The Abyss: Nicole Ch. 10-14
Note: There are scenes depicting pain and lesbian sex in this story.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, merchandise, companies, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are 18 years or older when in sexual situations.
Summary of Prologue and Chapters One though Nine
Justine was once a partner in a Big Four accounting firm and was the engagement partner on a multinational client audit based in Paris. Justine, 43, married, with two adult children, usually would go to bed early instead of hitting the town with her younger team members.
A flash of mid-life crisis encourages Justine to join her crew. Sasha, one of the team members, suggests they go to a BDSM club in the outer fringes ofParis. Sasha meets up with a mysterious woman. The woman, Laurine, invites Justine to join them. Laurine dispatches Sasha to get drinks and admits to Justine that she only cameled Sasha as a means to meet Justine. Justine tells Laurine that she is not interested in women, but Laurine gets Justine to admit that she is interested in Laurine.
Laurine convinces Justine to go to a private room for a 15 minute introduction into the BDSM world – no strings attached. Justine accepts, and ends up having one of the most violent orgasms of her life after Laurine teas and then hits Justine with a flogger.
Mistress Laurine asks Justine if she wants to go home with her. Justine wants to, but also wants to take time to put her affairs in order. Mistress Laurine is insulted by Justine’s failure to immediately go with her. She throws Justine’s clothes out into the corridor, pushes a naked Justine out into the corridor and locks the door behind her. Justine scrambles to pick up her clothes. To her embarrassment Sasha is there to help her. Sasha takes Justine back to the hotel and suggests that Justine can now be blackmailed with the knowledge Sasha now has of Justine’s public nudity. Sasha acompanies Justine back to Justine’s hotel room and take advantage of her, slapping her to the ground and then forcing herself on Justine’s prone body. Justine submits to Sasha and they have furious sex that is satisfying to Justine but is a hollow victory for Sasha.
The next morning Justine puts her personal and professional life on hold. It only takes two phone calls and she realizes that her existing life is disposable and not worth keeping. She puts her efforts into finding Mistress Laurine. She returns to the bar and in return for an exorbitant amount of money secures her phone number. Justine calls but is hung up on. Mistress Laurine lets Justine stew for a few hours and then texts Justine to come to her house.
At the house, Justine is blindfolded and secured by her hands in an upright position. An unknown woman performs analingus on Justine while Mistress Laurine stands in front of Justine and uses her hand to bring Justine to an orgasm. The blindfold is removed and Justine discovers the unknown woman is Sasha. Mistress Laurine tells Justine that she summoned Sasha and discovered the entire story of Sasha’s abuse of Justine. They then go to a separate room where Sasha is held. Mistress Laurine administrators ten strokes with her flogger that incapacitates Sasha. Justine comforts Sasha and then, at Mistress Laurine’s direction, brings Sasha to a rousing orgasm using her mouth.
Mistress Laurine then announces she will administrator ten additional strokes for Justine’s insubordination the previous night, but that Sasha will serve as Justine’s “whipping boy” for her translations with Justine. All of them know that Sasha will not be able to endure another whipping. Justine intervals before the firststroke is administratored and accepts the whipping herself. Mistress Laurine’s love for Justine increases with Justine’s sacrifice, and after the whipping is administratored, lays on the floor where they can reach a climax and fall into the Abyss together.
Sasha wants to submit to Justine, and in Chapters 5 and 6 does so. Justine whips Sasha with a leather strap, each unburdening themselves of the resentment and anger towardss the other. They fall into the Abyss together, now as lovers.
During their training, Mistress Laurine’s house is visited by Mistress Anastasia. Mistress Anastasia abuses everyone in the household. It is revealed that Mistress Laurine had stolen Mistress Anastasia’s submissive and lover Nicole, and that Mistress Anastasia was there to exact retribution and to collect on her debt. Justine is given to Mistress Anastasia as ransom until Nicole is recovered.
Chapter Ten
She was shivering in her small cell, nervously fingering the heavy metal manacles and chains that adorned her wrists and ankles. There was only a threadbare mattress in the corner of the cold concrete floor and a heavily dented and rusted metal bucket for her personal needs. Her clothes were now in tatters. The single bare bulb that provided illumination flickered, providing uneven light. The windowless room had only a heavy wooden door that bore the scratches from its many Previous tenants. Nicole gently sobbed as she massed her bruised legs. She dare not lay down as the fresh wounds from her recent can still oozed a clear liquid, making it painful for her to do so.
