The day had started pretty badly for me that by my own stupid clumsiness I had managed to knock two pins of milk over in the kitchen and had to clean it all up from the floor with a pissed off master ranting on about how he was late for work and didn’t need this. Although he was in a hurry it didn’t stop him grabbing me and spanking my bare arse bloody hard right there in the kitchen. He must have been in one hell of a hurry as he disregarded his rule about plugging his sub before she got spanked. Hell I could live with that. It always seemed to me that due to my masters fascination around my butt hole, my plug spent more time in it than out of it.
As he flew out of the front door his final comment to me was that to teach me a lesson I must spend the rest of the day bar ass naked. Oh great!! Now all I could do was hope to hell nobody knocked. Fortunately I got lucky today and the only ring on the doorbell was my master. Opening the door happy to greet him I was taken aback when I saw Jason standing next to him. Jason was a 19 year old spotty youth that lives down the road from us. What the hell was my master doing with this nerd. For Jasons part, he was staring intently at me and I suddenly remember I was absolutely naked below the waist and Jason was getting a full eyeful of my bare pussy. Shit, I just knew this was going to be another of masters tests.
It was impossible to cover myself so I just had to try braving it out so kissing my master on the cheek I listened as he explained that Jason was having some computer problems and that master knew I could help him. Jason just spent the entire time staring at my crouch with his mouth open. Master lead Jason into the front room and told me to sit opposite and listen to what Jason had to say. Oh great I thought, master was gonna make me listen to this spotty youth sat half naked. Master showed Jason to a seat and I sat down opposite him with my legs firmly closed and my shirt between my legs. Too bad kid, your not gonna see anything here today. I listened to his problem and started explaining the solution when my master suggested that it would be better if I took Jason upstairs and showed him on the computer.
Ohh great, this was getting better and better. Now I would not be able to avoid showing my pussy and butt to this shitty little gheek. I learnt long ago that you don’t ever argue with master so standing up I asked Jason to follow me. I lead him out of the blinde and started ascending the stairs to the bedroom. I am very conscious that he is right behind me and getting a good eyeful of my bare arse and pussy as I climb the stairs to the computer room. As I have said before, I am comfortable in my nakedness around my master but I am still extremely self consciousness when master shows my body off to outsiders let alone a 19 year testosterone fueled adolescent.
Sitting with him I try to explain the problem but it soon becomes clear, he already knows the bloody answer. Hedeclares that he has always loved looking at me and that I had an amazing pussy. I am taken aback by this and can only say thank you. He then asks me if he can touch it which I immediately strongly tell him “no!!”. He says he knows I am a submissive to my master and that he should be able to order me to let him. I tell him it doesn’t work like that and unbelievably he agrees with me. As we stand up to go downstairs he tells me he is gonna work on my master and he will be looking at my pussy whether I want it or not. “Wait and see”. This immediately fills me with appreciation. I know my masters mind and if this kid can get to him, I could be in trouble. Master show’s Jason to the door and off he goes.
A week goes by and I have forgotten completely about Jason when master declares that he is going fishing with the kid down the road. Oh no……. he is talking about Jason. Jason is gonna have my master all to himself for a whole day and I now recall Jasons threat about working on my master. Its about 4 o’clock when the doorbell rings and my master and Jason are standing there with 4 small fish. Master ushers Jason into the living room and guides me into the kitchen. “can you fix Jason a drink please. Its pretty hot out there ” he asks me. While I make the drinks he goes on to tell me how Jason is a good kid but is having no luck with girls. I explain that it’s a common problem for young boys and he will get over it. Master seems oblivious to my comments and goes on about how Jason is not sure about the female anatomy and is scared about making a fool of himself. I remind master that dear Jason has seen plenty of my anatomy.
“That’s exactly the point Susan. He has seen you so you could help him”. Ohhh no, master is suggesting I give Jason an anatomy lesson. “ohh master please no no, I couldn’t please no” I whine. Master is having none of this and I get my first warning. “take his drink in and go sit opposite him” he says. With a heavy heart I go in and hand Jason his drink before placing myself opposite him desperately worried as to where my master plans to take this. Master follows in and sits next to Jason and give me one of those looks that I know means trouble if I don’t obey. I sit back and ease my legs just a little open generally chatting until I have moved my legs wide apart. Since I am within our home I have no panties on and Jason is now getting a clear eyeful of my pussy. The kid has a shit eating grin on his face and I just know he has making good of his promise to me about working on my master.
