The Adventures of Astoria Morgan Ch. 03

Chapter 3 – Abducted and Sold!

One reason that Astoria Morgan preferred human male pets over other types of animals was that they could drive, which allowed them to perform all sorts of useful errands. Earlier in the day, Astoria had sent her pet Giorgio into town with a load of supplies for the Astoria Morgan Haven for Distressed Women. Of all her charitable endeavors, this was her favorite as it most directly promoted her agenda of female empowerment.

Astoria had founded this institution as a refund for the most downtrodden of her sex, who having nothing were often forced to sell themselves into the most degrading forms of prostitution, whoredom and even sexual slavery. The Haven provided these young women a safe and clean place to live, nutritious meals, and even lazy service. All they had to give in return was a few hours of their time to attend useful courses in self-esteem, department, personal finance and feminist theory. Unlike ordinary women’s shelters, whichattempted to get their charges off the street, Astoria encouraged these fine young women to get out there and own the streets. No longer common prostitutes, they became military sex workers, well trained in using their charms to master their surroundings and their clients.

Still, for all their skills and self-confidence, Astoria knew that this line of work brought with it certain hazards that, while they could not be completely eliminated, could be sensitively managed. She had therefore dispatched Giorgio – or “Gigi” as she called her pet with increasing frequency – with a consignment of latex condoms, antibacterial douche and hypoallergenic mascara, all of which she had been able to buy in bulk. Astoria might have had these items shipped directly to the Haven, but meticulous as ever, she preferred to confirm for herself that she had received what she paid for. She also liked to include a note with words of instruction or encouragement with each shipment. The personal touch made charity work so satisfied.

Giorgio had just brought the last box into the Haven’s supply room, had politely refused all the payment in kind the girls always teasingly offered him, and was heading back to the car, when a voice piped up behind him: “Excuse me sir, but I’ve lost my sheep. Can you help me?”

Turning around, Giorgio found himself faced with a short young woman, or rather her white bonnet tied up with a big blue bow, under which brazen red hair framed a face that featured a pair of pleading green eyes. From the puffy short sleeves of the crisp blue dress a pair of white, strong arms emerged holding a shepherd’s crook.

Giorgio responded by narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “You keep sheep? Here?” Giorgio knew from his time in the fields of his home country that the paved streets of Chatham City did not provide an auspicious environment for pastoral grazers like sheep.

“Well, I don’t really keep any sheep. It’s for a theatrical production. You know, a play.” Giorgio’s suspicions were partly, but not completely, allowed. “How big a flock you lose, lady?”

“Oh, just one. Sheep can be singular, you know. You’re not from around here, are you?” the shepherdess added, smiling condescendingly.

That was enough for Giorgio. His mistress had always told him that he must be respectful and helpful to all women, even the ones who weren’t hot. And this girl, well, she looked better than any shepherdess Giorgio had ever known. If Giorgio had not already belonged to Astoria Morgan, he would have happily bent under her crook. “Giorgio help you!” he declared emphymically. “Where you last see sheep?”

“Well, I think a bad man took Curly, that’s my sheep’s name, Curly, and put him in the van over There.”

“The one on the corner?”

“Yes, that’s it.” replied the girl. “The one with the tinted windows and no license plates. Could you please look and see if Curly is there? I’m too frightened.”

Giorgio strode confidently over tothe van. He would soon get to the bottom of this. Finding the van’s back door partially open, he stuck his head inside and called “Curly?”

Our bold hero never had a chance for further investigation as the solid oak of the shepherdess’s crook smoked down on the back of his head. Thereupon the rough hands of Curly, one of Minx’s thugs, pulled the unconscious Giorgio fully into the back of the van and then slammed the door. Little Bird, who played the shepherdess in this little farce, climbed into the passenger seat and told Curly to step on it. The Mistress was eager to claim her price.

* * *

The Camelot Motel had definitely seen better days, but even its best days had never been all that great. Located in the worst part of town, a district known as The Drains, its clientele had always primarily consistent of cheaters, liars, outlaws and fallen angels, with the occasional confused tourist tricked into believing that a stay there would afford easy access to Chatham City’s charming waterfront. Still, the Camo, as it was affectionately known by its otherwise unaffected denizens, served a useful purpose to those who wanted for various reasons to drop out of sight, make themselves scarce and/or lay low ’til the heat blew over.

When Minx took control of The Drains, she quickly saw that the commercial potential of the establishment had not been fully realized. Minx personally supervised the Upgrading the Camo. While the lower floors remained for traditional customers, the top floor now rented by the hour and was served by a private elevator. Gentry of quality could now be observed at the front desk, asking in hushed tones for the “Casa del Dolore” and being discretely shown to the elevator.

Minx was on the top floor in what was known as the Rumpus Room, putting the finishing touches on her latest masterpiece. Giorgio’s lids began to flutter. Lucky she had already finished with that part. As Giorgio’s eyes fully opened they looked upon Minx’s beaming face, who could barely contain her glee. “Hello, sweetie. Glad you are with us again. But don’t worry. We’ve been busy as bees while you were out and you are almost ready for your big debug. Look!”

