This story was written as a gift to my sweet sub, Richard, as part of a consensual, caring relationship. It is a bit of fun fiction which turned us both on and we are sharing it in the hope that you enjoy it as much as we did. If Femdom is not for you, then please do not continue reading. However, if you like the idea of a powerful woman controlling every aspect of a helpless sub’s pleasure, then please read on.
Other stories in this series include Mistress’ Pleasure Slave, Sold for Her Pleasure, Serving as Her Shower Slut, Subslut’s Dilemma and Deepening his Control Training.
Part one:
Richard had been waiting all day for his summons to see his Mistress, but when it came, he was left with a mixture of fear and arousal. Mistress K demanded that he be shaken before Arriving. Now, on the surface, this seemed like such an innocent request, but Richard knew that she didn’t just mean his jaw. She wanted his body, the body that belonged to her, to be devoid of hair. Richard was used to being bare before her now, but there was something about having his body shavled that made him feel that much more naked, more vulnerable. He felt sure that this was just what she wanted him to feel.
Richard stepped into the shower and soaped himself up, wondering just how much body hair his Mistress wanted him to remove. He knew She was referring to his pubic hair, but did she also want him to remove chest hair, arm hair, leg hair? Was She planning some forced feminisation tonight? Richard shuddered involuntarily. He really didn’t relish the idea of wearing woman’s clothing or any kind of sissification play. However, when he choose to worship his Goddess he knew that there would be times he would have to make hard choices, and choosing to accept what She had in store for him, as humiliating as it may be, was one of those times. As long as it was in the privacy of Her home, he could probably bear it, but going out like that, being seen in public, was almost definitely a hard limit for him, even if it earned him punishment.
Lathering up with shaving foam, Richard decided to focus on doing as through a job as possible in the boxer-region. The fur around his cock wasn’t too hard to reach, but it means some interesting connections working on his balls and crack. He felt sure that his Mistress would be giving him a thorough inspection, which was particularly nervous-racking considering he couldn’t actually see those areas for himself and was going by feel alone for most of it. After spending half an hour and most of a can of shaving foam, Richard felt he had done a pretty through job. The skin around the base of his cock looked pink and baby smooth. It felt a bit odd, but he had a singing suicide that it made his shake look longer, so that was an unexpected bonus. He decided to leave his chest hair intact but removed his happy trail, so that his whole groinal area was shaken as per his Mistress’ instructions. Hopefully this would be consideredobedient to Her wishes without signaling that he wanted to experience something more. He felt sure that his Mistress would make Her displeasure know if this was not what She wanted and would either make him try again when he arrived or would remove it Herself in some embarrassing way, maybe even strip washing him, which he was sure would be ageing. Maybe he should reconsider and err on the side of caution, but the hour was fast approaching, and he needed to get dry and dressed so that he wasn’t late.
Richard dressed in lose comfortable clothing. After all, he would strip as soon as he reached his Mistresses’ hallway and he felt sure that any confident clothing would feel weird and uncomfortable against his freshly shacked genitalia. Even dressed as he was, sitting in his car felt decidedly odd and he was very aware of the way his naked Flesh rubbed against his clothes with every movement.
Arriving at the appointed hour, Richard went through his ritual of letting himelf in to Mistress’ cottage, striping and assuming his position in Her hallway. Richard noticed that the wooden flooring now boasted a soft, expensive-looking Turkish rug in the place he normally knelt. His Mistress was feeling beneficial.
Fasting the blindfold, Richard’s other senses became more attuned, and he listened carefully for his Mistress’ arrival. He would soon know if he had pleased Her with his close shake, or if he had not gone far enough.
Soon the familiar steps clicked their way towards him, and Richard found himself pulling in his stomach and sitting taller, spreading his thighs wide to showcase the smooth bare skin. He desperately wanted to please Her and now wished he had done more. What was the worst that could have happened? She may have felt it was unnecessary but at least he would have shown willing. Now She may consider stopping north of his navel was an insulting half measure.
Richard raised his sightless eyes to Her in a gesture of desperate appeal. Please be happy, Mistress. Please let her be aware that he would do anything for Her approval.
