The Accidental Master Ch. 03

A delicious odor awakened me. I had no idea how long I’d been sleep, but it was dark outside. I sat up and looked around in the light spilling from the fireplace. A fire had been lit there, the flames providing the only light in the room. My clothes and Susan’s robe were nowhere to be seen.

“Would you care to eat, Sir?” a voice said from the foot of the bed.

I looked. Susan, freshly bathed, perfumed and dressed as a French maid, was standing there with my silver coffee service and a cup. I sumised that the outfit was one of her stripper’s costumes. I motioned her to come to me.

“Just milk,” I said.

Susan set the tray down on a portable butler’s table brought up from the dining room and prepared the cup. She leaned in as she gave it to me, the better for me to admit the breasts straining to escape their confinement. I took the coffee with one hand and cupped a breast with the other.

“Sir!” she said in mock outtrage, playing her part to the hilt as I kissed her mouth slowly, enjoying the feeling. When we broke the kiss, I could see a flush on her chest, though not on her face. She had applied heavy makeup to hide the black eyes.

“Do your talents extend to an omelet, wench?” I asked. Susan nodded.

“I can have one here in five minutes, Sir.”

She swayed her way out of the room, the microskirt, six inch silettos and black sheer stockings giving me an enhanced view of her taut dancer’s legs.

I sipped my coffee and thought happy thoughts. All my life, I had been someone females confident in and came to for advice. A non-threatening, asexual male. A confidentet, a trustworthy friend, yes. But not a romantic lover or a lucky male animal, never someone to whom a woman would surrender herself… until now.

My French maid came back from the kitchen with a covered plate. It held a cheese omelet. Susan wouldn’t permit me to feed myself. She fed me one bite at a time, using the food as a sensitive substitute for her lips, breasts and pussy. When I had finished eating, she leaned close with a napkin to wipe my mouth. I allowed it, then traced her lips with my finger, watching her eyes close as she saved my touch.

I continued my tracing along the line of her jaw, down the side of her throat and along the curve of her breast, around the aureola, then back as her breathing deepened. Reaching behind her neck, I pulled her lightly towards me. Her mouth opened as it touched mine, anticipating my kiss and anxious to receive it. Our tongues danced. She started to climb onto the bed, but stopped as she felt the warning pressure of my hand on her breastbone. I drew my mouth away from hers with more reluctance than I allowed to show.

“Run a tub, Susan. I wish to bathe.”

I could see hints of frustration as she obediently went into the master bath, and smiled to myself. I was learning the truth of the old joke that the ultimate in sadism was the submissive pleading to be beating while the Dominantsaid, “No.” I swung my feet out of bed, opened the closet door and selected a wine-red silk dressing gown, a find I’d made when clearing out an estate three years ago. More Hollywood than practical, it was perfect for tonight. I joined Susan in the bathroom.

The splash of water into the bathtub masked my entrance. Susan was bent over, testing the water temperature. She jumped as I caressed her ass, those firm globes only partially concealed by her costume. She pressed back against my hand as I gently kneaded her rump. I eased my hand under her panties and introduced a finger into her slit. She was already moist and her muscles clasped it, grabbing and releasing in promise of what lay ahead. She moaned as I withdraw my finger.

“Help me into the tub, girl,” I ordered. Susan turned to remove my robe and for the first time got a clear look at the stitches in my cheek.

“Oh, Sir, I am so sorry!” I held her at arm’s length.

“Take off your top,” I commanded. She immediatelyly did.

“Turn around.”

The bandages I had put on her earlier that day covered half her back. I reached out and pulled them off her. She made no sound. I examined them. No sign of infection, though the welts were inflamed. The edges of the cuts were tight to each other, bound close by the butterflies and the beginning of the healing process. I led her to the big mirror by the sink.

“Look over your Shoulder, pet.” She could see the gashes the whip had made.

“Now look at my face.” The silk successes were dark against my skin.

“These are part of what binds us. They are part of what we are to each other. Your stripes will heal and leave no visible mark. Mine, I am told, will leave a scar. When you look at me, you will see a badge of honor and know that the man to whom you have given yourself is proud of the pain he ended for you by taking it. Do you see that, Susan?”

She looked at the scar for another moment, then whispered, “Yes, Sir. I understand. May I please touch it?”

