~~ Day 1 – Friday ~~
The morning sun shone through the half-open blind, illuminating Grace’s flat with a soft orange glow as she stood inspecting her naked body in the mirror. Her dark hair flopped around messily as she spun and twisted to see every inch of herself. Brushing a straight curl from in front of her big brown eyes, she started with her face. Her skin was clearing up at last, which was good, but she still hated the way she looked without makeup. The shape of her face made her feel children, and the dry skin and terrible spots of her teenage years had left marks all over her. No matter how many people told her she was pretty, she never really believed it, certainly not when she was au-natural. There was one part of her body she had definitely got lucky with though: her breasts.
Their firm, round form filled her hands nicely, and she couldn’t help but giggle a little as she jiggled them. She hated it when drunk guys would comment on them on a night out, definitelybelieved them when they said she had nice boobs. She hadn’t been so lucky with the rest of her body, she thought, but she had been working hard to improve it: long hours in the gym had rewarded her with a toned midriff and legs joined by a small, but perfectly formed, behind. Unfortunately, though no amount of gym work would solve her awkward curves. Grace hated the way her ribs stuck out too far, and her hips were too bone, even though she was a healthy weight, giving her a strange squared-off hourglass figure. Another thing that the gym would never be able to fix was her blotchy and marked skin.
Terrible dry skin that defied even the most expensive moisturisers left red patches all over her body and created, in her mind at least, a grotesque latticework with the white and red scars she had given herself with blades and nails and hot metal over the years. As much as she hated her scars, Alex had given her a new way of thinking about them: each one was a mark of a past battle, abattle she had won, “service medicals” he jokingly called them. He always managed to find the humour in any situation, maybe that was why he had been so good for her, he always had a smile and a joke to pick her up, and the worst traumas of his life just seemed to bounce off him. Slowly she had been breaking through that layer of defending humour to reveal the big softie he was underneath, and she admired him even more now that he was able to talk about how he really felt. There was at least one more reason she loved him so much, and her body was covered in reminders of it.
From head to toe, she was covered in marks from the night before. The red blotches she naturally had on her skin were nothing compared to the red and black and blue trophies her body bore this morning. Her cheeks were sensitive and criminal from being slapped, and around her neck there was a dark red band from being choked. Her pale limbs were crisscrossed with lines from the bindings he had tied her with, especialy her wrists which had cuts and rubbed-raw skin from the metal handcuffs in addition to the lines from the pressure and friction of the rope which patterned her whole body. Not all of her marks were red though: her back and thighs and bum were black and blue and purple where he had spanker her mercilessly or struck her with one of the toys. Each and every inch of her stung and ached and burned, and she loved it.
“You look so damn good like that,” Alex piped up from across the room, where he was laying on the bed. No matter how bad she felt about herself, about her body in particular, he always made her feel so much better, so much sexier. He knew how to make a girl feel good about herself.
“You think so?” Grace purred, walking slowly towards him.
“Uh-huh,” he replied, “do they hurt?”
“Yeah,” she admitted with a pout, as she slumped back onto the bed beside him.
He lean in close, until she could feel his hot breath on the skin of her cheek. “Good,” hewhispered, sending a shiver down her spine, “I hope you think about them all day. I hope you feel them every time you sit down and remember why you got them.”
“Fuck,” she moaned softly, feeling her body come light with his words. “I’ll be thinking about them a lot.”
“Good. Do you like them?”
“Well what do you say when you get something nice, kitten?” he asked.
“Thank you,” she said with a smile.
Swiftly he grabbed her by the cheeses, squeeze her face and forcing her to look at him.
“Thank you what?” he barked, and she let out another scared whimper, as her eyes grow wide and she instinctively tried to pull away.
“Thank you, sir,” she corrected herself, as she forced her eyes to meet his intense gaze.
She didn’t reply, just shuffled to the very edge of the bed and looked away from him, sitting with her arms crossed.
“What’s the matter, kitten?” he enquired.
“You were really rough with me last night” she pouted, “it’s sore.”
“Oh is it sore?” he teased, running his fingers up her back.
“Yes!” she squealed back, flinching away from him.
“Good.” he snarled, “you deserved it.”
Again she didn’t reply, shuffling herself even further from him and curling up.
