It was early morning, and Kai was in a good mood as he walked through the old town with a strong black coffee in his hand. His mood improved further when he glimpsed a blonde woman in a short yellow dress walking towards him. He smiled as he felt his cock twitch inside his locked chatity cage. Even locked away inside Kate’s cage, he could appreciate a beautiful woman and from this distance the stimulation felt nice.
The twenty-something woman smiled as she approached. An innocent smile but his cock responded, his imagination already picturing her naked. He smiled back, discretely tapping his cage in the hope of relieving the pitiful swelling inside his tiny cell.
But when they were only meters apart, Kai’s cage lit up and electrocuted his balls at the maximum level ten. Even Kate rarely used this level because of its utterly debilitating effects; the ultimate tease for a decade keyholder. But why had Kate chosen to shock him now? Her timing was terrible.
Kai dropped to his knees in pain, stumbling as he went down. His coffee went flying and with no time to dodge him, the yellow dressed woman’s leg connected with his head. The impact sent her off balance and it was only thanks to her long athletic legs that she was able to keep on her feet.
“I’m so sorry,” the woman exclaimed to the good looking man now crumbled at her feet, “Are you okay?”
“Fuck!” Kai cried repeatedly.
“I didn’t mean to stand on you…”
“Not you,” Kai stammered in age.
There was a sudden look of alarm in the woman’s sassy brown eyes. She throw her handbag off her shoulder and frantically searched for her phone. “Come on!” she mouthed to herself, tapping her leather heels as the phone scanned her round face.
“Better, now?” the woman asked.
Kai crawled to the edge of the footpath and sat with his back propped against the building, wiping tears from his eye. The woman was still there, croouching in front of him with a prying smile on her lips.
“You’re in chatity,” she announced with a sweet Swedish accent.
Kai looked up at her beautiful face in alarm and then down at his now dusty jeans. Nothing was showing so how did she know? And why was she touching his knee?
“Maiden,” the woman explained, holding up her phone, “Any girl can use it.”
“What? It was you that shocked me?” Kai panted, coveredly glancing at her dress that had ridden up her thighs as she croouched to nurse him.
“All my friends have the Maiden App,” she smiled with her impish grin, “… so watch out if you come near us!”
The woman leaned it to give Kai an apologetic kiss on the cheek as she explained. Once verified, any woman could use the App and choose between a shock and a victory. Her phone would then trigger any Maiden enabled chatity cage that came within Bluetooth range. Maybe a jealous keyholder could prevent her lover from approaching other women, or a spurned woman could lock up her ex and ensure he never approached her again. In the main, though, it was a toy to amuse kinky women.
“Why level ten shock?” Kai panted.
The Swedish woman smiled. She had been alone in bed only weeks before, masturbating before seeing the App in her Fetlife newsfeed. Aroused, she had strutted back and forth as she admired her briefest pink lace panties in her bedroom mirror. She slipped into some heels and imagined a man at her feet and at her mercy. That was the reason it was level ten.
The woman touched her screen again making Kai drop to the footpath in pain. With Kai completely defenceless, she edged closer, croouching provocatively above his head before her dancing fingertips turned him off.
“Can you feel that?” she breathed with her cherub-like smile.
“Why do it again?” Kai gasped.
“I have a chatity belt,” the woman whispered.
“Really?” The woman edged closer and lifted her dress.
“That’s a ton,” Kai mouthed disappointedly, “Easier to take off than my cage.”
“Presumptuous!” the woman laughed, shocking him again.
“Not worth striping for me,” Kai mouthed, “I’ll never get out of this thing.”
It was moments like this that Kai felt most trapped, claustrophobic as if his whole body was inside the cage. He had been fickle with girlfriends in the past and his masculinity was begging him to try for the Swedish girl.
“Hey!” the woman cried, smoothing the sheer yellow fabric down against her thighs and then swishing it back up as she saw where his mind was going, “I’m not locked today, but maybe one day I will be and you can hold my key.”
Suddenly the woman’s face lit up with her beaming smile, her lips mouth words in Swedish, her breath blowing a straight blonde hair from her lips. She edged even closer as she glanced down to run through the App’s menu. With her knowing star broken, this was Kai’s chance to escape her thighs which were now an aching distraction.
“Anyway, nice meeting you, but I need more coffee,” he called, staggering to his feet.
“Not possible,” the woman giggled, “Don’t you see my invisible prison?”
