Author Notes: My thanks and my apologies to my followers for your continued following and dealing with a long hiatus. I do hope and intend to write more often and more consistently.
Also, my thanks to my friend that gave me the honor to write this story for her. I do hope to add to it with her continued approval.
Chapter 01
The Adventure Begins
“Yes, things are chaos right now, but it’s just bad timing. We’ll work it out.” a brown haired woman said to her friend and business partner as they waited in line at a Starbucks.
“Sure they will and it will, but the real question is when? What are we going to do right now?” the tabby haired friend said.
“We’re going to do what we can do. We’ll deal with it. This is a bump in the road. That’s all. Don’t make this into anything more than it really is.”
“It’s not a bump. It’s a bump, a dirt road, a sinkhole in the pouring rain all at a blind intersection.”
“Don’t go all over dramatic on me. Just keep your head screwed on straight and we’ll work this out.”
The tabby haired woman screamed trying to push out the stress that weighed down on her, but it didn’t work. “Of all the times to lose our domme, it just had to be at the worst possible time.”
“When it rains, it pours. But remember, tomorrow is another day.”
“Gee, thanks Scarlett O’Hara. Was that supposed to make me feel better?”
“Cat? Grande vanilla latte?” the barista said.
“Thank you.” the tabby haired woman said exposing her pronounced canines with a feral looking smile.
“Magritte? Grande cappuccino?”
“It’s Margritte. Magritte was a famous French artist.”
“This is not a mermaid.” The barista said pointing at the Starbucks logo on the cup.
Margritte and the barista shared a smile together and she raised her cup with a little nod to him before recovering her previous conversation.
Unbeknownst to them, a petite lady sitting in the corner of the cafe was listening to their ongoing conversation. She sat quiet as a mouse with the glow of her laptop screen illuminating her young face. She had long brown hair tied back around her neck. It didn’t appear she was wearing any make-up or at least a very minuscule amount with just a bit of color on her cheeks.
She wore a simple white one-piece dress tied at the waist and buttoned down the Front from breast to mid-thigh. What was more glaring was the condition of her dress. It wasn’t threadbare or dirty, but it was well wound and a bit unkempt.
The women gathered their Louis Vuitton and Burberry pursuits with their beverages in hand. As they were stepping out, the young lady closed her laptop and shoved it into her bag hastily trying to catch them. As she passed by the front counter, one of the baristas spoke to her.
“If you’re going to continue to come in here, I’m going to have to ask you to buy something from now on. Understand?”
The young girl slowed down to listen and with a saddened expression nodded back in acknowledgment before stepping out. The plaza was busy and a bit chilly still from the morning air with the sun still low in the sky. She looked around to see where they had gone, but the rush to work had already begun making it hard to spot them in the crowd. She looked left and right and up and down, but she didn’t see them.
“Oh no! Where did they go?” she muttered in despair.
She looked towards the main street and spotted them. The short tabby hair stood out even at a distance. She knew it was them and made her way toward them quickly crossing the street and following them into the business high rise lobby. She held the hem of her dress tight just in case to prevent any sudden gusts to cause an incident for her. As they made their way to the elevators, the building staff stopped her.
“Excuse me. Who are you here to see?”
“Oh. Umm…I’m with them.” she said with a very high voice pointing to the two women waiting at the elevator entrance.
The staffer looked over at Margritte and Cat who were still talking to each other and then looked back at the young lady. “You’re with them?”
He looked at her inquisitively for a moment and then noticed the bag she had around her shoulder. “May I inspect your bag?”
“Sure.” she said and opened it for him to inspect the contents.
The only things inside were her laptop, a charger and a turquoise button snap wallet.
“Okay. Let me get you a visitor pass.” He said and walked back to the reception counter. The young lady stayed where she was and watched the two women enter the elevator together. She stepped over to see the elevator display to see which floor it stopped at.
“Miss?” the staff said to her and waved her over.
She watched the display, but it still had not stopped yet.
“Miss?” he said again and she finally walked up to the reception desk. “Here you go.” he said and handed her a guest pass sticker.
“Thank you. Um… could you tell me which floor the office is at again? I forgot.”
“It’s the 29th. Suite 2909.”
“Thanks.” she said with a smile and an awkward wave of her hand.
