Although this story is written to stand on its own, for context it is helpful for the reader to be familiar with some of my other stories. And remember this is only a fantasy.
My name is Susan McAllister and for the last eight years I have been married to the most wonderful man in the world, my husband Jeff. Together we have a beautiful daughter named Sara. To anyone looking at our lives we would seem like just about any other young married couple. We appear to be as normal as everyone else. My husband works at one the largest and most successful accounting firms in the city. I have recently gone back to work myself as a paralegal after taking a few years off after the birth of our daughter.
But for about the last five years of our marriage the relationship that I share with my husband can be described as anything but just your typical marriage. You see my husband Jeff is truly one very lucky man. He has me, Susan, his beautiful loving wife, but he also has apersonal submissive sex slave to use and do with as he chooses. Her name is Slut. Now this is where things gets a little confusing, you see Susan is Slut and Slut is Susan. We are the same person except for one very small distinction. Susan wears a wedding ring on her left hand. Slut wears a collar around her neck with her name on it. Neither Slut nor Susan wears the wedding ring or the collar at the same time. In my mind they are like two completely separate people. Susan has a loving husband and a beautiful young daughter. Slut only has a Master and will do anything that he commands her to do. Slut even has her own special little room concealed in the basement where her Master takes great pleasure in using her however he chooses.
How this relationship all got started is another story. I definitely would not recommend This lifestyle choice for anyone else, but for the two of us we have found a way of making it work. There are also like most domination and submission relationships a lot of rules involved. The most important rule that my husband and I have is that Slut is only Slut when she is wearing her collar. At all other times I am Susan. That’s Final.
Over the last several years Slut has been used by her Master in many different ways. She has been bounded and gagged. Whipped and fucked in every one of her holes and shared in every way with many of her Master’s Friends. Even gang banged many times by up to twenty different men at one time. Master even shared her with Sara’s babysitter Natalie for a summer.
One evening after putting Sara to bed for the night Jeff and I were snuggling on the couch together watching a late movie. The two of us enjoying the closeness of our bodies as they pressed together and feeling the warmth of the deep love that we have for each other. As the movie was ending Jeff said something that at first was very startling, but as I thought about it I began to get very intrigue by the idea, “I’ve been thinking about entering Slut in next month’s charity slave auction. Do you think she would like that?”
At first I did not really know what to say. Of course I had learned about slave auctions shortly after we both became involved with the local BDSM community. And I had heard that they can be a very fun events organized by one BDSM group or another. Everything is fully consensual and all the money is donated usually anonymously to one or more local charities. Finally after pausing for a few moments to get the words just right I replied, “Yes I think she would be Ok with that, but I also think she will need some time to think about it a little more as well.”
“That’s fine. She has plenty of time. The event is still over a month away.”
A few days later I was having lunch with my friend Allison. I had met Allison when I first started looking in to and exploring the BDSM lifestyle. Being a few years older than myself she has been involved in this lifestyle for many more years than I have beenand is very familiar with just about every aspect about it that one could imagine. As we were eating I mentioned what my husband had said about entering Slut in the upcoming audit. Then I asked, “I have heard about these events but I have also never actually been to one and I don’t really have the slightest idea about what really goes on at one of them.”
Allison responded by saying, “First let me tell you that the experience for the first time can be both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. Before the auction every bidder is given a brochure that contains description of each slave up for auction that night. Most importantly these descriptions include each slave’s specific limits and boundaries. These limits and boundaries are very strictly respected and adhered to by all parties involved.”
Then after pausing to let this sink in a little Allison continued, “About a week before the auction every slave will need to have a complete physical and also be tested for any STD’s and in the case of female slaves a pregnancy check is also done just to be sure.”
Next I asked, “What about the bidders?”
“All of the bidders present have been subjected to a very thorough background check and are all well-established members of the local BDSM society. No one whose identity is not known for certain is allowed to enter the audition.”
My next question was, “What can a slave expect at an auction?”
“For most auctions the slave’s master will deliver them to the auction site about 24 hours before the event. During this time the slave is re-examined and re-tested for STD’s and pregnancy to confirm the results of the previous tests. In the case of female slaves this will be done by a trusted OB/GYN.”
“What about the bidders?” I asked, “Are they tested as well?”
“Yes, they will all have to be recently tested and have submitted proof that they are clean as well.”
The last question I asked was, “What happens if the slave does not feel comfortable with their buyer and wants to opt out?”
“This is perfectly acceptable. Remember this is just like the relationship between any Master and Slave. Everything is totally consensual. If the slave has a change of mind all that is necessary is the use of her safe word.”
For the next few weeks after my conversation with Allison I became fascinated by the prospect of being sold off to the highest bidder. The idea of giving up complete control to a total stranger became my every thought. Also the humiliation of being audited off like a farm animal gradually started to work its way into my dreams.
