For the second day in a row Polly was busy at her desk when I arrived at the office. I went into my room and placed my jacket in the closet and then went to check my note of what Polly was entitled to wear today. The entry for Thursday read:
“Thu – white c. p – inside front; white bra – front right cup – nothing else”.
With perfect timing Polly came into my office without prompting and closed the door Behind her. Today she was wearing a short black pleated skirt with a simple white bloom. Her jacket was over the back of the chair at her desk and there was no requirement that she wear it for underwear inspections. Without saying a word she stood next to me and unbuttoned her blouse. Drawing the blouse to one side she placed her hands above and below her right breast and leaned slightly backwards so that my initials on the Front of the right cup of her bra were perfectly readable. I nodded slightly to acknowledge having seen the bra and waited for her to now show my initiativeals on the inside front of the white panties. Carefully buttoning her blouse first Polly next reached under her skirt and slipped her panties down to her ankles. Expecting her to simply turn the front inside out to display my initials I was surprised when she then stepped out of them, turned them totally inside out and then held them against her wait displaying my initials quite clearly.
“Do you remember what I told you on Tuesday, Polly, about the way in which you were to display my initials WITHOUT REMOVING THE ITEM?”
“I remember now that you say it. I’ve messed up again, haven’t I?” was the meek response, accompanied by a sorrowful look on Polly’s otherwise pretty face.
“I’m afraid this is exactly the kind of forgetfulness that I complain about in Your work, Polly. It is not acceptable at all and you are going to have to be taught to remember things that I tell you if you want to stay employed here.”
“May I speak?” asked Polly, at least remembering one of the rules she was given yesterday.
“Not at the moment, Polly. You have been naughty and therefore must stay silent until I have finished praying you for removing your panties when the clear rule was that you were to display my initials without removing them.”
I stood up and brushed passed her, going over to the sofa in my office that is reserved for client meetings. I sat myself adjacent to the right hand armrest of the sofa and beckoned Polly to approach. In anticipation she stood facing me beside the armrest and was about to bend over when I stopped her short.
“Slip off your bra and blouse before you bend over.”
Polly promptly unbuttoned her blouse and, still holding it in her left hand, unclipped her bra and held both in her left hand more or less wondering exactly what to do with them and whether she would be permitted to walk away from her position to put them somewhere. I grabbed them out of her hand and tossed them to my left.
Unzipping my fly I pointed to the tip of my quickly lengthening penis and tersely directed, “Clean it with your tongue.”
Polly leaned forward with her hands on the armrest and gingerly extended her tongue towards my member, squiting her eyes so as not to have to look too closely.
“Keep your eyes wide open!” I said sharply, deliberately maximising the humiliation of Polly’s punishment.
She licked the pre-come off my throbbing head and keep her tongue extended, as if afraid to swallow it. Realising that she could not stand there with her tongue hanging out she put it back in her mouth but was plainly avoiding swallowing. I quickly pulled her hair forcing her down across my lap, and grabbed the hem of her skirt lifting it up and bringing it over so that it left her bare arse well exposed. A couple of hard slapses with my open right hand to each buttock helped Polly to swallow, and started her crying.
“Stand up!” I commanded so abruptly that she stopped crying and jumped to attention straight away, wondering what on earth she had done.
“Get the mirror out of the closet for me, and bring over my favourite spanking implements,” I ordered, indicating with a wave of my hand the hairbrush, the electric flex and the plastic shoehorn lying beside my desk.
Polly had experienced each of these tools as well as my bare hand now.
“Stand the mirror upright so that I can watch the reflection as I whip your bare bottom,” I directed.
Sensing that I had worked myself up into a state of excitement and feigned anger Polly did exactly as she was told.
“Now lie across my knees again, and put your hands out in front of you above your head.”
Her well rounded breasts rested nicely over the top of my penis as she lay down as instructed. This time I only drew her skirt teasingly to the point where the hem rested just on top of her backside.
“Spread your legs fully.”
