The Apartment Ch. 05

In Chapter 1, a billionaire, J.R. Crowley, and his wife, Elizabeth, offer a job and a free apartment in their luxury high-rise to Carol, a young woman who is breaking up with her boyfriend and has no place to live. It soon becomes clear what Carol will have to do in return, but that’s no problem for the sexually submissive hottie.

In Chapter 2, Elizabeth takes Carol shopping for sexy outfits at a special boutique owned by the Crowleys and managed by their friend, Harold. Private fittings turn into an opportunity for Elizabeth and Harold to enjoy Carol’s submissive sexuality. The chapter ends with Harold taking Carol into the backroom, where he can torque and have his way with her.

In Chapter 3, Carol is introduced to BDSM pleasures in the backroom of the boutique. A bond develops between handsome Harold and Elizabeth’s new sex toy. The chapter ends with sexually satisfied Carol dropped off at her apartment.

In Chapter 4, Carol is takenng a bath when J.R. comes boldly into the bathroom. Her bath turns into an orgy of sex, with J.R. taking advantage of the special features of the tub. When he’s finished with her, she must recover and worry to get to her first real estate showing appointment.

The characters speak for themselves in the story.

Chapter 5


J.R. leaves me languishing in the warm bath, Sexually satisfied, and yet strangely on edge, wanting more. I’ve had more sex in the past twenty-four hours than the past month, and each time different from anything I’ve done before. What other experiences are waiting for me?

Suddenly I remember my three o’clock apartment-showing date. I’ve got barely an hour to put myself together. I climb out of the tub and grab a towel, looking forward to donning the new sexy lingerie waiting in the bedroom.

A taxi drops me at entrance to the sixty-story condo on Magnolia Avenue. A distinguished-looking gentleman is pacing back and forth in the lobby. I pick up a sales brochure and approach him.

“Mr. Henderson? I’m Carol Worthy, representing Crowley Enterprises. Sorry, I’m a bit late.”

He scowls. “More than a bit, Ms. Worthy. I’ve been waiting half an hour.”

I smile pretty and touch his arm. “I do apologize. My previous client just wouldn’t let me go.”

Taking a step back, he runs his eyes over me, head to foot and back again. It’s rude and humiliating, like he’s entitled because I’m late. But soon his expression changes from one of announcement to one of interest. The tight-fitting pantsuit works its magic. I turn slightly to profile the bulges.

“Well,” he says with a grin. “If the apartment is half as attractive as the sales lady, my wait will be worth it.”

I blush. This guy is coming on strong and we’re still in the lobby. What will he be like when we’re alone in the penthouse?

“I understand you’re in town only today. How much time do you have?”

Again, his eyes sweep over my body. “Oh, this is my last appointment. I leave in the morning. By then I hope to have signed a lease. I have all night.”

The implication is unmistakable. Sexual favorites could get me a big sale on my first attempt. I know I will find a lease document in the apartment, and a properly motivated Mr. Henderson could send a deposit from my cellphone.

Am I ready to go down that path? Aren’t I already on that course in the way I got my free apartment? But if I’m having sex because I enjoy it, rather than just for money, doesn’t that make it okay? If he were obese and obnoxious, I’d never do it. But he’s not.

“Very good,” I say. “Let’s find the private elevator and go up. It’s my first visit to this particular penthouse, but I’ll bet it’s spectacular… like all Crowley’s luxury units.”

He gives me a big smile. “Very good. Let’s go see it.”

We make small talk as we ride up. I learn that his first name is Bruce. He’s recently divided and starting a new job as the manager of one of the largest local banks. Entertaining will be a major part of his job, and he needs an impressive downtown domicile.

At least that’s what he tells me. How do I know it’s true? Normally, high-end real estate agents know a lot about their clients before they show them property, but this last-minute gig came with little information. I have to make my own assessment.

Bruce Henderson is attractive, expensively dressed, and sure of himself. He’s in his forties, a few inches over six feet, and in good shape. No question that he looks the part of a successful executive. Rich, new to town, and single. Women will be all over him. I get first shot—if I want it.

