The 30 Days Day 03-04: Revenge

As ever, this is a tale of fantasy and fun. Always make sure to agree your dynamics with your partner(s) beforehand, and practice sensible BDSM. Enjoy!


~~ Day 3 – Sunday ~~

A hard slap across the face brought Alex out of his deep slumber. With a shout, he bolted upright, but with a loud metallic clang, he fell back to the pillow.

“What the fuck?” he exclaimed, tugging at the cuffs that bound him the bed frame. His feet struggled pointlessly too, as they were tied also, with thick restraints. He lay naked on the bed, the covers removed, every inch of his slim body exposed.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” Grace teased, standing over him, her dark hair hanging messily over her face, an evil look filling her eyes.

“What… The fuck?” He wondered aloud, looking her up and down. Her dressing gown hung open showing her pale skin beneath, in her hand, she had his belt, the leather dangling like a whip. “Bitch,” he added, with a snarl.

A smack of thebelt onto the bed near his leg told him that that was a bad thing to say, but he wasn’t afraid.

“You missed,” he teased, raising his eyesbrows and mocking her with his eyes. She swung again, angry at being teased, and made sure to hit this time. The leather cracked against the skin of his calm, and he let out a loud grunt, as the pain shot through him.

“Shhh now baby,” Grace told him. “Or you’ll get fucking hit again.” She was in charge now, she held the belt, she held the power. And she loved it. She was angry and frustrated by his teasing, and she funnyled that into dominance. “You’ve not been very nice,” she continued, swinging the belt casually by her side.

“Oh, haven’t I?” He replied. His voice dripped with cruel sarcasm, each word sharpened like a knife. Even Now, with him tied and her in control, they cut into her psyche.

“No,” she spat back, with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes, “you haven’t. And I’m gonna make you pay for it.” As soon as she finished speaking, the belt swung again, and again, smacking into his skin and making him grunt and groan with every hit.

“Ahh! Ow! Ow! Cunt! What the fuck did I do to deserve that?” He demanded, knowing full well what he had done. He knew exactly what he was doing, but he loved to hear her say it, to admit it.

“You beat me. You insulted me. You toyed with me, teased me. Used me.” Her voice grew louder with each word, and noticeably angrier. He loved it, and could hardly hide the sly smile on his lips.

“And you fucking loved it, didn’t you?” he spat back, knowing it was true.

“Shut up.” Again the belt swung, hitting an already red patch on his thigh. It was working, he thought, he was getting to her. Even tied up he was in control.

“You did, didn’t you?” He continued, unphased. “You loved being degraded like that. Being used like that. You’re my fucking toy, and you love it.”

Each word dug into her mind, and sent sparks down her spine. He was right, she did love it, she craved it, but she dared not let on. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” She demanded, again swinging, hitting him on the legs, the arms and the torso, each strike leaving a thick red line on his bare skin.

“Make me.” He purred, his words dripped with poison, corrupting her mind. The things he said always drive her crazy, and he knew it. Even as he lay tied up, red marks from her beats rapidly growing on his skin, he knew he had power over her.

She had had enough. Again she swung, at his face. The leather slammed into his cheek, throwing his head to the side with a loud cry. Before he could even react to her hit she was upon him. She pounded on him, her knees landing on his stomach, winding him, and her clapped fists landing on his chest. As his head swung back towards her, eyes full of furious fire, she went for his throat. Her small hands gripped at his muscle neck, struggling to find their spots, but determined to do something.

“Fucking dick!” He cursed ather, “I’m going to fucking kill you! Who the fuck do you think you-“

He was cut off, her hands had finally found the place to squeeze. The blood flow was stopped, his throat constricted, her hands pressing into the veins. As they did she stared him down, her brown eyes locked with is green ones, all full of anger, neither daring blink. She waited for him to react, to struggle, to choke and break. But he didn’t, his eyes were unusually cool, his expression unfortunately. She squeezed harder, pressing her fingers into the flesh, but all he did was smile. That damn cheeky smile, he couldn’t help but show it when he was causing mischief. Tighter still she squeezed, desperate to see a reaction, to know she had beaten him, and finally she saw it. His face flushed red, his mouth gaped open and his eyes grew wide. He spluttered, gasped; she had found the spot. Grace continued to star into his eyes, determination growing on her face as desperation did on his. She held him there, choking him, for a long moment, until he began to splutter. His lungs were burning, his mind panicking, his vision blurring as the oxygen reserves in his brain ran out. Finally, she released him, and a long, deep gasp restored his lungs. His chest heaved as she sat on him, grinning, pleased with her work.

