Thank you for the comments…both positive and negative. This story is different from the previous submission. I hope you enjoy it. All parties are over the age of 18.
The text she received read “Come over tonight. 7 p.m. sharp….. and don’t be late.” It wasn’t a suggestion but rather a command. Just reading the text got her heart to pounding, her breathe caught in her chest, her palms broke out in a sweat and a familiar tingling started to spread through her thighs.
She pulled into his driveway at 7 p.m. as ordered. She put the vehicle in park and stopped for a moment to reflect briefly on the path of life that had brought her here to this place. She had known him forever it seemed, and she can’t ever remember a day in her life when she did not love him….and want to please him.
He answered the door wearing leather western styled boots, jeans and t shirt. His muscle frame filled out his clothes nicely. She drank in his image until his arms enveloped her body, breaking the trace she was in. His hands pulled her close to him pressing her body into his. She felt the mood began to build between her legs as his lips pressed against hers in their first kiss. Her lips part slightly and her mouth welcomed his tongue. His kiss was tender and sweet…. at first; but then his tongue became urgent and forced as it cracked the receptions of her mouth. Her breathe caught and he sensed her arousal while their tongues due with one another. Suddenly her head snapped back and she felt the sharp tug of her hair as his hand wrapped around her tempers. He sucked her bottom lip between his, pulling it hard. Releasing her bottom lip, his mouth left a trail of kisses along her neck and throat until he had worked his way around to her ear.
Her nails dug into his arm and back while his teeth clamped down on her earliestbe, biting it hard and pulling on it. It was painful, but nothing she couldn’t take and she felt her body relinquishing itswill over to him. This is what she wanted…this is what she needed…this is what she had been waiting for her whole life.
He relaxed his grip on her and pulled back looking into her eyes. His eyes were dark and hooded. They blazed with password and desire as they seemed to bore into her very soul. They looked at her, no they looked through her seeing what no other man had ever seen….seeing the need that only he could fill. He eased his grip on her body, took her by the hand and led her to a couch. They both sat down while he tenderly held her hands in his. The hardness of his eyes was replaced by love and tenderness. It was as if he were two men and she was deeply in love with them both.
“Are you sure you are ready?” he asked.
“Yes” Her eyes never left his as she nodded her head.
“Once we cross this line, there will be no turning back. I will not stop, no matter how much you scream, cry or beg. Do you understand?”
“Do you remember the safe word?” he asked.
“Always remember that I love you…no matter what I may say or what I may do. You have the safe word, so in reality you are in total control. If you ever get to a point where you can’t take any…just say the safe word and it all stops and goes away” she nodded her head in agreement.
He kissed her sweetly and led her into another room. The room had scented candles lit, a massage table in the center, a straight back chair and another table against the wall with a sheet covering the contents beneath it. He led her to the center of the room and turned to her once again. She looked into his eyes and saw they were once again hooded, dark, yet blazing with password. The look made her a little nervous but she reminded herself that this is what she needed and that he would never harm her, or allow any harm, to ever come to her in any way.
He let go of her hand and sat down in the chair so he had a full view of her as she stood in front of him. His eyes roamed up and down her body, so much that she thought she could actually feel them touching her quite literally. She was dressed in a dark mid thigh dress and black heels. It was simple but showed off her figure nicely. Dark mascara and eye liner accented her brown eyes, which she thought was one of her greatest features.
“Turn around” he commanded in a voice so low she almost couldn’t hear it.
She turned around slowly as he looked her over from head to toe. Once she completed a revolution, she stood once again facing him.
“Take off the dress” he said, again in a low voice.
She reached behind her to grap the zipper at her neck and slowly pulled it down between her shoulder blades until the zipper had run its course and stopped at her waistline. She slipped the dress off her shoulders, first her right and then her left, then she lowered it to her waist and shimmied it past her hips until it dropped loosely on the floor at her feet.
