m looking for now! So what gives?” Denise asked both of them.
Hank and Jean looked at each for several seconds before Hank spoke with a grin. “Why don’t you explain for Denise how our relationship has evolved.”
Jean took a deep breath to calm herself. Just the thought of talking about their relationship was making her pulse race. She looked at Denise. “I’m trusting that what I’m about to tell you is going to stay between us.”
“Yes Jean! Of course!”
“Since I moved in with Hank we’ve become more than just lovers. He’s my master and I’m his sub. I’ve completely submitted myself to him in every way, and he takes care of me more completely than I’ve ever experienced before.” Jean was almost gushing as she remembered their relationship together and how it had evolved.
Denise sat quietly listening as she ate her dinner. Her cunt began to twitch as Jean remembered some of the experiences she had had as Hank’s sub. The more she heard the more she long for the depth of password Jean was experiencing on a daily basis. She groaned within herself wishing she had a man she could submit to in every way. A man she could trust completely with her needs and desires. A man who would take her and use her the way she needed to be taken and used.
“So that’s about it.” Jean finally finished. “I’m guessing you have a million questions.”
Denisesat quietly trying to decide which question to ask first. “Has Hank ever put you on display in public, or made you perform in some way in public?
Hank didn’t give Jean the chance to answer that. “No! And I never will! I’m not going to humiliate my Bitch or open her up to potential harm by doing something stupid like that.” That was the first time Hank had referred to Jean as his bitch in front of Denise. Denise looked at Jean to see her reaction.
Jean smiled, knowing what Denise was thinking. “What? Did my Master referring to me as his Bitch catch you off guard?” Denise nodded her head. “Well I am! I’m his bitch, his slut, his whore, and whatever else he wants me to be. And you know what?” Jean paused. “I love it!!”
“I can tell!” Denise asked several more questions trying to get a handle on everything she’d just been told. After she’d exhausted all her questions she sat there quietly trying to work up the nervous to ask her final question. She finally asked it with a nervous giggle. “You two wouldn’t be looking for a third wheel would you?”
Hank and Jean looked at each other. Jean finally spoke as though it was just the two of them. “It might be fun.”
Hank looked at her with raised eyebrow. “Now is that really what you think? Or are you just saying that because you think I want it?”
Jean smiled. “No Master. That’s really what I think.”
Hank nodded his head acknowledging her honest answer. “Let’s fill our glasses and move into the living room. We’ll take care of the dishes later.” All three filled their glasses with wine and made their way into the living room. Hank motioned for Denise to sit in the chair across from the couch he and Jean were going to sit in. Hank sat down on the couch with Jean sitting next to him. She curled one leg up under the other as she snuggled up into Hank’s body. Hank wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her body into his till his hand had free access to her chest. He then began stroking her title, which elicited a purr from Jean. Denise watched as the two lovers got comfortable on the couch. “So you want to be part of our happy little home, do you?”
“Oh I don’t know! I was just . . .” Denise was caught off guard again by Hank’s directness.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Hank cut her off. “Come on Denise. Why are you really here? What do you really want?”
Denise flinched at Hank’s snapping at her. She knew Hank’s questions were legitimate. She also knew she hadn’t come just as a curiosity seeker. She felt her insides shaking as she contemplated how to respond. “I want what you and Jean have. I want a man to take me and use me the way you take and use Jean.”
Both Hank and Jean sat staring back at Denise as Hank fondled Jean’s title over her dress. “I take it you’re not getting this from your husband?” Hank asked.
“HA! No! All I hear from him is how disgusting the thought of treating me that way is. He’s very . . . what’s the term? Vanilla.”
Hank sat quietly thinking. He could hear Jean’s breathing becoming a little labored as her arousal from having her breast played with took its affect on her. “Would you really like to be part of what we have?” Hank asked.
Denise struggled in her mind and heart with what she really wanted. How would this affect her marriage. If Sid found out it would be over. But at the same time she couldn’t shake the picture in her head of his reaction to her every time she brought the subject up. He made her feel dirty and silly for
even suggesting such a thing. Yet the craving inside her was undeniable. There were times she felt as though it would consume her. “Yes! I want to be part of what you two have.”