As Kate stopped in front of her sweet kneeing boy, she chuckled to herself. Richard had followed her instructions but there was now a clear boundary between the bare and hirsute portions of his body. From the waitline down, he was as smooth and bald as a newborn, but, as though he was wearing a furry vest, from the wait up he still sported his usual growth of hair. Her boy was just so precise! He may come to regret that later, but for now, she would let him keep it.
Removing his blindfold, she gave him with a smile and his shoulders obviously relaxed. Clearly, he had been nervous, and her warmth has set him at ease. She wondered idly how long that feeling of relaxation would continue During the rest of his evening. Taking his hand, she had him stand then cupped his face and brought it to hers for a deep, password kiss.
Richard was rarely soft in his Mistress’presence but now he went from semi-erect to instant stiffness as he fought himself not to pull Her to him and grind himself against Her like a base animal. If he had his way, he’d spend half his life kissing Her, but this was not something he could initiate, and he rarely got to mould his lips to Hers and feel the play of Her tongue on his. When he did, like tonight, it was a highly erotic experience.
Richard followed his Domina down the hallway and into Her conservatory. It was dark outside now and the brightly lit room turned the wall of windows into a mirror, reflecting the erotic contrast of naked male and fully dressed Female. His Mistress was dressed in a form-fitting forest-green bodycon dress that fell to just below Her knee. The high waist and tailored corset-style top showedcased Her beautiful breasts, but it was the rear view with the single full-length zip that, if parted, would separate the two halves, which cupped her heart-shaped ass so lovingly, that Richard couldn’t take his eyes off.
When he finally to his eyes away from Her reflection, Richard realized that the furniture had been moved back and there was a heavy tarpaulin on the floor to protect the carpet. But to protect it from what? Richard’s mind immediately went to all manner of scary possibilities, including water sports, blood play, possible something worse, and his Mistress’ smile didn’t really do much to put his mind at ease. Richard shivered with fear and revulsion.
Kate could see that Richard’s mind was racing and loved the way he looked to her for reassurance. She toyed with the idea of keeping him in the dark, playing on his fear of the unknown. However, it wouldn’t suit her purposes. This wasn’t the titillating, sexy kind of fear that she liked to instil, it was more destructive than that and already Richard’s iron-hard ection of just a few moments ago was flagging. That would never do. Her boy should be eager and ready to serve at all times in her presence.
‘Kneel,’ she commanded. ‘And let me look at my treasured pet.’ Kate walked slowly around Richard, trailing her fingertips across his skin, leaving goose bumps in their wake. She admired his toned form, his strong chest and shoulders, his pert little nipples and now smooth skin below his waist. As her touches brought his cock back up to full mast, she admired the aesthetic of his cleanly shacked balls hanging heavy between his parted thighs.
‘Hmmm, very nice pet. I look forward to getting a closer look at your work later. Now I have summoned you here tonight because I want to put you on show. I want to see you, touch you whenever the mood takes me. I want to show you off to my friends and other strangers, let them gaze upon you, admire your naked form. I no longer feel that seeing a photo whenever I demand one is enough. I want to run my hands over your eager manflesh whenever I choose without having to wait for you to attend me. And when I am finished with you, I can leave youhanging on my wall or lock you away. Do you feel honoured, pet?’
Part two:
Richard’s mind was racing. Was Mistress going to hand him over to Her friends? After experiencing Tatiana last week he’d be happy never to meet another one of Her friends again! Why couldn’t it just be the two of them in a bubble.? He didn’t need anyone else, and he wished the same was true for his Mistress. Why couldn’t he be enough for Her? Why did She need anyone else in Her life?
But then She’d suggested that She had captured him, and was going to keep him, not let him escape. On the one hand, this was exactly what he wished for, laying with Mistress in Her bed last week, the tenderness of letting him experience Her sweetness was everything he ever dreamed of. But he had a life outside of his time with Mistress. He had children. How would he explain to them giving up his home? As much as he wanted to get up and run out, the way She looked so sexy, so sensitive and had a radiant beauty that emanated from within kept him kneeing at Her feet.
