Kai was once again alone with Kate. Being in a woman’s bed was not unusual for Kai, but this felt very different. For a start, he was handcuffed to her bed and locked in a chatity cage. But it was more than that. This wasn’t some girl he’d picked up at a club. This was a girl who owned him.
While there was an undeniable physical attraction between them, everything resolved around Kate. Kate’s control of his cock gave her an almost goddess like aura. If the average man thought about sex every seven seconds, then Kai was above average. Each time, his cock would twitch and swell, only to be held tight inside its impenetrable prison. That carried his fansies back to his keyholder from where his libido would spin out of control.
Kai knew he was trapped under the enigmatic girl’s spell, both mentally and physically. Locked in his one-inch cell, he would do anything to fall deeper into her world. He needed to fulfill her everything fantasy, as anything less and she would punish him or worse still, lose interest.
While this may have seemed cruel, it put Kai on a constant sexual and emotional high. Just a glimpse of her lithe body slinking passed in her short floaty pyjamas could drive him into a carnal frenzy. Sex with Kate felt like nothing else. Her body was effectively untouchable, he had always been handcuffed to her bed during sex, but the feel of her vagina and the cries from her bouncing body made the orgasms so intense. The trembling afterglow would last for hours as Kate cuddled up to him like a regular girl.
But, despite her cute looks, Kate was a girl with many hang ups, Kai just didn’t know what they were yet. Asking to be released was forbidden. To Kate this seemed to be a sign of rejection, and she would pout and bite her lower lip as she decided on her retribution. Maybe she would shock him, or time lock his cage, or maybe condemn him to weeks in ‘Kate wilderness’.
Kai hear the security deadlocks on front door unlock and watched Kate slink in carrying two coffees. She was barely dressed, having walked to the café barefoot wearing only an old white tee-shirt and denim shorts, with nothing beneath either. She put down the cups and relocked the door.
“Worried I might leave?” Kai joked, struggling to sit up with his hands still chained.
“You’re special to me,” Kate replied, a slightly anxious look on her coquettish face.
“Special?” Being ‘special’ to Kate meant being owned in the extreme of which Kai wanted more.
Kate smiled shyly and spun around on the balls of her bare feet. She let Kai enjoy a playful wiggle of her hips before unbuttoning and peeling away her tight denim shorts. She spun back to face him with a teasing jump and pointed to her crotch. Kai had seen her Christina piercing When they had made love the night before, but now there was a slightly larger silver object attached to the end.
“Look,” she smiled, now fully immersed in her frisky, sex kitten persona.
She opened the chatity App on her phone and typed in her ten-digit unlock code, but instead of unlocking the cage, the App showed a large red stylised image of a woman’s vagina, “Even my code can’t unlock you now,” she whispered.
Placing the phone on the bed, Kate climbed astride Kai’s naked body and pressed her piercing against his chatity cage, “Your cock answers only to the sensor inside my piercing,” she mouthed. “So, you’ll never cum again unless our naked bodies are clapped together,” Kate quivered impatiently, wondering whether to cut short the process and push his stub inside her instead.
“How close do we need to be?”
“Touching,” Kate whispered, her body already awakened for its next sexual adventure, “…even a pair of undies will sheath the signal.”
Kai imaged the millions of electrical signals around the world floating through the air while the one signal that would unlock his cock was trapped inside Kate’s panties, bouncing madly around her intiming receipts that he long to explore. At least she was naked now and he gently thrust against her, praying for release.
Kate lay crushing him with her full weight, pressing her piercing against his cage. In this position, she couldn’t help herself, rocking her hips gently against the warm steel until finally the omino red warning sign disappeared and his cage unlocked.
“Oh fuck, I’m free,” Kai exclaimed, thrusting madly as Kate removed his cage and cock ring and delicately unlooped the cruel high tensile steel hook from his Prince Albert piercing.
“My body gives you permission… this time,” she mouthed.
Kate gazed down in awe at his perfect body and perfect cock. Men with Kai’s looks had always been unfaithful to her, and she had wasted her anger in revenge. This time, this gorgeous man and gorgeous cock were really hers and she would do whatever it took to keep him. She knelt on his chest to impose her authority as she leaned forward and squeezed his cuffs, the unforgiving steel’s clap now skintight. Her cuffs would now leave him with red marks for days, but at least her insecurities were sated.
“Oh wow,” Kai mouthed as Kate eased his cock inside her.