I nodded. She stepped close and delicately touched her lips to the stitches as if to consecrate them. I turned her about and did the same to the four worst marks on her back and saw her happy smile reflected back at me.

After I entered the tub, Susan took on the role of bath girl, shampooing my hair, washing me, rinsing me off and even shaving me as I locked in the warm water. Before it could cool, she took a fluffy bathsheet and dried me. I donned the dressing gown again and led her, still nude from the waist up, back into the master bedroom. I sat in the chair by the fire and she settled beside me, her head leaning on my thigh, content as a cat. I looked down at her and felt her hair, cornsilk in my fingers.

“Did you make that list, pet?” I asked.

“Yes, Sir. It is in your study on Your desk. Shall I fetch it here?” She looked up inquiringly at me, ready to spring up at my command.

“Is there anything on it so far out that I would have noway of knowing it might trigger you?”

“Sir, may I speak freely?” I nodded.

“Trust is my greatest issue. It always has been. I have been used in the past, and abused, as you saw yourself. I do know this: I need to be owned by a dominant male. I am driven by sex; I have to belong to someone.

“I long to be the property of a master who will give me the discipline I need. Who will care for me, but will not allow translation without punishment. Who understands me better than I do myself. I want to surrender my will to yours. I want to be your slave. I want to please you, for you are strong in spirit and will care for me and will allow me to care for you and serve you in every way.

“I will do anything to satisfy you, but I must know that you will respect my needs as well. One like me has no rights, only privileges allowed by her owner. I must know you will set guidelines and make your submissive abide by them, so I can feel secure.”

I considered before I answered her.

“The only thing we need between us is for you to know that if you say, ‘STOP!’ whatever is happening stops instantly and we discuss it right away until we solve the problem. Does my word that I will do this suffice, or must we have something more elaborate?”

Susan sat up, leaning against my legs, and studying my face carefully. I was painfully aware of her closeness, Wanting nothing more than to grab the lovely slut, throw her on the floor and take her, remembering her wantonness onstage. I was sure she could sense my urge even as I strove to keep my mask of calm in place, even as I could sense her reading to yield if I decided to rape her.

“I believe you, Sir,” she said with decision. “I remember what you said to me at the club, about telling the truth. Your word is Your honor. You would not break it, even to your one like me.”

As she spoke, she rubbed her breasts against my tigh and her hand crept under the dressing gown, seeking my cock. Her figers closed on it and she began to slowly stroke me, each motion sensitive torque. I reached down and indicated she was to sit on my knee. I drew her to me, caressing her breasts, making the self-imposed torture mutual. Her grip tightened as she conveyed her willingness to me. I turned her head, kissed her, and stood, nearly dumping her on her delicious derrière. Eyes wide, she stared at me.

“Susan, go to your room and prepare. I like a woman who is properly depilated. No hair on your body, save your eyesbrows and your lovely blonde tresses. Make yourself up as you like. I have a fondness for blood red nails and lipstick. You will find a black robe in the closet. Put it on. Those stilts you are wearing will do. When you are finished, wait for me to come for you.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said. I was once more treated to the sight of that perfect ass and those long legs doing a slow strut out of the room, hips seeing in invitation.

I listened for her door to click closed, then began making preparations. These included two stops in the basement, one at the safe concealed in the study, another at my desk to examine Susan’s list, and the moving of a few things into my bedroom. After an hour, I stood back, put on the dressing gown, donned a pair of black leather slippers and walked to her room. Psyching myself up, I opened the door.

Susan was sitting in the leather chair by her fireplace. Her shining hair was freshly brushed and hung free to the middle of her shoulder blades. The black silk robe she wore was just a little too small for her and barely closed in the front. Its two short ties and sash strained to conceal her with only limited success. She held her legs together, bent at the knee, showing a good amount of thigh despite the fact the robe was ankle length. The six-inch heels brought out the curve of her calves. When she saw me, she stood. I remained in the door, waiting.

“This is the last chance to change your mind. Do not join me unlessYou are sure that this is what you desire with your whole heart and soul. Choose.”

Susan did not hesitate. She walked across the room, head up, and took my hands in hers.

