Next morning by 7.45am there was still no sign of Polly. This was not going to be a very auspicious start to my obedience course, but it gave me the opportunity to make her lack of punctuality as good an example as any of behavior to be avoided.
At 8.03 Polly casually strolled into my office.
“Sorry I’m late, Boss. I missed my bus.”
I really couldn’t believe my ears. This girl was reporting to her first obedience class 33 minutes late and simply claims to have missed the bus!
“Have you brought your underwear for approval, Polly?” I enquired, for the time being ignoring her audacious attitude.
“Yes, it’s in my handbag,” she replied.
Intrigued to discover how she had crammed into her handbag enough underwear to last three days and enough to give me a choice, I told her to present the items to me and explain her preferences.
“Before we do that, however, Polly, I want to inspect what you’re wearing at the moment, since I have not approved yourUnderwear for today. Please come and stand on my desk like you did yesterday afternoon.”
Today Polly was wearing a cream jacket and skirt with a brown blouse, brown tights and matching brown shoes. She was quite sprightly in climbing onto my desk and facing away from me.
“I want you facing me for the moment, Polly,” I said, and she swung around and stood at the edge of my desk looking down at me as I sat in my chair taking in what I saw.
“Like yesterday, Polly, you are not to move or speak unless I direct you to do so, is that clear?”
“What are you going to do?” she asked.
“That’s for you to discover and accept with humility and grace,” I shot back. “Now just stand quietly whilst I examine your underwear.”
Standing up I took the hem of her skirt at each side and raised it about 6 inches, revealing a lacy red cotton petticoat that was at least 5 inches shorter than the skirt. I added the hem of the petticoat to the gathered skirt and raised them furtherer to reveal the crotch of brown pantyhose covering dark coloured panties.
“Raise your skirt and petticoat so that the hems are above your navel, Polly,” I instructed.
I carefully lowered her pantyhose to reveal a pair of black nylon panties.
“What do you think you are doing wearing nylon panties when I told you yesterday that synthetic underwear was prohibited?” I demanded sharply.
“I wore a cotton petticoat,” was the fee reply.
Becoming a little exasperated now I said gruffly, “This is too much, Polly. You were paid yesterday for not paying attention to your work. You plainly did not listen to what I told you yesterday, you waltz in late this morning with a hopeless excuse, you claim that you have in your handbag enough underwear to allow me to choose appropriate items to last you the rest of the week (and we’ll deal with that later), but I will not tolerate this any further. Now turn around and bend over at the wait as far as you can.”
With Polly’s arse now at eye level I took the electric flex from where it had been left the previous evening and administratored 4 stokes in quick succession to the bare area just below where the base of each chef disappeared into Polly’s panties. In my anger I obviously used considerable force as I succeeded in splitting the skin at points where welts from the previous afternoon’s spanking had begun to form.
“How dare you cover yourself when I am punishing you!” I yelled as Polly instinctively lowered her skirt and petticoat to protect her posterior.
I reached up and grabbed the top of her panties and yanked them to her ankles bringing the pantyhose down at the same time.
“Step out of these at once,” I said already lifting Polly’s right calf to speed up the process.
I quickly pulled off her Shoes and pulled the underwear off both feet.
“Now lie on your back on my desk with your head bent backward over this edge of my desk,” I commanded in trial tones.
I roughly manhandled Polly into position as she compiled too slowly for my liking, and took up a position astride her head similar to that adopted the previous evening. Without further delay I drew the skirt and petticoat towards me picking up the blouse along the way until Polly was fully exposed from the base of her black bra down to her toes.
“Spread your legs as far as they will go!” I barked and, again, found it necessary to manually assist the process which was taking too long.
