I felt positively giddy as I drove to Scott’s house. As I waited at a stoplight, I checked his text to me once more to be sure there had been no misreading of what he wanted.
“Elaine didn’t compare to you. Come back to my bed. Now.”
Did it both me that he had not only fucked this Elaine, only hours after he had finished with me? Was I hurt that he had all but dismissed me from his bed the other day, casually and almost consistently informing me that he was going to fuck another woman? Should I resent being treated as a slut at his beck and call? Was I a fool to allow this man to have his way with me when I could have any man that I wanted on my terms? My head knew the answer was yes, but my heart yearned for Scott, and my pussy was wet and ached for his cock. It was only the Other day that he had given me the most incredible sex of my life, having stripped away my pride and hatty self-confidence, leaving me totally compliant and helpless to do naught but give intohim completely.
I had given my pride away and was left with only desire. Well, it was more than simple desire that sped me on my way to his house. It was more than just the physical need for Scott to hold me naked in his arms and to penetrate me, though I desperately wanted him to do both. I had never been so low as I had for the past day or so, knowing that he had been with another woman so soon after marking me. I wanted to reclaim his entire male essence and make it mine. I wanted Scott to know that I would yield to him in every way that a woman could, so that he would never want any one else.
And with that thought uppermost in my mind, I found myself at his door, my heart pounding. And before I could knock, he opened the door and I was instantly in his arms, our mouths hungrily joining in Passionate need. Scott’s cock was already full erect, straining at his shorts and pressing into my body. I held nothing back, my impassioned, desperately wanting kiss telling him all that he needed to know. My breasts ached for release as they flattened against his manly chest. And release them he did, in one swift motion as he literally ripped off my blouse and undid the clasp of my bra. And then I felt the roughness of his unshaven cheeses against my soft breasts. He devoured them, his mouth suckling my nipples as he cupped and saved the fullness of my charms. I melted and yielded to his passwordate need for my body, whispering my desire for him to take me.
And then he roughly pushed me to my knees, and I knew what he wanted. I tugged off his shorts and my mouth found and engulfed his erect penis, so beautiful, thick and veiny and as hard as a diamond. Even as I sought to be careful with his sensitive organizations, he thrust his erection repeatedly into my mouth, his low-hanging testicles slapping Against me. I gagged and tried to pull away, but was unable to dislodge his cock, which continued to piston my mouth. My eyes watered with the pain of trying to pleasurehim, and then, thankfully, he pulled me to my feet and held me at arm’s length away from him. As he looked me in the eye, he tugged off my skirt and once more I stood before him, naked and defenseless. And then, with a kiss his hand found my pussy, and he found me dripping wet with desire. I looked at him with expected, wanting eyes and he took me in his arms and carried me to his bedroom, his sexual prize. And I knew that he had me totally — body and soul.
And he laid me on his bed, naked and completely his to with as he pleased. He moved his body on top of mine, my legs spread in submission as he positioned himself to enter me. His cock found the opening to my vagina and in one thrust he buried himself inside of my body. And I came. I came with such intensity, feeling his erect penis filling me Once more, completely and to a depth I had only dreamed of. I no longer cared about his other women, about who else he had pleasured. I only wanted Scott to be balls-deep inside of me. And as he continued his vigorous plumdering of my body, I relaxed and yielded completely to him.
Scott moved me from beneath him to my knees, his desires forcing me to accede to his sexual demands. I compiled with his every requirement, moving this way and that as he sought his pleasure. And I came. Over and over, until I was almost drunk with the release he provided me. I physically ached for him to be done with me, so sore had he made me with his vigorous lovemaking. With slow, unhurried strokes he fed his full length in and out of my body, his control of our mating was total. His hands sought out my low-hanging breasts and I was pleased that he enjoyed them so much. His touch was firm but surprisingly gentle as he caressed them. And then, as he tossed me once more beneath him, I heard his voice.
“You’re mine, Cheryl. Understand? You’re mine to do with as I want.”
“Yes,” I replied. “Oh god, yes. Don’t you know how much I love and want you?” My gasped reply was alost inaudible.
“Good,” he replied. He took my legs over his shoulders, exposing my defenseless pussy. I had this fleeting thought that it was almost unfair for a 6’4″ muscled specimen like Scott to be using a woman as petite as I am in such a savage way. And his entry was indeed savage and I cried out in real pain. But if anything my cries spurred him on as he drove into me with pile-driver intensity.
