The Admin Ch. 02

“Tomorrow I want you to wear that dark blue suit of yours, and your suspenders, and a nice bleached white shirt, with the blue rep tie.” Jasmine fired off her orders like a drill sergeant while looking down at his helpless form. His cock was raging and she was pressing firmly on the head with her shoes.

“Wear your wing tips and some nice dress socks for me as well. Marcus, don’t both wearing any Underwear. No understanding, no shorts and go buy some Patchouli Oil, you are to wear that everyday that is the only cologne you are to wear. Do you understand me? Tomorrow when you shower you are to shake your balls smooth, as far back to your ass hole as you can, and Marcus remember, if you disobey me, you’re toast. Is that understand?” She asked pausing for his reply.

“Yes Jasmine” Marcus gasped as his breath , coming in ragged bits escaped from his mouth.

“I’ll do as you say” He continued, and with that he released into his slacks. Against his will, for he had totally lostt control to this woman.

Jasmine felt his cock lurch under her shoes and knew what had translated.

“Marcus, if you ever cum without my permission again, I’ll spank your ass raw. Is that understand” She asked.

“I couldn’t help it Jasmine, you’ve got me so excited I lost it.” Marcus retired.

She leaned forward and slapped his face, not very hard, but hard enough so he knew she meant business.

“That is not the answer I wanted to hear” Jasmine said.

“I won’t cum without permission Jasmine” Marcus replied, feeling the blush rise in his cheeses. He felt totally possessed by this woman, and totally defeated. At that particular point his will was totally hers.

“Marcus, when we are alone you will call me Lady Jasmine, I feel that some formal form of address is only appropriate and I AM a lady aren’t I Marcus?” Jasmine asked as she stood and walked around the desk to the door, leaving him kneeing on the floor. A wet spot appearing slowly on the crotch and thigh of his slacks.

“Go clean up and go home Marcus. Don’t forget what you are to do tonight. Do not disappoint me.” Jasmine added as she opened the door and left once more not glancing back as she was sure he would obey.

Marcus knelt on the floor, shaking. His mind was a jumble or thoughts and feelings. His nerves were shot. He never in a million years thought that his fansies, the stories, the photos would walk into his office and grab his balls. How had this become reality? He stood and leaned against the desk. He had to somehow clean up the mess in his slacks and get his ass home. He was frightened by his feelings a moment ago, all he had wanted to do was knee between Jasmines legs and please her. Whatever she wanted to do to him would have been fine. Marcus cleaned himself best he could and made for the door. His mind was awake in the events that had translated that day. After a quick stop at the mall to buy the cologne he hurried home.

That evening small talk with his wife was useless. He told her that he was involved in a really big, stressful project and it was eating at him. This he thought would explain his detachment. He told his wife that he had an important meeting the next day and would have to wear his best suit.

Jasmine picked the kids up at school, taken them home and did the usual evening routine. She cooked dinner for her husband and kids. Her marriage was what her community would call “traditional”. Arab Americans didn’t marry outside of their ethnicity without backlash, and mostly married people the family arranged. Jasmine went along with it and though she loved her husband, password was certainly lacking. He was a typical Arab male. He was a chauvinist and believed that a woman was there to take care of him. Romance was something that he didn’t both with, and she was first and foremost the mother of his children. She hadn’t really resented him and his ideals, but she knew there was something more.

Jasmine often had fansies of having a man adore her, worship her. Someone totally at her beck and call. Jasmine and her friends were a pretty lot. As teenagers they would read books like The Story Of “O” and Young Lady Chatterly’s Lover. While her girlfriends would cache on about how strong and aggressive the men in these books were, she would fantasize that the roles were reversed. That the men were her abject slaves. They would serve her, worship her, obey her and suffer for her. Jasmine didn’t share these thoughts with anyone but her best friend Aleah.

Jasmine smiled at the irony of it all. She took a secret job, dreading the idea of ​​having to take orders from some son of a bitch all day and fell into a job where all her fans could come true. To her Marcus was the stuff of her fans. He was extremely intelligent, attractive, well built and had what felt like a wonderful cock. The thought of what had transpired in his office earlier kept her wet all evening and herpanties were absolutely soaked through. Jasmine excused herself and told Tony that she was going to take a bath before bed. While undressing she smiled wickedly and folded her panties nearby before discarding her wound clothes into the hamper.