He could see her feelings reflected in her liquid eyes. Kai was getting close and thrashed against his handcuffs. He so wanted to hold her slim body and pert breasts that bounced teasingly as she sat stride him, but the cuffs were still locked as they climaxed intensely, leaving them both panting on the bed.
“Don’t fight my cuffs,” Kate murmured as she snuggled in, entangling them both in her sprayed brunette hair, “they can hold you for a thousand years.”
Kai realized he was trembling. With Kate’s impenetrable mystique, it was impossible to know if a thousand years what was she really had planned, “But your breasts?” Kai breathed.
Kai knew he was toying with a liness. Just one inappropriate word followed by one crush of her knee into his balls would leave him in oldy for days. But this time, Kate lifted her head and knelt on his body as she leaned forward to let Kai kiss her breasts. His liness was in a playful mood as he sucked her erect nipple before being offered her other breast.
“Thank you…” he mouthed, followed by, “Fuck!” as her knee connected playfully with his balls.
“What?” she asked as she sat up, turned around, and dropped back down to land heavily on his chest with a bewitching smile on her lips, “I’m your keyholder, not your girlfriend.”
Kai’s balls glowed from the aftershock as Kate’s gentle hands expertly relocked his cage. With the deadlocks engaged, her phone returned to its usual omino warnings about how playing with the App could lock you out of your penis for life.
“So, you can’t unlock me remotely anymore?” Kai asked, “even in an emergency?”
Kate shook her head, “Nothing’s possible without my naked body.”
“So, if I never see you naked again…”
“You’ll never have another erection.”
Kate climbed off the bed and danced a pair of black silk underwear on to her hips and was now wrestling her way back into her tight denim shorts. Kai watched, with his cock twitching hopelessly, as she secured the last of the buttons, clinking the body-hugging denim securely around her narrow waist.
“You’re not naked anymore,” Kai moaned, aware of the implications for his throbbing cock.
“What do I need to do to undress you?” he gasped, but Kate just walked away.
It was now mid-morning and Kate still hadn’t unlocked Kai’s handcuffs which means he was still one with her bed. The sex obsessed girl from the night before was drifting away into the arrogant brat who seemed to forget he existed.
The only time Kate had spoken to him in the last hour was when she was waiting for her red nail varnish to dry. The hem of her short denim shorts was fraying, and she had knelt astride his head and ordered him to bite off a long frayed thread with his teeth. He had tried to reignite the sex obsessive from the night before by kissing her butt that protruded provocatively from her shorts and sliding his tongue inside the hurt blue fabric, but she had ignored his advances and wondered away as soon as her varnish had dried.
“Can I take you out tonight?” Kai called.
Kate just shrugged.
Kai’s heart sunk as the distracted brunette pulled on fitted pale blue top and trainers and a totally unnecessary thick brown leather belt to secure her shorts.
“When can I see you again?”
Kate turned her back and smiled as she applied make up. Erratic mood swings had always been Kate’s way. She had always enjoyed the sadistic thrill of being mean. Maybe she was still living out schoolyard powerplays. She also knew it was her safety valve, detonating her relationships before they could become serious and risk her getting hurt.
Anyway, Kai’s pleading adoration was giving her a thrill as she gazed into the mirror to gloss her pouting lips. She knew Kai had done nothing to deserve this treatment, but hey. She took her time indulging her sensitive lips and then walked back to the bed and bounced her nuclear and dangerously playful body on his chest.
“You’re so beautiful,” Kai wheezed, his chest crushed beneath her.
“Maybe you just want what you can’t have?” The adoration in his beautiful brown eyes was difficult to resist,
“We made love five times last night,” Kai whispered.
Kate shrugged her shoulders, determined to stay aloof and in a place where she could’t be hurt. She still had her brush in her hand and drew it through her freshly washed brown hair as Kai breathed heavily beneath her weight.
“But I don’t see you for weeks at a time,” Kai was Now pleading, “I’m ignored by the only woman I want… with no way of knowing if I’ll see her again.”
Kate knew she could be a nightmare girlfriend at the best of times, and her non-commitment had tormented many men. She scooted around to trap him in a schoolgirl pin and impose a little Kate-style love.
“We are connected,” she mouthed, her fingernails on her crotch, “… my piercing is your only hope of escape.”
Kai’s cock was pounding from proximity to her scent, and he gently kissed her inner tigh in the hope of pleasure his mistress.
“Yes, that’s allowed,” she smiled.
Kai moaned, just a glimpse of a smile from his captivating brunette sent his cock into overdrive.
“Would you prefer I was the kind of girl who unlocked you and let you go?” she asked.