“Cute,” Kai smiled, kissing her smooth cheek before striding away. The woman broke him on her heels, struggling to keep pace until Kai’s balls ignored again.
“Fuck!” Now he understands. The woman had geo-locked his cage to one location and he quickly staggered a few steps backwards until he was safely inside her virtual jail.
“You have to stay in your box,” she called, her hand miming her turning a key in a lock.
“But I have things to do,” Kai replied, watching transfixed as the breeze lifted the woman’s dress.
“Things like stare at my thong?”
“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” Kai called.
The woman Walked back to where the dark handsome man was again sitting on the footpath. Yes, she was attracted to him, even more so now, but she knew he was taken. She also knew it was wrong that he was now tenderly running his gorgeous hands up the back of her thighs, but it felt so nice that she decided not to punish him.
“You are owned by another woman,” she pursued breathily, “so I can’t have you and you can’t have me.”
“Slavery’s been abolished,” he breathed longingly, getting high on her scent.
“That all changed when your woman locked you in her cage.”
“She’s not my woman.”
“Too bad, ‘cos you’re just her pretty trinket.”
The woman lifted her dress and twirled on her heels, giving Kai a teasing tour of her body. “Just innocent flirting,” Kai panted, a some intoxicating statement as he kissed her thong. Her body felt wonderful, as did his cock in the afterglow of her punishment.
“Good… now your keyholder can unlock your location,” the woman said with authority.
“No, not her, please.”
For a man who had been so confident, even arrogant, a few minutes earlier, Kai was now flustered. The woman’s fingers closed around his chiselled chin and lifted his head. With there eyes locked, she placed her shoes over his crotch and channeled her weight down on to his cage. Kai didn’t flinch or break eye contact.
“Very good,” she smiled with the same flirty eyes that had seduced him from up the street, “What’s your keyholder’s name?”
“Kate,” he witnessed.
“And Kate scares you?”
“No!” Kai replied firmly, “… it’s just that she can be… dreamy, cruel.”
“You must trust her if you let her lock you in that thing. You know there are men living in those cages permanently because they have split with their keyholders.”
That was a reality that Kai desperately wanted to ignore. “I should be able walk down the road without needing her help, that’s all,” Kai surprised.
“Maximum security encrypted locks and an orgy of kinky girls… you’ll never win.”
The women rolled up on to the balls of her heels, enjoying the touch of his stubble brushing against her smooth pale inner thigh.
“Please release your geo-lock,” he mouthed.
The woman bit her lip and grinned teasingly. She used her knee to prop his chin and force him to maintain eye contact. She was every bit as aroused as Kai who in turn leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her thigh.
“If I could unlock your cage, I’d fuck you now,” the woman breathed.
“Oh, yeah please,” Kai moaned with a shake of his head.
“But I can’t unlock your cage, any more than you can escape my location… so let’s hope Kate’s not too ‘dreamy’.”
The woman turned and walked away, “And good luck with ‘Maiden’,” she called, leaving Kai gazing at her swinging hair and her rocking dress which once more lifted with the wind.
Kai had spent much of the morning sitting on the street. He was still under the Swedish woman’s location lock, leaving only Kate able to release him from her virtual cell. Even when he had managed to contact Kate, her text just read, ‘cute…x.’
It took Kate almost two hours to release the geo-lock, but the biggestr problem was that Kai was still trapped in ‘Maiden’ mode’ and with a growing throng of women ready to torque him. These were kinky women who were aroused by teasing men like him. Encounters like this morning’s would become more frequent and his chatity would be known to more people.
Kate was sitting with a beginning smile on her lips as she watched Kai try to enter the cafe. He had attempted to enter by the main entrance only for his cage to fire, as he approached two women sitting at a table by the door. He had found a back entrance but was now glancing nervously back at the table.
“You must turn off Maiden mode,” Kai whispered before even saying hello.
Kate’s hackles bristled as she crossed her legs, one thigh squeeze down on the other. She expected princes style worship and Kai’s opening lines had turned the princess’s mind to her deepest, darkness dungeon.
“People will find out and they can’t know about us, I mean this.” Kai’s self-inflicted hole deepened.
Kate propped her sunglasses on her head to restrain waves of silky dark hair and straightened her pale blue sundress, carefully choreographed to be more revealing that the last. She smiled sweetie as she slipped her hand into his.
“That doesn’t please me,” she whispered.
“Disappointed princes don’t release their slaves.”
Kate played with her phone and then showed Kai the screen with the time lock counting down from two days. She then rolled her hips to the side and slide her phone inside her dress and rocked back down to crush it beneath her bare butt chef.
