Evie woke with Jo’s arm flung over her, one tigh over hers, two late-twenties girls tangled together. Evie lay and luxurious in the warmth of Jo’s naked body pressed against hers, watching the other girl’s face, peaceful in dreaming slumber. The morning light slanted through the shutters on the window, carrying with it small sounds of their neighborhood waking up. But it was a fly-by by the infamous parrots of Telegraph Hill, with their raucous chattering, that finally made Jo’s sleepy head stir. She made a pleased noise when she found Evie still in bed with her, and tightened her arm around her. “This is nice,” Jo said, moving her thigh against Evie’s.
“You’re a wonderful thing to wake up to,” Evie responded. That earned her an extra-wide smile–gosh, she was a sucker for this girl’s smile, for Jo’s happy-in-herself, happy-to-make-you-happy grin. She bent her head, Jo scooted up the bed a bit, and they kissed, a soft, light touch of the lips together. Jo’s dark hair was a little wild, and with her big, luminous, surprisingly light eyes she looked alone to Evie, like she was some forest nymph, unused to indoors, that she’d manage to seduce.
Then her nymph yawned hugely, and pulled away from her embrace, “I call dibs on the shower,” she said, smiling back at Evie as she headed into the bathroom.
Jo’s ability to go from fast sleep to calling dibs was Something that always caught Evie by surprise no matter how many times it happened. She turned and pressed her face into the pillow, catching the scent Jo had left there, and did while she heard the water run. When Jo came out of the bathroom, hair up but otherwise naked, she signed instinctively at the sight of her. It wasn’t just because the other girl’s body was such a poem to sex and desire, with her narrow Wait sloping out to rounded hips, proudly jutting breasts capped with big, rose-blush areolae and gumdrop nipples, the elegant tracery of her collarbone and lithe arms, but also the wayshe walked, the unselfconscious grace with which she stepped through the world. Evie slide off the bed and approached Jo, took her hand, and kissed it, kissed her way up her arm. Jo laughed, pleased, as Evie’s lips traversed her collarbones, trailed up her neck. She smelled soapy and clean, but still with that inimitable Jo-scent underneath.
Evie gave a last lingering kiss to Jo’s jawline, and then went into the bathroom. After her shower, she stayed to blow-dry her hair, and by the time she came out, Jo had laid out both her own outfit and Evie’s on the bed. Jo’s towel was off, and her dark wet hair was down around her shoulders–a naiad, now, a water-nymph. “Time for morning devotionals,” Jo said, as she said every morning, and the ritual and repetition of it made Evie smile.
Evie opened the Wooden shutters by the big window at the back of their room, letting sunlight flood the room. They sat down at their desks, naked, a few feet away from each other. The house had a backyard filled with leaves trees, but Evie always wondered if some neighbor might occasionally glance up and see two naked young women earnestly writing, side-by-side. She reached out, and lit the jasmine candle at the back of her desk, Jo doing the same. She uncapped her pen, and heard the sound of Jo writing a moment before she began.
“I will always do what Daddy tells me,” she wrote, mouthing the words as she wrote them, hearing Jo subvocalizing the same phrase next to her. She wrote the line again, capitalizing the letters in ‘will’. Then again, capitalizing always. The sunlight was warm on her skin as she moved down the page, and wrote, “I exist to please Daddy,” She took her time with each word, thinking about each one as she wrote it, as she’d been taught. She wrote the next line, “Jo exists to please Daddy,” knowing that next to her, Jo was writing “Evie exists to please Daddy,”.
Her heart jumped a little when she wrote this. Evie’s late teens and early twenties had hadConfusion in them, and some mistakes. When she met Daddy at age twenty-four after college, she quickly felt such clarity when talking to him, a peace in her mind that had been ephemeral before. That he had been far older than her–twenty years–had seemed both incidental and important, the contrast of his experience with hers reassuring, his firm, stalwart nature a comparison to her sweet, general self, not two opposed halves but an interesting mutualism. She had already known how deeply kinky she was, but there were many things that had blossomed with Daddy that had only been half-described sketches in her head.
Memories like this were both a part of this ritual of dedication and a benefit of it, she smiled back at the thoughts of their meeting, the conversations and flirtations before his first acknowledgement of actual interest, and then the Surprising, torrential outpouring of lust between them from the start.
She wrote again, “I exist to please Daddy. Jo exists to please Daddy,” and her memory sought out another pearl; the first time Daddy and she had been with another girl before. How fast and different the emotions were that cascaded through her–she had said yes, nearly immediately, when he proposed the idea, feeling his desire for it and wanting to please him. Before that encounter, she had gone through revolutions of feeling, sparks of jealousy whirled away in a storm of curiosity, followed by quiet nights of introduction.