She stood therein her matching black thong and bra. He sat there wordlessly as his eyes roamed her body once again. She looked at the floor timidly as he looked her over. She could feel his eyes on her skin and it caused her to tingle. She was conscious that her nipples had hardened and that he could see their outline through the thin material that was filled with her breasts. She stood there, feeling awkward in the silence, her hands claped together in front of her crotch.
“Step out of the dress and hand it to me.”
She reached down and picked up the crumbled material at her feet and held it out toward him.
“Step closer…I said to hand it to me” his voice was authoritative and she was a bit confused. To clarify his expectation, he turned his hand over and opened his palm rather than reach toward her outstretched arm. She finally understands that she was to take the necessary steps to close the gap between them and place it in his hand.
She did as she was told and took three steps toward him. He uncrossed his legs and separated them so that she now stood between his knees and then placed her dress in his open palm. His gaze never left her face and when she dared to look him in the eye the steely hardness of his gaze caused her to look down again.
She could see in her peripheral vision as he held the dress up to his face and inhaled deeply. His eyes closed as he drank in her scent. She heard him inhale auditory and a weak moan escape his lips.
“Your scent pleases me.” He paused briefly and then asked “Do you have nothing to say to my comparison?”
“I am glad that you like the smell of my perfume.”
“That is not what I said, now is it? I said that your scent pleases me. I wasn’t referring to your perfume, although that is pleasant as well. I was referring to your womanly scent…your scent of arousal.” She wasn’t sure how he could distinguish the difference between the two since she had applied her perfume liberally over her body.
As if reading her mind he replied “I smell your perfume, but I also smell your pheromones. I have a keen sense of smell and now I know what your body’s particular scent is. Everybody has a particular and specific scent signature, much like a fingerprint. Like your fingerprints are unique to you specifically, so is your scent. Your scent changes during certain circumstances. For example… fear will alter your scent, so will arousal; however your base scent never deviates. Knowing your scent allows me to know if you have been in a room, sat down in a chair, laid in a bed or walked past a certain spot. In essence, by knowing your scent I could track you much like a bloodhound would.”
She was surprised and not sure about what she had just been told, but it didn’t seem to matter as he held the dress up to his face once again. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes as he did so. He shook out the dress and folded it neatly, placing it on the floor beside the chair he was sitting in. She watched as his fingers carefully folded the fabric and stroked the material….caressing it… with affection and deep appreciation. Setting the folded garment on the floor he placed his hand, palm down, on the square and held it there as if he was memorizing its silky texture and the warmth of her body held between each thread.
He witnessed quietly and reached towards her legs placing his hands on each one, caressing them as they travelled up their length and then back down. His hands were warm and his touch sent goose bumps up and down her body. She had always loved his touch, gentle yet powerful, and often wanted more of it in the past after contact had been made between them. Up until this day their relationship had been purely platonic, and this was a new beginning.
He raised his head once again and looked her over from head to foot. “Turn around” he commanded once more. She slowly turned in a circle. She could feel his eyes roaming her body once again. She already knew her nipples were hard, now she could feel the mood between her tights building even more and starting to leak onto the small thin strip of fabric that barely covered her front.
“Remove your bra” he commanded.
She unhooked the eyelit that was positioned between her breasts; the weight of which caused the garment to spring open, completely exposing her breasts to his gaze. She slipped the straps off her shoulders and down her arms. He opened his palm and she placed it just as she had done the dress. He slip the silky fabric of the bra between his fingers, held it to his nose as he had done the dress, only this time he held her gaze with his eyes and didn’t close them.
He eyed her breasts and her thong covered cunt. Her wetness had caused the fabric to stick to her lips. She was conscious of the fact that the shape of her lips were perfectly outlined and that some of the fabric had creeped into her gash. Standing this close he was able to reach up with his thumband he traced their outline. Moving it over and around them, slowly and gently teasing them… he was causing more wetness to leak from her swelling lips. He withdraw his hand and told her to remove her soaking wet thong. She hooked her thumbs into the thin strand of fabric at her hips and slipped it down. The wetness of the fabric pulled at her clean saden mons slightly and she placed one hand on his thigh to steady herself as she slide them down her legs and over the heels she still wore.
