Kate’s chatty website now offered almost everything. Her new ‘Wine and Confine’ service had only been advertised for a few days and already she had her first taker. This service appealed to Kate’s bratty nature, and she grinned in both amusement and bemusement as she showed and styled her hair.
Her ‘client’ was already at the bar when Kate waltzed in wearing a deliberately revealing, short red dress. man was twenty years older than her, suave and stylish as they usually were. He stood to kiss her cheek, and then removed his suit jacket and unbuttoned another button on his crisp white shirt.
“Miss Kate?” he checked.
“Man in need of my disposal service,” Kate replied having already forgotten his name. “You’re locked, I hope,” she asked with a flick of dark hair as she slipped onto her chair,
“Yes, Miss,” he whispered discretely.
Somewhat less discretely, Kate slide her foot out of her high heels, lifted her leg beneath the table and pressed her bare sole into his crotch, “Good.”
“Pierced?” she checked.
“No spare key?”
“This is the only one,” he whispered, carefully producing a single key from his pocket.
Kate took the key from the man’s hand and held it up to examine the silver metal. She could see from the man’s eyes the importance of this key. Every orgasm he had had for the last few years started with This key. It would have almost mystical properties.
How many times has this unlocked your cock,” Kate asked with a mesmerising smile, and tilt of her head.
“Too many,” the man replied, “That’s why I’m here.”
“You could get a keyholder to hold it for you?”
“I did,” the man told, “but then I asked for it back.”
“Mmm. Is your cock getting hard with me holding the key?” Kate whispered, enjoying the energy between them. His tailored suit looked sexy and powerful, yet he had no power at all.
The man nodded.
“What if I put it in my bra?” Kate purred, on ahigh from the cute destination in his dark eyes.
The man didn’t know where to look as Kate squeezed the key between her soft breast and her white lacy lingerie.
“Ooh, I know,” Kate exclaimed, “What about my undies?”
The man’s cock was throbbing, pleading to be let out as Kate uncrossed her thighs, pulled up her dress, and tucked the key into her red silk lingerie. She positioned it carefully and pressed from the outside to work the key against her clip.
“Ever had your key in a girl’s panties?” Kate mouthed demurely, already aroused by her own touch.
The man was starting to doubt his plan. This stunning girl’s flirty smile was almost too much to bear. “Will you sleep with me?” he blurted.
“No!” Kate looked stunned, “You’re locked!” Kate ran her hands Through her dark hair and then tossed her waves back over her shoulder. The man looked mortified, which brought a smile to Kate’s teasing lips as she sipped casually on her wine, “…You can’t fuck anyone.”
“Sorry, I should take back my key,” the man was flustered, and Kate was loving it.
“Why? It feels so nice against my clip,” Kate mouthed mercilessly.
“It feels nice?”
Kate nodded shyly, tracing its outline through the silk fabric as the man looked longingly at her smooth tanned thighs.
The man was buzzing. He had been through many “How can you worship a woman if you have no self-control?” She asked, crossing her thighs, “I thought you wanted to experience real denial.”
“I do,” the man swallowed, “It’s just hard.”
“Well, I won’t fuck you,” Kate mouthed, leaning closer with slow breathy lips, “but I will teach you discipline.”
The man’s hands were shaking as they gripped his beer. Kate also held her glass to her lips with her spare hand working the key against her clip.
“Thinking about your key in my pants?” Kate mouthed intuitively, her big brown eyes piercing.
“Maybe once you’re locked forever, you can kiss me there.”
The man was trembling, aroused, breathy and stripped of all of his earlier suave confidence.
“Relax, sweetie. Your sex life is already over. I’m not giving you back your key.”
The man finished his beer in one gulp.
“Closer,” Kate mouthed, teasingly playing with her silky hair as she guided the man’s hand beneath the table to stroke her thighs and then press against her crotch. She watched his dreamy eyes with fascination.
Kate stretched for her handbag and produced a thin matchbox shaped metal box. She opened the lid to reveal the small interior, crisscrossed by four sharp metal blades. She then showed the man the underside of the lid, which contained more sharp blades.
Kate bit her lower lip as she retrived the damp key which she wiped across the man’s lips. The man’s dazed eyes were gorgeous and Kate’s panting lips did little to hide her arousal. She gave the key an erotic kiss before placing it inside the small box and loosely positioning the lid.