She made her way to the 29th floor brushing her dress to straighten out the wrinkles, but it was no use. As the elevator arrived at the appropriate floor, she stepped out into the floor hall and proceeded to suite 2909. Upon reaching the door, she saw the business plaque that read:
D & S Services LLP.
“Is this a law firm?” she thought and then opened the door.
She entered into a small waiting room similar to a dentist’s office. There was a white leather sofa with a lacquered redwood slab as a coffee table. The receptionist looked up not expecting her.
“Excuse me. Can I help you?”
“Um…yes. May I speak to Cat…or Margritte, please?”
The receptionist was well dressed and well-manicured. Her hair was long, dark and wavy with an alluring bang dangling over her forehead. Her face was bright with dark penetrating eyes with a burst of rouge from her full red lips. She wore a white blouse with the top three buttons undone showing off her ample cleavage as well as glimpses of her white lacened bra.
“Do you have an appointment?”
“Oh. Um…no I don’t.”
“May I ask what your visit is for?”‘
“Oh, yes. I would like to apply for a position they have open.”
“A position?” the receptionist said, “I wasn’t aware we had a position open.”
“Oh. I think it’s brand new.”
“Well, let me ask Cat. Please have a seat.”
“Thank you.”
She sat down on the sofa and realized the quality of leather was soft and supplement. She looked around and was shocked to see the art adorning the office. There was one large black and white photo of a woman’s foot wearing siletto heels with another woman wearing a dog collar bending down and licking the top of the woman’s foot.
It was provocative to say the least, but alluring at the same time. The woman doing the licking was very attractive with her light hair bundled tight and clean. Her eyes were closed, but her lashes were long and dark. Her mouth was open and her tongue extended gently without any strain. The woman had an overall expression of willingness. She wasn’t smiling as if happy to do it, but there wasn’t a sense that she was unhappy to do it either.
As interesting and provocative as the picture was, it was just sexually suggestive, but the large picture that hung on the other wall wasn’t. It was definitely a statement.
It was another black and white photo of a brunette with shimmering hair sitting on a throne. She wore a black picker with some kind of metallic jewelry in the center. Her legs were crossed with only a pair of silettos on. She was completely naked. Although this brunette sitting was the center of attention, it was what was happening all around her that requiresed the extra attention.
All around the brunette were nude ladies with light hair apparently serving the lady whimsically, to say the least. Standing behind her, there was a lady brushing the brunette’s hair. That was the most normal. Over on the brunette’s left hand, her arm was propped on the arm rest with her index finger in one of the nude lady’s mouth with a pleased expression on her face. Down around her feet, a nude lady wrapped her body around her leg and looked at the brunette with a yearning in her eyes. Another nude lady was down on her hands and knees suckling her siletto heel.
What drew the most attention was the brunette’s right hand. A nude lady stood next to her with the brunette’s fingers inside the lady’s pussy. She stood facing the camera with her knees slightly bent and her arms behind her crossed at the wrists. Her mouth was open and her eyes closed seemingly frozen in orgasmic bliss. All of this happened around this brunette that had this simple, yetconfident smile on her face as if all the activity around her was normal.
“Excuse me, Miss? What are you here for?”
The young lady turned her attention from the photo over to the reception desk and saw Cat speaking to her. She quickly stood up and straightened her dress realizing her nipples were hard and erect. “Hello. I’m sorry for coming unannounced, but I overheard you are in need of a domme?”
“You hear?”
“Yes. At the Starbucks.”
Cat gave her a look over with a bit of a sour expression. She was quite petite being 5 feet if even that, but what she noticed were her breasts or the lack of them. She saw her nipples jutting out of her small mounds. She was nothing more than an A-cup. If she had to sum her up in a single word, it would’ve been ‘mousey’.
“Come into my office for a moment. What’s your name?” Cat said.
“Janet.” she said and walked into her office.
Cat closed the door behind them and sat behind her desk with a wonderful viewoverlooking the city. “So tell me, you have someone in mind to fill our domme position?”
“Yes. I would like to apply for the position.”
“You? A domme?”
“Yes. I have experience with both my grandparents.”
“Grandparents?” Cat said, “There must be some kind of misunderstanding. Do you know what a domme is?”
“It’s short. Short for domiciliary care.”
Cat shook her head, “You’re right it’s short for something. It’s short for dominatrix.”
