The Art Exhibit

Jake loved dating Alexis. Sexy and wild, her coco brown skin, delicious curves and incredibly tasty and ample booty mixed and blended with her crazy Jamaican ways always kept him constantly off balance but definitely kept life interesting. Their sex life was an unending carnival and she made sure they kept pushing the envelope of their password further and further, well out of his comfort zone.

Once While at the beach she stole his trunks while they were swimming and ran back to their room to lock them away, leaving him naked and stranded in the surf. Returning to join him in the water, she grinned as she said she would not retrieve them until he properly served her under the water right in full view of hundreds of people on the shore. After almost drowning several times, he finally earned his trunks back but only after having to beg and being forced to make a very humiliating dash after her. She thought it would be funny to play keep away in front of some very shocked familiares on the beach so he put on quite a show.

Another time she insisted on having sex out on the balcony of their hotel overlooking Times Square on New Year’s Eve on the 23rd floor. Always the exhibitionist she loved playing on the edge, getting hotter and hotter the more likely they would be caught. That incident was sexier in theory than in practice as being 5 below zero that night, and Jake having his left ass cheek frozen to the metal railing did not lead to his best PERFORMANCE. Giggling at his begging to go back inside, Alexis playedfully locked him out and did not let him back into the warm hotel room until she saw him edge himself five times on the open balcony. Luckily for him their room was high enough and the crowd distracted enough by other activities he wasn’t noticed by the police and therefore didn’t get arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior. As he could be seen naked, just not THAT clearly from the street, it prevented his arrest but clearly it was enough to be very embarrassing as quite a few female hots and hollers cheered him on as he pumped.

The final straw though was the week prior when she again insisted on adding an element of danger to their love making sessions. Creeping up onto the roof of their Greenwich Village apartment building, she whipped out a pair of handscuffs and bound him down tight to the fire escape railing.

To make it even more exciting for her, to Jake’s horror she throw all of their clothes (and his key) down into the side alley and said she would not retrieve them until she was COMPLETELY satisfied. Placing that juicy booty on his face she announced that they could only go back to her apartment when he had licked her to at least ten toe curlers, and being a very vocal woman, each one was loudly announced.

In fact, she was so loud the neighbors called the police as they were convinced a murder was in progress on the roof. They were both almost arrested for instant exposure when the cops popped up (guns drawn) to investigate the moans and howls of either pleasure or pain. Each escapade they engaged in only inspired Alexis to move the goal further down the field to satisfy her constant need for excitement, and there seemed to be no end in sight to her increasing appealite for adventure. Jake, despite loving her deeply, was rapidly finding her appetites too much for his system to handle.

He loved the wildness and definitely was Very sexually attracted to her as she was beyond gorgeous, but frankly he was getting tired of some of her more outrageous stunts. After they almost got arrested the prior week, he felt he had enough and decided that their lifestyle needed some “adjusting”. Confronting her about it he stated that he definitely wanted to keep seeing her but wanted to have a more conventional sex life, more like “normal” people. Nodding sadly Alexis seemed disappointed but understood and said she would try to “tone it down”.

The problem was she was too avant guardfor him, and after unexpectedly attempting the new arrangement for a week, and after some crying and singing accusations by her, she suggested that maybe they should just break up. Jake was devastated of course, but accepted as he agreed that perhaps they were not compatible after all. They were just too different, he was milk and she was DEFINITELY wild.

He would certainly miss her wild ways and definitely that gorgeous body, but eventually he was positive he would be either imprisoned or injured by one of her stunts so thought it best they part now on relatively good terms. As they kissed and he walked back to his own apartment, he wondered if he would be able to resist her incredible sexual magnetism enough to stay away forever.

About 2 later weeks he had his answer as he called her at her studio. For fourteen days he could not get her out of his mind, and decided that despite the hassles of seeing a wild girl like Alexis, he had to have her back. The images of her thick hips, gorgeous big ass and suckable dark browser nipples drive him wild and his whole body (some more than others) ached for her. Mustering up his courage, and his gonads writing checks his ass could not cash, he asked if they could get back together, and as a sweetener he added. “On your terms baby, whatever you want.”

She was wild and dangerous normally, but Jake thought she seemed surprisedly coy on the phone. She too loved Jake and loved having him in her life, but his leaving still stung. He was a steadying influence on her as he was YING to her YANG. His tall cut body, handsome, rugged and panty wetting boyish face and even better, his quite impressive cock, were not bad either and in the prior two weeks she had missed every inch of him.

Despite her romantic feelings for him, she was still pissed that he had rejected her and wanted to teach him a lesson. She would get him back into her life but DEFINITELY on HER terms not his.

Feigning having her feelings hurt by his earlier rejection she said that if he was serious about getting back together he should meet her at the 809 Gallery where her new art exhibition was preparing to open the next night. She was working late to prepare the last of the installations so they would be completely alone.

Jake eagerly agreed and knowing her inclinations was already throbbing as he KNEW this was going to lead to some spectacularly wild and raucous sex. Thirty minutes later he was standing in the gallery, alone and already semi-hard as he gazed at her recently created statistics.

The exhibition was all Alexis’s and he was quite impressed and very proud of his talented and gorgeous girlfriend. She was a very talented artist and as you would expect, her specialty was very provocative and sexually explicit art.

Jake found himself getting even harder as he looked at her new collection; filled with naked bodies of countless attractive couples caught in compromising positions having intercourse. Already in his mind’s eye he had her down on the floor and he was plowing away into her warm wet cave like the art that surrounded them illustrated in such beautiful and graphic ways.

