The front door closed, and we both watched James walk stiff-legged down the road.
“I am glad you have chosen to appreciate with me. You need to get your life under control. However you cannot expect to dispense discipline without being distributed yourself. So, let us start as we mean to go on. Please, will you bring me the hairbrush.”
I could not believe what I had Just heard. “Sorry, what have I done?”
“I looked into your room earlier, there are clothes everywhere it was a disorganised mess.”
“Are you going to punish me for a messy room?”
“Yes, it reflects on your approach to life, you need structure and discipline if you are going to be my appreciation. Please fetch the hairbrush.”
I could not believe I was to be paid like a naughty teenager. Still semi-naked, I went into the office and collected the hairbrush. I had not paid it much attention earlier, but now it felt heavy in my hand, and I felt sure the wooden brush would leave a very lasting impression on my bottom. I could not deny that, although scared, I was feeling more than a tingle of excitement.
My aunt was sitting in the middle of the sofa, still just wearing her skirt. “Please remove all your clothes and stand before me.”
I did as I had been asked and stood as instructed. I could feel my aunt’s eyes roving over my body. She reached out and gently tugged on my pubes. “This is equally unruly, please tidy yourself up here, or I shall can you next time.”
I knew I had not shacked or trimmed myself for a while, but I could not believe I was being threatened with the cane for the state of my pubic hair.”
“Hands on your head, legs further apart.”
I rushed to comply. Her fingers strayed to my pussy, and she could no doubt feel my excitement from earlier. “You are excited; was it watching the punishment or the fact you are to be punished?”
“Watching earlier, I am scared to be punished.”
“No excitement at all?” My aunt smiled andran her finger along my pussy.
I could not lie. “Some, but I am scared.”
“If you want to discuss people, you must experience it first. You have some painful lessons coming up.”
Fear and excitement mixed again.
“Over you go,” my aunt patted her lap.
I struggled into position and lay with my bottom uppermost.
My aunt gently rubbed her hand over my bottom, it felt lovely. “It does almost seem a shame to punish you, but you do have to learn.” Her tone changed, and suddenly she was a strict discilarian. “Keep your buttocks relaxed, do not tense, and do not reach back to prevent your punishment. I expect you to be brave. Do you understand?”
“Yes, but please, I have never been spanked before.” Even I heard the pleading in my voice.
“That is a major part of your problem, one that I will start to address now.”
I felt the brush being placed on my lower back; my aunt’s hand gently stroked my bottom. I realized I did not know my aunt’s sExuality. I was sure my mother must have told her of mine. I parted my legs, hoping that she would rub somewhere else. I was to be disappointed.
“Offering yourself to me is not going to work. You are going to be punished; only good girls get rewards. Naughty girls get sore bottoms.” With this, she picked up the brush and rubbed my bottom with it instead.
Fear raced through me, a thousand butterflies had taken hold of my stomach, but my pussy remained excited.
“Remember discipline under punishment.” With this, the first stroke landed on my right buttock. I gasped at the impact. I bucked on my aunt’s lap, and I kicked my feet.
“Did you not listen to a word I said?” My aunt sounded generally cross, “Keep your bottom relaxed and keep yourself Still.” There was a silence. “Otherwise, it will be the cane decorating your backside.”
If I was worried before, it was nothing like now. I was terrified of being caned. I vividly recalled James’ bottom after his punishmentment. I wanted to avoid that at any cost.
“Right, let’s start again.” Again, the brush rubbed my left buttock. Then it was lifted before returning with force. I kept still, and I let out a gasp of pain. There was a pause, and then the brush returned to my right buttock. I could not stay completely still, but it took all my willpower to not jump off her lap and dance around the room. Stroke Followed stroke, and I could hear the wood connecting with my naked flesh. I cried out, and tears flowed.
After what seemed like forever but was probably two or three minutes, my aunt put her bush down and rubbed my bottom once again. “That was much better, you can behave if you try. I am going to finish off with two strokes on the top of each thigh, and then you are done.”
I briefly considered pleading with her, but instead, I whispered. “Thank you, Mistress.”
“Good girl.”
I was so proud of the praise, later, I would wonder what had become of me.