It seemed like eons ago that she was in the warm embrace of Mistress Laurine. Her Mistress understands the limits of her submission. She know how to edge Nicole using pain, pleasure and denial until the Anticipation and want to become unbearable, and then to harness the energy of that anticipation and want into Nicole’s most sexually satisfying moments.
But there was a dark side – – a dark side that ultimately caused Nicole to flee the comforts of Mistress Laurine’s Paris residence for the backwaters of Lyon and ultimately to a slave’s den somewhere in the French Alps near Grenoble where she was now languishing.
Nicole had been the property of Mistress Anastasia, wearing her collar as her submissive and her lover. But then Mistress Anastasia’s mood became darker, and the loving moments between them were fewer and farther between. At times Nicole wondered whether the punishments inflicted upon her were truly deserved or whether Mistress Anastasia’s sadistic tendencies were overwhelming her ability to love. At the same time as Nicole was harboring these doubts Mistress Laurine had taken a great deal of interest in Nicole, and flattered by the attention lavished by Mistress Laurine upon her and her obvious skills as a Domme, Nicole left with Mistress Laurine in the middle of the night to the apparent safety of Mistress Laurine’s house. That safety was illusory. A scorned Mistress Anastasia used her connections in the dark world to frighten Nicole to the point she became a prisoner in Mistress Laurine’s home. Nicole’s only choice was to run.
Nicole could hear the small panel on the observation window embedded in her door being opened. She looked up and saw a female face peering in through the bars of the Observation window. Moments later she heard the bolt on her door moving. The door creaked open and an attractive young girl, her guess no older than twenty, came in bearing a towel, a basin of water, and a tube of liniment. She had Nicole lay on her stomach on her mattress and then gently cleaned and dressed her wounds. Nicole was grateful for the attention but too weak to acknowledge the assistance. The girl left the room and returned with Nicole’s breakfast.
This routine continued for five days. With the girl’s tender care Nicole’s wounds were fully healed.
On the sixth day the girl returned with a chain and padlocks. The girl connected the chain between Nicole’s wrists with the chain between her ankles and then padlocked that chain to the manacle she put around Nicole’s neck. Nicole had an overwhelming sense of helplessness. Nicole shuffled her feet on the concrete floor of the basement and then up two flights of wooden stairs to a large open room. She could hear the clatter of her chains on the hardwood floor as she approached Mistress Mathilde.
Mistress Mathilde grasped the chain connecting Nicole’s neck, wrists and ankles and gave it a stiff tug. Nicole’s body jerked forward.
“How the mighty have fallen, right slut?”
Nicole said nothing but bowed her head. She felt nothing but shame and humiliation.
Mistress Mathilde was an imposing woman. You could see that she was once a French beauty with her statusesque build and her long auburn brown hair, now streaked with gray, but the passage of time and her hard lifestyle showed on her face, and her once alluring figure was hidden by ill fitting clothes. She took a lock of Nicole’s dirty and greasy hair, twirling it in her fingers.
“Now you’re mine. I paid good money to that worthless hag in Lyon who didn’t appreciate what she had. You’re a lovely creation that we’ll clean up and whore out to anyone who has a euro for a taste of your mouth, pussy or ass.”
Nicole was void of hope. She was manacled and chained. For all she knew she had abandoned everyone she had loved and that no one would ever find and rescue her. She had no alternative but to submit.
With her head still bowed she whispered, “I’m yours to do with what you please Mistress.”
“Tell me my little whore, before you were in the service of that wretched Madame Renaud in Lyon, who did you belong to?”
Mistress Mathilde put her hand under Nicole’s head and raised it so that their eyes would meet. Nicole’s face, gaunt from days on poor rates, showed only despair.
“Speak, or I’ll give you the taste of my cane again.”
Nicole’s face reacted to the threat and her mouth started to move. “Mistress Laurine in Paris.”
Mistress Mathilde erupted in laughter. “That whore? I remember her at the Sorbonne many years ago. She was still sucking the tea of Mistress Anastasia. And before that?”
“Mistress Anastasia.”
Mistress Mathilde’s jovial mood suddenly turned black.
“Now you’re talking about someone that crossed swords with me a long time ago. She’s the reason that I ended up in this pishole on the outer edge of France. Is that cunt looking for you?”