The actress in her was now in full flow as she acted out the early stages of an orgasm. She then hitched her hips to the side, placed the small box on the wooden chair and rolled her right cheek down on top. Her hair was hanging freely, framing her face as she gently thrust and bounced on her chair.
Suddenly, there was a discrete metallic clunk followed by a wide grin on Kate’s impish face.
“Oh, fuck,” the man trembled.
“You can’t say my body hasn’t done anything for you,” Kate purred, “My butt has changed your sex life.”
Kate leaned forward to kiss the man on the lips, her ass lifting to reveal the small box with its lid now fully shut. She reached for the box, opened the lid to discover twisted and shakenred key fragments rattling around in their metal coffin.
“What happened to it?” the man breathed.
“If it’s any consolation, it turned me on,” Kate mouthed, “I’ll be thinking of that little thud when I fuck tonight.”
Kate gazed into his eyes. There was a certain look in a man’s eyes when he realized, he was trapped in chatity that Kate found so erotic. She loved the feeling of power, of having changed a man’s day.
“There’s no way I can ever get out of chatity!” the man cried, stating the obvious.
“But what do I do?”
Kate’s body was light, her libido running wild, “You’re cute. Maybe we should have fucked first.”
“Don’t say that!” the man smiled with a shake of his head.
Kate continued to watch him, now tenderly squeezing his hand as she enjoyed his bewilderment. They had already discussed the security of his cage, the integrated locks, and how difficult it would be to escape without the key.
“I feel so sexy, but whatdo I do now?” he asked again.
“Enjoy the feeling,” Kate whispered, leaning in with a swish of dark hair and a whiff of perfume.
Kate reached for the box and poured the shattered fragments of metal into his shaking hand. She then stood up, turned her back and lifted her dress to show the man the small red patch on her butt where the box had pressed into her flesh. “Now, there’s a picture for your collection?” she mouthed, scanning the café to check they weren’t being watched.
“Can I kiss it?” he asked.
“I think you should.”
The man ducked under her skirt and kissed the butt cheat that had obliterated his key. “You know this makes want an erection even more?” he whispered, discretely straightening Kate’s underwear for his candidate shot.
“That’s not happening,” Kate giggled, “A lock without a key… what a dilemma.”
Kate took his hand as if she was his girlfriend and led him around the corner and into a small alley where they were out of sight of the road. She kissed his lips as the man’s hands ventured down to hold her butt.
Kate’s body was on fire, and she giggled with teenage like excitement as he knelt before her. She loved oral, especially from a locked man who reminded her of a teacher who she had once had a crush on. She pulled her underwear to the side and gripped his hair as his lips penetrated her.
“Too nice!” she cried. The man had a talent for teasing that almost matched her own, “Yes, yes!”
Kate orgasmed loudly and flopped backwards to lean on the wall as the man fumbled trying to reposition the red panties on her hips.
“Thank you, Kate, what an experience,” the man panted, finally back on his feet.
Kate grinned back. He was tall and cute and reminded her of weirdly nice school detentions, “Will you be OK in your cage?”
“Now you ask,” he smiled.
Kate shrugged and giggled.
“Yeah. I’ll give it a month and see how I feel. The way I feels now, I might leave it on forever.”
Kate had a pre-prepared a plan for how she would stop customers from following her. As it happened, she almost wanted this man to follow her home, but a plan was a plan. She led him over to a metal railing and pulled an adjustable cable lock from her handbag. She wrapped it around a metal railing and the man’s waist and pulled the cable tight until his slim wait was cinched to the railings.
“Sorry to have to do this to you,” Kate smiled coyly, “It’s a four dial combination lock, but if I tell you the first number, you’ll be free in half an hour. The first number is…”
“No!” the man called, “Don’t say.”
“Without the first number, you could be here for most of the night,” Kate replied, making no effort to stop the breeze lifting her red dress to reveal her lingerie.
The man tugged on the one way ratchet to further tighten the cable lock around his waist.
Kate stepped closer, her sexually provocative body smoulding. She unbuckled his suit trousers, whipped them down and gripped his metal cage in her hand, “Fuck, you’re nice. I almost wish I hadn’t locked you down for good.”