The brush was placed at the top of my left thigh, and then two quick strokes followed. I cried out in earnest, and while doing so, my right thigh was subject to similar treatment. I lay across her lap, exhausted.
“You have been very brave,” my aunt said as her hand started to rub the hurt away. This sounded like high prayer, indeed. I knew in my heart that I had not been as disciplined as I could have been, but I was incredibly pleased that my first spanking was over.
“I suggest you go to bed now, you will want to inspect your bottom. Soon the pain will fade to a warm glow, which is the reward of being punished. I will see you in the morning. However, tomorrow evening, I will inspect your pubic bush.
Remember the consequences if you fail inspection.”
With this, I was dismissed.
When I closed my bedroom door behind me, I immediately bent over in front of the mirror. My bottom was red all over, it was not, however, as sore-looking as James’ bottom had been. After I had got into bed, I lay naked face down. I was starting to feel the promised glow, and soon my fingers found my pussy and I brought myself to a very satisfied orgasm. I drifted off to sleep, wondering what tomorrow would bring in my exciting new life.
When I woke in the morning before breakfast, I determined that I would need to buy some small scissors and a razor. Whatever else I did not want to fail inspection. Although the spanking the previous evening had been both scary and exciting, I did not wish to be able. Especially for my public hair. I smiled as I thought about how weird it was to even think about this.
Over breakfast, I was invited to lunch. My aunt told me she was meeting an old friend of hers who ran a fashion import and export business. I was happy to accept the invitation. I went shopping for my shaving materials and realized I would have to get some sort of job if I were to pay my way. I did have some money my mother had given me, but this would not last forever. Iwas surprised at how much I wanted to stay in Brighton with my aunt. I was starting to think I finally had an ambition for something I wanted to achieve. I could not think of how I would explain to my mother that I wished to become a dominatrix, but I decided I would cross that bridge when I came to it.
Lunch was at a local bistro pub. I liked Natalie on sight. She was a skinny bundle of energy. You could tell she was a good friend of my aunt. Conversation flowed with the wine, and we got onto some of the funny stories of their time together. I was very relaxed in their company.
“So, what are your plans now that you are in Brighton?” Natalie asked.
Before I could answer, my aunt replied. “She has been a naughty girl and has been sent to me to straighten her out.”
Natalie laughed, “That could be painful for you,” she said, smiling at me. It was obvious she knew about my aunt’s sideline. “Seriously, what are your plans?”
“I do not know, I like it here, but first I need a job, I do not want to be a charity case.”
I spend the next few minutes filling Natalie in on my background.
“My PA has just gone on maternity leave; she kept me focused and ran my schedule. She was great with both my customers and suppliers. Would you want a temporary job running around after me?”
“Really? I would love that,” I replied.
“Look, I am in London all day tomorrow, come to the office on Tuesday morning, and let’s start from there. I need someone to keep me organized.”
Later that afternoon in the bath, I held myself, and looking in the mirror, I was pleased with the result. I had taken away most of my public hair, and I thought I looked very sexy.
After a light evening meal, my aunt said, “Let’s go upstairs and get this inspection over with.” I meekly followed her to her bedroom.
“Everything off,” came the curt command.
I was surprised by the tingle I felt when I heard this command.
I quickly undressed, reminding myself to fold my clothes as I removed them. I did not want to give my aunt an excuse. I stood naked before my aunt, who was sitting on the bed.
I could feel her eyes roving over my pussy and I could feel myself getting wet just from the attention. “Very nice that does look a lot better. With this, she ran her finger deliciously along my entrance and rubbed my erect clip. I was getting extremely excited.
“You are enjoying this attention, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” I could not deny it as her fingers were coated with evidence of my excitement.
Her fingers were withdrawn. “Turn round.”
Disappointment flooded me. I turned and presented my bottom to her. “There are no marks left from yesterday, you do have a bottom that calls out for punishment.” I was not sure what exactly she means by this, but I was sure it was a compliment from her.
“Please hold your buttocks apart for me, I wish to inspect your rear passage.”
I could not believe this instruction.While I was processing it. I received a sharp smack on my bottom, “You will obey immediately.”