She stood back up and handed him the small switch of fabric that was soaked through with her juices. As he had done with the other material, he did with these as well. Only this time he turned them inside out and ran his tongue over the inside of the fabric. Holding her gaze as he did so, a moan of pleasure enthusiastic from deep within his throat while he tasted her sweet wetness.
“You taste as good as you smell, my love…I can’t wait to eat you out properly.” As he continued to lick her thong, he took his finger and did a circle in the air for her to turn around once again. She slowly turned around as his eyes once more roamed up and down her now fully nude body.
“You have a stunningly beautiful body” he said after she had completed her last revolution.
“Thank you Sir” she replied, her eyes cast down once more and her face flushing.
He reached up and slowly caresed the outside of her naked and sadopian lips, slowly squeezing them between his thumb and forefinger. He gently pulled them individually, rubbed them against each other, and then pulled them both together. She closed her eyes and moaned. His slow ministers caused her fluids to leak out even more, lubricating them liberally.
As he pulled on them he said “Speaking of ‘sir’… that is how you are to address me from now on. ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’ will be the appropriate title. Is that understand?”
“Yes, Sir”
“Another thing, you are to never look me in the eye unless so commanded.Your gaze is to be towards the floor approximately two feet in front of you…unless you are commanded otherwise. Is that clear?”
“Yes Sir”
“Should you forget or disobey these two simple rules, you will be severely distributed” to accentuate his point he pulled her lips away from her mound, pinching them hard and twisting them roughly; causing her to yelp in what was both painful yet arousing at the same time. He held them for a count to five then released his grip. Her cunt lips were now flushed red and swollen even more than they had been previously.
He reached for them once more and she winced, backing her hips away from his reach.
“Bad girl…you will get 10 swats for that maneuver. You are to never refuse your Master’s wishes, desires or commands…under any circumstances. Understood?”
“Yes Sir”
“Stand up straight.” She did as told and he gently rubbed her cunt with his fingers in an effort to work out the soreness. As he did so, he gently brushedAgainst her now swollen clip and then slipped a finger between her folds and deep into her opening. The effect was to cause her knees to slightly buckle. This was the first time he had ever penetrated her vagina. This caused her to want him deep inside her and a moan to escape her lips.
His finger probed her insides while his palm pressed and rubbed her full outer lips in small little circles. She feel her heat building and wetness spreading even more. Soon his hand was covered with her juices and she felt that she might collapse at any moment. He withdraw his hand and placed his soaked digit to her lips.
“Taste yourself” he commanded and she opened her mouth while he slipped his finger inside.
“Suck” he commanded, she obediently sucked his finger clean, then his palm, then the rest of his fingers…tasting her own juices.
She wasn’t sure if it was him forcing her to taste herself or if it was the power he had over her that aroused her more than she had ever been in her life. No man had ever held the power over her that he held. She had never dared to show this side of herself to him before out of fear. Now all she wanted was for him to use her for his pleasure…. and to use her hard. She wanted to feel his cock penetrate her deeply and powerfully. She wanted him to take her… unlike she had never given herself to anyone else in the past.
He stood up pressing his body Against hers as his hand snaked up into her hair and pulled it backwards roughly. He kissed her on the neck and bit her earlierobe once more. As he did so, the hand she had just cleaned reached to her breast and softly squeezed it. Her breasts were firm, full and her nipples hard. His fingers found them and gave them a good hard rolling twist. It was painful and pleasant at the same time. A bolt of electricity ran from her nipple to her cunt, sending shock waves throughout her body. A low guttural moan clawed its way out of her stretched out throat as he twisted her nipple tighter and tighter.
He held her nipple tight like this for what seemed forever and then he released it. Her nipple swelled up more than it ever had, her areola turned bright pink and flushed while her nipple throbbed. He switched hands and pulled her head back by her hair once more. His hand twisted her other nipple, sending yet another bolt of electricity course down to her cunt. He held it like this for About the same amount of time. Then she felt his grip release her.