‘You look so worried, pet. Does that scare you? The thought of belonging to me every hour of every day? It shouldn’t, boy, as you already belong to me 24:7, I assumed you knew that? And, as for allowing others to see and touch, you should be proud that I want to show you off. Be grateful that I am so pleased by your devotion, your respectful pose, your eager bobbing cock that I want others to see it and be jealous that you are mine. Are you grateful, boy?’ She asked, musingly, as if She really truly wanted to know the answer.
‘Yes, oh, yes, Mistress! This one is forever grateful that You picked him of all others in that coffee shop and summoned him to Your home,’ Richard relied quickly. He was grateful, it was true. Down to his very core, he thanked his Goddess along with whatever other deity existed, that their paths had crossed those short months ago. Before he was only existing. He had thought himself happy, content buthe hadn’t realized how lonely he was, how much his life had been lacking colour, excitement, joy. Now he knew different, there was no way he was going to give Her up, go back to merely existing. His children were growing up. They were still close and saw each other all the time, especially his son who would have to move out if he sold the house, but they would understand, wouldn’t they? Surely, they cared About his happiness, just like he cared for theirs and would support them in their life decisions?
‘Oh, how you struggle, pet. As though a mere mortal could possibly fathom the divine plan of a Goddess! Ridiculous. All you need to do is listen to my voice, obey my instructions and reject in your submission and eventually, all will be revealed,’ She pursued, clearly delighted that he was already out of his comfort zone and She’d barely began.
‘I have decided to turn you into a piece of art. Your eager slut body is pleasured to my eye and I want to cast it in bronze and have itforever hanging on my wall to immortalise the purity of your devotion. My dear friend owns a gallery and has offered to put it on show for the elite of the art world to coo and fawn over. It will be a tactile sculpture, so patrons will be encouraged to touch and fondle, and where their eager hands stroke, the bronze will be buffed to a high shine, indicating which areas they most drawn to. One can only imagine how you will look after that Experience, and that will just add to your appeal on my wall. Seeing how others cover you and yet I am your owner. Delightful is it not?’ She seemed pleased with herself, and Richard could understand the appeal. What he wouldn’t give for a life cast of his Mistress to worship when he was away from Her.
‘I have decided to cast your body from thighs to upper chest. You will stay kneeing, with your hands claped behind your head and your arms at right angles to your body. And of course, you will stay hard for the entirety of the casting process.That won’t be a problem for you, will it, pet? Can you imagine how disappointed I would be if you were unable to perform and your legacy would be a pitiful showing of flaccid flesh? Because, boy, if that were the case, I would still go ahead and show it and you would forever be immortalised as an object of ridicule. People would come especially to point and laugh. Is that what you want, boy?’ She asked seriously.
Oh, god, no. That would be mortifying! The thought of his thrusting manhood being seen and fondled by all was one thing. Embarrassing, definitely, but a part of him was honoured to feel that his Mistress was so proud of him She wanted to show him off, claiming him publicly. But to let his Mistress down, to let himself down and become a public laughingstock, an object of ridicule forever, was beyond humiliating. He would do whatever it took not to fail Her. Normally it wouldn’t be a problem for he was forever hard around Her, but he had no idea what the casting processwould entail and how it would affect him, plus the added pressure and fear of failure could conspire against him to make the whole ordeal even more challenging.
‘Dearest Goddess, Your boy wants to make You proud, to be the art You desire. Thank You for honouring him in this way, Mistress.’ Richard looked up adoringly at his beautiful Goddess and was once again rewarded with a smile of affection. She ran a soft hand through his hair and stroked down to cup his cheese.
‘OK, then. Let us begin. I am going to cover your body with alginate, this blue powder here. I will mix it with water to form a thick paste and I will spread this all over your upper thighs, your cock, balls, stomach, and chest. I wonder if you will regret not removing your thick chest and leg hair when it comes removing the mould? Ah well, choices have consequences, never forget that, boy,’ She chuckled.
From his kneeing position, Richard could see his Mistress donning a pair of elbow-length rubber gloves and a severe, full-length starched white apron, which was rarely reminiscent of a strict Victorian Nanny or Governess. It had deep pockets that he could imagine were filled with all kinds of harsh corrective implementations such as a leather paddle or Lochgelly tawse. Already he was hard as iron as he waited for what she had planned for him. Carefully, his Mistress added a measured pitcher of water to the bowl of powder and used an electric whisk to beat it into a sloppy goo. How like Her, he thought wryly. She could turn him into a puddle of goo if She ever chose to treat him so harshly.