Nicole answered in a whisper, “I don’t know. I was running away from her.”
“Well my dear, you better pray that she doesn’t find you. I have a score to settle with her and if she finds you here you’re both going to regret that day.”
Nicole was too weak and too desensitized to register the threat. She simply shrugged her shoulders.
“Come closer slut,” beckoned Mistress Mathilde.
Nicole shuffled forward until she was standing directly in front of Mistress Mathilde. Nicole’s manacled hands hung simply in front of her. Mistress Mathilde reached under Nicole’s breast and rubbed the bottom of it and then lifted up. “Nice soft supplement tits.”
She then leaned forward to suckle on it. Nicole’s nipple became erect and she couldn’t suppress her sigh. “Long erect nipples. Our customers will fight to fondle and suck on these tits.”
Mistress Mathilde then slid a finger into Nicole’s cunt. “You whore. You’re wet. You can’t help it can you slut?”
“No Mistress.”
Mistress Mathilde motioned to the girl who was patiently waiting in the corner. She scampered across the room.
“Take this whore back to her cell.”
Nicole was led back to her cell and then saved of the manacle around her neck and the chain that bound her neck to her hands and her feet. She languished with her arm and leg irons in her cell for two more days.
On the third day the girl took off Nicole’s arm and leg irons and led her to a bathroom. She helped Nicole into a bathtub filled with hot water and helped wash Nicole’s hair and body. The girl was clearly enamored with Nicole’s body as she lovingly caressed Nicole’s breasts and liberally used her soapy hands to wash Nicole’s body. Refreshed by the bath Nicole noticed the girl as If for the first time. She had beautiful long wavy honey brown hair and a short lithe body.
“What’s your name girl?”
“Coline, mademoiselle.”
“How old are you?”
“I just turned 22.”
“Why do you work for Mistress Mathilde?”
Coline replied without hesitation, “Because she’s my mother.”
Nicole was surprised to hear the answer as the girl’s kindness and sweet disposition was in sharp contrast to her mother’s unfeeling cruelty.
“Why do you stay here?”
“Because I have no place else to go.”
“Help me wash my hair sweetheart.”
Coline retrieved a bottle of shampoo and washed Nicole’s hair multiple times until the lucky one of her blond hair was restored. Nicole rose out of the bathtub. Coline helped her out and then used a towel to help dry Nicole off. As she was drying Nicole off slowly, Coline spent that time memorizing every feature of Nicole’s voluptuous body.
“I see that you’re interested in my body.”
“We’ve never had Anyone stay here who was as lovely as you are.”
Nicole bent over and kissed Coline on the cheese. “Thank you my sweet. I’ll not forget your kindness.” Coline blushed. “Coline, have you ever been with a woman?”
“Yes mademoiselle. I’ve been with both men and women, but my experience with both has been limited.”
“Would you like to touch me?”
“Yes mademoiselle, very much so.”
“My sweet, call me Nicole.” Nicole took Coline’s hand and placed it on her breast. “Touch me.”
Coline ran her hand across Nicole’s breast and then traced her finger around Nicole’s nipple. Coline wasaroused by the feeling of the softness of Nicole’s skin and the visual image of her hand on such a desirable woman. Nicole pressed her hand against Coline’s to pin Coline’s hand against her breast. She then drew Coline closer to kiss her full on the lips.
Emboldened by the password of the kiss Coline traced her hand down Nicole’s tummy and into Nicole’s moist pussy. Nicole murmured her approval and bent her knees slightly to allow Coline to penetrate her more easily. It had been many weeks since Nicole had experienced such loving attention and soon felt the familiar and welcome ripple of pleasure as an orgasm coursed through her body.
Nicole motioned for Coline to sit on a nearby wooden straight back chair. Nicole knelt before her and pulled Coline’s panties down and over her shoes. Nicole then crumped Coline’s skirt Around her waist and lowered her head between Coline’s quivering legs. Nicole used her hands to further part Coline’s legs until her sex was fully exposed. ThenNicole, schooled for years in the art of pleasure women, showed Coline a level of pleasure that Coline had not thought was possible. Nicole rose up to embrace Coline and they each revealed in the realization that they had both found someone that truly cared about them.