The elevator opens into a foyer that is inside the penthouse, giving the impression You are no longer in an apartment building, but have entered a private home. A short hallway leads to an arched opening into a huge living room, with a long glass wall looking out over the city. There’s no furniture.

“Wow,” excerpts Bruce. “It’s certainly dramatic. But I’d expected it to be furnished. How the hell can I move here?”

“No problem,” I assume him. “I could arrange for furnishings. In a week it could be ready to live in…in a month ready for a fancy party.”

He grinins. “But how would you know my taste? We’d have to spend lots of time “

I raise my eyesbrows to give him some encouragement without making any commitment. After all, I’ve just met the guy. Get him to sign the lease, then we’ll see.


This place is ideal, better than I expected. For days I’ve been looking at pictures and making comparisons. Essentially my decision had already been made before seeing it. The impressive view as you Come off the elevator confirms it. Now I just need to play hard-to-get and negotiate the terms. The standard lease is three years; I want two. And, who knows, maybe I can get a piece of tasty Carol in the process.

“I wonder if it’s big enough,” I say thoughtfully. “I need to be able to entertain at least fifty people at a time. Once you add furniture…”

Carol strides around the room, assessing the possibilities. I watch as she walks through the dining area into the kitchen. When she returns, she’s taken off her suit jacket.

“Too hot in here,” she explains, fanning her face. “Let’s tour the place.”

I try hard not to stare. The curves that had been largely hidden under the suit coat are now provocatively revealed. Firm, perky tits strain against her slim-fitting bloom. But it’s her soccer ball ass that really captures my attention. I imagine how those chefs will feel when I palm them. For me, a tight, shaped ass is a magnet.

“Want to see the bedrooms?” she asks with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Bet your ass,” I blur out. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to be vulgar.”

She grinins. “Not a problem. Follow me.”

A wide hallway leads from the living area to the roomson the backside of the building. I count four bedrooms, each with a bath, plus a room with a wall of bookshelves that I assume is meant to be used as an office. The setup is perfect.

I follow Carol from room to room, staying behind her whenever possible to enjoy the view. Maybe it’s my imagination, but she seems to be putting a little extra wiggle into her walk. Too bad none of the bedrooms have any beds.

“Whe is the exercise room?” I ask facetiously.

She consults her brochure. “The thirtieth floor has a swimming pool, spa, and gym. There’s even has a quarter-mile running track around the perimeter.”

“Amazing what money can buy,” I say.

“Yes, indeed. Crowley properties spare no expense. Let’s check out the kitchen. Do you like to cook?”

“Never had the time to learn, or a woman to teach me.”

“Too bad. Maybe you’ll find the right woman when you move here. She’ll want to have a proper kitchen. I’m sure this one is top of the line.”

“Lead on,” I say. “Give me the full sales pitch. Then we’ll talk about next steps.”

“The next step is to sign the lease,” she says as she leads back toward the living area.

My eyes lock again on her incredible ass. She’s definitely leading me on. But will she deliver? I don’t react well to being teased and left hanging.

When we reach the kitchen, she turns and leans back against the island counter. The top button on her blouse has somehow come undone. Her shoulders are back, pushing her breasts against the smooth fabric. I clearly see the outline of her nipples, and they appear to be bare. Is she not wearing a bra?


I’m taking full advantage of the features of my new sexy suit. Bruce is practically salivating. And the constant agitation of my lightly covered nipples is keeping me on edge. But I must be sure to consume the sale before I consume the relationship.

I continue my sales pitch. “So, Mr. Henderson, this is the kitchen. Double-sized frig, two sinks, two dishwashers, two microwaves, and four overs. Lots of counter space. A caterer could prepare a fifty-plate full course dinner in this kitchen.”

He laughs and moves toward me. “Or I could make bacon and eggs for two…and serve it in bed.”

“That too,” I say, pushing away from the island before he can trap me. “Now in which cabinet do you think we’ll find the lease?”