A thick tuft of fair public hair was all that covered Polly’s otherwise smooth bare skin from the wait down. The consistency of her tan proved that naked sunbathing or sunlamp treatment had been used to prevent a white area that would ordinarily have appeared under a bikini bottom. Ignoring the soft moans caused by the pressure of the desk against her Just spanked posterior, I seized the piece of flex and began whipping the inside upper legs with some vigour watching them quickly change colourand noticing some further splitting of the skin in areas that had been affected by yesterday’s punishment. Quite visible marks quickly formed on the areas towards the front that had escaped attention yesterday, and I methodically worked the strokes to leave a grid pattern on each thigh from a point about 6 inches below the crotch to as close as I dared to her labia. Clenched hands and much understanding did nothing to soften my blows and Only when I stopped for breath after what must have been about 20 or 30 severe lashes did I notice distinct glistening on Polly’s public hair.
Pausing momentarily I reached down and inserted my right index finger into the public shaft and found the flow of juices to be quite considerable. The writing that I had attributed to the pain of the thrashing was obviously orgasmic convulsions I now concluded.
“There is no way young lady that I am going to reward you with pleasure in this exercise,” I declared.
Opening my fly I quickly gathered somefolders of petticoat to catch the spurts of come rushing forth from my swollen member. I then took some different folds of the petticoat to wipe my tip clean while I paused to think what should be done next. Four swats of the back of the hairbrush aimed carefully at Polly’s clip elicited loud shrieks from under my legs. I squeezed my legs together more tightly to muffle the cries and then stepped off Polly’s face only long enough to let me cover it with the raised skirt and petticoat before recovering my former position.
Grabbing a pair of scissors from my desk drawer I cut between the cups of Polly’s bra and, ripping it roughly out from under her, throw it across the room still angle with her for pleasure herself during punishment. The electric flex brought forth real yelps of pain when I applied it across the beautifully formed breasts nestled under my still engorged cock. Polly raised her hands to protect her breasts but it was too late to prevent bright criminal stripes from forming across her boobs. As her hands reached her breast she winced with pain as her fingers contacted the areas whipped.
I grasped Polly at the waist and dragged her body towards me until her head was touching the floor and her arse was at the edge of the desk. She had bent her knees to ease the pressure on her back but her hands were grazing the edge of the desk to try to steady herself. Still astride her with my cock almost resting across her Still moist mound I pressed each knee outwards as far as Polly’s pelvic joints would allow, grabbing a thick tipped felt pen lying on my desk. Leaning forward I tried inserting it into Polly’s anus but the sphincter muscles were much too tightly engaged. The marker was easily inserted into her vagina and in fact I had to be careful not to lose it as she would have taken the whole thing in if I had kept pushing it.
I withdraw the marker from her vagina and wiped it with some folds of blouse that had been drawn across her navel as she went backwards under my legs. Very adroitly I stepped across Polly’s body to the right and, gripping her below the buttocks pushed her whole body over until she was now upside down with her toes facing down onto my chair and her head still on the floor now bearing a lot of her weight. With my right foot I gently pressed against her neck whilst easy her down onto her shoulders so that her head was peering up at me under the chair with her totally exposed lower body resting against my groin and her legs level with and half resting on my chair. I leaned forward and peered down at the snivelling pathetic face through the gap between her legs.
“Sooner or later you will learn some obedience and some humility young lady.”
I was surprised that in her condition Polly was able to respond with an articulate, “I’m sorry, Boss. I promise to improve my behavior and please you more from now on.”
I eased her body sideways onto the floor and gazed down at the crumped mess of half naked body and clothing at my feet.
“Get up and stand to attention at once,” I commanded.
Though obviously painful, competence was reasonably prompt and a tear-streaked face half covered in fine blonde hair now looked meekly at me supported by a slumped and aching body. Although I might well have taken goal on her I still had plenty of momentum and did not wait long before addressing her in a reasonably milk tone.
“Now we can conduct the underwear approval exercise that was supposed to take place an hour ago. Fetch your handbag and show me what you propose to wear for the rest of this week.”
The first item out of the handbag was a pair of bright yellow silk panties which met with my approval. Taking the felt marker pen I selected a position directly under the crotch for my initials.
“What is that for?” enquired Polly.
