Kat stood at the door of her house waiting on her mom to pick her up and carry her to the train station. She surveyed her bags and did a mental check list for the hundreds time of their contents. Leaning against the doorjamb her fingers lifted to the collar around her throat subconsciously and rubbed it gently. A honk from the driveway started her from her revelry and she quickly gathered her things, locked the door behind her and walked out to the car.
“Hi Mom. Thanks for taking me to the train today.” She said and smiled at her mom after placing her bags in the back.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind. I’ll miss you while you’re gone but I know you will enjoy the time away.” She answered fondly and pulled out of the driveway.
The ride to the train station was done in moderate silence with only the oldies rock from the radio to break the silence. When they arrived and Kat had picked up her ticket and found her way to the right platform she turned and smiled at her mom.The two embedded with a tight hug and her mother kissed her on the cheese.
“You’ll call me when you arrive? Don’t forget now.” Her mother asked with a worried expression.
“Yes Mom, I will call and even if I don’t you’ll call me!” She answered with a laugh.
Both women chuckled at that and knew that it was more than true. Kat picked up her bags and with one More farewell smile to her mom she boarded the Amtrak train and found her seat. Stowing her bags she got comfortable and pulled out her book. This would be nice. There would be peace and quiet to read by and lovely countryside to look at when her eyes needed a break.
After the train had been on the way for half an hour she picked up her purse and made her way to the lavatory compartment. If she hadn’t had her chin to Her chest the red blush flushing across her cheeks would have been quite noticeable. Once in the small closet she did her personal business and flushed it away. Putting the seat down she sat and left her panties down around her ankles. From the bottom of her pursuit she pulled out her small finger vibe. Master had been clear on his instructions. He told her once every half hour to go into the bathroom and bring herself near to orgasm but not climax. She was not allowed that until she was with him that evening.
Slipping the small white finger-like vibrator into her she stroked a few times and started rubbing against her clip. It was a strain to keep quiet so those on the other side of that thin door would not hear and wonder about the activities of the woman within. Within a couple minutes she felt her climax nearing it’s peak. Oh god, she became, to just push it a little and over the edge it would go. She bit her bottom lip hard and nearly drew blood. No, she would do this. She would be obedient. Flicking the vibrator off and sliding it out she rinsed it in the sink as well as her fingers. After it was tucked away in her purse and her dress adjusted once more she made herway back to her seat. Picking up her novel she settled back in to read.
She repeated this seven times during her trip. Each time she returned from the lavatory her eyes were a bit more glazed, her skin more flushed and her heart racing faster than a small rabbit. It was no wonder when the train finally pulled in she was one of the first out of her seat and making her way to the platform. She looked around for him, a glimmer of Worry for an instant that he might not be there. She chased that away quickly knowing he would move heaven and hell to meet her train.
A body pressed against her from behind and strong arms slipped around her waist. She felt his chin against her cheek and in his gentle voice he spoke in her ear.
“Hello my lovely kat, how beautiful you are and how pleased I am to see you and hold you once again.” He spoke this and then turned her to face him and hugged her again even tighter than the first.
She laid her cheek against his massive chest and clost her eyes in contentment. Murmuring her response quietly, she said, “Thank you, Master.”
He collected her bags and stood them in the back of his SUV. On the way to the restaurant to have supper they chatted about her trip on the train and the wedding she’d attended the day before. It was marvelous to be together again and the ease that was between them fell in place as if they had never been apart these past few weeks.
They arrived at the restaurant and were seated quickly. The waitress took their order for drinks and vanished for a few minutes to fill the order. Master leaned over to her and whispered in her ear, “Go to the ladies room my lovely kat and remove your panties. Come back and have a seat but be sure you set your very lovely bottom bare on your chair.”
Kat dipped her head down and a familiar blush spread across her cheeks. She nodded silently and slipped out of her chair and walked slowly towards the ladies room. Halfway across the room she lifted herhead and forced herself to not blush further. At their table she knew he had seen her lift her head and carry herself as he wished with her head up and proud of who she was. In the bathroom she quickly used the facilities, removed her white panties and put them in her purse.
The walk back to their table was made with her head held high despite the cool breeze that now slipped between her bare mound and thighs. She smiled at him as she took her seat and carefully arranged her dress so that it was not between her bare bottom and the wooden chair.