Janet’s eyesbrows rose to the floor above, “Oh…I see…may I apply for that?”
“Are you fucking with me?” Cat said.
“No. I mean, I’m not trying to be disrespectful. I would like to apply for the position. Honest.”
From what Cat saw in front of her, There was not a shred of potential from this girl in filling the position. Clearly, she was clueless, but for her to apply to the position blindly piqued her curiosity.
“Do you know what a dominatrix is and does?”
Janet was familiar with the word in passing, but never thought about what duties were truly applicable when it came to it as an actual job. She did recall the photo in the waiting room and assumed that the brunette sitting around the nude ladies was a domme; she used it as her model.
“It’s a woman that inflicts pain on others for sexual gratification.” Janet said not too sure of herself.
Cat perceived that she formed that answer right out of thin air, but was impressed that she was able to give a decent response off the top of her head. Still. Even if she was experienced, with her petite frame and her high pitched voice, she couldn’t see anybody accepting her as a domme.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think you have the experience we are looking for.”
“You’re right. I don’t.” Janet chimed in, “But I am a quick learner. All I need is an opportunity. Please. I won’t disappoint you.”
As direct as Cat was, she could see Janet was going to be stubbornly persistence. She shook her head at the thought, then waved a dismissive hand in the air and picked up the phone, “Roxanne, please come in for a moment.”
The receptionist entered, “You called, Miss Cat?”
“Yes, bend over the desk and lift up your skirt.”
The receptionist didn’t bat and eye at the request and stepped over to the edge of the desk and unzipped her black pinstriped skirt. She bent over and lifted her skirt up to reveal her unblemished and cellulite free ass for Janet to see.
“Here.” Cat said handing a riding whip over to Janet. “Show me what you can do.”
Janet took the whip from Cat and stood next to Roxanne. She didn’t look at Janet, but just continued to look expressionless while bent over the desk.
Her heart thumbed with nervous energy. She knew she had to make an impression, but she had no idea What to do and she didn’t want to hurt her. “But that’s what domme’s do. They inflict pain. That’s what I have to do.” she thought.
Janet raised the whip in her hand and with a backhanded motion, she struck Roxanne’s ass with the whip as hard as she could. Then she raised her arm again and struck her again with all of her strength, then again and again and again.
Whack, whack, whack, went the whip as it lashed into Roxanne’s flesh. Her body cringed at each passing lash and yet she stood bent over as motionless as she could without any movement to lessen the pain or avoid the strikes.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Cat said.
Janet stopped frozen with terror seeing Cat’s disapproving gaze. She lowered her arm and looked at Roxanne’s face and saw she was panting in pain. “I-I’m sorry. I got carried away. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“That’s what I thought. You just failed.” Cat said snatching the whip from Janet’s hand.
The door opened again and Margritte came in.
“I’m making calls and you’re fucking around with Roxy in here? What the hell are you-“
she said and then realized that Janet was in the office as well.
“Whoare you?”
“Janet. Pleased to meet you.” she said and held out her hand.
Margritte reluctantly shook it distracted at Janet’s petite frame. “Cat? A word.”
“Excuse me for a moment.” Cat said as they both stepped out into Margritte’s office.
Roxanne had composed herself and stood up fixing her skirt back in its proper place.
“I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you too much.” Janet said.
Roxanne said nothing, but looked over at Janet who must’ve been a head shorter than her. She knelt down on both knees in front of Janet crossing her hands at the wrist behind her back and came forward kissing Janet’s crotch through her dress. As she leaned back, she looked up at Janet. She was expecting a look of anger or contempt for the pain she inflicted on her and the humiliation she had to endure, but there was no sign of either. On the contrary, Roxanne had a look of yearning in her eyes, and then stood up and left the office closing the door behind her leaving Janetin the office alone.
“Who is that?” Margritte said.
“Oh, some girl that overheard us about our domme troubles. She came in hoping to fill the position.”
“You said, ‘Tomorrow is another day.’ Well, that ‘tomorrow’ has just become today.”
“What? You’re not seriously considering her to fill our domme role.”
“No. No. No.” Margritte scoffed, “That’s still an issue, but she is perfect for our sub services. I mean, did you see her? She’s tiny. Little girl tiny. She is of age, right?”
“I assume she is. I didn’t ask.”
