Hi readers! This is the second chapter of this story, and while it is certainly able to be enjoyed by itself, the context of the previous chapter will make for a better reading experience 🙂 enjoy <3
Stunned by how forward the woman in front of him was being, Derek fought to bring his eyes up from the grass where they hid from her naked body. He was far too embarrassed to make eye contact, much less eye-to-boob contact while she was standing directly in front of him.
“You’re allowed to look you know,” she teased. “It’s not like you haven’t seen all of this already.” She slide her hands along the front of her body while she spoke this phrase, breaking through Derek’s inhibitions and tugging his eyes to watch her soft flesh compress and squish under the pressure. The woman chuckled as she watched the nervous boy in front of her take her in, thinking it was pretty clear that he had never seen a naked woman from so close before.
“Do you want to touch?” she asked in a seductive tone which tricked straight to Derek’s pants. He hadn’t even gotten completely soft from the handjob from moments ago, but Derek found himself lost in arousal once again. He nodded to the woman who puffed out her chest, cupping and squishing her breasts together in her hands, presenting them to Derek’s eager hands.
As he slowly reached out, anticipating the opportunity to touch his first pair of boobs, Derek’s hands couldn’t help but shake in excitement. He steeled himself and went in for contact, but right before he could reach her soft flesh she pulled her chest back in, spun around in a 360, and grabbed Derek by the wrist.
“I said I’d help show you a good time, so let me show you baby” the woman said, tugging Derek with her warm, alluring voice. She began walking, pulling a stunned Derek who was happy to watch her rear as they went. The two strode down the brick pathway of The Amusement Park and once again Derek was overwhelmed by the display of sex going on allA man marched down the path carrying a dainty woman, her arms and legs wrapped around his torso while she bounced on his sex, every step causing her to moan in ecstasy. To Derek’s right was a woman covered in leather straps and harnesses spanking a girl bent over her knee, her tender ass bright red.
The woman pulling him along began to speed up to a light jog, and Derek struggled to tuck away his half-chub into his zipper to keep it from flopping around in their haste. Not long after they began to quickly their pace, the pair came over the crest of a small hill and found before them what looked like a wound-down warehouse. Covered in graffiti by the park itself to emulate a certain thrilling public environment, the muffled sounds of deep bass suggested to Derek that they had come upon the much-advertised Rave House.
Outside, hanging by the wall near by the building’s entrance were plenty of park-goers searching for an escape from the party inside. Derek saw couplees making out passwordately, a man getting his hardness tended to by two girls with bright-colored hair, a group of four or five nearly naked friends giggling and teasing each others sensitive areas–the raging arousal was palpable. Derek stepped inside as his newfound woman-friend held the door open for him, following behind a short girl in fishnets and a red leather mini-skirt. He watched the cream of her ass fold Her flesh into a soft bubble, barely visible beneath the short cut of her skirt, and began to almost tremble in thirst.
He had a strong fetish for rave sluts like this one, donated up in their slutty rave gear and rolling on uppers, embodying their sexuality and pride in a display of incredibly hot confidence. He followed his eyes trained on her cute ass as the walked into the heart of the rave. Colorful strobe lights flashed the Area while the incessant pounding bass rocked through to his core. As the rave girl he was following slipped through shoulders to enter the crowd, Derek’s guide-woman appeared by his side again, the sweat on her naked body gleaming in the colorful environment.
She grabbed him again by the wrist and began to lead him along the edge of the crowd. She shoulded past sweaty bodies deep in sexual password, Derek’s attention darting from shiny breast to bouncing ass, overwhelmed by the incredibly hot display. He faced forward as the two approached a pair of Drapes hanging in front of a doorway, noticing a sign above which read “Dark Room.” Confused but intrigued, he dipped his head through the partition made by the woman in front of him as they entered.
The moment the draws swung back behind them, Derek was absorbed in complete and total darkness. Immediately his other senses snapped to attention, his ears massed by the soft moans of pleasure coming from all directions and his skin moistened by the humid and warm room. Unable to even spot the hand which pulled him forward, he stepped carefully as she led him towardss mystery.