“But”, he added, his voice softening, “you did really well, and were behaving yourself, so you deserve this too.” Shuffling up behind her he wrapped his arms around her slender wait, and planted a long, soft kiss on the back of her neck.
“You really are the best thing in the whole wide world,” he told her as they embraced. “You’re the best toy, the best sub, the best girlfriend, the best person in the world. The very best kitten I could ever wish for, and I’m so damn proud of you Every day.”
“Mmm, thank you, sir, ” she purred, spinning around to face him, and kissing him back. She still wasn’t used to anyone talking to her like that, nobody had ever been able to pierce through the darknessin her mind like he could. Whenever he complimented her it made butterflies dance in her stomach and her heart beat that little bit faster.
“But,” he carried on, looking her in the eye, “I need to go to work.” Placing a finger under her chin he held her close, “so behave.”
“Yes sir” she purred, feeling a warm glow radiate out from anywhere he touched.
“And,” he added, sliding a hand down her body, “Don’t you dare cum. Because you’ve had your last orgasm for the month.”
“But, but, you really mean that?” she while.
“Oh yeah. I mean it.”
~~ Day 2 – Saturday ~~
Tonight was date night. Every month they would meet up for a proper date. Dinner, dressing up, the lot. Usually, they’d take it in turn to decide where they went, Italian had been Grace’s choice for this week, but Alex always choose her outfit. For tonight he had picked black skinny jeans and a long sleeped blouse that hugged tight around her slender waist and general breasts. Both chosefor the fact that they showed off her fantastic curves, whilst hiding as much of her skin as possible, since it was still marked in red and black and blue. Luckily he’d also chose a nice warm jacket for her, since it was a chilly evening and she was stood outside of the restaurant waiting for him.
Finally, she saw him, half-jogging towards her from around the corner. He was dressed for the cold too, with a jumper over his white shirt, and brown leather boots that meant he towered over her even more than usual.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he apologised, bending down to kiss her. His lips were cold from the chilling wind, but she felt the heat within him still. He never disappointed on date night, and his kiss meant it had started.
“It’s okay,” she replied, “but I’m cold now so you owe me a drink to warm me up.”
“Okay, that’s fair,” he agreed with a smile, leading them towards the entrance, wrapping an arm tight around her. She flinched as he touched the marks he hadleft, which were all still sensitive and sore. He knew what he was doing, and chuckled as she gave him a hard star.
Dinner, as ever, was gorgeous. She enjoyed pasta and a few glasses of wine, while he had pizza, and they chatted about nothing in particular.
“Wanna get dessert?” she asked.
“I’m OK, but feel free if you want to though,” he replied. “But,” he continued with a smile, “I’ve got another treatment in store for you.”
“A treatment huh?” she teased back as her mind raced, considering the possibilities. Each idea that flooded her overactive imagination sent sparks down her spine and made her wriggle a little in her chair. Subtlety she undid a button of her blouse to show off a little of her cleavage, as he replied,
“Oh yeah, something you’ll really love. Something sweet, and hot…”
“Oh,” she giggled, “is it a chocolate cake?”
“Not exactly,” he replied with a laugh.
“That’s a shade,” she pouted.
“Why don’t you let me get the bill?” He suggested, “and I’ll tell you about your sweet treatment on the way home.”
“Okay,” Grace purred.
The taxi ride home was mercifully short. The bruises on the back of her thighs made it uncomfortable to sit in a car as it bounced over speed bumps, and his hand rested on what he knew was a sore spot. Subtly she tried to move his hand from it, by shuffling or crossing her legs or holding his hand in hers, but each time his hand found another place to rest that was uncomfortable for her.
The taxi pulled to a halt near Grace’s flat and she stepped out, leaving him to settle the fare, and she immediately dashed for the building’s door, to spend as little time as possible in the cold. A lift was already at the ground floor when she pressed the call button, and she quickly darted in and chose her floor, aiming a cheesey wink at her date as the doors closed in front of him.
She was perched on the end of her bed, shoes and jacket removed, blouse unbuttoned to the bottom ofher chest by the time he stepped into her flat.
“That wasn’t very nice” he joked, as he hung his leather jacket up.
“No,” she replied, “it wasn’t.”
“And you know what happens to girls who aren’t nice?”
“No, I don’t.” She lied, “you’ll have to show me.”