Jasmine poured bath oil into the steaming hot water, she put some soft music on and lit candles before letting her body slowly melt into the water. As she luxurious in the tub she Thought about having Marcus kneeing next to the tub. She wanted to do some of those things she had seen in the photos earlier. She had really enjoyed seeing a mans cock bound tightly. Their excitement obviously as their poor cocks were so red and swollen, the veins showing profusely. She imagined having Marcus naked, with a collar on. His wrists cuffed behind him to his ankles so he was forced to knee with his cock Prominently displayed. She imagined having tied his cock with a bright scarf behind his scrotum and leaving the end of the scarf on the edge of the tub. He would shake her legs and wash her hair. She would tug on his “leash” for any indiscretion. She imagined turning him over her lap too, his tight ass there to spank and put her hand prints on. She slowly lost herself in visions of using her new play toy. Absently she began running her hands over her full, heavy breasts. She tweaked her nipples gently making them pumper and stand out of the water. Her hands gently slide down to her sex, which even in the tub, was soaking wet. She quickly plunged a finger inside herself. Her orgasm came immediately and she had to bite her own lip to stifle a scream. Her toes cramped from the intensity of the pleasure she gave herself.

Jasmine luxurious in her newfound power. Her mind spinning with the thought of being able to mold this attractive man to her will. Jasmine slide down into the warm water, relaxing for a few moments and then finished her business in the tub. She went to bed totally relaxed and would sleep better than she had in months.

Marcus slept fitfully. His dreams coming unbidden once again. In his latest dream he was kneeing with a collar, wrist and ankle cuffs. His wrists were cuffed behind him to his ankles so he was bound in a kneeing position without the benefit of the use of his arms. Jasmine was standing in front of him, wearing a pair of high heels, a cropped t shirt and a g string. She reached back and grabbed Marcus by the hair pulling him deep into the cleft of her ass.

“Be a good slut and tongue me Marcus” Jasmine said in his dream.

“Yes Lady Jasmine, as you wish” Marcus said with reverence as he leaned into her.

Marcus woman with a start. He looked around the room and discovered he was in his own bed, next to his wife who was sleeping soundly. His cock was raging and once again dripping pre-cum profusely. He Swallowed hard, and fell back into a dream filled world that almost resembled sleep.

Marcus awoke to “FM” on the radio. Steely Dan. Thank goodness it wasn’t some loud obnoxious music he thought. His head felt like he was hit with a brick or he had been drinking all night. Perhaps the hangover was from whatever energy was released in an addicts brain PEA or PEP. He couldn’t remember for sure what the hell the stuff was called, though he was pretty sure the explanation he gave himself was accurate. He felt addicted to this, this whatever it was, and was starting to worry that his control over it was slipping.

Marcus showed, and remembering her words, shacked his scrotum smooth. He spread his legs and reached back as far as he could to his ass hole trying to get all the straight hairs. His cock slowly filled with blood as he lifted his leg and exposed his anus so he could shake cleanly. He thought how lewd he must look with his leg up pulling his ass cheek apart with one hand and shaving with the other. How had he become this, this thing? He got out of the shower, put the patchouli he purchased at the mall on liberally and dressed as he wasInstructed. As he dressed he was literally shaking. Never in his life had he been as excited sexually as he was and it was driving him to distraction.

The drive to work seemed like forever, when in reality it was only a twenty minute jaunt. His cock ached from being erect and there was a pre-cum spot already on his slacks at his thigh were his cock rested. Marcus immediately went into his office and closed his door. He didn’t even allow himself a cup of coffee.

Jasmine woke up early, she got the kids ready and had Tony take them to school. She chose a coffee brown demi cup bra and matching g string, she put on a pair of tight dark brown dress slacks that did absolutely nothing to hide her figure. Jasmine chose a pull over knit top in brown, white and black as well. It was a sweater with half sleeps, ending between her elbows and wrists. The sweater was tight enough that her figure showed prominently yet was conservative at the same time. She put on a pair of dark brown mules over her bare freshly pedicured feet. Jasmine put her panties from the day before into a small plastic bag and deposited them into her pursuit. A smile crept across her face at the thought of what she had planned. She felt wickedly alive and oh so turned on.