Starting at one corner, I began checking each of the top cabinets. Small cabinets sit on top of the main ones, and I get up on my toes to reach them, knowing full well that the position emphasizes the contours of my shapely butt.

Bruce follows close behind, pretending to examine the contents of the top cabinet, while he leans lightly against me. The hard ridge bumping against my back reveals the state he’s in. I pretend not to notice.

“So many cabinets,” he says. “This could take a while.”

I swivel my head to look at him. “Are you complaining?”

“Oh no,I’m glad to help. In fact, I can give you a boost to see better into the top shelf.”

Whoa…a big hand nestles under my butt and lifts. He’s very strong. Suddenly I’m off the floor with the edge of the counter pressing into my abdomen.

“Mr. Henderson! Please! I can see perfectly well. Let me down.” My tone is firm, but playful. It’s not easy being seductive and also maintaining control of the situation, especially with an alpha male like Bruce. And the tingles in my gut are not helping. I’d better find that lease soon.

He drops me back, but doesn’t remove his hand. Decision time. If I let him feel me up, what leverage will I have to make the sale? Don’t be silly, I say to myself. He craves a lot more action than a quick feel. I can lead him on and Still get what I want.

Making-believ nothing is happening, I scoot my high heels along the floor to the next cabinet. The door opens, and there it is—a folder marked ‘Magnolia Penthouse Lease’. I pull it down and twist away from Bruce’s grip on my ass.

“Found it,” I exclaim. “Now let’s get this done. Then we can talk about working together to furnish the place.”

He frowns. “How do I know you won’t bug out as soon as I sign the lease?”

I move up against him and put my arms around his neck. “I want to submit to you, Bruce. You feel those hard nipples against your chest? Now be a good boy and sign these papers. Then you can have your way with me.”

The rod pressing into my stomach hardens. “You’re a piece of work,” he sights. “I’m ready to sign, and at the asking price, but the term has to be two years, not three.”

He grabs my hair and pulls my head back. “Make it happens,” he growls.


She’s beautiful, sexy, and submissive, just my type. It’s my good luck to latch onto a woman like her on my first night in a new town. No question, I’ll sign the lease, even if I have to commit to three years, but she doesn’t know that.

“Yes, sir,” she says. “I’ll do my best. Let me go so I can call the office.”

“You’d better. You’ll get a big fat commission, as well as a good screwing. And I can steer rich clients to you in the future.”

He removes the folder from the cabinet. “Now make the call while I review the fine print. Put your phone on speaker so I can hear.”

Carol disengages and reaches for her suit jacket to get her phone. In less than a minute she connects, and I hear a voice I recognize—the snooty office manager.

“Crowley Properties. Can I help you?”

“Martha, this is Carol Worthy. I’m in the Magnolia Penthouse with Mr. Henderson. He’s ready to sign the lease, but insists on reducing the term to two years.”

“Carol, it’s your job to sell properties as listed. That is a very desirable penthouse. We don’t have to make conceptions. That extra year represents significant guaranteed income.”

“Yes, but the deal can close tonight, with payments beginning immediately. Howlong has this unit been on the market?”

After a pause, Martha replies. “You have a point. It’s been a while.”

I’m impressed. Carol is making a good case. She really wants to close this deal. I stop leaving through the document. It’s all standard stuff–first and last month’s rent, plus another month security deposit. The total amount I’ll have to put down is huge. I’d better get my reward.

“Not only that,” Carol continues, “but the market will probably allow us to charge more in two years. Why tie us into this price for a third year?”

Another good point. Carol leans back against the island showing off her tits. She knows she has to keep selling me as well as her manager. I reach out and undo another button.

“All right, Carol,” says Martha. “You can change the term to two years, but call me to confirm that the full deposit is in our account before you sign. Online transfer instructions are in the folder.”

Carol puts down the phone and clasps her handsBehind her, offering her breasts for my inspection. Another button falls to my fingers. Then another. Now I can see why she appears not to be wearing a bra. Two elongated and stiff nipples poke out through little sheer windows in the contraction that encompasses her breasts.