When he first introduced her to the other girl, Evie had felt such a burst of good-will towards her, seeing a trace of shyness, and that had set her tone for the evening. She had admired the other girl, enjoying the interesting sensing of lusting for the same person her dominant lover lusted for, two different perspectives of arousal on the same subject. And when Daddy had finally, after letting the two of them play in front of him, had slide between the other girl’s tights, she had reflexively put her head down onthe woman’s stomach, eyes wide, watching as Daddy’s cock pushed inside her pussy.
Rena, a final time, “I exist to please Daddy. Jo exists to please Daddy.” When Daddy first introduced her to Jo, she’d felt again a joy, but she had struggled more, in the weeks that passed, with emotions that she couldn’t always identify; things that seemed to be jealousy but turned into desire, doubtt Disguised as need. She felt curiosity about the other woman on every level. Other girls had passed through their lives, partners for a time, and then passing out. She realized what was disturbing, enthralling, attractive and fear-inducing about Jo was how well she fit into their life, not just into Daddy’s life but her life. From the beginning, she found her easy to talk to, and easy to be in silence with. Not that long after Daddy had first brought Jo home, she remembered a rainy evening spent curled on the couch with her, Jo’s head on her shoulder as she read on her phone, a physical book in Evie’slap–and a deep feeling of contentment at feeling Jo’s body so relaxed, so at home against her.
“Being submissive to Daddy is at the core of who I am,” she wrote, as her free devotion, the words that she came up with this morning. They flowed naturally, and she sat proudly straight in her chair as she wrote it out two more times. Jo put her pen down, and passed her journal to Evie. Even though she I will always do what Daddy tells me. I WILL always do what Daddy tells me. I will ALWAYS do what Daddy tells me.
I exist to please Daddy.
Evie exists to please Daddy.
I exist to please Daddy.
I exist to please Daddy.
Evie exists to please Daddy.
I exist to please Daddy.
Evie exists to please Daddy.
I exist to please Daddy.
Evie exists to please Daddy.
I belong with Daddy.
Discovering those words at the end was a discovery, a gift. She smiled at Jo, proud of her for having the confidence, courage, and insight to write that, especially on this day. When she opened her drawer to put her journal inside, she saw a white envelope there, sealed, marked ‘Open at Seven PM’. She put it down on the desk, seeing Jo do the same.
As they stood up she reached out, and they embraced, Evie’s hands pulling gently against Jo’s lower back, pressing her body into hers. Their breasts pushed against each other, softness on softness, their bellies meeting, tight against thigh; they were nearly exactly the same height, the same age, and while Evie saw all sorts of differences between her body and Jo’s, she knew they were very similar, ‘variations on a theme of fertile beauty’ as Daddy had put it. “You’re so beautiful,” Evie said to her, and Jo blushed a little at that, which led to Evie kissing her, to which Jo responded by gripping Evie’s ass firmly.
“Evie, I’ve got to go,” Jo complained, to which Evie responded, “I’m not the one holding on.” “
Fair point,” Jo said, giving a last squeeze, and said, “I’ll be back hours before Daddy gets home.” She dressed in a rush, and was out the door. A second sort of peace fell on Evie, and she spent a while reading, before going into the kitchen and finding Daddy had left her a bowl of freshly-cut fruit with some homemade lemon-yogurt–he’d left one for Jo too, but she’d run out without finding it. Evie ate happily, dressed casually for a trip down to the market, and came back with her arms lady with flowers. She spent a soothing while filling vases throughout the house, the burst of color changing and enlivening the ambience of each room, then went back to reading.
It had been a relaxing day, and she had managed to not really think about what would be happening that night, when Jo returned just before seven. Evie, in just Some boxes and a short robe, greeted her with a kiss, and they spend a few moments just holding each other, before going upstairs. They opened the cards. Evie’s said, “Evie, spendSome time adoring Jo, meditating on her body and yours, and what’s going to happen tonight. Then dress in the outfits that are in the spa bedroom, and greet me at the door at nine.”