I watched in the mirror for the reflection to confirm her compliance by showing hersex as a shadow between her legs. I ran my hand gently up, down and around all exposed surfaces within my reach, using the mirror to both navigate and afford me the pleasure of watching. Polly’s high heel shoes had positioned her buttocks just a fraction higher than I wanted, so I had her lift each leg in turn so that I could remove her shoes. Grasping one of the shoes by the heel as if by a handle I brought the flat sole down on the back of Polly’s left leg. A resounding ‘thwack’ and a muffled “ooh” from the sofa cushion where she’d buried her head inspired me. I repeated that exercise a dozen times on each side – not hard or fast but rather methodically and relishingly.
The colour of Polly’s rear quarters was certainly showing signs of warming up. Four strokes of the electric flex made a nice contrast and left visible stripes across the backs of her legs and base of her ass cheeses.
“Turn over,” I said softly and then, with a little more impatience, “You will receive additional punishment for not moving quickly upon my command.”
Polly now lay on her back across my lap with her buttocks resting on the sofa arm and her shoulders just lightly resting on my left leg. Her blue eyes starred up at me through strands of fair hair and her arms remained extended above her head as originally instructed. Her skirt had been down at the front and remained that way when she turned over, with her lags now dangling over the side of the sofa with her knees slightly bent. I reached to the left and positioned a seat cushion under Polly’s head, raising it so that she was now looking across my lap towards her pussy at the highest point on her horizon. I drew her skirt towards me as far as Polly’s navel and again ran my open hand across all exposed surfaces, assessing their ability to receive additional whippings. A finger slide easily into the hole under Polly’s public shaft, suggesting that she had exuded some sex juices already. I reached to my left and took the whitecotton panties from where I’d tossed them, and, placing my hand inside them somewhat like a glove, inserted two fingers as deeply into Polly’s vagina as I could reach. I could feel the panties getting very damp already, and I eased my fingers out just enough to be able to use them to force additional parts of the panties down into the wishing well within Polly’s pubis. A small white flag was visible just above the fair pubic hair and it looked the same in the mirror.
Noticing her eyes close I took the hairbrush and brought the back of it down on her inside thigh very smartly. Her eyes opened and looked straight into my face tearily as I delivered another half dozen of the same. She had not resumed crying in any animated way but tears were running down her cheeks nevertheless. This was a good example of self control I thought. I shifted position slightly to release my swollen member from under Polly’s back, and carefully masturbated with the folds of Polly’s skirt until I could ejaculate into one of the cups of the discarded bra.
“Lick it out,” I directed as I shoved the bra cup under Polly’s lips.
With my free hand I applied two strokes of the hairbrush to her labia as a sign of my displeasure at her slowness.
As she began to lap up my come from her bra cup I enquired, “What did you want to say earlier? You may speak now.”
“I really am sorry for forgetting your rules, Master. You will need to punish me more in future if I am so forgetful again.”
I wasn’t sure if what I detected was a disappoint smile or a connection of the lips caused by a particularly warm glob of sperm being lapped up as she spoke. Certainly the substitution of “Boss” with “Master” was something that gave me an instant additional erection and this time the shoehorn was used to paddle Polly’s breasts in a playful rather than painful way. Her arms lifted about two inches from their position above and behind Polly’s head but I think she quickly realized that interventionon by her was prohibited and they fell back again without my even making a sign.
Massaging her pussy with my right hand and caresing her exposed breasts with my left brought forth a kind of moaning and a further closing of Polly’s eyes. The little bitch was enjoying it! I withdraw the now quite soaked panties from her cunt and shoved then into Polly’s mouth as a gag. She opened her mouth wide to receive them sensing that a failure to co-operate would only provoke me. Reaching under her legs I lifted her whole body up and around so that her back and shoulders now slide down my legs onto the floor and her legs and crotch were staring up at me. Further manipulation brought her legs either side of my body and exposed her totally to my gaze. I could see the juice puddling in the folds of her labia even through the thickness of Her public hairs. I leaned forward and sniffed the suprising sweetness within. Tucking one of her legs behind my back for stability I used the back of the hair brush to spank her inside thighs more thoroughly and seriously than before. Increased sobbing started simultaneously with my vain attempts to squash my penis into her hole. The angle was just too cute and my penis just too hard to achieve the desired result. The folds of Polly’s skirt had to form the reception for my second coming within the space of ten minutes. I stopped the spanking and paused to relax a little, surveying the well colored areas just beaten. [I just adore the soft flesh inside a female’s thighs. It is made for the most delicious abuse].