She pressed herself against his cage, firstly kissing his lips and then biting down on them. She lifted her dress and ground herself against his cage, feeling the warmth of his cock permeate the steel. With completely privacy in the quiet alley, she stripped off her panties and worked Her vagina against the steel. The wine and emotion had tantalised her mind and she closed her eyes to picture her old teacher.
It was wonderful to indulge but Kai would soon be arrived at her apartment. She felt so lucky to be doted on by such strong, kind men who wanted to please her. She still had her undies swinging from her finger. There was really no need to be wearing panties when Kai arrived and, in This mood, the sultry evening air only stimulated her insatiable body.
“Pressie from Katie,” she mouthed as she rolled up her panties and stuffedthem in the man’s mouth, “Keep them there until morning… or I’ll be displeased.”
Her body instantly reacted. Power was such an aphrodisiac, and she knew he would obey.
Kate twirled in a swirl of red fabric, “Key destruction service complete,” she called as she walked away, “Please leave me a five star review.”
Later that night, and Kate had had a wonderful evening with Kai. Dinner and then back to her bed where they played and indulged until the early hours. It was a hot night and with the sheet long discarded, their naked bodies were glistening in the moonlight that flicked in through the courtyard window.
Despite hours of teasing and ‘will she, won’t she’ moments, Kate had chosen not to unlock Kai’s chatity cage. She was at her alluring best, her body warm and wanting and Kai having to fixate on her incessantly to block out the frustration of his aching caged cock.
Kate moaned in arousal as Kai licked the chocolate body paint from her most sensual zones. Kai had spent almost an hour between her legs, licking and sucking the last drop from her vagina and her most intimate crevices. This was partly for the chocolate, but mostly in the hope of unlocking her libido, such that Kate unlocked his cage. She chose not to, but that was fine Kai reminded himself again.
Kate’s personality was best described as fickle and feisty. There were times When she felt needy and yearned for a soulmate, but more often than not, she was just a hedonistic, self-indulgent girl seeking pleasure and power. In this mood, chatity slaves existed purely to stroke her ego, as well as other things. She was like a queen with her eunuchs put on earth purely for her pleasure.
Kate murmured in her sleep as she cuddled in closer. Her thigh was now resting against Kai’s cage, and he was enjoying the warm and crushing feel of her leg. Kai couldn’t sleep. Those who said that chatity stops sexual arousal were wrong, it just prolonged it. Kai was as madly aroused as he had been four hours ago, an intense longing to fuck the cute brunette that giggled in her sleep.
He turned to his phone and flicked to some BDSM chatrooms. His remotely controlled chatity cage was making news again. Unlike earlier versions, this cage was too good. No one had yet discovered a way to open the keyless lump of solid steel without the keyholder’s code. This was leading to interesting dilemmas.
Women were now using their unlock codes as bargaining chips when couples separated. One thirty year old woman had taken the car and all the furniture in return for just her code. The man had been generally pleased with the deal.
Another jilted woman had settled on giving her partner access to her keyholder account but with only eight of the twelve digits of her code. With the app accepting only one code a minute, that could take him one hundred hours to unlock his cock. At least it was better than the two million years that it could take Kai to free himself if his sleepy bunny forgot her code.
Aware that this man would be unable to see other women while he was locked in her cage, the jilted woman had given him items of her used lingerie as sexual stimulation to keep him company during the long evenings trying to guess her numbers. The outcome was perhaps inevitable, with the man showing his ex with flowers and presents until she took him back.
Kai ran his finger between Kate’s bare cheats. He loved how that made her giggle in her sleep. She was now almost in top of him with his caged cock squeezed away between her legs. He smiled and shook his head; she hardly needed another layer of security over his cock.
He continued reading, this time about caged men who were permanently trapped in sexual limbo. Some had ex-partners that simply refused to release them. One woman had teasingly typed in random numbers while drunk without realising that she had set the code for her husband’s cock. They had tried torecreate the moment the next night. The same drinks and the husband’s head back inside the same tight black shimmering minidress. It hadn’t worked, her tipsy fingers were unable to remember the code, but it had been a ritual they had released every night since.
Kai flicked to his timer which was tracking how long it had been since Kate had unlocked him. It had just ticked over to three days and two hours. Fuck, and Kate was again giggling in her sleep.
While lying together in bed the next morning, Kate received a text from an old boyfriend, a man she had been obsessed with until he had moved back to America a year earlier. He was back in town for a night and wanted to catch up.