“OK! Are you prepared to submit and become our bitch?”
Hank’s question took both ladies off guard. Jean had never dominated another woman before. She had never even fantasized about it. And Denise hadn’t thought of that aspect of the three-way she was getting involved in. She had always been the boss at the office with the female staff. Now she was being told she would be submitting to one of her subordinates at the office. Could her pride handle the role reversal?
“I asked you a question bitch!” Hank said with an edge.
Denise snapped out of her thought process. She felt her cunt twitching as the crevice between her legs got wetter and wetter. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted it. “Yes! I’m prepared to submit.”
Hank smiled. “OK! Stand up!” he commanded her. Denise began to shake almost uncontrollable as she stood up from her chair. “Now strip!” he ordered her with a calm but authoritative voice.
“What?!” Denise asked with eyes widening.
“You heard me! And that question will earn you a good spanking!” Hank said with a calm voice.
Jean groaned for the first time as she lay on Hank’s side. Her hand dropped into his lap, and she began to stroke his cock over his pants. “Ooohhh Master. Can I give itto her?” she cooed. The more Hank pushed Denise, the more she was getting turned on. “No! That’s my responsibility! I won’t have my bitches disciplining each other.”
“Yes sir.” Jean said almost pouting.
Denise’s hands were trembling as she began to unbutton her blouse. With each button unfasted her heart beat harder. She was undressing before two people who she considered friends. It had been years since anyone had seen her naked other than her husband. She pulled the blouse out from her skirt and let it slide off her shoulders. She stood still for a second as she hesitated.
“Lose the bra!” Hank said. “I want to see those tits.” As Hank sat there watching Denise undress, he realized he’d wondered what she looked like naked for years. He had always Thought she was an attractive woman. He was about to find out. Without realizing it, Jean’s rubbing of his cock was getting harder as her own arousal increased. Hank pulled her hand off and laid it on his thigh. He lookedat her with a smile. “I’m not sure where I want to shoot my load. But I know it’s not in my pants.”
Jean moaned. “I haven’t had dessert yet. Can I have it?”
Hank shoot his head in amazement. “Your appetite is insatiable! Maybe! If you’re a good slut and do as I tell you.”
Denise reached around her back and unsnapped her bra, then slid it off her shoulders and throw it on top her blouse that lay on the floor.
“Very nice!” Hank compiled her. “You’ve got some nice tits!”
“Oh she does Master!” Jean moaned softly. “I’ve never looked at a woman’s breasts this way before. I’m beginning to see why men find them so desirable.”
“What would you like to do with them?” Hank asked. This was turning out better than he had expected.
“Oh Master. I’d like to sink my teeth into them and bite them, and suck on them. They look so good!”
Hank looked at Denise. “You hear that bitch. My bitch thinks you’ve got some nice tits. I think I’m going to let her play with them later.”
Denise blushed as his compliment registered in her mind. She was undressing before these two who were her co-workers. She unzipped her skirt and let it drop to her feet. She then stepped out of it and kicked it to the side with her blossom and bra. Again she stood there motionless for a second not sure what to do next.
“Finish it!” Hank said. “Everything! And then put your heels back on. A slut should always keep her heels on.”
Denise slipped her heels off long enough to take her stockings and panties off. Then she put them back on. She now stood before they naked. Her hands instinctively went in front of her as she moved them to cover her cunt.
“Move your hands!” Hank ordered her. Denise obeyed. “Now turn around!” Denise began to turn, feeling like a piece of meat on display. “You have a very nice body Denise. The question is, do you know how to use it for a man’s pleasure?”
Denise felt a surge of anger course through her at Hank’s question. ‘How dare he question my ability to please a man!’ she thought as she continued to turn.
Hank smiled as he sensed her reaction. “Come over here!” he commanded her.
Denise walked across the small area rug between them and stood in front of Hank.
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