Placing my hands under her posterior and pushing strongly sent Polly into a reverse somersault onto the floor where she lay motionless in a crumped mess of skirt, skin and wetness. I reached forward and pulled the still damp panties from her mouth and used them to carefully wipe clean my well exercised tool.
Carefully replacing it inside my trousers I walked across the crumped girl at my feet and returned to my desk to start working. Just as I did so the door of my office opened and this was followed by the entry of a young girl in what appeared to be an English school uniform.
She took one look at Polly on my floor and excerpted, “F-u-u-u-c-c-k-k!”
“Just a moment,” I said as the girl turned and was about to retreat, “Who the hell are you to come barging into my office without knocking? Come over here at once.”
The girl appeared to be about 18 with short dark hair and brown eyes. Her school uniform compiled a navy blazer with some kind of school emblem, a blue tunic over a white blouse, with black stockings and black lace-up shoes.
“I am Susan, your work experience student. They told me it would be OK to come straight in.”
“Well, as you can see, Susan, it most certainly is not OK to come straight in. Do you not learn to knock before you enter someone’s room?” I demanded to know.
“Yes Sir, we are taught that and the nuns get very cross if we disobey that rule.”
“And what happens if you disobey that rule, Susan — what do the nuns do?”
The girl blushed and looked around the room, and down at Polly who had raised her head and was now watching the newcomer intently.
“We are sent for punishment, Sir,” came the reluctant disclosure.
“Polly! Stand up and face the wall. I want you to show Susan here the results of your Punishment.”
Polly stood quickly and raised her skirt, bending over sufficiently to afford Susan a very clear view of the colorful effects of her recent discipline.
“The United States is very similar to your home country, Susan. Naughty girls are punished at work here just like in your English schools. As your introduction to work experience at my firm I want you to feel right at home. Polly will now administrator an appropriate punishment to you for coming into my room without knocking, and for yelling out “Fuck” in a loud voice, won’t you Polly?”
Quickly standing fully upright and turning to face us, Polly replied, “That’s right, I know just the thing for naughty English schoolgirls.”
“Very well,” I said without delay, “Please administrator Susan’s punishment as you think fit right away. Susan – you are to do exactly as Polly here tells you. I will observe and, if I decide that you have not carried out Polly’s instructions quickly and accurately, I will add my own punishment when Polly has finished with you. Do you understand that?”
“Yes, Sir, I’m really most awfully sorry to have barged in without permission, it won’t happen again, but I don’t know about this punishment – what exactly do you have in mind?”
“That is for Polly to determine,” I said with a wink at Polly who shot back a warm smile.
“Very well,” surprised Susan, “but I must say I didn’t expect to be treated so horridly on my first visit to America.”
“I must say, Susan, that I did not expect someone from such an exclusive girls’ school as yours to come to another country and behave so rudely from her very first meeting,” I retorted. “Now Polly, proceed with the punishment at once,” I said impatiently.
“Slip off your shoes and stockings,” commanded Polly in a very stern voice.
Susan walked over to the sofa and sat down to unlace her shoes.
“Too slow!” shrieked Polly, rushing forward and pulling both shoes off the young girl’s feet before she had a chance to know what was happening.
Afraid of what might happen if she was too slow the girl quickly put her hands under her tune and eased her pantyhose down to her ankles, bending forward to take them off her feet. She then stood quickly to attention and looked at Polly for her next instruction. Her wide brown eyes glistened slightly as tears began to well up in anticipation.
“You English girls get spanked quite a lot, don’t you?” enquired Polly.
Susan replied matter of factly, “Our school is quite strict, Miss. We do experience a modern degree of corporate punishment from certain mistresses at the school, but it is for our own good so that we develop self control and self discipline.”
“I see,” said Polly, fascinated. “My boss has a very similar philosophy. Anyhow, let’s get on with things here. Just strip naked right now.”