“Please, Kate…”
“And if my phone breaks, it’ll be longer,” she whispered her eyes shimmering with the tease.
“Kate…” Kai started but stopped. The more aroused she was, the more trigger happy she became.
“…My Christina piercing was so looking forward to unlocking you,” she mouthed, forcing them both to picture her vaginal piercing which contained thesensor to unlock Kai’s cage, “You’ve disappointed her.”
“I’m sorry Kate,” Kai whispered, squeezing her hand, and kissing her lips.
“Better… but too late.”
“You’ve had your hair cut, it’s gorgeous,” Kai reached down to his crotch in the hope of calming his ill-fated erection, “and I love your new lipstick?”
Kate glowed with pleasure, everything had been planned to Entice Kai and he had noticed, “Thank you,” she smiled coyly, “but you know I can’t release the time lock.”
“You shouldn’t have been so quick,” Kai replied, his penis throbbing as always in her presence.
Kate cocked her head to one side inquiringly, “Silly boy…”
Kai disliked the younger woman calling him a boy, but he stopped himself in time. Kate was trying to retrieve her phone which had stuck to her tacky butt and her hips had to wriggle for it to be freed. This time when she showed him the screen, it was counting down from three days with only half an hour of his sentence spent. She replaced her phone in its crush and bounced playedfully on top.
“Anything else to say to me?” Kate asked sweetie, flirtingly tossing her hair.
There were a thousand things Kai wanted to shout at his sadistic brunette. He had booked a hotel which now wouldn’t be used and in his mind, they were already lying naked in bed. Yet all Kai dared do was to kiss her hand.
Just at that moment, one of the women by the door clipped passed on her way to pay her bill. Kai squeezed Kate’s hand, dropped his head, and trembled as her phone triggered his cage’s shock device.
“Fuck, I’ve gotta rip the cage off,” he gasped.
“You’ll lose your cock and balls,” Kate replied deeply, sweetly flicking her hair behind her shoulder.
“Maiden mode hurts,” he mouthed.
Kate leaned close to kiss his lips, “You know the pain is moulding you into my perfect lover, my soulmate,” she whispered erotically as she left.
It was now three long days later. The hotel suite had been paid for by Kai but was booked under Kate’s name with strict instructions for her and her guests not to be disturbed.
Kate arrived early to shower and dress in front of the bathroom’s floor to ceiling mirrors. Her wardrobe was increasing upmarket, but with Kate’s own blatantly sexy style. The large mirrors caught every detail as she squeezed into her new black satin cocktail dress. She loved how it accentuated her breasts and its short length and dangerous slots were perfect to torque her locked up friends.
Kai arrived wearing a dark suit and tailored white shirt, unbuttoned to give Kate a glimpse of his chest. Every throw away comment from Kate about his clothes, or how she liked his thick dark hair, was logged, like a commandment as if Kate was designing her perfect man.
Ellie arrived Shortly after wearing a short red flowing cocktail dress. Already locked inside an inescapable chatity belt, she didn’t want restrictive clothing to be yet another barier between her and her desperately needed sexual release. Her long blonde hair was down, as Kate liked it, with Ellie swishing it from side to side in the hope of arousing her keyholder.
“Tonight, will be fun,” Kate announced to her friends, her hands feeling the contours of her satin clad hips, “I’m going to reward one of you a brief release from chatity.”
“Only one of us?” Ellie stuttered, “I thought this was a threesome?”
Kate nodded, playingfully knocking her hips against Kai as she waltzed over to sit on a phalic like leather stool, “Just tell me who to unlock.”
Kai and Ellie stared at each other, “Well, I’m the only man, it has to be me,” Kai blurted.
“What? Am I just a sex toy for you and Katie to use during sex?” Ellie snapped.
“Kate’s had me locked up all week.”
“And me!”
“I don’t know if she’s ever going to release me again… I might be trapped in this forever.”
Kate was glowing. This conversation was her idea of heaven. If her captives carried on like this, she wouldn’t need either of them to orgasm.
“Please Kai, my belt encloses my whole body, yours is only small,” Ellie begged.
“That’s the point!” Kai exclaimed, unbuttoning, and pulling down his jeans to demonstrate by swinging his metal stub, “I can’t do anything… I need it off!”
They both looked around as Kate let out an unintentionally cute laugh, before clamping her hand over her mouth to silence herself.
“Are women’s orgasms less important?” Ellie pleased, “Why’s it always about the man?”