As the date of the auction drew closer my anticipation heightened even more. I had yet to tell my husband of Slut’s decision because I myself still did not fully understand the forces at work in my mind. Finally what I was feeling all came to light. It is the humiliation that I crave, being degraded, to be used and embarrassed. I needed this. It is something about methat I don’t really understand. This is who I am, what am and I just need to now accept it.
My finally I came to the conclusion to decide to go through with it for one reason and for only one reason. Not because Slut’s Master wanted for her to do. But I wanted to see if Slut could do or to put it a better way would she do it just to please her Master. Sell herself to another as a way of proofing her own submission to him.
With just over a week to go before the date of the auction I finally told my husband of Slut’s decision, “Yes Slut will agree to be sold at auction.”
The next week went by faster than I think any other previous week of my life ever went by. The night before the auction Slut was driven to the auction site by her Master. Usually when Slut and her Master go out she would be dressed in what her Master calls her usual outfit which only consists of a matching pair of wrist and ankle cuffs. Instead Slut had been told to dress in plain street clothes and tobring only a small overnight bag with just the essentials. It was only the leather collar fastened around her neck that distinguishing her from Susan. Engraved on a little metal tag stitched into the leather reads:
Property of
Master Jeffery
The rules of the auction were that it would be began at 8pm on Friday night. Each slaves length of sale would begin from the time of purchase until noon of the following Sunday. At that time the slave would either be returned to their master or picked up by them the choice being whichever was selected by each particular master in regards to their own slave.
It was about 9 pm when we arrived at the site of the auction a large industrial looking warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Master drove his car up to a large door marked deliveryies coming to a stop right in front of it.
Getting out of the car I grabbed my overnight bag and joined my Master as we approached the door. After knocking the door was opened by a pretty young woman in her early twenties.
“We are here for the audit,” my Master said to the young woman.
The young woman smiled and said, “Yes you have been expected. Please come in.” She then held the door wide open as we both stepped past her. She then closed the door and said, “Please follow me.”
The woman motioned for us to follow her down a long corridor. At the end of the corridor she opened another door. In the center of the room was an exam table.
The woman motioned me to enter the room. Then she said, “Please undress. Put all of your clothes into your overnight bag. There is an exam gown for you to put on lying on the table. The doctor will be in very shortly to complete your exam. I will escort your Master out and return for you after the exam.”
She then left closing the door behind her. I undressed, put on the exam gown, and sat in the exam chair.
In a few minutes the door opened again and surprisingly a woman probably in her early forties came in. She was dressed in a white lab coat over her scrubs. I was pleasantly shocked to see a female OB/GYN for I had been very much expecting it to be a man. Reading from the clipboard she carried she said, “I don’t see any problems with the first exam so I am just going to double check everything just to be sure.”
The doctor went through the exam very quickly and then she drew a blood sample. She then gave me a small jar and said, “There is a bathroom over there.” Realizing she wanted for me to give her a urine sample I walked over towards the bathroom.
When I returned to the exam room the young woman from before had returned to the room. She had my overnight bag in her hand. The doctor took the urine sample from me as the young woman said, “Please follow me now,” leading me out the door and into another room which turned out to be another bathroom with a large shower. “Please shower and wash both your body and hair thoroughly. Also dry your hair after wards. Then brush your teeth.” She then left leaving the overnight bag.
Once the water in the shower warmed up I slipped off the exam gown and stepped in.
After I had finished with my shower and was just brushing my teeth there was a knock on the door and a different young woman entered the room. “Put these on,” she said, handing me some white thong panties with a matching bra. Not surprisingly both were my correct size 32B bra and size 4 panties.
Once dressed in the bra and panties the woman said, “Follow me please.”
As I followed the woman the true reality of my situation began to sink in. Here I was in a strange place with people I did not know dressed only in a bra and panties. I carried with me no money or any type of identification. I could only rest in the trust that my Master would guarantee my safety.
This new woman led me down another hall in to a dark room. The only light came from the hall outside. In this room I could desperately make out several bunkbeds. I could see that most were already occupied by seeing the shapes of bodies all covered up in blankets.
Other slaves already delivered for the audition I soon realized. I couldn’t tell for sure how many others were in the bunks. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I counted a total of eight bunk beds in the room.
The woman led me to a bottom bun bed then said in a quiet voice, “Get in. Try to get some sleep.”
Complying with her request I quickly got into the bed pulling the sheet and blanket over me. “No talking, you must be silent,” she instructed me. “Someone will come get you in the morning.”
I felt the touch of cold metal on my chest then heard the clasp of a snap closing. In the dark I saw a short metal chain attached to the bunk with the other end snapped on to a ring on my collar. I had been secured to the bunk for the night. The young woman left the room closing the door behind her.
There was nothing more for me to do now but try and sleep but sleep would not come. In the silent darkness I could hear the other slaves in the room breathing. At different times during the night three more slaves were brought into the room with one being placed in the bunk above mine. I don’t know when but I was finally able to drift off to sleep.
In the morning I was awakened by the sound of the door opening and a bright light snapping on. Two men entered the room both dressed in dark pants, black boots and a tight fitting dark t-shirts. They each carried something in their hands; short lengths of metal chain.