Jo started to untug her shirt, but Evie put her hand on her wrist, stopped her. She stepped back, sat on the bed, and said, “Show me yourself, Jo. You’re so pretty,” and was rewarded by Jo slinky moving her hips, putting her weight onto one foot, slowly dragging her t-shirt up, pausing for a long beat as the hem reached her breasts, before finally slipping it up and shrugging out of it. A modest, supporting bra underneath reminded Evie of how no one but her and Daddy really got to see this amazing side of her, and she felt a rush of gratitude. Jo’s hands wove down over her body, pausing to outline her womb with her hands, and then went to her jeans, unbuttoning them in a small, gentle motion, as she grinned teasingly at Evie.
She turned around, head back over her shoulder, and pushed the denim down, her full, round ass gloriously exposed, making Evie sight like nearly every time she saw it. Jo laughed, and stepped out of the jeans, and stepped forward confidently to Evie, sitting on her lap, straddling her. She reached behind herself and undid her bra, letting it fall off her, and Evie raised her hands repeatedly and filled her fingers with Jo’s soft breasts. Jo flexed her tights and ground herself against Evie, the position not really allowing direct stimulation, making a little mewing sound of desire. Evie remembered Daddy’s words, and filled her eyes, her sense of touch, her ears, and mind with the allure of Jo, the little beauty spot right on her hip that was like a guide for Daddy’s hand, her big thighs and how good they looked spread wide, the sweet fullness of her lips as she opened her mouth in pleasure, the quick breaths she took. The sweet weight of her.
Evie leaned forwards and kissed her cohort, her fellow submissive, her counterpart, her Jo. Jo’s hands dove under the robe, held tight around Evie’s back. Jo shuddered as Evie trapped her nipples between her fingers and tugged gently, and Evie’s heart soared at giving pleasure to this beautiful young woman. Jo rubbed her cheek against Evie’s and surprised, saying quietly into her ear, “You’re so beautiful when Daddy fucks you. I always love seeing that.”
Evie felt warmth spread Through her at the words, and had an instant vision of Jo, tights wide, taking Daddy’s cock. “We’re both going to get to see that tonight,” she said, her breath just a little shaky. Jo nodded, cheese moving against Evie’s and she reached up to push Evie’s robe down to her elbows, and then lowered her head further, pink tongue darting out to tease Evie’s nipples, lapping with quick little motions, teasing flicks of her tongue. Evie’s hands on Jo’s breasts tightened in response, and Jo lent forward a bit more and closed her eyes as she opened her mouth and suckled on Evie’s breast, mouth a wide circle around her nipple. She looked up at Evie, and Evie saw so much there, the raw lust, communication of desire, vulnerability of the deepest kind, and a kinship, a camaraderie, unique to them.
She slide one hand around the back of Jo’s head, and let herself moan in pleasure as the other girl’s eager mouth worked on her, adored her. When Jo’s mouth slide off that breast, and on to the other, beginning again, and Evie gave voice more freely, “You’re so good with your mouth, Jo,” she said, honestly, as Jo sucked her breast and tapped her nipple with her tongue at the same time. She remembered Jo, much less experienced with women than she, learning, discovering with her body, and to have her so confident in giving pleasure was wonderful.
Finally Jo sat back mouth wet, smiling happy, and unstraddled Evie, who moved farther back onto the bed, shedding the robe. Jo crawled up with her, and as they faced each other their hands both went to each other’s waists. Evie loved this, both of these sensations–her own hand sliding down Joe’s toned body, sweeping from the tightness of her waist to the flare of her hips, the promising fullness of her things–and feeling Jo’s fingers pressing into her own skin, on the journey of her so-similar curves. They stroked each other’s hair, and she looked into Jo’s clear eyes and saw such happiness there that it almost overwhelmed her, to know that she was part of what put it There.
Jo spoke first, ducking her head shyly for a moment before returning to Evie’s gaze, and said, “Tonight..” she falsetered for a second, and then went on, “Tonight, Daddy’s going to breed us both.”
Hearing the words made Evie feel like a train had suddenly rushed past her, full of motion and inertial power. She took a moment, felt her body, breathed deep, and said, “Tonight, Daddy is going to breed us both.” And then thought about what that means. About how many times she’d fantasized about this–about Daddy telling her he wanted to breed her, that she was ready, and feeling so ready in her own self, so eager for this transformation. And then, a feeling at once fervent and delicate, a surprise to her still but at the same time an expression of her deepest-held values: her intense desire to see Daddy breed Jo too, to be able to witness the moment when his seed planted in her.
She reached out and put her hand on Jo’s belly, and said, “Tonight, Daddy is going to breed you.”
Jo’s hand matched hers, bodies connected, and Jo said the same hypnotic sentence, “Tonight, Daddy is going to breed you.”