“Fuck you.” He cursed, his voice full of anger.

“Oh, did you not like that?” She teased, a cheeky smile growing on her lips to match the one she’d just wiped off of his. She loved having him like this, getting her own back, exactly revenge.

“Fuck you. Cunt.” He repeated, even angrier than before. His deep, growing voice was threatening, even when he was immobilised, and his words sent a shiver of fear, and excitement, up her spine.

With a deep breath, she replaced her composure, and teased him, “Awww, poor boy. Such a shame you didn’t like that. But that’s no way to talk to me, I’ll have to do something about that.” With that, she climbed slowly off him, off the bed,and stood at his side strictly. His eyes followed her every move, admiring every inch of her body. Even first thing in the morning, with no makeup and wearing just a dressing gown, she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen.

“Stay there,” she giggled, laughing as he gave the cuffs a frustrated tug. Swinging her hips she walked out of the room, turning to give him a wink as she disappeared through the door.

He heard her opening drawers and cupboards in the kitchen, although he knew not why. But he saw his chance to work at the restraints. The cuffs cut into his wrists as he struggled against them, but with a lot of wriggling and a little lucky, he managed to position them so that his thumb could reach the latch, and release one hand. Just as he did though Grace reappeared in the door, and he quickly acted as If he was still tied securely, as she slinked back over the room, taking her time, swinging her hips, watching his every move as he watched hers. Slowly she straddled him again, and he saw what she had been looking for: in her hand was a roll of duct tape, the shiny black material glistening in the dull morning light. The sound of tape began unravelled shocked Alex, but before he could say anything in protest Grace stuck it over his lips.

“Now,” she teased, “you can sit there, nice and still and quiet, like a good boy, and I can do aaanyyything I want. So I’m gonna cum, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” His curses were muffled by the tape over his mouth, but even so, she could tell how mad he was. He resisted the urge to reveal that he had freed one hand already though, he was looking forward to seeing what she would do.

He didn’t have to wait long, straight away she untied the wait of her covering, and let it fall away from her shoulders.

“Ooh,” she giggled, as she let it slip further, revealing her perfect round breasts, feeling him growing excited as he watched. “Oh, do you want this?” She asked him, “do you wanna touch me? Tease me? Fuck me? Such a shade you can’t do any of those things right now… But I can.” As she talked she let the gown fall off fully, the soft material landing in a pile on his legs. Without breaking eye contact she licked the tips of her fingers and traced them down her body. She started at her chin and drew a line down her neck, and over her collarbones. Then down to her breasts, teasing her nipples and shivering with excitement as she did. She was looking forward to this, to spoiling his game, getting to cum and making him watch her do it all to herself. Her hands continued down her body, over her stomach to between her legs, and sparks followed. His games had made her so needy, so desperate. Lightning shot through her whole body as her fingertip reached her aching, sensitive clip. Her mind was flooded with thoughts of everything they had done together as she began to play with herself, she thought of the things he said to her, the things he did to her, the way his cock felt inside her. She wanted it, now, she wanted to be filled by it, fucked by him, but she knew that he wouldn’t grant her what she needed. She could see him staring, growing more and more excited, more and more turned on as she played with herself, one hand between her legs and the other squeezing her breasts or her throat. It felt so good, her denial from last night had driven her crazy, and already she was moaning softly. His struggles beneath her made it all the better. Faster she rubbed, subconsciously grinding herself against him as she did. She could feel him rock hard beneath her, and she knew that he was going mad. Grace’s cheats were flushing as her heart beat hard, and her breathing grow faster. With every moment her hand worked faster, sending more sparks through her limbs, adding more fuel to the fire inside her, she was close. And the closer she got, the madder Alex did, with his free hand, which he had been pretending was still cuffed, he fumbled to undo the other wrist. Asher eyes closed for a moment in pleasure he saw his chance and flicked the catch open, and the cuffs fell off.

Anger flooded his mind, every moment of this was driving him crazy.