As she browsed the menu her Master stroked her thigh gently making it very hard to concentrate long enough to select something to eat. He withdraw his hand as the waiter approached again and took their order. No sooner had the young man withdraw she felt his hand once more on her thigh, stroking softly up and down again and again. Each time going higher until his knuckles grazed the soft hair of her mound and she bit her lip to keepfrom moaning in pleasure. The next upward movement brought his fingers in contact and he used this moment to slip into her and in that moment she was sure she would slip right out of her chair and melt there on the floor. Her master stroked her chin and cheats smiling at her while doing all these delightful things with his other hand beneath her skirt. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply and let his tongueplunder her lips and mouth much the same as his fingers did to her pussy beneath her skirt.
The waiter soon brought their food to the table and they began to eat. All through supper her Master engaged her in conversation about what had happened with her since they were last together. During their conversation his fingers teased and stroked her over and over, stopping and starting. When dinner was over and the check was paid he walked her out to his truck. As she stepped into it his hand raised the back of her skirt so that again she sat bare-bottomed on the seat.
It was nearly dark on the drive back to his apartment. Dark enough she hoped no one who passed saw that her skirt was up to her hips and her pussy bare. Her Master’s hand teasing and stroking and occasionally delivering a couple firm swats to the sensitive lips. He would have her moaning and emrithing and feeling so close and then stop so that she got close to climax over and over but not allowing her that release.
In the parking lot of The apartment he pulled her luggage from the back of the SUV and walked up the stairs to his place. She trailed behind him a bit slowly, her knees somewhat wobbly and thighs sticky with evidence of her state of arousal. He unlocked the door and set her bag inside and turned to watch her approach the threshold of his house.
“Kat,” he said in a strong voice yet strained with his own aroused state, “enter here and present yourself as you should always be in my presence.”
She looked around and hoped the neighbor was already in bed or not home that night. Quickly she tugged her bra unhooked and slipped her arms from it. Next was her shirt and skirt. Taking a deep breath and looking around one more time for observers she she shed her clothes and stepped into her Master’s home. Her pillow was there in the floor center of the room and she crossed to it and kneeeled with her knees wide apart, her back arched and leaning back on her feet. Her palms were up on her legs and her eyes were downcast.
He approached behind and she felt the cold steel of her collar around her throat. A moment later it clicked as he locked it into place. His hand was gentle and strong on the back of her neck as he guided her down to the floor. She reached her arms behind her and crossed her wrists. He quickly double looped them with his binding cord and sat back to admire her.
“Count for me kat.” He instructed just before the first contact of his hand with her bare cheese. “One, thank you Master.” She counted.
“Two, thank you Master.” She counted on.
He gave her in all twenty-four and for each she counted and thanked him. There was one for every day they’d been apart and she had not been present to serve and please him. It was his way of saying how much he’d missed her and how pleased he was she was once more in her place.
On the last stroke his hand slide down between her lips and met the warm wet state her pussy was in. “My kat has a slave’s heat, does she not?” he asked.
“Yes, Master.” She managed to answer.
“Does my kat wish her Master to use her slave’s heat to please himself?” he asked her as his two fingers slipped inside her.
“Yes, please Master.” She pleased from her bound position, understanding and wiggling in need.
“Beg for use, my lovely slave.” His voice reached her ears through the turmoil his hand was causing between her legs.
“Master, this girl begs for you use.” She droveled and mewed pleading with her voice and her body for him to take her and use her until he was sated.
His cock slamming into her took the breath from her lungs. His hand wrapped in her hair and pulled him to her as he set his rhythm. This was what she’d begged for and this was what he gave her. When after several minutes of pounding into her hard and fast he came with a loud moan and cried out her name. She squeezed him tightly with the muscles of her pussy and milked his cock until there wasn’t a drop of cum left.
She whimpered when he withdraw from her and she wished more than anything they could always be joined and be one. He pushed her over on her side and lifted her head to his cock. He lips closed around the cultivation head and sucked him into her mouth. In a few minutes she had licked and sucked him clean of both of their juices and he pulled away from her lips.
Looking down at her he smiled and stroked her hair softly. As he stood and walked into the other room she wondered what the week would bring. The sticky cum on her thighs and sting on her ass were agood start to what would be a very exciting time.
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