Swiftly he stormed over the room, and gripped her tight around the throat, pulling her to her feet.
“This,” he barked “is what happens to bad girls.”
Her heart raced at his words, and at the crushing feeling of his hand on her neck. For a long moment, he held her like that, staring hard into her big brown eyes with an evil glare, watching her grow more panicked as she struggled at his hand. Finally, he relented, dropping her back to the bed.
“Oh, is that all? Maybe I wanna be bad then,” she teased, wiggling her body back and forth.
Angain he went for her throat, in one movement wrapping his fingers around her neck and pushing her down onto the bed, as he straddled her.
“Maybe you wanna feel my hand around your neck?” He asked. “Maybe you want me to choke the fuck out of you? Maybe you wanna hurt?” His other hand slapped her across her cheek, and she let out a surprised squeal.
“Yes” she panted back, “but you’ll need to do better than that to hurt me.”
She saw the anger flash over his eyes as he heard what she’d said. He drew a slow breath Through gritted teeth, and tightened his grip. As his eyes narrowed and focused, hers grow wide. Her vision began to blur as he stared her down.
“How’s this?” He grewled. She tried to reply, her mind full of insults and witty refuges, but the words wouldn’t form. “How’s this?” He grunted, slapping her hard across the face, making her whimper. “Answer me when you’re spoken to!”
The grip around her neck released, and she drew a long wheezing breath, filling her burning lungs with fresh air.
“Do better” she spat, doing her best not to show how much his slap was stinging.
“Oh,” he said with agrin, “someone’s a needy little brat tonight, aren’t they?”
“Oh yeah,” she nodded back.
“Maybe what you need, is a good fucking. To feel yourself filled up, to feel my cock pounding your pussy. Do you think that’s what you need?” Every word increased her heart rate further, each one making her feel hotter, sending sparks through her body.
“Y-yes please” she whimpered, struggling to contain her excitement.
“Oh it’s such a shade that you don’t get to cum then” he teased with a smile. “That I’ll get to use this perfect body for my own pleasure, and you’ll get nothing.” He ran his hands down from her neck, over her breasts and around to her waist. His hands, although cold from the autumn air, made her feel hot through the fabric of her clothes. Slowly they moved to her buttons, following the tight fabric and popping each one open. One at a time they came undone, revealing more of her soft white skin, each one increasing her excitement.
“Please sir, are you really gonna make me go all month?” She asked, even though she already knew the answer. When he said he’d do something, he did it.
“Of course” he replied, leaning down to kiss her stomach. Each of his kisses sent sparks through her, and she began to open her legs for him, as his lips moved down her tummy. A whole month! She hadn’t gone that long without cumming since… she couldn’t even Remember. He’d put her on no orgasm before, for a day, or a week, but never this long. The more time she spent with him the more she realized how much control he had. Nobody else would have gotten away with telling her she couldn’t cum for a month, she wasn’t even sure why she was letting him do it. They’d only been together a month, and already she was wrapped around his finger. Her occasional dominant side all but smoothed out, her needy horniness hanging on his every word and command. Was it respect? Fear? Love? Or was he just that damn good at what he did? She didn’t know, all she knew right now was that his lips were driving her crazy, as they worked their way back up her stomach, towards her chest, as his hands unid her bra.
She moaned softly as his tongue flicked at her nipples. Ran her fingers through his hair as he sucked on them, and tugged gently. Soon the need in her body was growing, and she was whimpering with his every movement.
“Please,” she begged, pushing his head down towards her hips “more.”
Not one to disappoint, he moved down her body, sliding his torso between her open legs. Her heart rate climbed as her jeans came undone, revealing her underwear. Slowly he slide them down her long slim legs, dragging his nails over the skin as he did, leaving red lines in their trail and making her tense. The tight denim removed, his lips worked their way, ever so slowly, up her legs. He kissed her calves, inching upwards, and she whimpered when they reached her thighs. Slowly they crept forwards, his hands going ahead and gripping her by the bum, lifting her hips into the air. Every second of it was driving her crazy, and he knew. He knew she was horny, and that being told she couldn’t cum only made her want it more. But he was a tease. The more she whimpered and begged for him to fuck her, the slower his lips moved.