“Fuck,” she moaned, her back began to arch. She was close, she was so needed and sensitive that even the light touch was working magic on her already. “Fuck,” she repeated, her parted lips forming into an evil smile, “I’m gonna cum, and there’s nothing you can do about it boy, I’m gonna… Very soon… Ohhh.”

Finally, he snapped. His now free hands darted from the bedframe to her throat, catching her by complete surprise. She squealed loudly as his hands slammed into her, pushing her over onto her back with a thud. As one held her there by the neck, the other ripped the tape from his mouth, stinging his whole face enough to make him grunt as it came free.

“You dumb fucking bitch” he called her, pressing down harder on her throat and watching her eyes fill with panic as he did. The pleasuresure had drained from her mind, replaced by fear, and shock. The fright of him getting free had scared every other thought from her brain. All she could concentrate on now was him: the feeling of his hands on her neck, the look of anger in his eyes, the sound of his sharp, growing breaths.

“Please… Fuck…” She begged, all hints of dominance gone, “I… I didn’t… I didn’t… I didn’t cum… I promise… I just, I want to so bad. You’re so mean and cruel and, and, and…” her stuttering turned to spluttering as his grip tightened. His strong hands dug in, they knew just where to press, just how to hold her. She was his, her whole body wanted to be his, to obey. Subconsciously her hands clawed at his, trying to pull his fingers from her neck, trying to let air through, but it was no good, he was too strong. But then suddenly the grip released. Her throat burned and ached as she gasped for air. But he hadn’t turned generous, he was not kind, he had released his grip to free his hands for something else: without pause, he drew back and slapped her hard across the face, with his right hand and then his left. The impact felt like a freight train, his muscles strengthened by anger, his mind light with rage. The hits stung like nothing else, immediately her cheeks burned hot, bright red. Grace’s eyes filled with tears, and her brain with fear. Nobody had ever hit her face like that.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She squealed, terrified.

“Oh, you’re fucking sorry?” He shouted back, “no. Not fucking yet you’re not, cunt.”

“No, no, I am. I’m sorry, I’m sorry sir, please, please, no more, no more. I can’t take it, I… Please.” She pleaded as tears ran down her cheeses. What more could he do to her, how far would he push? She didn’t know, but she didn’t doubt that he would push her to her safeword without so much as a blink.

“Get on the fucking floor” Alex demanded, pointing to the rug by the bed. Cowering, Grace did as she was told, slumping down onto the hardwood, and crawling to the rug. She sat there, nursery her fiery cheats, unable to look at anything but the ground as Alex undid the clasps at his feet. She couldn’t help but curl into a protective ball as he stormed towards her; fear filled her body, but with it was excitement. Teasing him like that was like dancing with a tiger, she knew it was stupid, she knew she’d get hurt, but the adrenaline rush was like nothing else. The adrenaline pumped harder than ever now, as he stood over her.

“Kneel.” He demanded.

Slowly she got to her knees, shaking as adrenaline coursed through her veins, terrified of whatever was coming next. A strong hand slide beneath her chin, cupping her face. Strong fingers wrapped up, and Grace felt them press hard into her cheeks. She tried to struggle, to pull away, but he held her firm, and slowly lifted her chin to force her to look at him. For a brief moment, their eyes met as she peered up at him, straight away she saw that his were burning with anger, and she looked away.

“Look at me,” he demanded, but she couldn’t. She tried to force herself to, to make eye contact, even for a moment, but her subconscious had taken over, the fear that filled her mind commanded her to look away. Alex’s free hand darted quickly up, into position, ready to strike, and Grace flinched away as it did, whimpering in fear and anticipation. “Look at me!” Alex demanded again, and gingerly she managed to raise her eyes to meet his. “Good,” he commented her, his voice softening, his hand lowering to his side once more. “Now,” he continued, “what the fuck do you think you were doing?”

“I…” came a whimpered reply


“I… I don’t know…” she continued, quickly adding “sir,” with a shock.

“You don’t know? What the FUCK do you mean you don’t know?!” The calmness had disappeared from his voice again, replaced by anger, a tone that she had become quite familiar with. His angry voice was terrifying, it set off alarm bells inher brain and sent shivers through her, causing all her muscles to tense and her eyes to seal tight shut. She feared his voice alone more than she feared anything any other guy had ever done to her. But god it excited her, the fear was like a rollercoaster, it was a thrill, an adrenaline rush, and all just with the sound of his voice.