“No, I love our relationship,” Kai breathed, aware that she had phrased the question with the ultimate threat, “… and thank you for wearing the piercing.”
“I don’t think it will come off,” Kate mouthed, turning her brush on Kai’s thick hair, “We’re permanently linked.”
This was getting dangerously intimate for Kate, and she rocked forward to crush him beneath the crotch seam of her shorts, befor gracefully springing to her feet, leaving Kai gasping from the blow.
Her rolling hips made him swell as she walked across the room to fetch the handcuff key. She sauntered back with her flirtatious smile and sat down on her favourite seat with her soft thighs encircling his handsome, day old stubble face.
“A thousand years up already?” Kai smiled, eyeing the small key in the kinky girl’s hand.
“Don’t tempt me…”
He showed, tempting Kate to get naked was now his only goal in life.
“I love your cock,” Kate whispered.
“Then release it!”
“Is sex all you want from me?” Kate asked, arching her back and channeling her entire weight on his neck.
“No!” Kai coughed.
Kate grinned as she playedfully explored how her weight and the tilt of her hips affected how her buttocks compressed his throat.
“Can I see you next week?” he croaked.
Kate shrugged, but at least her beginning eyes were smiling, as she used the mattress springs tobounce on his throat.
“You’ll forget about me,” Kai croaked.
“Maybe,” she smiled, “But I know you won’t forget about me.”
Kate used her key to unlock her inescapable handcuffs and then stood up to peel their bodies apart. Kai showed and dressed and was rewarded with a kiss on the lips before he returned to the real world.
Kate stepped impetiently as she waited outside the bar. She had pondered her outfit for hours, setting on a semiconductor short red sleepless dress which showed off her strong thighs. Her long dark hair was freshly styled, and her tan sandals gave her an extra inch in the hope of bringing her on a par with her date for the night.
Dispite the effort, Kate was already feeling underdressed even before Ellie arrived. Her beautiful dark skirt suit, teasingly unbuttoned blouse, and beautiful blonde hair slung to one side gave Ellie a look straight out of a corporate brochure.
“Wow, this is what you look like in real life,” Kate swooned.
Ellie was almost ten years older that Kate but seemed a lifetime away in her professional demeanour and maturity. Having left school at sixteen and bouncing from one temp role to the next, Kate couldn’t help but feel intimidated as Ellie bought the drinks and led them to a secluded table.
“I thought you’d be out with Kai tonight,” Ellie smiled.
“Thank you for saying that El,” Kate beamed; she wanted to spend every night with Kai if only she knew how.
There was a paused as they shared a smile, neither woman knowing what to say.
“By now, you’ve usually tortured Kai and condemned me to life in chatity.” Ellie smiled.
“You make me sound mean,” Kate replied, “I don’t mean to be.” She placed a hesitant hand beneath the table to touch Ellie’s knee.
“Be my guest,” Ellie breathed, “In this belt I feel like your plaything.”
Kate studied her classy friend, “You don’t look kinky… or if you are, it should be with Christian Grey… not a girllike me.”
“Too late to change now,” Ellie smiled, “… this belt like me so much it won’t come off.”
“Yes, it likes you,” Kate replied, toying with her freshly styled, dark shoulder length hair.
Her fingers ventured further up Ellie’s thigh until she was barred by the soft fabric of Ellie’s skirt. Ellie dutifully uncrossed her legs and freed her skirt to let Kate’s hand explore further.
“What does it feel like to be locked in the belt?” Kate whispered.
Ellie thought for a moment, her hands dropping to her hips, “Safe… and fucking sexual.”
Kate reacted to Ellie’s breathy obvious, “Sex is one thing you can’t have.”
“Fuck, it hugs me there,” Ellie mouthed, bathing in the spark from Kate’s eyes, “it makes me so fucking horny.”
Kate’s legs opened surprisingly. Her floating red dress had ridden up and she pictured Ellie’s lips breaking the single sheath of damp pink silk that pulled between her legs.
“Does Kai feel the same?” Kate asked.
“Oh honey, you’ve fucked with his mind,” Ellie mouthed, as she popped another button on her sheer white blouse and leaned closer to reveal more of her cleavage in the hope of tempting her keyholder, “A man of Kai’s endowment trapped inside a one inch cell? He’s obsessed with you.”
Kate pouted and tapped her phone to fire electricity into Kai’s balls. Her breathing deepened as she pictured Kai in age on his knees. She loved that feeling, it was as if Kai was inside her dress. She smiled, straightened her dress and refocused on Ellie.