“But there is a man here. I cannot undress in his presence,” protected Susan, as if the very suggestion was the grossest thing she had heard in her whole life.
“Well kiddo,” said Polly consistently, “here in the USA we don’t give a stuff about that trash, so you’d better get your gear off damn quick unless you want me to double your punishment. Now make it snappy or I’ll personally rip your clothes off of you.”
“OK, OK,” said Susan, more than a little upset.
She began to sob as she stood facing away from me and took off her blazer.
“You cannot be so slow,” said Polly with some impatience. “I am getting pissed off with your woosy English behavior and you are going to learn work experience American style.”
Susandrew her tunic over her head and, just as she was about to take it off above her head, Polly screamed at her.
“Hold it right there Susan!”
Susan was thus left standing with her hands at full stretch above her head with her tunic covering her from about breast level to the height of her hands. Revealed now were a fire engine red pair of dainty panties over very white untanned legs that were very much in contrast to Polly’s (or how Polly’s were until I’d changed their color!). Polly walked over and, standing in front of Susan, quickly unbuttoned her blouse and removed it. Astonishingly she then quite deliberately brushed her own breasts against Susan’s chest, now showed to be covered by a schoolgirl-style full bra (also in fire engine red).
Curious, I interposed from my sideline vantage point, “Is this regulation English school underwear, Susan?”
I couldn’t discern any attempt to reply in the sobbing.
“It is customary to answer when I ask a question, Susan.I assume your mistresses do not tolerate that kind of insolence, do they?”
“No, Sir. When addressed we are required to furnish a prompt response,” Susan managed to get out in her quaint English style of speaking.
Without waiting for Polly to continue with her own plans I took the electric flex and delivered two singing blows to the base of Susan’s ass cheeses just below the area covered by the red panties. Her crying increased in intensity to the point where she was almost hyperventilating, and two very distinct stripes became clearly visible within a few seconds.
“She’s all yours, Polly,” I said with a hint of disgust. “She obviously requires severe disciplinary action and the sooner we got this finished the sooner we can both get on with our work.”
Taking my cue Polly dragged the distressed youngster to the sofa and lay her over the armrest that she herself had been across only a short while earlier. Being left handed Polly was able to make use of the mirrorthat I had utilized from her position standing in front of the sofa. Polly chose the shoehorn to start spanking the back of Susan’s legs. I thought it odd that she croouched down to start the spanking at Susan’s calm muscles, but I had delegated the punishing to her and she was entitled to perform it as she saw fit. Susan’s body was convulsing a good deal from her crying and Polly was having trouble keeping her aim.
I took up a position behind Susan and held up my hand for Polly to pause. I then took Susan’s legs by each ankle and held her legs out horizontally behind her and spread to the extent that my arms could reach. Thus I was standing between her legs staring into her red-pantied crotch whilst Polly was about to resume the punishment. As Polly applied the shoehorn higher and higher up Susan’s legs I enjoyed having the view from close quarters of both Polly’s heaving breasts as she swung the shoehorn in a wide arc to make contact with Susan’s flesh in a way that would achievee maximum sting. The volume of shrieks coming from Susan alarmed both of us and I motioned to Polly to again pause. I lowered Susan’s legs to the ground and ran my hands up the insides of her tights to assess the damage. So far as I could tell the shoehorn had had negligible effect other than to change the color of Susan’s tights from white as white to a glowing pink.
“That will be all thank you Polly,” I said in a voice loud enough for Susan to sigh in relief.
Still effectively blindfolded by the tunic around her head Susan was not pure to my whispers and gesticulations to Polly. Essentially it was time for Polly to dress herself and to leave us alone and I made clear that she was to do that quickly. As soon as Polly had left my room I went to my desk and called for Susan to get up and compose herself. I hadn’t realized that Susan didn’t know who had administratored the initial whipping until she came over to me.
“That awful woman has ruined my legs – what will the girlls in gym class says – my word they will be shocked.”
“What Polly administratored to you this morning was the appetiser, young lady,” I said mildly. “You now have my own punishment to endure for main course.”
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