“What do you mean, you don’t know?” He repeated, each word stronger, and More forceful than the last.

“I… I don’t… I… You made me so… desperate last night… sir. It-it drive me wild, it made me… crazy. I… I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry, I’m sorry sir. I shouldn’t have done that.” Grace’s mind raced as she spluttered her apology, making up all kinds of scenarios for how he would punish her for it. None of them were gentle, all of them were exciting.

“No.” He agreed, “you shouldn’t have fucking done that, cunt.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she panted, her chest heaving and heart racing. Every second she spent onher knees in front of him increased her fear, sent more adrenaline pumping through her, the waiting was the worst bit, and he knew that.

“Oh you fucking will be sorry,” he promised. Her heart beat even harder than before, so hard its beating in her ears was all she could hear, so much adrenaline coursed through er that her muscles began to shake. His hand let go of her chin, and her head fall down, all her limbs pulled in tight.

“Get on the fucking bed,” he demanded, stepping aside. For a moment Grace didn’t move a muscle, too paralysed she was by fear. But when he added “Go!” she dragged herself over, her shadowy feet struggling to carry her, her head locked down, looking at the ground. She spun to sit on the bed’s edge, but before she had settled his hand forced her down onto her back. Swiftly his hands grabbed her wrists, and pulled them up to the bed frame. The cuffs with which she had restrained him clicked closed around her now, and dug into the skin. Wrists secured hemoved to her ankles, and pulled them out straight, tying them in the restraints. Happy she was immobilised he stood up and admired his work.

“Oh look,” he teased, “now look who’s all tied up… Oh, almost forgot!” from the side, he grabbed the tape, and tore off a length, which he stuck tight to her lips. “Perfect.” As he finished he lifted a hand, and swung for her face. The blow caught Grace by Surprise, and she let out a shocked, scared whimper into the tape gag. “Now I’m gonna make you fucking sorry.” The anger was back in his voice, and the fire was burning in his eyes brighter than ever. Instinctively every muscle in her body struggled, pulling at the restraints wriggling on the bed, desperately trying to get free. But it was no good, she was held tight. Alex’s hands pulled open her dressing gown, exposing her body fully, and he couldn’t help but stare for a moment. Her struggle made every muscle in her core tense and relax, wriggling her hips and showing off the lines of her fit stomach perfectly. Her deep breaths puffed out her chest, and her legs were held open by the restraints. Drawing back, he slapped her tigh with all the force he could muster, and she let out a loud squeal as the handprint quickly turned bright red. Quickly he did it again, and again, struggling her tights up and down, on the inside and the outside, until one handprint merged into the next, and they appeared pink with white patches rather than pale white with red prints. Each blow hurt more than the last, until she was shaking from the pain and squealing hard into the gag, tears filling her eyes.

“Did you fucking like that?” He asked, turning to see the scared look in her eyes. A strong shake of the head gave him the answer. “What a fucking shadow. You should have thought about that before you decided to FUCKING TIE ME UP THEN, CUNT!” Suddenly all the feelings of pain faded, the beating of her heart seemed to quietly and slow, his words were all she could focus on. They rang in her ears, flooded her brain, drowned out anything and everything else. “If you didn’t like that,” he teased, standing from the bed, and walking across the room, “you’re going to fucking hate this.” As he turned around she saw a belt in his hand, the leather hanging down, the very tip dragging on the floor like the tail of a black devil as he walked towards her. He swung it like a whip, the leather cracked, and slammed into the skin of her stomach. The pain was unbearable, singing like nothing else, immediately leaving a mark where it had hit. The pain filled her whole body, pushing the tears from her eyes and leaving her squealing desperately, every muscle fighting to get away from him, to break free. But it was no good, she was going nowhere. The whip cracked once more, and it hit as hard as the last. She couldn’t take it, it was too much.

“Red! Red! Stop, stop, please, red,” she begged into her gag.

Instantly Alex dropped the belt, and pulled the gag from her mouth

“It’s okay, it’s okay, no more, I’m getting you out,” he reassure her, as he freed Grace from the restraints

“I… I’m sorry sir,” she sobbed

“Hey, he, it’s okay gorgeous, I’m so proud of you,” he said softly, holding her in his arms, wiping the tears away.


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