The Auction

Kerry and her Master agreed that something needed to be done to help the victims of the California earthquake that dumped a large portion of the coastline into the Pacific. The disaster impacted nearly a quarter-million people. They were fortunate to live far enough north to be unaffected personally, but many members of their group had been.

They discussed what they could do to help the victims at a meeting one night recently. One of the other slaves broke the idea of ​​a charity auction. The idea was met with nearly universal approval, and so the wheels were set in motion.

The planning had begun two weeks earlier and tonight was to be the big night. Master had brought in help to prepare her for the big night. His friend Mistress Veronica sent members of her staff to assist with her preparation. Mistress Veronica would be auditioning her prize male slave Adam. He was a spectacular specimen and carried a reserve price of $100,000. That means he was expected to fetch the highest bid for a male and the second-highest overall.

It pleased Kerry that her reserve was the highest of all at $150,000. She knew that pridefulness was unbecoming of a slave, but she couldn’t help but pren a bit, thinking that her Master valued her so highly. However, the thought of belonging to another, even if only temporarily, frightened her. Her Master was incredible. He used her very hard sometimes, but he did it with kindness. He was cruel but never mean. He hurt her physically at times but never emotionally. She truly felt purchased and loved by him. Regardless, she would be sold to another for a week of servitude.

As Mistress Veronica’s maid filled her with a second enema, she thought about what might be her fate at the hands of the person who purchased her for a week.

There would be limits, but not many, and she was obligated to serve the winning bidder in any manner they wished other than scat play, permanent damage, and anything to do with children or animals. She was glad for the limits, but they left many options that could be exceedingly difficult for her.

The enemami distended her belly, and as she looked down, she imagined that she might look this way if Master chose to improve her. That subject had recently come up when he expressed a desire to breed her. She hoped that he would let her bear his child. Although being his slave and property, she adored him and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life in his thrall.

The enemac burned inside her. Mistress Veronica’s maid had added peppermint oil to the mix along with some alum. The intention behind the additions was to focus her on her sex and shrink her passage making her more pleasant for her new owner. The maid began routing her nipples. She was sparing no effort to make Kerry as appealing as possible for the winner of her services.

Kerry wondered what attentions were being lavished upon Adam in Mistress Victoria’s spectacular residence. She had met him on a few memorable occasions. Mistress Veronica occasionally enjoyed playing with them together, something her Master enjoyed watching.

Adam was tall and very handsome, with an athlete’s sculpted body topped by long blonde curls and possessed a grogeous nine, thick inches of glorious cock. As dearly as Kerry loved her Master’s large and wonderful appendage, she had to admit that Adam’s was even more impressive.

One activity that Mistress Veronica choreographed when she paired them particularly delighted Kerry. Mistress would have her knee as she flogged her back. Once Kerry’s alabaster skin was sufficiently red, Adam would step in front of her so she could suck his beautiful cock to full erection.

Once she brought him to nine full inches of throbbing rigidity, she would instruct him to enter Her pussy from behind. At that point, she would lock their collars together and instruct them not to move. At that point, she would begin flogging both of them, reddeningAdam from ankles to shoulders and her from tits to tights. On one memorable occasion, Master joined in, and they flogged both of them hard and long, eventually winding up in each other’s arms, fucking furiously in front of their slaves. Kerry giggled as this memory flashed through her mind.

The maid finally pronounced her ready after her labia were rugged, and she escorted her to another service who was waiting with the body adornments she would wear for the audit. To call them clothes would be an overstatement. They were more like jewelry designed to draw the eye to her breasts, her sex, and the cleft between her cheeks. Her feet were clad in bejeweled, high-heeled strappy sandals that made her calves look perfect.

Kerry knew she looked fantastic like this and glorried in it. Swollen with pride to represent her Master before the crowded room. The service led her by the leash attached to the collar Master had given her that morning. It was bejeweled and exhaustively crafted. After he fastened it around her throat, he kissed her and told her he loved her.

Those words echoed in her ears as she was led to her spot at the front of the ballroom alongside the other slaves who would be the focus of the festivals.

The women, numbering ten, were arranged on the left and the men on the right. Adam stood next to Kerry, and they exchanged a subtle smile.

Guests began approaching and walking along the line of slaves who held themselves ready for inspection. Their legs were spread, their lips held slightly open, the women held their breasts pressed forward, inviting attention, and the men presented their cocks similarly. Kerry couldn’t resist stealing a glimpse of Adam’s spectacular endowment and recalled how wonderful it felt buried deep inside her.

Her reverie was broken when a tall, full-figured woman stopped in Front of her to inspect her with lustful intent. The woman’s hand reached between her legs and opened her. The middle finger slid inside as the woman stared into her eyes.

“You will be delightful fun. I can’t wait to wrap you in my chains and do unspeakable things to that beautiful body.”

Kerry cringed in her mind but maintained her stoicism on the surface. Adam flicked a quick sympathetic look her way. His attention was quickly diverted from her when a heavy-set man grabbed his balls forcedly.

For the next hour, a seemingly endless process of potential bidders inspected all of the slaves, but Kerry and Adam attracted the most attention.

The bidders took their seats, and the auctioneer stepped up to his podium.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the auction will begin with female slave number ten.” And so it began.

One slave after another heard the give fall to signify their sale and listened to the auctioneer’s voice announce their number, that they had been sold for whatever price, and to whom. With the completion of each sale, the temporary owners would come up to the slave, attach a lean to their collar, and lead them away.

The bidders were very generous, with every sale priced well above the reserve. At last, it was time for the stars of the show to come under the gift.

“And now we have a particularly attractive male slave donated by Veronica. You can see what an appealing specimen he is. She has set his reserve at $100,000, which seems quite reasonable, considering his beauty and his spectacular endowment. Do I hear one-hundred ten?”

The bidding was spiritualized, with several interested participants gradually dwindling to one man and one woman. They went back and forth several times until, at last, the woman prevailed. She was delighted when she claimed her price, attaching her collar and letting her hand trail down to lightly cares his cock. Adam brought $210.000, a sum that stunned the crowd.

The auctioneer announced Kerry as the next and final slave up for sale. He emphasized her reserve price, commenting that it was lower thanAdam’s sale price had been, encouraging the crowd to exceed that number owing to her spectacular beauty and extolling her owner’s notes regarding her skills as a pleasure unit.

The bids escalated immediately. Very soon, they exceeded the rich price Adam fetched and, as what seemed to be eight bidders eagerly topping each other. When the price increased slowly, it became evidence that two men and one woman Stayed in the competition. To Kerry’s chagrin, the woman was the one who had inspected her first, and she showed no signs of backing off.

At $320,000, one of the men dropped out when the woman bid three-thirty.

The second man refused to answer when the woman uploaded the ante to three-fifty.

“I have three-hundred fifty thousand dollars, do I hear three-sixty? Going once. Going twice.”

“Four hundred thousand.”

The male voice came from the back of the room. Kerry’s head jerked up as she tried to see who had made the bid. The woman who had made the preceding high bid turned aggressively, seeking the same information.

“I have a bid of four hundred thousand dollars, ladies and gentlemen. Do I hear four ten?” When no response followed, he dropped his gavel and into, “Female slave number ten has been sold for four hundred thousand dollars.”

Later that night, Kerry and her Master lay in his bed. He held her close, stroking her beautiful red hair tenderly. She nuzzled close to his chest. A beautiful smile graced her lovely face.

“Master, I love you so much. I am so proud to be your property. Your slave is the lucky woman in the world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“And I am the lucky Master in the world. I think tonight would be a wonderful time to make a baby.”


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