Kate knew that she didn’t have long before the alginate set but Richard wasn’t to know that. As far as he was concerned, he may have to maintain his erection for hours, and she wasn’t about to disabuse him of that fact because she loved the way his face squinched up with concentration when she set him a difficult task. Besides, although the casting time was mercifully short, the temperature of the water had to be cold to stop the alginate curing too quickly, so it would be challenging enough!
Bringing the heavy bowl down to the floor, Kate knelt, her knees between Richard’s spread thighs so she could reach all the areas she wanted to cast. He really was mouth-watering like this. All hard, tensed and desperate to please. Although time was short, she couldn’t resist stroking both hands, clad as they were in thin black rubber, all the way down his chest, over his hard nipples, that pumped tighter at her touch, down his slightly ticklish midriff to his Adonis belt, which she then followed to his scaling cock and heavy balls. Lightly struggling his shake, she cupped his sac in one hand and gently rolled his plums in her palm. He jerked involuntarily in pleasure and groaned softly. Ahh, music to her ears. How she wished she could linger here and torque him further, but the clock was ticking, and she had work to do. ‘Hands behind your head, arms out. Sit up straight, tightsspread wide. Remember your position at all times, boy and do not let me down.’
Removing her hands abruptly, causing him to suck in a gasp of disappointment, she plunged both hands into the bowl and brought out a big glob of the sticky alginate. It felt a little like toothpaste and it did have a minty smell and vaguely she wondered if she had purchased dental alginate that was mainly used for tooth casting? Ah well, it’d do the same job.
Richard tensed himself as he saw his Mistress’ hand approaching his tights. As she spread the mound of light blue paste over his skin he hissed in disappoint. It was bloody freezing! Even now, the icy feel of the paste was seeing though his muscles and his cock was suffering as though he’d just stepped out into the snow with no pants on! How in god’s name was he going to stay hard when She decided to rub that all over his genitals? Oh, god, he was going to go limp and then she’d cast his failure for all to see. He had thought that maybe this would be an easy session tonight but now he realized it could possibly be the most deviant plan his Mistress had ever conceived!
She continued to spread the paste over the tops and sides of both upper thighs, her hand reaching around, brushing against his hanging balls, which certainly helped with the flagging erection. And then, as he started to acclimatise to the chill, something started happening. The areas of his skin that the paste was touching had started to tingle. The tingle at first was a gentle sensing that barely registered, but soon it ramped up to be a prickling ticket that started to heat up. Richard wanted to shift, but his Mistress’ stern reprimand, ‘Be still!’, stopped him even that slight movement.
When his thighs were completely coated, Mistress reached in for another handful. Would she go straight for his cock, or would she show mercy and start on his chest next? Mistress seemed to be having the same thought and locked eyes with him for a few seconds, seeming to gauge his reaction, then plopped the whole lot down on his bobbing cock. Richard let out a strange cry, as the icy paste coated his hot, hard crown and was stroked down his pulsing shaft. It was a strange dichotomy of sensings as the icy chill tried to rob him of his erection and his talented Mistress coated it back to life. Ultimately, his Mistress won, as he knew She always would, and he roared back to life under Her ministers. His heavy balls were next to receive their liberal layer of goo, and Mistress took the time to smooth a good portion over his taint and tight, untried pumper. For a moment, Richard feared she may do more than just sweep her slick finger over his back hole but, thankfully, She continued diligently with Her task.
Finally, Her hands left his groin and continued to paint a thick, icy layer over his upper chest, nipples, and stomach. Richard sat straighter and tried to keep his core braced to give better definition to his abs. By now, the minty fragment of the alginate was making its presence known all over his body. His cock and balls were burning and throbbing despite the cold, and his poor shy little anal freckle was on fire! The fact that he had been newly shaken down there just made his skin that much more sensitive and he was truly feeling it now. He desperately wanted to feel Her touch back on his skin, to relieve the itch, the burn She had created, but, just as he opened his mouth to beg, she looked at him sternly, ‘No, pet. Now you will hold still for 30 minutes, to ensure that the alginate cures fully and no bubbles are formed.’
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