Smiling, she gives the puppies a little shimmy. “Let’s get the paperwork out of the way,” she purrs.

I seize her hips and lift her up on the counter. Her tits are now right in my face. I move my mouth back and forth between the buds, kissing and nibbling through the thin, now wet fabric. She moans.

“Tits out, hands behind your head,” I order.

She obeys, and I squeeze the plump flesh as I suck on the hard tips. Twisting and moaning she shoves her chest against my face.

“OHHH…sooo goooodd…please…sign the damn lease…I wana forget about it…”

I do too. My blood is boiling. The document’s on the counter. I flip to the last page, pull a pen from my pocket, and scribble my initials. But I won’t transfer the money until sweet cheese delivers.

“There…it’s signed. Now let’s get you out of this blouse.”


She lowers her arms and I slide the material over her shoulders and off. Her so-called bra is a wonder…two rings bolstering grapefruit-sized cupcakes with cherries on top. I give them each a pinch and then go to work on her slacks. She lifts her butt, allowing me to jerk them off. In less than a minute I’ve got her down to bra and panties, sitting on the counter, with me standing between her legs.

I grab her hips and slide her down the counter to the end. Then I turn her and lie her on her back on the cool, black granite, with her legs dangling. A creamy white feast is laid out for my pleasure. She doesn’t protest as I ease her panties over her knees and down her legs.


It’s all happened so fast. One minute I’m flirting and pushing him to sign, and the next I’m lying on my back, essentially naked, vulnerable to whatever he wants to do to me. The thought flicks through my mind that I’ll be receiving a five-figure commission, but that seems unimportant to my sizzling libido. His hands rove over my body, exploring and teasing, fanning the flames.

The front clap on my bra gives way to his fingers. My breasts are engulfed in his huge hands, squeezed and positioned for his mouth and tongue to go to work on the nipples. I close my eyes and suck in deep breaths.

He leans over and releases one title so he can seize my hair and turn my face towards his. My eyes open as his mouth meets mine. I lick his probing tongue, but don’t follow it back into his mouth. My punishment is a hard nipple pinch. I get the message and thrust my tongue into his mouth.

“You will learn what I like,” he says when he finally breaks the kiss. “And I will make sure you like it too.”

“Yes, sir,” I respond. “Whatever you want.”

He smiles. “Good girl. Now, suck on this finger.”

Every command elicits a new sexual rush. Disobedience is out of the question. He runs his finger around the insides of my cheeks. I feel his hot breath on my ear as he whispers in a deep voice.

“I’ve got you in position to be latered up to the breaking point. Then I’ll sit on the counter while you give me a blow job. When I’m good and ready, I’ll bend you over and fuck you.”

My body shudders as I imagine what’s coming. Hot fluid surges through my pussy. I lick my lips and return his lustful stare.

He moves around to the end of the counter, dragging a hand lightly down my front as he goes. My legs are still hanging over the end, toes twitching. He inserts the backs of his hands against the inner sides of my knees and pushes outward, opening my thighs. My pussy lies exposed to whatever he wants to do to it. I groan in anticipation.

“Very nice,” he says. “I wonder how you’ll taste. Are you ready for me to find out?”


“Answer me!”

“YES…yes…I want to feel your mouth on my pussy…”

“Feel it, how?”

He wants to break me, make me beg. My arousal builds, and I cross a threshold, giving up all attempt at control.

“Lick me, kiss me, suck on my lips, tease my clip with your tongue.”

“My, my, such a demanding little slut. I suppose you’d also like to have my finger in your ass.”


“And what will you do for me?”

I feel his hot breath on my labia, a dab of his tongue. More, I need more, lots more. I urge him on.

“I’ll lick your cock, your balls, your ass. I’ll take you deep in my mouth, and my pussy.”

“And your ass?”


His smile tells me that he recognizes and accepts my total capitulation. Then he begins.


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