Master looks at me and suggests that I am looking hot and perhaps I should unbutton my blouse. Ohh no, this is not happening. I sit rock still but a look at my master tells me I better get on with it otherwise I can see being spanked in front of This kid is going to be a serious possibility. I unbutton my blouse before my master suggests I take a drink knowing I am going to need to bend forward. I bend and grab the glassbefore quickly sitting back. Jason got a quick eyeful but hopefully that’s all he is gonna get. Unfortunately, not for long a master tells me that Jason has never seen a real woman breasts so why don’t I take off my shirt. I know there is absolutely no point in arguing with master so pulling the shirt from skirt I remove it now sitting topless before them.
Jason immediately pipes up that they are lovely and cute. Master then starts talking to this spotty kid explaining that women’s breasts come in all shapes and sizes. Jason asks if he can get closer and my master so very kindly tells him to sit next to me. I feel Jasons eyes boring into my chest before he declares that my nipples are hard. Dammit they were…Master then explains to him that when a woman gets excited her nipples become hard. Oh great, so now master is telling this kid that he is sitting next to a horny woman. “Can I touch them please “Jason asks. “Sure ” my master replies. Jason swings round and grips both my nipples and starts playing with them. I star into Jason’s face and see him wink at me. Dam this kid. He was getting some of what he wanted. Well too bad kid, enjoy it, that’s your lot. Oh boy was I wrong again!
Still playing with my nipples Jason turns to my master, ” could I see ….. you know… down there?” he asks. “of course ” my master replies.” Susan, take your skirt off Please”. I looked horrified at my master. He wants me to show this kid my pussy. I hesitate but a hand gesture from my master tells me its that or a spanking. Sighing I stand, unzip my skirt allowing it to fall to the floor before sitting back down now totally naked. Jason lets out a “WOW, totally beautiful” which clearly pleases my master. “yes she is ” he says. Jason then asks if it is ok for him to get on the floor for a closer look so he can see it face on. Master agrees ordering me to open my legs. Jason slips between my legs resting his arms on my knee’s pressing himself close to me.
It wasSuch a weird experience for me being examined by a this college kid. It was unsettling yet vaguely erotic. I can’t say I liked what was happening to me at all but I couldn’t deny it was sending sensings throughout my body. “Susan, part you lips please so that Jason can see properly” my master ordered. Without hesitation I reached down and with two fingers, spread myself open revealing my pink fleshy expand within. Jason could not believe what he was seeing and I actually thought he was going to explode right there and then. OMG, I was now showing my most intimate parts to a boy!!!.
Master explained to Jason that this was one of the most beautiful sights in the world. He then went on to point out various parts of my anatomy making me part my inner labia and pointing out my pee hole. Then he pointed out my cliporis explaining that it was the most important part of the vagina and that Jason should know how to treat it properly. It was like a little cock. “show him Susan” he said.
I told and slipped my fingers either side of my hood and pulled back revealing my shiny hard button. I myself could feel my lips starting to puff up and feel myself getting very damp and I prayed that Jason didn’t notice. But of course Jason staring hard at my clip and pussy for over 5 minutes now did notice and announced to my master that my clip seemed to be changing. Master then explained that it was Because Susan was getting aroused that her cliporis was changing and it was kinda like a hard -on. I simply don’t know where to look. They are talking about my pussy like its some anatomical lesson and Im not even there. I certainly know that any time in the future that I met Jason it was gonna be a tough time for me.
My ordeal lasts a while longer before master is packing dear Jason home probably to jack off in His bedroom. As master leaves he orders me to remain open. I continue to hold myself wide open awaiting my masters return. He enters the door and coming over and drops down between my legs just as Jason had. He is soon nuzzled between my legs and I can feel his tongue gently lapping around my clip. I am ultra-sensitive and can’t take much direct contact so my master likes to lap around and around and only occasionally flicking across it. It is always total pure delight to feel master lapping at my pussy. I feel him slip two fingers deep into me as he continues to suck and play with my clip and it is not long before I am once again at a desperate state pleading with him to let me cum.
He continues to punish me with his tongue before looking up and saying I may cum. As usual my cum is heavy and flowing fast, with my master still sucking hard down on me. He has once again put his submissive through and ordeal today but has yet again rewarded her good behavior in a way that only my master can. Ohh how I love my master dearly and I am the proudest submissive in the world, devoted and loving.
I hope you have enjoyed this further episode in the life of the submissive Susan. If you would like to create scenarios for Susan that are within the bounds of D/S and it is possible for me, I will happily write create a story for you. Feel free to contact me.
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