“Each day when you arrive at the office you are to present yourself to me and, without removing any item, display my initials to me. Iwill tell you what items are valid for each day and you must make sure that you only wear the approved combinations for each day. Needless to say the consequences of not complying strictly with the approval will result in appropriate punishment. When you dress each morning you will also have to take careful note of where my initials are placed so that you can display them to me without fumbling. If at any time I feel that you have forgotten where the initials are on any item you will be immediately striped and whipped. Do you understand so far?”
I paused whilst Polly slowly nodded signing her affordable response to my question.
“The yellow panties are approved for tomorrow. Now, what other underwear do you propose to wear tomorrow?” I continued.
Polly withdraw from her handbag a white cotton bra and a navy blue nylon slip and held them out for me to take.
“Approval is denied,” I stated authoritatively. “Choose an alternative.”
After a brief hesitationto consider the consequences of the denied approval Polly handed me a skin colored cotton bra and a white cotton petticoat.
“Approval denied. You have exhausted your two chances to have items approved. Tomorrow you may not wear any underwear other than the approved pair of yellow silk panties.”
“You didn’t tell me I only had two chances,” Polly protected with a quiver and now beginning to sob.
“Obedience training involves learning from experiences. Now you know, you will be more careful in what you offer for my approval. It is up to you to determine what combinations of underwear I regard as suitable. The longer it takes you to discover my preferences the less underwear you will end up being permitted to wear.
“So far you have a pair of yellow silk panties approved for Wednesday. We haven’t progressed very far and there doesn’t seem to be a lot left in your handbag. What do you propose to wear on Thursday and Friday?”
“What about these?” was the half sobbed query as she presented me now with a carefully selected pair of crisp white cotton panties, a matching white bra, and a light blue silk petticoat.
I took the panties and initialized inside the front just below the waistband. The bra I initialized on the base of the front of the right cup, and the slip I handed back without comment.
“What about Friday?” I asked, conveniently ignoring Polly’s theoretical second chance to have a slip approved for Thursday if she had wanted to.
This time Polly handed me a pair of black nylon panties with a white cotton gusset, a matching black bra and the same navy blue nylon slip as she had offered earlier.
“Approval denied,” I said matter of actually as I returned the items to her promptly.
It was obvious she hadn’t brought any other garments for approval and was Now left with the dilemma of whether to use up her second chance by pressing me to accept one of the items already rejected, or to try some other approach. Rather ingeniously I thought, she elected to hand me the yellow silk panties that I had already approved for Wednesday, the light blue silk petticoat that I had knocked back for Thursday, and the skin-coloured bra that had been rejected for Wednesday. Although tempted to reward her iningenuity by approving the requested combination in full, I thought she still needed to be punished for not having the foresight to bring a big enough selection of garments from which I could choose, and I was especially surprised that she’d only brought three pairs of panties, one of them mostly nylon, for three days’ wear. I took the petticoat and initialized it inside the back just above waist level. The bra I initialized inside the straw towards the middle, and the panties I handed back to her.
Polly looked at me thoughtfully, contemplating the consequences of having no panties approved for Friday. She carefully placed all of the items into her handbag and, without a word, started getting dressed.
As shepicked up the panties that I’d removed I shouted, “Oh no you don’t, young lady! They are nylon and you know perfectly well that you cannot wear nylon.”
Without speaking she quietly placed them in her handbag and continued dressing, now getting to the point where she was about to pull on her brown pantyhose to complete the re-dressing exercise. She caught sight of me glaring at her and, without my having to point out that the pantyhose were nylon, she realized that herself and quickly removed them from half way up her right leg and placed them in her handbag. Putting on her shoes seemed difficult as they were sweaty as a result of the earlier activity and, without stockings, she had to force her feet into them uncomfortable. I allowed myself a wry grin at Polly’s prediction as I read her mind figuring how she would carry out her day’s work without bra, stockings or panties and wearing a relatively short skirt. She left my room without further conversation, adding to her handbagthe remnants of the black bra that I’d earlier cut off and, before I settled down to start my day’s work, I wrote myself a note:
Tue – NO p – red cot. pet – uninitialized; nothing else;
Wed – yel. s. p – outside crotch – nothing else;
Thu – white c. p – inside front; white bra – front right cup – nothing else;
Fri – NO p – light bl. cot pet. – inside middle rear; skin col. bra – inside stick middle – nothing else.