Jasmine decided to stop at Starbucks on the way to work and purchased two lattes on medium and one large. Upon arrival she took her time unpacking her briefcase at her desk and powered up her p.c. the speakers announcing to the world that windows was booting up.

Marcus heard the noise through his door. Panic and excitement surged through his body. His mind felt as if it were wired to an electric outlet and he was literally shaking from the sensory overload he was experiencing. His thoughts jumped randomly. Was it Jasmine- Who was in the office so early- should he open the door and look- should he get coffee- what if she wants him to go say hello. He thought to himself that there was no way he would be able to keep going like he was, surely he would have a melt down.

Marcus sat heavily at his desk rubbing his temples when the door opened. He quickly looked up to find Jasmine standing there holding two cups of coffee. “Your door was not locked Marcus, I brought us Lattes.” He felt the tension flow out of his body as if someone pulled a drain plug. He looked at her absolutely stunning form standing there and Just smiled moronicly. “Jasmine, you don’t know how glad I am to see you like this. I have been an absolute wreck.

She came in and shut the door with her elbow. Jasmine set both cups of coffee down on his desk and came within inches of his reclined form. She reached down and took his chin in her hand pulling his face up. Jasmine gently reached down and kissed him on the lips, slowly sucking his bottom lip into her mouth she bit it, hard. Not hard enough to bleed but an audible moan escaped his lips. “Marcus, how did I tell you to address me in private?” she asked.

“I am supposed to call you Lady Jasmine” Marcus sputtered. “I didn’t think my office was considered private space” He continued quickly.

“Marcus, look around. Do you see anyone else here” Jasmine asked sweetly.

She feigned looking all about and then shrugged her shoulders.

Marcus looked down, that familiar feeling of being caught, or chatisised by a powerful woman causing the color to rise in his face.

“No Lady Jasmine, I’m sorry I don’t see anyone here. Forgive me for not addressing you properly”. Marcus said meekly. Jasmine reached down cupping his balls through his suit pants. Marcus moaned aloud, his cock jumping in his pants his eyes rolled back in his head and his hips involuntarily lurched.

She smiled at the effect she had on him. “Marcus why don’t you stand for a moment” Jasmine said sweetly. He arose from the chair as if in a trance, his knees trembling. She deftly undid his pants and let them fall about his ankles. The four hundred dollar Seville row suit becoming instant ankle cuffs. Once again Jasmine reached down and gathered his balls in her hand.

“Good boy, you remembered to shake them. At least I know you can follow orders.” she said.

She cupped them gently with one hand and took his throbbing shake in the other, slowly stroking it. His excitement was evident on the head of his cock as the mood dripped profusely down onto her fingertips. Jasmine looked him in the eyes. “Marcus, who does this belong to?” She asked.

“Its yours Lady Jasmine. All yours” Marcus sputtered between breaths.

“That’s right Marcus its mine, and because it is mine, I will let you know when it can come. Is that perfectly understand?” Jasmine asked while staring at him with her piercing brown eyes.

“Yes Lady Jasmine, I understand. What am I supposed to do if my wife wants me to have sex” He asked.

Jasmine let go of him and pulled him by the hair so that he was forced to his knees. His nose rested on her mons. “Marcus, I don’t give a shit what you do, but you better not cum without my permission. I decide when I want to play with my toys, and no one else. That means no jacking off by yourself, or looking at nasty stories and photos, no blowjobs from the wife and no fucking, is that understand” She asked with a final yank on his hair. She let go, pushing him back on his heels. His cock betrayed his excitement Despite the expression of abject fear and anger on his face. “I understand Lady Jasmine, but I don’t think its reasonable. I’m married and my wife will expect certain “things”. She was upon him in a flash once again grabbing his hair. She yanked it back violently. “Look you little fuck. I make the rules, you follow them. If I say don’t cum” Jasmine said as she knelt down next to his face. She pulled his head back so he was forced to look into her eyes. She was right in front of him as she reached out and firmly took his scrotum in her hand she squeezed his balls firmly causing his breath to catch in his throat. “You better not fucking cum. Marcus, I like the idea of ​​you belonging to me. You’re my fuck toy, my slut, my bitch, my slave, my whore or whatever else I say you are. You WILL obey me. Jasmine said as she loosened her grip on his balls. She started massaging his shake, lightly dragging her long, beautiful nails up and down the length of his cock. She put her other hand up to her mouth and spit in it, then she started jacking him off in earnest. She whispered into his ear. “You don’t know how many pleasures await you if you only do as you are told baby. I can take you places you’ve only dreamed of. She breathed into his ear.