I reached behind, and taking a button in each hand, I paid them apart. “Further than that,” I was told. I complied; I could not imagine feeling more exposed.
“Oh, dear, when I ask you to do a job, I expect it to be done perfectly, you still have too much hair here.” With this, her finger pressed against my anus. “When I next have occasion to punish you, remind me of this failing, I will address it then. Please do not forget.”
I could not believe I was to be punished for this. My thoughts were interrupted by, “If you have a bath tomorrow night, I will shake this for you.” Her finger was circling my rear passage the whole time. “This is far too cute to be hidden.” Although myself, the tingling feeling below increased.
My aunt patted the bed, and I sat next to her and was asked, “Do you think me cruel?”
“No, it is just all so new to me, I have always been so freeand easy before.”
“And were you happy?”
I thought and answered honestly, “Sometimes, but not often, I always felt there must be more.”
“Are you happy here?”
“Yes, I am it is all so new and exciting, and I am looking forward to working with Natalie.”
“She is doing well in her business; you can learn a lot from her. I only want the best for you. I am being strict and will continue to be so, I honestly think it is for the best. Well done on getting the job, thank you for tidying your room, and you have settled in well.”
My aunt put her arm around me and gave me a tender kiss on my forehead. “I am going for a bath myself and then an early night, see you at breakfast tomorrow.” With this, I was dismissed.
That night, I could not help thinking about my new life. I was increasingly attracted to my aunt, but I could not work out her feelings towards me. With these and other nice thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.
I wandered down to breakfast justas my aunt returned from her run. “Do you run every day?” I asked.
“No, every second day, I love it. You should join me; it is good for the soul.”
I could only admit she did look fantastic on her regime, so I found myself saying. “I will join you on Wednesday, I used to run when I was at university.”
“Fantastic, it will help get you into shape.”
Over breakfast, my aunt chatted away, “I have sent you a link to Natalie’s website, you should take a look before you start tomorrow.”
“Thanks, I will.”
“Also, I was thinking, do you have any stockings and suspenders with you?”
“No, I don’t own any.”
“Please could you buy some, they are perfect for when you need to be punished, they will frame your bottom beautifully.”
Once again, I was taken aback. She was in no doubt that she would punish me again, she was asking me to buy clothes for her enjoyment. Although this, I said. “Ok, if you want me to.”
“What are your plans for today?” Shehad a way of slipping between the bizarre and mundane that always surprised me.
“I was going to do a bit of housework to earn my keep, and I was hoping to cook you a meal tonight. It looks like I will be lingerie shopping as well.”
“A meal sounds lovely; I do have a housekeeper, so we are good with tidying up. Just keep your room tidy, or your bottom will suffer. Also, Remember your bath tonight, I promised to tidy you up.”
I did not know previously if she was serious, but I was certain now. I was to have my bottom shacked. That now familiar rush of excitement had returned.
I walked into town and headed for the usual chain store where I bought my underwear. It took me some time to choose, but I eventually settled on a white suspender belt with brown stockings. I also bought a matching pair of knickers. I did think that many of the other women choosing lingerie imagined their partner making love to them with their new purchases. I was expecting to be punished.
I quickly bought the food and wine for that evening. Walking home, I knew I had to make a success of the job with Natalie, or I would be a penniless wait dependent upon my cruel aunt. I smiled when I thought that it would not be the worst that could happen.
I settled down with coffee and was determined to find out all I could about Natalie’s business. I wanted to make a good impression. I clicked the link I had been sent. I could not believe the webpage I was shown. Natalie ran a fetish clothing company, there was a selection of latex clothing, various punishment instruments, dildos, and any amount of sexy lingerie. It was a well-laid-out site, and it certainly had a huge selection to choose from.
It seemed everyone and everything I had previously thought of as kinky and weird was now normal.
I cooked my signature dish of seafood tagliatelle, which we washed down with a good bottle of white wine. As usual, the conversation flowed. After the meal, I was ordered to have a bath by my aunt. I still could not believe that I accepted this level of control.
In the bath, I washed thoroughly, especially down below, as I knew it would be where my aunt’s focus would be. I had just laid back to relax when she entered.
“Stand and face the wall,” I did as I had been asked. “Bend forward,” I compiled.