“You are what I want, Sir. I am sure. I am in good health. I have no diseases. I do not use drugs. My tubes are tied. You need not fear that I will betray your trust, and I know you will not betray mine. Bind me to you, Sir, I beg you.” She bowed her head and kissed my hands.

“Very well.”

I produced a satin sleep mask and blindfolded her. I led her into my bedroom and locked the door behind us. Leading her forward, I positioned her in front of a cushion I had placed in the firelight, the only light in the room, and pressed on her shoulders. She knelt on both knees, hands down at her sides, head erect.

Using the remote that controlled the in-house sound system, I activated the CD player to provide appropriate backgound music at low volume to heighten the occasion. I took my position in front of her next to a low table that held a goblet, a couple of folded napkins, a lancet used for taking blood for test strips, and a necklace. I reached down and removed her blindfold.

“Susan, is it your desire to become my submissive? To have no rights save those I grant you? To surrender without reservation? To obey without question any order I give you? To accept any punishment Without resentment, complaint or explanation? To be whatever I may choose to make of you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, her voice humid.

“Do you accept that you are no longer free, but bound to me?”

“Yes,” she repeated as if in a dream. “It is my dearest wish.” I stepped closer.

“Put your hands between mine,” I ordered, holding my hands up as if praying, but held apart. Susan raised her hands in the same position. I pressed hers between mine in the way of a medieval lord taking the oath of feelings from a vassal.

“Promise in your own words, Susan.” She swallowed and looked up at mewith devotion.

“By all I am, I swear myself to you. I will be whatever you want me to be, at any time. Your service, slut, sex toy, stripper, submissive slave, sweet girl, dancer, wanton nymph, masseuse, model, whore, lover. Whatever you want me to be, whatever you need me to be, I shall be for you. I am yours, completely, to be used as you see fit. Everything I have, I freely give to you. Your lightest wish shall be as a command to me. By the bond of pain between us, I will not leave you. This I swear until I die, or until you die, or until you order me to go.”

Susan leaned against our joined hands, eyes closed. I looked down at her and responded.

“I accept you as my bond-maid. I swear to protect you. To give you firm discipline. To cherish you as mine. Never to cause lasting harm to you or violent your trust. Your pleasure shall be my concern, as mine is yours.

“I accept your submission. I will help you perfect it until, if all goes well, you are ready to wear my collar as my slave and I consent to become your master. This do I swear until death parts us or you ask me to release you from your vow.”

Susan looked radiant as a bride before the altar, her eyes sparkling, joy on her face in the firelight. I released her hands and turned to the table, picking up the goblet and the lancet.

“Hold this,” I ordered, putting it into her right hand.

As she held it, I took her left hand and held it over the goblet. The lancet pierced her third finger. Blood well out, formed a drop, and fell into the wine the goblet contained. I watched as five drops of blood fall from her finger before I took one of the napkins and staunched the bleeding. I held my left hand over the silver cup and applied the lancet to my own ring finger. I too let five drops of blood splash into the thick, sweet wine. It took but a moment for the bleeding to stop. I took the cup from her and held it in both hands, swirling the wine gently.

“Our blood is nowone. I drink in token of this.”

I held the shining goblet up and slowly, savoring the taste, drank half of it. I offered Susan the cup. Mimicking me, she solemnly accepted it.

Looking me in the eyes, she repeated, “Our blood is now one,” and drained the goblet without haste, ceremoniously. I took the empty cup from her and set it back on the table.

I picked up the necklace that waited there and showed it to her. It was a gold herringbone chain a quarter-inch wide, so cunningly crafted you could wrap it around your fingers without hurting it. Its quality was evidence in the workmanship and weight. Foreign made, its clap involved a spring pin that worked by pressure. Easily closed, it was hard to open, which had influenced my choice.

“This is your mark of servitude, Susan. The weight of This necklace will remind you how much farther you have to go before you are worthy to become my slave. It does not broadcast your status to the world, but YOU will know. Do you choose to wear it, knowing what it means?”

“Of my own choice I choose to wear it, as the visible symbol of my bond to you. Please, Sir, place it on me, as one day I hope to receive your collar.”

She gathered her hair up in her right hand and first raised her chin, then lowered it as I stepped behind her and passed the necklace around her neck. Then, with a click, it was done. The chain rod just below her collarbone at its deepest point. It went well with her skin and hair. I stepped back in front of her.