Minx held up a mirror to Giorgio’s face. At least, he thought it was his face. Deep green eye shadow broke over dark lashes heavy with mascara. Thick white foundation gave his face a frozen, china doll appearance, which was accented by the hot pink rouge on his cheeses that did not quite match the viscous red lipstick that Minx had just finished applying. Giorgio might have pointed out this flaw were it not for the fact that these lips were wrapped around a ring gag that turned his mouth into a gaping, helpless hole.

“You look mahvelous, dahling,” gushed Minx as she smoothed back a strand of electric blue hair that had fallen out of place on the wig she had selected with such care. Minx then stood up and circled her new acquisition.

Wrist and ankle cuffs were secured by short chains to the top of a low table. Metal bars under his waist and shoulders were suspended by chains hanging from the ceiling and cinched up tight to assure that the slut’s head and ass remained at just about the level of the midriff of the average male. Two shorter chains running from the back of the gag stick to the shoulder support chains assured that that head would be held high with eyes front at all times. A black lace teddy circular Giorgio’s torso, and with matching black stockings and garter belt he would hopefully look feminine enough to the likely inebriated gaze of the patrons – assuming they even troubled themselves about such fine distinctions. Genitalia were of course locked up and out of the way. He won’t be needed those, thought Minx.

As Giorgio fully regained consciousness, he became aware of a weight pressing down on the middle of his back. It was Little Bird, still dressed in her shepherdess costume, one white-stockinged leg crossed over the otherr with a Mary Jane dangling idly from her right big toe.

Little Bird was enjoying her new perch. Hanging out with Minx was such fun! And more. Closing her eyes, she could still feel where the needses had entered her breasts. Though they were out now, Little Bird felt they would never leave her. She couldn’t believe how quickly Minx had been able to release her inner pain slut. Oh, she still revered Astoria Morgan and would gladly kiss her designer boots at the drop of a crop for all the great lady had done for her. But holy fuck! Minx was the one she wanted to go down on, hot and juicy, long and loud. She would go all the way down for Minx.

Exhaling quickly, Little Bird turned away from her new mistress, moving her gaze now to the exposed buttocks of Giorgio. She could feel how his muscles strained to support her weight. Thinking back to how she had worked like a dog, or rather a stupid bitch, to support that worthless boyfriend of hers, Little Bird realized how nice it wasto have the tables turned. “I caught you and maybe I’m going to keep you,” she thought.

But further pleasant reveries were interrupted by Minx, who had finished inspecting her captive’s bonds and now stood again before Giorgio, towering above him in her pumps and killer black business suit. Her previously played demeanor had turned brusquely no-nonsensical.

“Apologies for the unconventional manner of bringing you in, but you see I have had a bit of difficulty with your employer, whose inconsiderate acts have cost me considerable time and trouble. You don’t look like you have much of a head for business under that fetching blue wig, but even you can surely understand that opening what amounts to a competing establishment in my territory without so much as a by-your-leave is an act of war, commercial war!”

Minx paused to let the gravity of the situation sink in, but Giorgio was distracted by the gravity effect of Little Bird, who was now straddling him and rocking happy back and forth as she explored what pleasant sensings might be generated by rubbing her pussy against the ridge of his vertebrae. Seeing that no response was forthcoming, Minx continued her monologue.

“Yes, that girl on your back is just the first of what will no doubt be many problem cases issuing from the so-called ‘Haven,’ problems that I will have to resolve. You see what a nuisance she is. Under such circumstances, I think it only fair that I take temporary possession of one of your employer’s assets and make use of it until I am properly indemnified. Isn’t that reasonable?”

Giorgio was of course in no position to answer and was not sure he had understood the question anyway. As Minx saw no need to wait for Giorgio’s consent, she again proceeded with her self-serving explanation.

“Put concretely, I will be satisfied and consider the debt paid once you have earned $500. A trivial sum, to be sure, but this is also a matter of honor. Unfortunately, you have neither report nor experience in the industry, and so I have had to set your rates at a correspondingly low level – $5 a pop for the front, $10 for the rear. Admittedly bargain basement prices, but ones that should assure that you stay steadily employed, especially with the fleet in town this weekend.”

Pausing for a moment, Minx gestured to Little Bird, who had descended from Giorgio’s back and was now standing behind him in the space left by a half-moon indentation that had been carved into the table between his bound legs. This feature, which was designed to allow customers easy access to the merchandise, allowed Little Bird to lean against the prisoner’s buttocks and dream a little dream of sodomous intimacies. Now summoned to action by her mistress, Little Bird fetched a small empty fishbowl and placed it at the side of Giorgio’s stand.

“Just to prove that I am not totally mercenary, you can keep whatever your customers put into this tip jar. I think you’ll find that a little effort and enthusiasm will serve you well here. Groans of pleasure, rhythmic rocking and lascivious use of your tongue will not go unappreciated. And do try to swallow it all. Many men seem to hold that talent in especially high regard. Now I must be off. Little Bird will see to your final grooming and luxury. Ta-ta!”

And with a perfunctory peck on his blue bangs Minx left the fresh meat to learn his new trade.


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