Kate was lying on her front, propped up on her elbows playing with her phone as Kai massed her legs. Kai ran his lips all the way up the back of her thigh and kissed her naked butt before looking up.
“Too bad for him,” Kai smiled.
“Why?” Kate asked innocently.
“Well, you and me…” Kai started, his voice trailing off as he realized his mistake.
“Mistress and chatity slave?” Kate asked almost naively.
Kai’s hands continued to knee her smooth thighs before asking Kate whether she would see him.
“Umm…” Kate’s paused, distracted by a funny clip, “… maybe. Sex was good.”
Kai looked up in dismay. He was obsessed with this beautiful woman despite her running so hot and cold. He loved how the sensor in her sparkly Christina piercing unlocked his chatity cage and when she did unlock him, sex was fantastic. She had told him that herself. But then she would ignore him for days, before inviting him to stay the night while keeping him locked.
Kate had increased the size of his cage to make it safer for long term wear, but orgasms were still impossible. Pre cum dripping from his crushed cock was the best he could hope for. Masturbation was impossible, as was penetrative sex.
Kai knew that he could leave. Kate had set amoderate monetary cost plus a week’s time delay as her price. The problem was, he didn’t want to lose what he had with Kate, and he dreaded the thought of his relationship with this beautiful girl ending and, even worse, his cage unlocking for the final time.
Kate twisted and sat up abruptly, her butt knocking Kai to the side. She grinned as she swept back waves of dark hair, “Why don’t we double date with you and Ellie?”
It was the night of the date and Kai pulled up outside Ellie’s apartment. Kate had turned off ‘Maiden’ mode for the evening and Kai smiled confidently as his tight shirt caught the attention of a group of women walking past.
He knocked assertively on Ellie’s door and strolled inside. Ellie also enjoyed being in chatity, but today she was unlocked, and she looked stunning in a short blue cocktail dress and matching heels.
Ellie was in Kai’s team at work and knew all about his chatity cage which gave her a permanent twinkle in her teasing eyes.
“Ready?” Kai asked.
Ellie grinned as she returned to the bathroom mirror. She had fallen for Kai before she knew he was kinky, and now she was obsessed.
“Hurry El, we can’t be late,” Kai called.
“You can’t be late,” came the singing response, “Cos that little brat will fry your cock.”
“She’s not a brat,” Kai replied.
Ellie giggled. She loved time with Kai. The dirt she had on him meant that she could do anything to him, “Come here honey!” she called.
Kai strolled in confidently, looking every bit the male model as he glimpsed at himself in the bathroom mirror. He got as far as kissing Ellie’s neck before she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor.
“I assume you won’t object?” Ellie asked quietly as she reached for a chain. She had already padlocked one end around her toilet and quickly padlocked the other end around Kai’s neck.
Kai’s head was now trapped inches from Ellie’s toilet bowl, with Ellie standing above him and laughing.
“Arrogant male anxious his date to get ready, are we?” Ellie asked, pouting her lips in the mirror as she painted them red, “I think not.”
Kai lay his head on the toilet seat as he looked up at her butt.
“That’s a female body,” Ellie giggled, pulling down her panties, “In case you were wondering.”
“No way, El!” Kai smiled as His colleague stepped over his head, wiggled her naked butt and sat down on the toilet, with Kai’s head between her legs.
“Don’t pee,” he ordered as Ellie thighs swung back and forth against his head.
Ellie laughed as her pee rang out against the porcelain toilet. Kai just looked on helpfully waiting for her flow to finish. She looked down at her boss in amusement.
“You’re doing my appraisal next week,” she smiled, “Why don’t we do it now, while I decide whether I want to shit…”
“You’re late,” Kate snapped as Kai and Ellie arrived at the restaurant. She gestured at her phone to make it clear what would happen if Kai disobeyed her again.
Kai and Ellie sat down opposite Kate and her American friend. Kate was wearing a short yellow dress with her friend casually dressed in jeans and a checked shirt. Kai looked at him jealously. Kai was bigger and fitter than him and almost wanted the guy disrespect Kate so that he could step in. He looked back at Kate in search of a smile. Size and strength means nothing when the girl on the other side of the table could take him down with a touch of her phone. Or indeed, just a look.
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