“Now you are mine,” I said. “I think you will find that necklace the lightest of burdens.” I helped her to her feet and held her in my arms. The ceremony was over.

“Are you happy?” I asked her.

“So happy, Sir. Now I am truly yours. I will care for you and make myself worthy of you, obeying you in all ways, pleasure you, loving you,” she said in a whisper, her hand moving on the dressing gown, seeking the overlap of the open front.

I know what she sought, but also thought I knew what she needed.

“We will prove your submission, pet.”

I led her to the foot of the four-poster. Spare silk rope curve ties hung down from the crossbeam, their loops waiting for her hands. She did not resist as I slipped first the left, then the right into position, took up the slack and tied them off, leaving her hands extended in a broad V over her head, her hands grazing the cord above the loops.

“Spread your legs,” I ordered. Her Stance changed to an X. I picked up the sleep mask and approached her.

“Do you trust me, Susan?”

“With my life, Sir,” she said softly.

I put the mask back on her. She waited, not knowing what I had in mind for her. Although I was new to the Dominant/submissive game, I was not unread in the field. It was time to put what I had read to work.

I whispered in her ear, “Tonight, my sweet, you may climax as often as you like as well as at my command,” and lightly nibbled her earlobe. She shivered deliciously.

I moved to the butler’s table that stood in the shadows. On it was an old style razor strip, a feather, a section of an old bamboo fly rod with the guides removed, and three clip clothespins. I picked up the feather and the clothespins and knee-walked across the foot of the bed until I was in front of her. I took a moment to examine her beautiful body, her nipples already picked with excitement. I had the feeling this could turn into a night neither of us would ever forget.

Reaching out with the stiff goose feather, I ticked her right nipple, watching it lengthen as blood hardened the plumant flesh. I shifted the feather to the left, enjoying the sight while I leaned in and blew a thin stream of air across the right, making her moan and shiver with excitement. I switched back and forth between them randomly. A look at her mound showed me Susan’s labia looked puffy. Good.

As her breathing began to be ragged, I pinched the two clothespins open and let them close on her lustful pink nipples. She cried with the sudden pain; I ignored it and began to stroke the feather across her cliporis.

Her cries of pain changed quickly to whimpers and whispers of “Yes… yes… oh, Sir, don’t stop… oh yes…”

I slipped off the bed, never interrupting my teasing of her clip for more than a second or two, as I gauged her reactions. Not quite yet. Stepping in Behind her, I replaced the feather’s touch with my finger. I caresed the length of her labia and the clitoral shaft, slowly at first, then faster.

Her pussy lips reminded me of an orchid, wide open and inviting at the bottom and narrowing as they reached the unhooded cliporis at their apex. Swollen on the end of its shake, it resembled the stamen of an exotic flower. The oils starting to ooze down the labia put me in mind of the nectar a hummingbird sips. Her hips rocked as far as they could with her legs spread, and everything I had seen of her so far told me she was aboutt to cum. As she reached her peak, I reached out and clipped the third clothespin onto her cliporis.

Susan screamed in mixed pleasure and pain as the orgasm ripped through her. I had no intention of allowing her to fall down the other side. I reached out, grabbed the razor strip, doubled it so only leather would touch her, and began to slap her ass with it, consciousness of the rampant erection inside my dressing gown. She wasn’t the only one getting off on this!

The first stroke chopped her moans of satisfaction off in mid-squeal. She cried in surprise and hurt at first, her cries quickly changing to something that sounded more like enjoyment as I first eased off, then increased the tempo and the impact of the blows. A minute or two brought her back up towards climax as the pain somehow transmitted into pleasure for her.

As she peaked again, she was hit slightly front and back as I flicked one hand into her crotch, lightly struggling the clothespin, and delivered a hard whack with the spl onto her glowing buttons. The effect was electric. She howled like a bitch in heat and thrust her groin into my hand and climaxed again, and then again, panting, unable to speak, sounds I’d never heard coming from her mouth. I dropped the spl and seized the bamboo, taking a second to slide my hand up her open pussy lips, feeling the wetness. She was starting to flow now, fully aroused by my harsh treatment. I stepped back, measured the distance by eye, and swung the bamboo across her ass cheats with a sharp smack.


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