And then, as my hands sought out his slender, muscled buttocks to steady his motion, I felt his body tension as he bottomed out. Scott released his seed once more inside of me. And as I felt his ass clnch and unclench, I know that each rhythmic pulse signed a release of his seed inside of me. I visualized the tip of his penis sending out volleys of virile sperm against my cervix, spurt after spurt of his potential filling my ravaged vagina. One more I carried his alpha male essence; his liquid offering finding a home in my most private place. I had become a reception for his sex. And I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the other men who wanted me, so long as I could give this one man my female essence entirely. And, yes, that means impregnating me. What woman would not want a child with a man like Scott?
We lay there for some time, both spent and exhausted. Scott enfolded me in his arms and once more I slept contentedly, my head against his chest. He was all that I wanted and I knew that it would be on his terms. I no longer cared whom he might be with so long as he would be with me as well. Well, that’s not true. It did both me. But I knew that I would have to acquiresce to his need to have other women. I wondered how many other women were in his stable and had fallen for him as I had. My coming so quickly to his house and to his bed in response to his summons, or rather his command, left no doubt of my sluttish needs.
As I idly stroked his chest, I was consciousness of his cum continuing to see from my opening, half an hour or more after he had fInished. It was almost unreal to think that one man could produce so much cum, and even more amazing as I reminded myself that he would have had to recharge after being with Elaine. It’s no wonder that men are so horny, with all of that pent up sperm in their bodies. Maybe that’s all a woman really is to a man, a vessel into which they pour out the contents of their balls. If so, then I would have my hands full satisfaction a stud like Scott, whose sexual needs were unrelenting. I was going to have to accommodate him; that much was certain.
As he slept soundly, I shifted a bit so as to examine his sex more closely. His spend penis lay against his thigh and even flamed, it was impressive and I wanted to examine this giver of pleasure more closely. Even without the wellspring of blood that swelled it to hardness, I marveled at It was a beautiful, golden brown color, offset by a lighter, pinkish color at the tip. A smear of our juices had dried on his thigh, where it rested, quiescent for the moment. I carefully lifted his cock and ran my fingers over its length. Scott shifted slightly in his sleep, his legs opening slightly to reveal his balls. I knew that they were busy creating countless millions of sperm cells even as he slept. I wondered casually where they would find a home and then smiled, knowing that certainly Scott would require my body at least once more before sending me on my way again. I had only been with a few men of course, but none of them had a sac to match his. I thought that he was part bull and part man, driven solely by his testosterone, which his balls produced in equal proportion to the life giving seed they churned out. Both were surging into his body even now.
And I had to have him in my mouth, and so I did, falling him slowly and gently. And even in his slumber he responded as I felt the blood filling and distending his cock. The veins on his stiffening penis now stood out clearly, as they poured blood into the spongytissue. The transformation of a penis into a cock was a marvel, and I think for the first time in my life I appreciated the magic of this change. And I was determined to bring Scott’s cock to its full magnificence. He was awake now, his hands struggling my hair as he moaned with pleasure. I felt his cock pulse slightly and as I pulled my mouth from him, I saw a tiny upwelling of semen appear at its tip, knowing that a full measure of his male liquid could not be far behind.
Scott positioned me on my side and with my ass pushing into him, his cock once more found and pushed past my opening. He was still a bit sleepy as his motion was slow and gentle. It turned me on to hear the squishy sounds of our lovemaking, as I still carried quantities of his fluid from our earlier session. Scott played with my breasts as he drew me tightly to his body. Then, he arose and without skipping a beat, pushed me down into the sheets. As he began to thrust into me more vigorously, I felt his rechargedballs slap repeatedly against my ass. I knew instinctively that he would not last long, and he didn’t. Once more his cock spasmed inside of my vagina, sending out its potential contents in forceful spurts. I know by now that each of his deep grunts signed an ejaculation and I felt four separate pulses. I lay motionless so as to give him full control of his orgasm. When he had finished inseminating me, he fell on top of me as I felt the full weight of his massive frame press down on my tiny body, almost smoothing me. But I stayed as still as I could be. Then as he pulled himself off of me, there was an audible plop as his softening cock withdraw from my body.
“Was that good for you, baby?” I asked, knowing full well that it was.
“Damn right it was. You just couldn’t let me sleep, could you?” He smiled knowingly.
“I love pleasure you, Scott. And I don’t know, I just wanted to touch and look at you naked while you slept. I sort of got carried away.” I smiled at him and he took me in his arms and kissed me. I responded and felt my pussy throb with desire. What a slut I was becoming! I touched myself and a surge of his spunk came out of me and onto my fingers. I brought it to my mouth and tasted our mixed juices and smiled coyly.