“Please, c’mon, this isn’t fair,” she pleased. He didn’t reply, only bit the skin on the inside of her thigh and listened to her shriek as his teeth left their marks. Finally, he reached the line of her underwear, and then he stopped, and stood up, looking down at her. He couldn’t help but admire her body. Long, slim legs, a flat, defined stomach at the centre of a slim waist. And the most perfect breasts he’d ever seen. Yes, she had scars, she had marks of her past struggles, she had imperfections, but every centimetre of her was amazing, every mark and spot and mole only adding to her perfection, like the paint on the canvas of a contemporary masterpiece. And every little bit of her belonged to him.
“What are you doing?” She pleased, slowly rocking her hips back and forth, “you can’t stop now!”
“I’m not stopping,” he explained, “but I don’t think you’ve earned anything yet. I wanna hear you Beg.”
“Please baby!” She begged, staring at him, her face full of lust. “Please Alex, please sir, fuck me. Fuck your little slut, I want it so bad.”
“Oh do you?” He asked,pulling the jumper over his head, and throwing it aside.
“Yes!” Her eyes were locked on him, watching him undo every button on his shirt again slowly.
“You think you deserve my cock?” He teased, sliding his shirt off his shoulders, revealing his slim, toned physics.
“Please, yes sir I do,” she panted. She couldn’t take her eyes off his body. Instinctively she began to play with her own nipples, teasing them between her fingers as she watched him bend down to remove his shoes.
“Hands off,” he barked, as he saw what she was doing. “Those belong to me. Your whole body belongs to me. YOU belong to me. Did I say you could touch my slut?”
“No, I’m sorry” she told, struggle to keep her hands still.
“I think all you deserve,” he carried on, slowly unbuckling his belt “is this.” He tugged at the leather and his belt shot through the remaining loops of his jeans, freeing itself with a crack. “No!” She squealed. “Please.”
“Roll over.” His words sent fear through her whole body. Instinctively making her pull away from him, as fight or flight kicked in.
“No, c’mon, not the belt, please.” She begged and begged, but he couldn’t be convinced. He simply stood gripping the leather in his hand until she obeyed. Slowly, anxiously she positioned herself on the edge of the bed, her knees on the floor and her chest resting on the soft quilt. He dragged the leather over her skin, letting her feel it, watching her reaction as it touched different spots.
“Ready?” He asked.
A scared whimper in reply was taken as a yes, and he took aim. Grasping the belttight he swung, and the leather cracked against skin. Again he swung, and again. She knew he was holding back, that he could hit so much harder, but even his half strength whippings were singing, sending pain shooting through her skin, the effect amplified by the crueles already present. He could see her beginning to shake, and her whimpers were growing more and more pathologic, the pain was obviously getting to her.
“Had enough?” He grew.
“Y-yes” she breathed, “it hurts.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir!” She corrected herself quickly. Manners, she had to remember manners.
“Good. Do you think you’ve earned your reward yet?”
“I hope so, I want it so bad,” she whimpered, “Please sir.”
Satisfied that she had taken the Beating well enough, he ordered her to stand. Once she was on her feet he pointed her towards her desk and gave her a push in the back. Stalking behind her as she walked towards it, he admired the marks that covered her skin. As she came to a stop stood by it, he again pressed on the back of her head.
“Bend over.”
Slowly, Grace lowered her face onto the wood, drawing a sharp breath as the cold surface pressed against her breasts. “Straighten your legs, get your ass in the air” he ordered, and she compiled, each second growing more needy. He slammed his belt down onto the desk beside her, and she gave a scared squeal, which made him laugh. Slowly he slide a finger into the waistband of her underwear, and began to slide it down. Finally, she thought. The feeling of his hand against the skin of her bum made her breathing growth faster. Every inch her underwear moved made her more turned on. He heard the zipper of his jeans come down, and the sound of denim hitting the floor as he slide them off. It was almost too much, every single thing he did was driving her crazy. As he moved to stand behind her he slide off his boxers, and she wriggled, trying to get comfortable, growing ever more excited.
“You wanna feelmy fat cock inside you?” He teased, as he gripped it in his hand. “You want me to fill you up with it?” Slowly he pressed it against her sensitive lips, and she couldn’t help but whimper. He was taking his time, he knew how bad she wanted it. She began to plead, grinding against his shake as she became for him to use it.
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