After a moment, he felt a second hand and discerned that the woman had turned to face him. She guided him around and lowered him into what felt like a velvety chair which began to recline once he settled into it. Comfortable now that he was lying down, he tuned back into the mysteries surrounding him as the cloud of sexually pleasured breaths caused his bulge to grow. He felt a material moving around his left wrist which began to tighten, suddenly realizing his limbs were being strapped down one by one. He didn’t protest as his legs and wrists became bound to the chair, his arousal only growing as his movement became more restricted.
Unsure of where exactly the woman was standing, he twitched in surprise when her breath ticked his ear.
“I hope you’re ready to play” her voice drooled separation into his ear causing his lower back to tingle in pleasure. Consumed by his arousal, Derek finally spoke.
“I’m ready.” He whispered, still some embarrassed to be speaking in so sexual a manner. He drew in a short gasp as the touch of what felt like a finger drew a line down his chest, slowing as it got closer to his waist. The touch lifted from his torso as something began to tug at the zipper in his crotch. His hardness became for escape from its cage, pressing into the zipper as it was undone slowly. The warm air seen into the space around his still-trapped cock, causing his breath to shudder as he imagined the freedom he felt when he was exposed outside earlier.
His cock suddenly sprung free as his zipper was opened with a sudden yank, causing him to let out a soft moan. What felt like a false nail traced shapes around his stomach and crotch causing him to while in anticipation. His head spun with embarrassment and extreme arousal, realizing that no matter what sound he made the people around him would never identify the source. He let his voice out more as the woman’s nail got closer and closer to his hardness, joining the symphony of pleasure surrounding him in the darkness.
The pressure reached the base of his cock and dragged across his topmost surface, moving over veins until it reached the swell of his tip. Derek’s voice shuddered as the soft clasp of the woman’s hand and fingers closed itself around his length, sending waves of stimulation throughout his entire body, amplified by the lack of vision. Her hand slowly massed the skin on his dick back and forth, so gently that it almost hurt. He wanted desperately to force his waist back and forth through the grip of her hand but was restrained by the leather straps on the chair.
He squirmed under the woman’s control as she slowly increased her pace to a more comfortable stroke. He was surprised when her other hand began to explore his torso, spinning his stimulation even further. His mind absorbed the scratch of her nails on his skin alongside the soft tug of his cock, but was sent awry when an overwhelmingly warm motivationalness surrounded his balls. His sensitivity was tugged by what felt like her plump lips, and he let out a pleasant moan as her tongue did circles around him.
Derek twitched in his leather bindings, the combination of dry and moist sensings under the blanket of total darkness driving him crazy. To his confusion, what felt like a third hand suddenly emerged from what seemed like behind the chair as fingers gripped his right Shoulder. The soft fingertips glided over his flexed muscles, stimulating skin that he hadn’t associated with pleasure before. A fourth hand slipped onto his opposite shoulder, pulling his upper body firm against the chair. Before he could get his bearings with this new mystery individual, Derek felt a third and forth pair of hands begin to touch and explore his half-covered body. He felt the warm mood of lips press against various parts of his body, slowly losing touch with corporate reality as the sensings brought him to a state of nearly numb pleasure.
Losing trackof how many bodies were teasing him, a wetness slide up the length of his skyward cock. He wrote under his restraints as the tongue reached the underside of his tip, applying light pressure to his most sensitive region. As he let out a soft whimper, the damp warmth of a mouth closed around his hardness, turning his whimper into a loud moan as his entire length was abandoned in wetness.
A hand slide around his neck as other fingers gently forced his mouth open, exploring him while he let out a static drone of pleasure. Derek squirmed under the sea of restraining hands, overcome with physical sensing by way of his lack of visual. A second warm mouth took in his balls, tugging on them softly while the first tugged on his cock. The dual feeling of hotness and moisture on his most sensitive zones began the pull of a growing orgasm into his crotch.
The mouth on his hardness pressed firm into the base of his cock, taking his entire length and massaging it with a tight throat. The mOut sucked its cheats tight into him, pressing further even though it had no more length to take in. Derek heard a gagging sound and felt warm spit against his skin, a bead of drool running down the gap between lips and shake.
The two mouths retracted, leaving his cock surging in the open, begging for a return to pleasure. Derek compromised in urgency, tortured by the cool air running over his damp length.
The legion of hands on his skin extremely pressed into him, gripping him faster against the velvet cushion. His heart raced as an absurdly pleasant association of tongues and lips closed in on his hardness, endlessly teasing him in what felt like heavenly torture. Derek’s back arched to the little extent which it could as his orgasm mounted, bucking his hips under the warm pressure of bodies.