“And you? Are you obsessed with me?” Kate whispered.
Ellie’s blonde curls bounced on her blouse as she nodded. “Shall we get out of here, Katie?” Ellie asked as she took Kate’s hand and led her back to her apartment.
The women arrived at Ellie’s home at a canter. They had kissed in the back of the taxi and were now desperate to indulge their shared taboo. Kate anxious removed her pink satin panties, gigglingand almost tripping as she hustled to the bed.
“Leave your suit on,” she panted, spreading her legs, and shaking impatiently as Ellie’s immaculate hair and make-up followed her tighs until they disappeared beneath Kate’s flirty red dress.
“The keyhole!” Ellie gasped, aware that Kate’s vagina was in effect the way to unlock her belt.
Kate was too wrapped up in rapture to hear. Ellie’s lips felt as wonderful as the last time, with Ellie seemingly knowing Kate’s erotic wants before even she did. Kate climaxed loudly and pressed her thighs together and pulled her red dress taut to leave Ellie in no doubt that she was to stay for the afterglow.
“What does Kai think of me?” Kate rasped.
Ellie tried to move. Her make-up was smudging, and her curls were crushed in the steamy confines of the dress, but Kate’s surprisingly powerful thighs maintained their intimate hug.
“Kai? I think women got too easy for him,” Ellie panted, sucking in more scent than oxygen, “He needs a challenge, and you raised the value of sex.”
Kate’s thighs sprung open momentarily as she thrusted, pressing Ellie’s face hard against her shaken crotch and then locking her back down. Kate was now all Ellie could taste; her lips pressed against Kate’s wet vagina.
“It’s hard to talk in here,” Ellie mumbled, her arousal betrayed by her desperate hands pawing at her belt.
“Move and I’ll time lock you for a week…” Kate snapped. She wanted to know more about Kai.
Ellie was thrusting her hips, but no sensing permeated the vault, “He’s infatuated with you Katie, as am I!” Unable to see Kate’s reaction from inside the erratic brunette’s dress, she paused.
“Katie, are you still there?”
Kate gently thrust her hips against her friend’s face in carnal response, “My body is your whole world,” she grew.
Ellie’s senses were overwhelmed, and she was now shaking as she tried to price herself out of the merciless belt.
“Back to Kai…” Kate snapped.
“Oh, okay… umm… your cruelty has turned his life upside down… weeks of celibacy and aching, sleepless nights… of course he loves you.”
That was what Kate needed to hear, her mind drifting beautifully into a daydream where she and Kai were making love, “Kai…” she cried. It may have been Ellie’s tongue inside her, but the feeling was the same and she plunged her hips forward and climaxed powerfully into Ellie’s face.
“Katie?” The voice inside her dress was hoarse and aroused. Kate slowly released her grip, her libido still engaged as saw the impact of her daydream on a bedraggled Ellie.
“Was I Kai?” Ellie panted.
“Sorry,” Kate breathed, sounding more aroused than apologetic, “… let me give you a present.”
Kate stretched for her pink satin panties. She folded them neatly and handed them to Ellie, “These are in big demand on my website,” she smiled.
“Katie, I’m not one of your boys,” Ellie giggled.
“No, but you arelocked in a belt… so I guess…”
Ellie reluctantly opened her mouth and let Kate push her used underwear inside. Playing with girls was fun, but being gagged by their panties that they had farted in all day was cruel.
“Damp from thinking of you… dirty from the toilet,” Kate whispered, “and so deep in my crack…”
Ellie trembled, alarmed by how aroused she felt. Kate could flick from a friend to a mistress within seconds and in this mood, Kate had to be obeyed.
Ellie slowly undressed and knelt subserviently by her feet. Kate pulled her arms behind her and ratcheted the cuffs snugly around Ellie’s forearms, just above her elbows. Ellie’s arms flailed helplessly behind her back, her should blades pinned back and her ample breasts standing proud.
“You look funny,” Kate smiled as she unlocked the belt and caught it just before it clattered to the floor. Ellie had locked herself up so tightly that indentations from the belt could still be seen as Kate ledher away to the shower.
Kate joined her manacled friend in the shower and gently washed her hair and body. She towelled her dry and then sat Ellie down on the stool by her dressing table to lovingly blow dry her hair.
“I feel like your doll,” Ellie smiled.
“Yes, but dolls are asexual,” Kate teased, sitting astride Ellie’s lap with her vibrator pinned between them. Ellie elated cries filled the room as the sex toy touched her, “… and you are certainly not asexual.”
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