He stepped past her and walked to a table that was against the wall. There was a sheet over it and he removed the sheet revealing a set of assorted instruments she had never seen before. He chose one and approached her. The item he held had a chain between what looked like two thumbscrews. He unscrewed one of the screws and held it in his hand while the other hand gently kneaded her breast. He leaned down and teased her nipple with his tongue, drawing circles around her areola, and flicking her erectnipple with his tongue. Her nipple, already swollen, grow even more as he sucked it into his mouth. The sucking pressure escalated more and more, causing it to tingle and elongate to a length she had never known. Satisfied with his effort, he placed the thumbscrew over her nipple and craneted it down.
The metal was cold against her sensitive and heated flesh. He turned the screw until it clamped firmly and wouldn’t fall off. Then he proceeded to do the same to the other breast and nipple. The chain was short and caused her nipples to be pulled towards one another. It hurt, but there was a pleasure in the pain she couldn’t quite comprehend. He twisted the first screw a couple more times, and then the other one again. This caused the bolt of electricity to become a throbbing ache. Her nipples were firmly and effectively pinched in the visual like grip of the nipple clamps he had applied.
He stepped back and took a look at his handy work. Her face held a strained look and her bresomething was ragged and fast. He hooked his finger behind the chain and pulled it…leading her towards the table. She cried out when his finger pulled her nipples out and away from her breasts. He pulled the chain around and over the table causing her to bend forward towards the head of the mass table, her body leaning over it. She looked down and noticed a hook at the center of the table.
With her feet standing at one end of the table, he pulled the chain down causing her to bend over the table, then he placed the chain in the hook. Her position left her rear end completely exposed as she was bent over. She couldn’t move without sending painful waves throughout her nipples. She saved her pain by pressing her breasts to the table in an effort to relieve the pressure on the chain.
“You owe me 10 swats for your lack of restraint earlier” he said as he walked back over to the table containing the tools he had uncovered. She couldn’t see what he picked up, but soon felt thesting of a heavy leather belt as it crashed across her fleshy and exposed ass. She flinched and cried out as the belt left its sting on her ass, and the involuntary flinch caused her nipples to pull against the fastened chain sending another wave of intense pain course through her body. A long red whelp soon appeared as a stripe across both chefs. She wasn’t sure what hurt worse, her aching nipples or her now throbbing ass.
WHACK! Another whelp and another stripe crossed her ass just above her tights. This time she held hard to the edges of the table so as not to jerk her body and to relieve the pressure on her nipples. It helped some, but the chain was tight enough that any body movement on her part would create stress and tension on the chain. The belt left her ass hot to the touch, and caused a growing warmth in her womb.
“Spread your legs apart” he said calmly. WHACK! another sting of the belt. “You move too slow, I said spread your legs and I mean now.”
She spread her legs and soon felt the rough leather struggling up on the inside of her thighs. The roughness was a pleasant relief from what she had just experienced. She could tell her labia was swollen and she could feel their thickness when she pressed against the edge of the table. As intense as her pain was, she found herself on fire with desire and lust.
Her mind struggled with reconciling the physical pain she was feeling and the intense arousal she was experiencing. She tried to think it through, because the thought of pain and bondage had never appealed to her in the past…in fact just the opposite. She had always had the predisposition that folks that were into this sort of thing were sick or had a screw loose. Yet here she was, bound to a table with a chain attached to her nipples and a man she truly loved dishing out spankings with a leather belt.
WHACK! Another swat that now overlapped the other two. Her body flinched and she squeezed her legs together.
“I didn’t tell you to close your legs, now did I?” he asked.
WHACK! “Answer me” as he added for emphasis another swat.
“No Sir” she cried between cinched teeth. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her ass was going numb now, but the throbbing in it was now throbbing in time with the ache she had in her nipples. The pain was so intense her body bundled them together as one.
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