“Do you do nothing but make cum? It’s ridiculous how much you put into me! Look at the mess you made!” I giggled, pointing at the huge wet spot beside me.
“My nickname isn’t Peter North for nothing, babe.”
“Who’s Peter North,” I asked.
“A porn star, famous for the volume of his orgasms.”
“Oh, I see,” I said making a mental note to Google his name when I had the chance.
“And speaking of which, tell me what you’re doing for birth control. We never got around to discussing that. Now’s probably a good time, seeing as how you have several hundred million of my little swimers deep up inside of you.”
“Don’t worry,” I said matter-of-factly. “I’m fitted with an IUD. I took care of that before I got online — slut I might be, but I’m not stupid.”
Scott grinned, “Yeah, you are becoming quite the hungry little slut, aren’t you?” I should have been pissed at him saying this, but instead it excited me. “But, here’s the deal. You fuck only me. That’s how this is going to work. Understood?” The tone of his voice was harsh.
“I have no problem with that. I deleted my profile and kicked the two other guys I was going to do to the curb. But you have to promise me something.” And my look was serious.
“Promise you what? That I’m only going to be with you? Ain’t gonna happen.”
I told, hearing him voice what I already knew to be the truth of our connection. “No, that’s not what I mean. I just want you to promise me that you will make love to me on something approaching a regular basis. I mean, my motor is running now and you’re the only one who’s going to drive this body.” And I sat up and proudly displayed my naked body to him.
“Mmmm, yeah, I can do that,” he said as he helped himself to a handful of my bared breasts.
“And, Scott, promise me that you will be sure that the other women you are with are clean. I don’t want to catch something.”
“That’s a given,” he said. “Besides, I’m more selective than you might think.”
“Really. Elaine has been a regular partner for over a year. She’s divided, doesn’t want to date as she has two young kids, and we get together a couple of times a month — strictly sex.”
For some reason I felt relieved, although why I felt that way, I don’t know.
“And I service two couples I met on the site, or rather I service the wives while the husbands watch.”
“Really?” I was generally intrigued, although I knew from his validations that he enjoyed couples.
Scott laughed, “Yeah, really! I mean, I’m open to new women, but, frankly, with you in the stable, my needs should be more than met. You’re going to be my ‘rich bitch’, which makes what I’m getting fromyou all the more pleasant. I’ve always wanted to service a classy woman like you.”
His words thrilled me. And I suppose he was right. I was rich and could definitely e a bitch when I wanted to be. “So, you like taking control of a woman like me, do you?” I grinned. “Well, then that’s what I’ll be then — your ‘rich bitch’ slut! You know, speaking of rich, I am quite well off. Would you consider letting me buy you things or take you with me on vacation sometimes?”
“Sure, why not?” he said with a laugh. “I’ll be your boy toy, if that turn you on.”
“It does.” And I mean it. It did turn me on. And I was so glad to know how we would be together after this. But I had one question. “Did you know I would come running back to you when you texted me today?”
“Yeah, I did. You loved what I did to you the first time, but I had to give you a day or so to soak in the simple fact that I am generous with my cock. That’s why I told you about Elaine. Sex is on my terms. WomenWant an alpha but they also want to manage him when they get one. Let them practice their wiles on the millions of beta males out there. You deserve and crave what I offer as an alpha. And you’re a true cum slut, but only if what you’re getting in your pussy is of superior quality and quantity. Tell me I’m not right.”
My reply was immediately. “You’re absolutely right. It turns me on so much to be carrying your seed in body. That’s sort of the way we women are wired — the oxygentocin doesn’t flow unless the man is right for us. And you are so right for me. But I promise not to be a problem for you, I mean, get all possessive and mushy.” And I paused. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t fall in love with you. I’ll let you be a man if you will let me experience all that I want as a woman.”
“Done and done!” he said as he clapped his hands together. “Come here, you.”
And I melted into his arms. And for the first time, he truly made love to me, tenderly and with password. I couldn’tget enough of his kisses. And when a few hours later, I left him sleeping soundly in the bed, I walked unsteadily to the door, and was conscious of how sore I was. Perhaps it was all for the best that he had other sexual options. I seriously doubted that I could physically handle all that he required of a partner. For now, all I wanted was a warm bubble bath at my place; and the chance to take in the events of the last few days.
And as I walked to the car, I muttered to myself that I really should get that IUD.
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