First moving to one of the upper bunks near the door they un-clipped the slave lying there and gently pulled her down out of the bunk. She was a young pretty brunette. One of the men pulled her up to her feet near the door. The other raised a length of the metal chain snapping one end onto her collar.
This was same procedure was repeated as the two men made their way around the room stopping at each slave in the room. In turn each of us was connected to the slave in front of us. Soon we were all attached together by about a two foot length of chain connected to each of our collars.
Each of the men then pulled a riding crop from their belt.
With a loud slap and the first man brought his crop down on the ass of the lead girl. “Walk slave!” the man yelled. The lead girl yelped and jumped, pulling us along by the chains attached to Our collars. The first man led the way down the hall while the second stood by the door and as each one of us passed by we got the experience of feeling the slap of the crop at least once or twice on our asses.
The slap on the ass hurt a bit but not really that bad. I yelped like the others but more from the surprise than from the actual pain. Looking at the slaves lined up in front of me it was soon very apparent what was happening Now. Our individuality was being removed. We were all chained together. Each one of us was dress obviously in the same white panties and matching bra. We were becoming property to be sold. I counted fourteen of us all together.
We walked in stride down the hall through a door and into another large room. Walking in stride was the only way for us to keep from stumbling or tripping on one another’s feet. The room we entered had four shower stalls on the right side while the other side had four toilet stalls. The far wall had four sinks each with its own mirror.
Once all of us slave were in the room the leader shouted, “Halt.”
The column of joined slaves abruptly stopped.
Standing there the second man began removing the chains connecting each of us. When he finished the leader spoke, “Slaves you have fifteen minutes to shower and freshen up. Begin.”
Immediately some of the slave dashed for the shows while others went for the toilets. I was one for the toilets not knowing when I might be given another chance. Then I showed. While I showed I was able for the first time to get a verygood look at my fellow slaves. Looking around the room I was impressed by the diversity that I saw. Three of the women were black, four were Asian, and another two looked Hispanic. The rest of us consistent of two brunettes, one red head, a raven and me the only blonde. Age wise I am guessing we ranged from the early twenties to early forties, but all of us appeared to be still in remarkably good shape. Another thing that I noticed was in addition to the unique collar that each of us wore many of my fellow slaves had been also marked in a much more permanent manner. Seven had distinctive tattoos upon their skin. Four had their master’s mark on either their right or left butte chef. Another had hers on her left calm while two other with short hair had it on the back of their necks. The older looking of the two brunettes had an entirely different kind of mark on her left buttock. One I can only assume was most painful when applied; a branding. In the past Master has discussed making a mor permanent mark upon my body, but he had always decided that he much more prefer for it to remain in its natural state.
Precisely fifteen minute later by my best guess the two men returned to the room.
“Line up,” the leader shouted as he entered the room, “Eyes front.”
Now knowing the drill each of us stood two feet apart as the men once again connected the chains between each of our collars. Once we were all connected we just stood there for several moments. Finally the leader took a felt marker pen from a pocket to write something on the lead slave’s chest. Down the line he went marking each slave in the same place. When he made his way to me I could see what he wrote. “329” Now I was not even a person but just a number. Once each of us was numbered we were again lead to another room. This one appeared to be a large dining hall with one long table and a single benchmark. There we were ordered to sit. Soon the two women from the previous night as well as two others began bringing out trays of food. A plate was set in front of each of us containing scrambled eggs, two strips of bacon, and toast. We were each also given a glass of juice.
After we had all finished breakfast and the dished cleared away we were still left in the room sitting on the bench for several hours. We were told if we needed to use the restroom again to raise our hand, but otherwise no talking. If a slave raised her hand that slave was then unchained, escorted to the bathroom, and when they returned she was re-connected back to her place in the chain again.
Finally we were told to stand and moved out of the dining hall and again to yet another room. This room was set up like photo studio with a large white backdrop and bright lights. There the leader spoke again. “Listen up. We are going to be taking a few photos of each you to be placed in the sales brochure next to the descriptions each of our master’s has provided us with.”
One by one each of us were disconnectted from the group. We were brought over to stand in front of the white backdrop directly over a mark on the floor. There several photos were taking of each of us. The first taking from a distance to get a full body image others were close ups of our faces smiling in to the camera. Finally were asked to turn so that our backs could be photographed as well.
After the conclusion of the photo shoot and we were once again connected all back together we were led to still another room. This room however was much different than the rest. Along one wall was a large enclosure made of chain link fencing. As each of us passed through the door into the enclosure the chains connecting us were removed. Scattered around on the floor were several thin mats and blankets. When the last of us entered the enclosure the door was closed behind her. Again we were warned, “No talking.”
For the next several hours we all waited in silence. I think some tried to sleep, but I could not. The anticipation of the events to follow kept me on edge. Questions like who would bid on me? How much would they pay? What would they be like? All of this not knowing was just like Allison had said, it was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.
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