Marcus tried to focus on what she said but his temples were pounding. He was SO close to the edge. All the password and frustration of the past few nights were About to boil over. He started trying to fuck her hand lewdly. Jasmine squeezed the base of his cock, cutting off what naturally would have happened had she let him finish. “You haven’t earnedthat one yet my pet” She said. She got up. “Get dressed, everyone is here and they will start to wonder what is going on here if we don’t open the door.” She said as stood. She took her now luke warm latte off the desk and handed it to Marcus who had just finished putting himself back together. “Go heat this up for one minute then come put it on my desk on your way back to your office. At 12:30 I want You to call me into your office to take a memo, is that understand?” Jasmine said, not so much as asking for a response but to ensure he was cognizant of what he was to do.

“Yes Lady Jasmine, twelve thirty. Call you into my office to take a memo. Warm up your latte now. I understand.” Marcus repeated. He took the latte from her and went to do as he was told. Jasmine walked back to her desk smiling. She Wondered to herself what Marcus would think when she gave him her surprise. Marcus came back to her desk and put the latte down.

“Anything else?” He asked quietly.

“Yes. Take this package and go into the bathroom.” Jasmine spoke quietly. Marcus

had to lean forward to hear what Jasmine was saying. “Go into one of the stalls and open the package. I want you to take the contents out and smell it. Take your time, then I want you to wear what is in the bag, got it?” Jasmine asked. Marcus swallowed hard. “I understand” He said. He was afraid to call her Lady Jasmine in fear that someone was eavesdropping. She glowered at him as he took the package and went to the men’s room. Marcus was trembling by time he reached the restroom. He went into the stall and locked the door. With his hands trembling he took the package from his suit coat pocket. He reached his hand into the paper bag and felt yet another bag which he took out to see. Folded neighborly inside a small plastic baggie was a pair of Jasmines silk panties. He bit his lip to stifle a groan and pulled them from the baggie. He quickly placed the panties over his nose and inhaled her earthy scent.His cock raged in his pants as he thought how lewd this was becoming. She was turning him into an animal. He sat and inhaled her scent imagining being between her tights. The sound of the bathroom door slamming pulled him back to reality. He took the panties from his face and sat stock still. Whomever it was taken care of business and left.

Marcus quickly took his slacks down and put the panties on. It humiliated him and at the same time excited him beyond compare. He felt SO close to her, so possessed by her power over him that he almost swooned. Aside from his fans he never in a million years thought he would be doing what he was doing right now. He pulled the panties snug up over his hips and stuffed his still drooling cock into them.

Upon walking back to his office she leered at him from her cube, smiling. He shut His door and sat down heavily in his chair. He took his latte and drank from the cup deeply. He was too ashamed to get up and go into the break room so he finished it as it was, cold.

Marcus tried to work but his thoughts kept drifting to the events that had translated the last few hours. Him kneeing in front of her so close that he could see the outline of her pussy through her slacks in front of him. She might as well have been a hundred miles away for all the good it did. He was denied the pleasure of seeing her, let alone touching her. He thought about how close he was to relaxing and how she had denied him the privilege of his orgasm. How her touch set him on fire, Christ she was sexy! Marcus felt his cock swelling once more in the panties he was wearing. He glanced at the clock and it was twenty five minutes past twelve.

Marcus would himself partially flaccid and got up to get Jasmine. He opened the door to find her talking to one of the other ladies in the office just outside Her cube. “Jasmine, could you come here and take a memo for me” Marcus implemented. “I’ll be with you in a minute Marcus, just let me finish what I’m doing. Jasmine said.

Jasmine took her time speaking with Sharon. “You’d better worry and get in there. Marcus can be a S.O.B.” Sharon said seriously. “I’m not too worried about it Sharon, he’ll wait and he’ll like it.” Jasmine said. “How can you be so indifferent about your job Jasmine?” Sharon asked. “I just know that under that crusty exterior Marcus is Just a big pussy-cat.” Jasmine said as she gave Sharon a disarming smile. “Alas, duty calls. I’ll talk with you later” Jasmine added as she went and got a note pad and pen.


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