I noticed during lunch hour later that day that Polly was not in the canteen eating with her colleagues and seemed to have disappeared. She was already at her desk apparently working when I returned from lunch, and I called her into my room. I took a full-length mirror normally clipped inside my closet and placed it on my desk.
“Stand on my desk over the mirror please Polly.”
“What have I done now?” she pouted, sensing already that I had caught her cheating on her very first day of training.
“You know that you’re to obey my commands without question. You will receive six strokes of the hairbrush for that infection. Now stand over the mirror immediately.”
Before she had even steadied herself on top of the desk the reflection in the mirror confirmed my suspicions that during the lunch hour she had obtained a new pair of panties to replace those that I had forbidden her to wear.
“Hold up your skirt and petticoat so that I can decide whether This is acceptable,” I commanded.
As Polly duly raised her clothes to allow me to inspect the white cotton replacement panties I took the felt pen and initialized around the outer edge of the left leg and placed a second set of initials in the same position on the other side.
“So that there is no doubt about the rules, Polly, I want you to understand that you are no longer permitted to wear underwear of any Description at any time that I have not approved in advance. I will permit you to wear this pair of white cotton panties for the rest of today only. You will bring them to me tomorrow morning at 7.30am and we will put them through the document shredder to make sure you don’t accidentally wear them again. Are you quite clear on my requirements?”
“I understand,” she told, some by way of relief that she was at least not to be punished for wearing unapproved panties this time.
“Now we have to deal with your failure to promptly obey my early command; please sit down on the mirror facing me, with your knees drawn up and your hands claped behind your knees.”
My erection commenced even as she began to draw up her knees as the mirror gave me a voyeur’s view of her panties and petticoat that was just deliciously wicked. Even though I now had the power to strip, whip and otherwise abuse Polly as I saw fit, there was something still satisfied about the snatched glimpses that came about due to having Polly act in certain ways.
“Now roll back and stretch your legs straight keeping them as high as you can pushThey into the air,” I directed.
I quickly allowed my erect member to poke out of its confined space to enjoy the spectacle as Polly’s skirt and petticoat dropped down under gravity to reveal the full length of her legs beautifully smooth and tanned from toes to knees and some more varied in colour and texture from her knees to her panties.
“Hold your legs tightly together please and place Your hands under your lower back to increase the height.”
Now steadied on her elbows with arse about 4 inches above the desk and legs swaying slightly as she concentrated on holding them pressed together, I took the hairbrush and delivered a medium force blow to the base of Polly’s left buttock above the point where the skin emerged from her panties. I didn’t think I had hit her that hard but it was apparently enough to knock her off balance and it was fun to watch her legs part and flay in the air as she struggled to resume her position.
“Hold your legs together tightly please, Polly,” I reminded her and quickly delivered two whacks to the right buttock and a balancing one to the left, so that made four.
“Now part your legs as far as you can,” I commanded.
Without waiting for them to reach full spread, I delivered two quick whacks to her crotch to complete the prescribed six. Grasping her by the wait I pulled her body towards me with the assistance of the slipperiness of the mirror on which she lay. With her crotch now a few inches above my dripping member I stood on my toes and carefully wiped off my come onto her panties. She had started to cry again but I ignored that and had her stand and face me. Ignoring the whimpering and shaking I reached up under her skirt and petticoat and carefully pulled her panties down just enough to uncover her public area and about three quarters of her ass cheeses.
“You are to keep your panties adjusted exactly as they now are for the balance of the day. If I find them in any different state upon random inspection you will be whipped till you bleed. Now return to your work.”
The mirror afforded an assisted view of the panties moving of their own according as Polly climbed down from my desk. Spinning her around I ordered Polly to stand to attention whilst I took the mirror from my desk and stood it vertically in front of me so that Polly could see a full length view of herself.
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