“I’m cumming!” He stammered loudly through fingers in his mouth, breaking what little dignity he had left.
His ear ticckled into his lower back as a soft breath appearsed just to the left of his head. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that” the voice drooled, oozing with seduction. His brain paralyzed by pleasure, Derek could hardly make out the memory of a small orange sticker on his chest which controlled his ability to finish. He twitched sharply, trying to move an arm to reach the sticker, but the bodies and straps holding him down had other plans.
He felt himself reach the peak of orgasm, letting out a tortured moan of overstimulation. “Pleassee I needed to ccummm” he staggered, his voice shaking as his brain melted away.
“Only good boys get to cum” dripped a different voice, this time talking directly to his right ear. “You have to beg to cum for us” the two voices said simultaneously, their breath tickling his entire body.
“P-P–PPLEAASE LETT ME CUMM FOR YYOUUU” Derek moaned, his voice filling the room as the other sounds of pleasure grow louder, encouraged by the auditory display.
“You *have* been a good boy – We’ll allow it”the two voices said, shooting their tongues into his ears to spin his head with pleasure. The distinct touch of a single hand rode up his chest as his cock continued to be assaulted by oral pleasures, his length dripping in saliva.
The hand drew circles around the sticker on his chest while he groaned into the abyss, astounded at how good the torturous restrictions could feel. Finally the hand drifted to the center of the sticker and pressed into him. Instantaneously the spell of immense pleasure over him skyrocketed to new highs, his cock surging inside the blanket of tongues and kisses. He shouted to the room around him as hot ropes of cum shot into the air, his body spasming as he was held back against his chair.
The tongues retracted and Derek felt the pressures of hands begin to slightly off of his skin. He gasped for air, his brain struggle to process what had just happened. Just an hour ago he was walking into this place, unsure anyone would even be willing to touchhim. This was certainly the best birthday gift he had ever given himself. He could feel his dick starting to shrink, a bead of cum mixed with saliva dripping from his tip onto his stomach.
The leather strap retraining his right wrist began to loosen, and suddenly his arm was free again. His hand drifted to his half-limp cock, feeling how soaked in slippery-ness it was. His dick twitched at the stimulation, still recovering from the sequence that had just unfolded. The chair began to sit back upright as the remaining straps were undone, and Derek began to stand himself up.
His legs staggered him and he took a moment to gain his balance. The soft grip of a hand on his bicep guided him to his feet while his other remaining senses snapped to reality. The cacophony of pleasure around him still rang in his ears and the air was still damp. The hand guided him forward, and soon he was passing back through the draws which called him into the room in the first place.
SuddenlyTuned back into the pounding bass of the Rave House, his mind excited itself remembering where he was. If the rest of his stay continued to play out this well, he was sure to fulfill a whole host of his deepest sexual fantasies. Just in front of him was a crowd full of mostly naked bodies, whose dance-infused orgy had now evolved into just that–the bodies that were bumping together were now full on fucking, his vision filled with dicks, tits, and clapping skin.
He turned away from the alluring display to face what he assumed would be the same woman who guided him into the Dark Room to begin with, but to his surprise she was nowhere to be found. Whoever was pulling him along had vanished into the crowd, leaving him stranded to make do by himself.
Derek gulped, suddenly remembering just how new to all of this he was. His eyes scanned the crowd of rhythmic bodies when he noticed, through a gap between shoulders, what appeared to be the cute raver girl who was in front of himWhen he entered the Rave House.
She was being held up by two strong men, her back facing the floor and her bare tits facing the sky. One man’s hands squished into the softness where her legs met her hips, holding her up by her waist and thrusting deep into her wetness. The other man’s hands were underneath her, her arms wrapped around him while he pushed his cock into her throat, the two of them spit-roasting her in the middle of the crowd.
Derek felt his hardness began to grow again as he donned the role of voyeur. Swallowing hard, he massed his bulge and stepped into the crowd.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the second chapter exploring our sexual dreamland! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter as this type of pitch-black orgy has long been a dream scenario of mine. For the next chapter we’ll be taking a brief detour from Derek, but he’ll be back in no time 🙂 thanks for reading <3
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