Chapter Eleven
Mistress Anastasia packed her belongings and those of Justine. A porter arrived from a living service to take Mistress Anastasia and Justine to the train station.
Justine now wore the collar of her new Mistress. As they were preparing to leave Justine bad farewell to her beloved Sasha and Mistress Laurine. She knew that someday she would return and that somehow she would exactly revenge for Mistress Anastasia’s cruelty. She had no idea of when or how. The whole chain of events over the last several weeks was a blur, starting with a casual dare to visit a BDSM nightclub and culminating with her in the clutches of a Domme as payment for a longstanding debt.
Justine boarded the car with Mistress Anastasia. The car then disappeared into the thicket of midday Parisian traffic.
While mired in the traffic Mistress Anastasia held Justine’s hand in hers. “Justine, tell me what’s on your mind.”
“I’m confused. I have just given up my professional career for Mistress Laurine and in the middle of my training I’m plucked away by you. I don’t know you and I don’t know what will became of me.”
“Not to worry. I’ll take care of you. You have proven yourself worthy of me and I’ll pledge to you that as long as you’re in my care no harm will come to you.”
“But it’s beyond my personal safety. I wanted to submit to Mistress Laurine. I love her. I love Sasha. You’ve bestowed your collar on me as my new Mistress but I don’t feel any love for you.”
“You will in time Justine.”
Justine did not and could not believe that Mistress Anastasia’s statement would come true. In her eyes the Domme’s treatment of Mistress Laurine and Sasha was unforgivable.
Despite her doubts she gave Mistress Anastasia the assurance she wanted to hear. “I’m sure I will love you in time Mistress.”
The car pulled up at the passenger drop-off at Gare de L’Est. Justine usually had taken planes when she traveled within Europe. Her experience with the French rail system was limited. She was fascinated by the high level of activity within the station; a level of activity that Easily eclipsed Grand Central Station in New York. The waiting area itself had soaring glass ceilings and high arching curved walls that were also framed at each end with semicircular windows framed in paneled glass. Mistress Anastasia deposited Justine on a wooden bench in the vast passenger ticketing area. Justine, self-conscious of the stars of passersby who noted the padlocked collar around her neck, waited patiently for her Mistress’s return.
Mistress Anastasia returned with two tickets for the seven hour train ride to Lyon. When it was time to board the crowded train Justine again had to suffer the stars of the passengers as they all eyed the wide padlocked leather collar that adorned Justine’s neck. Justine knew that Mistress Anastasia intended to humiliate her in very public places. For Justine, the humiliation brought shame instead of arousal.
They arrived in Lyon at the address given by Mistress Laurine to Mistress Anastasia at Rue Gustave Chamboeuf. It was a rundown apartment building. Mistress Anastasia knocked on the manager’s apartment door.
An older woman in a shabby robe answered the door. “Madame Renaud at your service.”
Mistress Anastasia made the inquiry. “We’re looking for Nicole Lefevre. Do you know where she is?”
“I’ve never heard of her.”
“We’ll pay for the information.”
“If I were to know, what would that information be worth?”
“One hundred euros Madame.”
“I think two hundred would help me remember.”
Mistress Anastasia opened up her pursuit and pulled out ten crisp twenty euro notes.
Madame Renaud held out her hand. The bills were placed in her hand.
“She is probably in the custody of Mistress Mathilde.”
“Mistress Mathilde?” Mistress Anastasia was clearly taken aback at that information.
“Whe might we find Mistress Mathilde?”
“I don’t have an exact address but I know it’s somewhere outside of Grenoble. It would probably be an hour and a half drive from here.”
They went to the main throughfare and hailed a cab. On the cab ride back to the train station Mistress Anastasia confirmed to Justine that Mistress Mathilde had been a historical Domme back in her days at the Sorbonne. Mistress Anastasia had learned that Mistress Mathilde had become pregnant by the Vice-Chancellor of one of its colleges and that she was harboring her small child Coline with a family living on the outskirts of Paris. Mistress Anastasia had threatened to reveal this information to the university regents unless Mistress Mathilde left Paris. Mistress Anastasia’sstory confirmed to Justine that Mistress Anastasia was not to be trusted and should be asscribed the worst of intentions.
“Justine. I need you to go to Mistress Mathilde. Negotiate Nicole’s release. Offer to pay double what she paid for Nicole. Just secure the best terms you can and come back to me.”
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