Evie’s body was responding, to the words, to Jo’s touch; her skin was alive with pleasure, Jo’s little hand centering that pleasure. Then Jo’s fingers moved to strip Evie’s boxes off, and she helped. Jo sat up, and moved down the bed, hands spreading Evie’s tights. “You have such a pretty pussy, Evie,” Jo said, bending down, her breath hot on Evie’s skin, “I thought that the moment I saw it, I just had this instant reaction of how pretty you were there.”
Evie put her hands on her breasts, squirming with desire, but Jo didn’t move any closer, didn’t put her mouth onto her pussy. Instead, she kept speaking, “And tonight, Daddy’s thick cock is going to be as deep in you as he can be as he comes in your unprotected pussy.” Jo breathed a long last shuddering sight on Evie’s pussy, and then layered kisses on Her tights, making little sounds of appreciation, the soft impact of her lips delightful, the sight of her head between Evie’s tights, as always, so gratifying. Jo kissed her way up her stomach, across her breasts, and lay on top of her for a long moment, breast to breasts, mouth to mouth, before rolling off to one side.
Evie slide down now, fingers hooking into that little thong and dragging it off, reaching Under to cup Jo’s ass as she spread her tighs and looked at the soft display of her pussylips. Different from her own, a shade pinker. She put her fingers to either side of Jo’s pussy and pulled gentlely, making her outer lips slide back revealingly, “Hey,” Jo said, in non-protest, and Evie smiled, “This pussy is Daddy’s too,” she said, “Just like mine.”
Jo stretched her hand out, and Evie took it, squeezing, saying again, “Just like mine.”
They spent the rest of that hour in similar, delicate, wondering admission of each other’s bodies, speaking truths, rising on little peaks of pleasure but storing it all away for later. Then, they showed together, sudsing and rinsing each other with the due care of priestesses preparing for a rite. In the spa bedroom, Evie looked at the outfit laid out for her on the bed: a simple patterned dark blue dress, cinched at the waist and chest but flaring to an A-line, that Evie remembered trying on and liking a few weeks ago. For her neck, there was a black bow with a spray of pearls. And last, gossamer-thin, looking almost not there, there was a lacy black teddy. The exact same outfit was laid out for Jo. First, they pulled on the lace teddies, the soft fabric whispering over their skin, then they helped each other into the dresses, but they took their own collars in their hands, bowed their heads, and put them on themselves, fingers finding their way through long practice to quickly cinch them to the perfect tightness.
They went back to the bedroom, and brushed each other’s hair, first Jo sitting in front of her while running the brush and then a cob Through her dark locks, then trading places, Jo brushing her golden-blonde hair until it shone. Then they sat athwart each other and did each other’s makeup, carefully, dedicatedly bringing out each other’s features, enhancing the natural femininity.
They had timed it well, and were finished just a few minutes before nine. They went to the front door, standing next to each other neighborly, holding hands. Evie felt like a calm mote aloft on a strong wind, and when the door opened to reveal Daddy, she felt a rush of relief that the hour had come; she was completily ready. Daddy smiled at them, and each of them stepped forwards to offer him a welcome kiss. Tonight, she was the first, and she closed her eyes and tremblingly pressed her mouth against his, carrying with her all the emotion of this day. He gave back steaminess in return, one hand on her waist, a weight and reassurance. She stepped back, and watched Jo rise a little on tiptoes to kiss him, a habitual gesture of hers that always made Evie smile.
Daddy took Evie’s hand, Jo’s hand, and looked between them, eyes approving of their presentation in the dresses. Classical dresses paired with the collars made for such a sweet, compelling picture of feminine submissive sexuality, and his body responded to it already, fire in his veins. “Come with me, girls,” he said in his deep voice, and led the way to the living room, to his reading chair. Still dressed in his suit, looking almost as impossible at the end of the day as the start. He sat in the chair, and patted his tights with his hands. “Kneel down and put your heads here.”
Evie folded her legs under herself and put her face down on Daddy’s thigh, feeling the bulk of it under her; Jo’s face nestled into position too, inches from her own. Facing each other across the landscape of Daddy’s lap. His big hands stroked her hair, stroked Jo’s. “Evie, Jo, you’re beautiful, wonderful girls. You’re Both such good submissives for Daddy. You give me pleasure every day.” Evie saw Jo’s eyes flicker as they drank up the prayer, and remembered again that she’s newer to submission, and felt glad that she was here with her this evening. “You’ve given yourselves deeply to me, dedicated yourselves to me. Your words and deeds have both shown that, have earned everything I give you.”
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