The Airport Interrogation

My heart thumbed as I sat in front of the desk. I was surprisingly nervous, but I’d decided to hide that fact. I sat back in the chair and crossed my legs. I could hear whispered voices. I was left to wait and wonder.

I’d read the scenario and I touched the small silver key with curiosity. Suddenly there were purposeful footsteps and I sat up straight to wait.

You entered the room and my smile of greeting died on my lips. There was no warm up. You were already in role. I felt slight confusion because I’d never done this before and I felt embarrassed as you began to speak.

I listened as you told me about the suitcase. When I unlock it, I was already halfway to believe it was mine. My instant smile as I saw the contents, was shattered when I was told it was no smiling matter. My mind raced as I answered your questions. I began to think about my character and I relaxed into my role. The story became very real.

When the blindfold was placed over my eyes, I slipped into submission. Being led through the house was unnerving. I knew where you were taking me, but being unable to see is so disorientating. You have strong hands and I trust you, but I remained nervous.

I sat and listened hard, trying to think what might be about to happen. I sipped cold water and then waited.

We returned to the other room and my blindfold was removed. You explained that you were going to gauge my reactions to the toys and I became moist at the thought. However, first I was to undress in front of you. I tried to hold your gaze but found it very difficult. I removed my skirt first and then my sweater. Still you starred. I felt vulnerable. Bra and panties followed. Now you were fully dressed and I was almost bare. The game continued.

Being secured to the bar Instantly told me that I was to be put through my paces. I relaxed into the sensings as they began. Answering your questions and trying my best to be indignant although enjoying the differentstings and thuds. My skin became warmer and I felt it hard to stand still.

I love that bar. It makes me take what you wish to deliver. I can’t place my hands onto my hot skin. I can’t run and I can’t reach out to stop you. When the heaviest blows strike home, my whole body becomes tense and that sharp intake of breath is unavoidable. I react to the pain and then I struggle to breathe for a while. I try to anticipate which will be the hardest blow, but it doesn’t work like that. It is always a shock. I always want to say stop. I always want to say ‘ten’ but it isn’t ‘ten’. I don’t know what it is. I know it is high, but it isn’t my limit. I don’t want to reach my limit. It scares me. I struggle to control my reactions at those strokes. You always allow time for them to be fully allowed time for them to be fully absorbed and often you stroke my skin or brush your lips across my shoulders. I trust you Michael. You hurt me but you’d never really hurt me.

And so the game progresses… different toys, each strikeng, stroking or thumbing very hard. Fingers exploring, touching, squeezing or pinching. I feel my body move backwards to avoid the heat on my nipples and I back straight into you. Your arm wraps around my waist and holds me firmly. I struggle because the pain continues but this time I can’t move back. You release when satisfied. The control is very much yours. I can sense your amusement at my mutterings you know that you are hitting the mark and you seem to appreciate my attempts to bite back.

I’m released from the bar and my fingers are freezing. The relief at being able to drop my hands is indescribable. I’m never aware that my shoulders or arms are tense, but once they fall, I can feel it. I rub my arms and shrug my shoulders. Once more you take my hands and lead me. My pulse rate quickens as I feel you turn me and push gently so that I move backwards. I hear chains and then I’m fastened firmly. Your fingers trace gently between my legs and then they are gone.

The next sound I hear is the wand. It’s amazing how heightened my sense of hearing becomes once my sight is taken away. My jaw tightens because I wonder where the first stings will touch. I jump as I feel them and try to back away. I move nowhere because the wall is behind me. Suddenly I remember that I’m secured with metal chains and I become very panicky inside. I don’t say anything for a minute or two but I keep trying not to hold the chains and so I’m becoming distracted. I hear my voice explaining my feelings about the metal and instantly the wand is switched off. My palms are clammy from the fear that the metal contact might have hurt but of course you wouldn’t have allowed that. I’m left unsecure and you continue. It is very hard to stand still without being held in place. The fizzing is greater than a ticket. When it touches a nipple on target, the sting hurts my clip. The sensing runs right through me.

Once again the wand is switched off and I am led to the ‘bed’. ‘Bend over’ Ihear you say. I know you are wearing the latex gloves because you’d given me one to hold earlier. I wonder just what you are going to do and I blush with embarrassment as you part my cheeks. I feel the cool air hit my skin and then your fingers brush against me. I try to move but I’m told not to. I hesitate. I hate anal penetration like this. It feels so alien. I know you will continue though and I feel myself beginning to submit. Your finger probes gently but oh, so personally. I grit my teeth and my face is inflamed. I feel almost childlike because I’m helpless to do anything but tolerate the intrusion. Finally the finger is removed. I feel the pull as you remove it and I’m allowed to stand.

This time I’m placed on the bed. My feet flat by my bottom, knees apart. New gloves, I hear the snap. Lubricated fingers begin to touch and then enter. I tend slightly. It feels like a medical examination and once again that submissive feeling rushing through my body. You part my lips andI sense you dropping down so that you can see properly. I am horrified as you begin to describe what you see. Once more I am blushing as your fingers begin to enter. Deeper and deeper, stretching me more each time. I feel them moving and I become wetter and wetter. I want the wetness to stop. I am shy at the thought that you can see my arousal so clearly. I can hear the noise and I want to hide my face from you. You continue though and heat pulses through me as you reach my cervix. It is amazingly sensitive and I orgasm deeply. ‘Strong muscles’ I hear you say. I wish I know what you were feeling. I guess the contractions of my orgasm must grab your fingers in some way.

I feel your lips on my inner tigh and then briefly you taste me. I tend a little because it’s an area I struggle with for another reason. I’ve never told you that part, but I trust you and so I don’t panic, I try to relax and I do definitely enjoy the gentleness.

The gloves are removed and the wand is backon. I find it much easier to relax in this position and I love the feeling of the tickling and singing as you move across my body. Your electrified fingers enter me once more and my skin around my most sensitive area begins to tingle like mad. I wriggle a little and you reassure me. You have a very calm and controlling voice and I listen intently to it when you whisper things. When I feel nervous you can sense it and you tell me I’m being very good. I love to please you so I open up for you as your fingers move deeper and deeper. Sometimes when you probe and you turn to hit my g-spot, I feel as if I might lose control. I hold something back still. Instinct I suppose. Eventually I won’t.

The wand disappears and now it is just your fingers. I get to touch you properly for the first time and I feel pleased that I can give you a little pleasure from my touch. We kiss gently and then more deeply. Your fingers are still deep inside me. I orgasm again. And again.

I want to pleasee you properly and you help me to stand and then to knee in front of you. A submissive knelt in front of a Dom. There is little that’s more symbolic of this Top/bottom partnership. I take you into my mouth and taste you. I run my tongue around and then draw you into my mouth. I hear you appreciate what I’m doing and it feels good.

Then you are kneeing and we are kissing. Role-play seems forgotten for this time. We are both slowing down. We don’t need the Inspector or the passenger. Over three hours have passed and yet I’d name it as a few minutes at most.

Sometimes time really does fly.

Thank you.


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