“Reach back and hold your buttocks open for me.” Now, with more hesitation, I compiled. I felt exposed, but I suppose being naked and showing off your anus does that. My aunt ran her finger around my back passage. “So pretty, what a beautiful sight.”
I had never really considered my bottom hole before, and certainly not as a beautiful sight.
My aunt leaned close to my ear and, with her finger pushed against my nether hole, asked, “Has anything ever breached this?”
“No, never,” I nervously replied.
“That is a shame, there are so many wonderful feelings you can get from here.”
Her finger pushed harder, and I clinched.
“Naughty, clenching is not allowed.” She did not pursue this further, but she soaped her hands and started to wash my breasts. I did respond to this and moaned as she washed my now erect nipples. By now, I strongly suspected she did know my sexuality, and I had a good idea of her own. Once she had excited my nipples, her clever fingers explored my pussy and I responded eagerly to her attention. Just as I was reaching a point of no return, she stopped.
“Push that bottom right out, let’s get you properly shavled.” She later between my buttocks, and I felt the gentle scraping of the razor. I held myself very open and still throughout. I knew her face was close. I then felt her gentle kiss on my anus.
“All done.”
I surprised myself, in my erotic state, I pushed myself back on her face. “Naughty girl, did you like that kiss?”
“Yes,” I panted.
She stood and whispered in my ear, “How about this?” She gently circled the rim of my anus and ever so slowly pushed her finger inside. Her other hand explored my pussy and I was quickly brought to completion.
When I had calmed down, my aunt said, “I enjoyed that. I bet you never knew shaving could be so much fun. I must leave early tomorrow. Good luck with Natalie.” With this, she was gone.
I went to bed and struggled to sleep with all the things on my mind. The next couple of days were a whirlwind. There was so much to learn. Natalie was great she involved me right from the start. I was introduced to all her staff, and they were all normal. You would never have guessed the products the company sold. On the second day, I attended a marketing meeting, and at the end, Natalie asked if there was anything else. I said I had a couple of ideas. I then surprised myself by talking about social media marketing, customer segmentation, and upselling. I had learned this at university, but it made so much more sense in the real world. At the end of my monologue, I sat back, a bit embarrassed. Ihad said more than I should have.
Natalie said, “I was told you were bright, and you are. Pull your thoughts together, and let’s go through them in detail.”
I felt like a dog with two tails.
When I got home, my aunt was in the kitchen. “Before dinner, you will shower and change into your punishment uniform. I will meet you in the office.”
“Why, what, have I done?”
“I waited to go for a run with you this morning, no apology, nothing. It is your undiscipline again. I will see you in the office in thirty minutes.”
I had totally forgotten, “I am so sorry.” I was feeling so guilty that tears formed in my eyes.
“My office thirty minutes.”
When I entered my bedroom, a pair of high-heeled shoes were in the middle of the bed. I knew I was expected to wear them. I showed, and while drying myself, I looked at my bottom and wondered what it would look like shortly. I feared I was facing a caning.
I put on the suspender belt and attached the stockings. I decided to put on the panties, hoping I would be allowed to retain them during my punishment. I slipped on the shoes and found them to fit, even if they were a little tight. The heels changed my posture for the sexier. Again, as I bent and looked in the mirror, I could see that my bottom was beautifully framed.
At the appointed time I entered the office, my aunt was sitting at her desk, looking very stern-faced. The cane was lying on the desk, I knew my fate.
“You have let yourself down, let’s not spend any longer discussing this, you will receive six strokes of the cane. Get in position.”
There was no point in arguing the sentence had been passed, and my bottom was going to feel the effect. I bent over the desk and found myself looking closely at the cane on the desk. Adrenaline flooded my body.
My aunt picked up the cane and swished it through the air. My buttocks tensed.
“I am using a lighter cane than you saw previously, it will sting and mark your bottom, but no lasting harm will be done. You need to learn from this. Remember to keep your bottom pushed out for the cane to do its best work, no shouting or jumping around.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You will count each stroke, so one thank you, Mistress, and so on. When you are ready for the next stroke, please say, may I please have another. This way, you can time your punishment. I am only allowing this because you are new to punishment. Do you understand?”
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