“Well, assuming she is, she fits the desires of any one of our clients. Did you hear her voice? That high pitched little girl’s voice? Now tell me who doesn’t like that?”
“Margritte, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. Yes, she’s petite and yes, she’s got ‘little girl’ qualities, but she’s inexperienced. Clueless. She’d be helpless.”
“Maybe, but those can be corrected over time. Look at what’s there, Cat. Look at the potentire. We can hire anybody that’s 5’2 to 5’7, but a girl that’s 5 foot with a proportioned body to match and a pair of tea cup tits plus a girl voice thrown in the mix? You can’t buy those genes, Cat.”
“Well then, I guess we’ve got a lot of work to do. I hope you’re right.”
“If I am, our domme problem won’t be such a pressing concern.”
They both left Margritte’s office and went back into Cat’s. Janet turned and stood up as they entered.
“No, please sit.” Margritte said making Janet sit back down.
“Janet, how old are you?” Cat said.
Margritte smiled and nodded to Cat.
“So,” Cat said, “you want to work here?”
“I do. I know with some practice, I could be a better domme.”
“We don’t want you for the domme position, but we do have another position in mind for you. This position is very different than the domme position.”
“Oh. What would I have to do?”
“Nothing too difficult. Basically, you’ll just be called onto be a person’s companion for a day or more.”
“A companion? You mean just to keep somebody company?”
“It could be as simple as that, but it could also entail more.”
“Like what?”
“Like anything. Anything legal that is.” Margritte said.
“Anything? Does that include sex?”
“It mostly includes sex.”
“Is this an escort service?”
“How insulting.” Margritte said, “We are certainly not an escort service. We are like a staffing agency serving VIPs.”
“VIPs? What kind of VIPs?”
“VIP, VIPs. The only thing you need to know is the person you work for currently. That’s it.”
“And I’m supposed to have sex with them?”
“If asked for. Is that a problem?”
Janet thought about it for quite some time. It seemed like she got the job, but it was a job she didn’t expect to get. However, they didn’t know that she was on edge of despair with a mountain of debt and no job prospects for months.
“Well, what’s your answer?” Margrittesaid growing impatient.
“I don’t know if I can do it. I feel like you’re pimping me out for prostitution.”
“This is a waste of time. Get her out of her.” Margritte said.
“Are you sure?” Cat said.
“Wait!” Janet said, “What’s the pay?”
“That depends on you. The better you do your job, the better your pay will be.”
Janet “Okay. I’ll do it, but would it be possible to get an advance?”
“An advance? You haven’t even done anything and you want an advance already?” Cat said.
“How much?” Margritte said.
“A thousand dollars?”
“For what?” Margritte said.
“Bills. Food and stuff.”
“What kind of bills?”
“The usual stuff. Rent. Utilities. Credit cards.”
“Bring your bills in and we’ll see what we can do. As for food, we’ll give you an allowance for that. Fair enough?”
“Oh…yeah. That’s fair. Thank you.”
“Now that that is all settle, let’s take alook at what we have to work with. Take off your dress.” Margritte said.
“My dress?”
“Yes. Take it off.”
“But I-I’m not wearing any underwear.”
“Then you have less to undress. Now let’s go.”
Janet stood up and began unbuttoning the top of her dress. After four buttons were unclasped, she pulled her dress off her body and stood there as the Two women looked her over. The first thing they noticed was her hair. It was getting out of control.
“Wax and salon.” Cat said.
“Nails as well and a full scrub and facial.” Margritte said.
Last but not least, Margritte turned her attention to Janet’s breasts. They reminded her of scoops of vanilla ice cream. A nice and solid scoop that was firm to the touch and atop the ice cream was a large sweet cherry to boot.
“Have you ever seen anything like this before?” Cat said.
Margritte opened the door, “Roxy, please come in here.”
Roxanne stepped in and saw Janet standing naked in the office, but was unfazed by the sight.
“Roxy, would you arouse her nipples for us.” Margritte said.
Roxanne curled her hair behind her ear and bent over taking in Janet’s right nipple into her mouth and suckled it gently and violently. Janet’s nipples were big as well as long and Roxy began to bob her head up and down as she felt the flesh firming up in her mouth.
Jane stood frozen in fright while feeling another woman causing her to experience pleasure in her body, while the two women watched on fascinated in the results rather than for pleasure.
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