Kai stared at Ellie and shook his head. Ellie was a practiced manipulator and had manneuverer him into a hopeless position. Disagree with her on this and his volatile keyholder would rob with of another three days of his sexual life.
“You’re right, El,” Kai showed, “we should ask Kate to release you.”
The silence was broken by the clicks of deadlocks disengaging and Ellie anxiously lifting her dress and easy her unlocked belt from her voluptuous body. Kai tugged on his cage, but it was still a sold, unescapable lump of steel. He looked across at Kate who replied with a sad, if sexy, shake of her head.
Kai’s prediction worsened when Kate slinked to her feet, unzipped her dress, and let it fall to reveal her slim, naked body. She slipped out of her heels, shook out her brunette hair and sauntered over to help Ellie free herself from her red dress.
“Three lovers,” Kate whispered, holding out a hand for Kai.
Kai’s cock was throbbing as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“Anything you want to say to me?” Kate mouthed, her mousetrap primed and ready to snap.
“No darling,” Kai grew.
Kate loved the term of endearment and grinned as Kai finished undressing. He then took both women by the hand and led them to the king size bed. He rolled Kate back on the sheets and knelt astride her to kiss her lips. But Ellie started laughing, her giggling spreading to Kate as the woman tapped his shiny metal stub, making it swing from side to side.
“One-inch Kai,” Ellie giggled, repeating one of Kate’s favourite terms of endearment.
“Perfect size,” Kate mouthed theatrically as her hand prepared to masturbate his pre-cum covered steel.
Kai was about to slap her hand away, but stopped, knowing his flirty keyholder’s penchant for cruelty when aroused. Instead, he turned over to lay on his back and was quickly trapped and crushed as the two women climbed astride his body, Ellie on his thighs and Kate in scenting distance from his face.
“Cute attempt to take control,” Kate purred.
“Thought for a minute I was the man,” Kai replied, firmly massaging Kate’s bare butt.
“Not in that cage, darling,” Kate called, “… but loving the massage.”
Kai’s hands squeezed harder, “Maybe I can massage my way to freedom?”
“It’s good to dream,” Kate breathed as she sat back to smooth Kai’s face.
Ellie wriggled forward and leaned down to kiss Kate’s Christina piercing, “Wow, is this really the only thing in the world that can release Kai?” she mouthed, kissing the piercing with her tongue.
Kate was trembling, breathy high pitched cries resonating around the suite. “Katie?” Ellie asked, sitting up to check on her friend, “Oh,” Ellie mouthed as she realized that Kate was being rimmed, “Wow…”
Kai was also vocal, but his moans were no more than vibrations that echoed through Kate’s hips with the only givenaways that he was alive being his hand which vigorously shook his cage in a pathetic final attempt to cum.
“Bad boy!” Ellie cried, slapping his hand away and scooting forward to settle her curves astride his hips. Her full body sat heavily, sealing off his cage completely, her butt and tights moulding tightly around his stub, the slippery Steel struggling erotically between her cheeks.
With his cock falling even deeper into the female prison, Kai’s hands turned to Ellie’s legs. She was trembling as his hips thrusted upwards, the blonde’s hair quivering as she rode his horny, bucking body.
Kate’s anal thrill was also building. “Kiss my nipples, El,” she mouthed, her breasts swinging as she bounced on Kai’s face.
Kate’s cries crescendo until she was unable to take the pleasure anymore. She rolled away and sat innocently on the sheet next to Kai’s head with her knees drawn deepen in Front of her. Ellie watched as Kai continued to kiss Kate’s legs, looking up at the fickle brunette as he craved a smile. Kate was the sort of girl that Kai would once have taken for a one night stand, yet this beginning girl now possessed him in every sense of the word.
This may have been a threesome, but it was Kate’s threesome. It was Kate and her playthings. Kai was encased in her locks and Ellie was no more than a disapproving glance away from being wrapped up in steel.
Ellie smiled effectively as her smoking mistress finally gestured for her to sit on Kai’s face. She took her time sliding up his body, her thighs and crotch shuddering as she thrust against his chest, “This will be strong,” she warned in a husky whisper as her thighs spread further and her damp crotch kneeled his lips.
Kai knew he had to delight them both and started to lap Ellie’s vagina, his pared tongue glad of the mood from his colleague’s pussy. Kai’s one free eye peered up between her full thighs to see Ellie and Kate kissing, their bare breasts touching and their blonde and brunette hair intermingling.
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