Hearing her footsteps behind him, when he turned around to compliment her show, his jaw dropped open as she stood completely naked before him. Tall with long luscious legs and a definite curvy and full womanly figure, she pushed every button in Jakes erotic tool box. When she grabbed him by the neck and pointed to the floor, he knew exactly what to do. They had played many times with female domination games and they both enjoyed it.

Within seconds Jake was stark naked and kneeing on the floor kissing her beautiful feet, which he loved to do at every opportunity. Her lightly wet ebony soles were delicious and he just grunted appreciatedly as she stroked his head with her long catlike nails.

She was especially aggressive tonight he thought as she throw him roughly to the floor and planted that savory ass right onto his eager face. He loved nothing better than licking and pleasure her, and the sweet taste of her honey got him as hard as if he were drinking liquid Viagra.

For the next hour she rode and rode his talented tongue to one ear splitting shrinking orgasm after another before finally rolling off of his dripping and saturated mouth and whispering into his ear.

“I suppose you want your turn now don’t you Jake.”

Jake nodded his pussy soaked and glazed face quite enthusiastically and was helpless before her as she grabbed his balls and lifted him to his feet. Putting a blindfold on him made him very disoriented, but he was so horny at this point he would have followed her anywhere. Before he knew it she had guided him back into the main darkened exhibition hall and tied his ankles and wrists to a Wooden frame. Jake smiled and grew even harder thinking this was just another of Alexis’s sexual stunts.

Once restrained she admired her handiwork. He wasbound tight and wide on the X frame and every inch of his gorgeous body was exposed completely to her view. Bending over she cupped his balls with one hand and lightly licked the tip of his cock, enjoying the salty taste of his pre-cum on her tongue.

“So Jake you ready for me to rock your world?” she asked.

He could only moan a yes now as he was literally shaking with desire.

“Well, you Know I am wild, and love my sex spicy. It hurt my feelings when you left, but I am so glad you are back.” She said as she grinned, watching his cock grow even harder as she continued speaking.

“BUT, You will have to be punished though for your transgressions.”

Thinking it was still part of their role play Jake answered “Yes Mistress, Yes, punishment me!”

“I am glad you agree.” She purred as she ran her nails up his throbbing shake and watched him quiver under her touch. “As I think we shall play the waiting game now. You remember the waiting game don’t you?”

He did,and although he wanted nothing more than to get loose and plow into those gorgeous coco globes of hers, he tensed his body as he prepared for her assault. They had played this game many times before and he both loved and hated it. Alexis was the master of the tease, and as they had been together a long time, she knew every inch of his body better than he did. Even better, she knew exactly how to get his pot boiling without causing it to boil over.

For the next two hours Jake learned the meaning of the word frustration as Alexis proceeded to edge him right to the blink countless times before stopping. Running her nails over his erect nipples, she loved swirling her hot tongue over his purple throbbing glans in little tiny circles until he whimpered. Eventually he could take no more as his balls throbbed in her palms and his whole body shook. He was SOOOOO close to orgasm he could taste it and now begged practically like a baby.

“Please Alexis PLEASE!” he cracked, his voice hoarse as his bare toes gripped the hard wooden floors as he teetered on the precipice of his cum flood. “Please let me loose, I just want nothing more than to have sex with you baby! PLEASE!”

Grinning, she released her grip from his veiny hard cock and giggled as she took off his blindfold.

“Me too baby, ME TOO. In fact, I can’t wait until we have sex tomorrow night after my opening.”

Jake looked puzzled as he thought he misheard, struggling as he tried to thrust his erection into the air, desperate for the feel of her body on his flesh.

“Tomorrow? Well, I mean, I thought we were going to have sex now babe, come on, don’t leave me hanging.”

Still thinking it was a joke he batted his eyes and attempted to put on his best sad puppy dog face.

Grinning, Alexis started to redress. “No, tomorrow it will be and I am sure you will be quite stirred up by then, as will I. You see, you are going to be part of my opening night exhibition. I have decided to entitle you “Denied Lust””.

As she stepped towards him she opened her purse and removed a small bag of powder and blew it in his face. Jake cought as he inhaled the contents but soon found that he was completely paralyzed, unable to move a muscle or even close his eyes.

Returning the bag to her purse she smiled. “You see Jake, this is zombie powder just delivered from Kingston. The Zombie effect is not permanent, but it definitely will keep you nice and still for the next 24 hours so I hope you are comfy where you are standing. My cousin brought some back from Jamaica just last week and I instantly thought of you when she gave it to me.”

Grinning as she saw that his rod was just as hard paralleled as it was before, she ticked the head with her pinky.

“You will still feel everything of course, but just won’t be able to move. When you called I decided that for my “performance art” piece, you would be the obvious candidate to star in this provocative piece. To make it evenbetter, I decided to make it interactive with the attendees.”

Jake, still struggle to move watched in terror as she brought forth a large fishbowl of feathers and then brought one out.

“Each gallery patron will receive a feather and will be encouraged to stroke and tease my living “statue” for as long as they want. I know how ticklish you are, and I also know how worked up you can get, I Just can’t wait until I release you tomorrow night after the show. I bet you will be ready to shoot a gallon for me once the powder wears off.”

Kissing his paralyzed face, Alexis could feel the desperation emanating off of Jake’s face like a red hot radiator. He could do nothing of course as he was paralyzed and helpless to escape the strokes of the feather she was now running over his balls as she talked.

“Nighty Night Jakey, sleep well for your big debug tomorrow.” She giggled as she turned off the lights and closed up the Gallery for the night.


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