The 30 Day Vacation – the Beginning

I did not know her at all, but her writing leaves to the heart of my fansies. It was almost like she knew me and impossible, from afar, read my mind. For an intelligent, sexy, attractive woman to be sharing the same kinks was indescribable. So was her writing. Continuous play, unrelenting play for a month. Her expression of id. Her post around July 4th, Independence Day, yet from a sexual perspective quite the opposite. Total control and surrender. I still get the same immediate erection every day I even think about it.

I finally found the courage to reach out and schedule a session with her. This session transitioned to regular play when I was in town and over time our play progressed to the point where we would setup time to play, but never discussed specifically what we would do. It was beautifully organic and whatever she wanted simply happened. Whatever motivated her. Sometimes it was a Tumblr image, sometimes an old video. I never questioned it since it was so spectacular.

I was interviewing for a new job and finally found an offer I was ready to accept. Because of my non-compete agreement at work, I had a 45 day waiting period — gardening leave as we call it — where I was still paid by my old company basically not to work since I resigned. The time has arrived.

During our next play session I asked her if she was open to an entire month like her post said. The smile on her face said yes. After playing, we enjoyed each others’ company over drinks at a nearby hotel discussing the details, timing, and conditions.

Throughout the conversation she made it clear, “You can make requests, but I control the entire time. All 30 days, from beginning to end. Once we start there are absolutely no safewords. No out, outside of an injury, will end our time. We will avoid everything on your hard limits list, but other than that, anyone can do anything, so you really need to make sure it’s complete. Write them all done on this piece of paper.”

For the first time, I heard “anyone”. I never considered that. I always thought about her only. Do I say something and expand the hard limit list, or leave as is? So far I tried to keep the list relatively small, limited to:



Ball busting


Permanent marking (tattoos, branding, etc)


“This is it, dear Patrick?” she said with a wide smile. “One week from now we will both begin to experience what we’ve toyed with for years. This is for an entire month, so I really need you to be sure. Is this list complete?”

“I am trying to leave lots of options open,” as I smiled, the thought alone giving me an enormous erection. “And I trust you.”

As we were walking out of the hotel, About to part ways she handed me a small bag, lacened closed with a numbered plastic lock securing the lacing.

She looked at me and her tone, now changed and remarkably direct, commanded, “do not open this until I say so, understanding?”I respectfully nodded, but before I could utter a sound she cut me off with a hard squeeze on my arm.

“You have a week until you come back next Saturday. Prepare your bills, email, etc as you need to. Assume no connection to the outside world during your stay. Starting on Friday at noon do not eat or drink anything except water. Also, no contact with me until the morning you’re coming back – next Saturday. Immediately upon rising that day you will text me for further instructions. Sleep well my dear, for you will need it. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. It’s what we both want. And it’s just the beginning.”

With that her nails gently descended down my arm, in what can only be described as a perfect touch. We embraced, kissed, and she immediately turned and walked away. I stood there for a few minutes, watching her walk away, excited for what was about to happen.

I went home, made arrangements for mail, bills, etc knowing I would be away for a month. I asked my neighbors to keep an eye on my place since I was “going on a trip to Europe” and would have limited contact. They agreed, none the wiser.

I could not sleep the entire week. Which likely was a mistake, but how could I?

Saturday morning finally arrived, I awoke, and texted her.

Good morning, I just woke up. Awaiting your instructions.

Good. Send me a picture of the sealed bag I gave you.

I quickly took a picture and hit send. Still sealed.

Have you eat anything yet?

No, nothing at all. Very hungry though.

Good. From this point on you do everything I ask without question. Go shower, shake, full enema. No food. Only water. You are going to be delighted once you open the bag but not yet. Get ready and head to the airport. Bring only your wallet, phone, headphones, clothes on your body, and that bag. You will need nothing else for the next 30 days. Text me once you are through security, and only then. And I should not have to say this, but minimum genital or anal contact, only for cleaning. Those are my property now. Talk soon my dear.

I held and cleaned as I usually do, and awkwardly left for the airport with little as instructed. It was the first time ever flying with almost nothing. Yet nearly my longest trip ever.

Once I passed the TSA Pre line, I immediately texted, “Through security”

Wonderful. Go to the Admirals Lounge, find a bathroom stall, undress from the wait down, put your headphones on, and call me.

I nervously found the largest stall in the bathroom, followed instructions, and made the call.

“Listen clearly since I soon as I say this I will hang up. Use the bathroom for the last time if needed. Open the bag. Prepare the steel butt plug with the included lube and insert it. You seemed to admire greyh0und’s so much, you now have the same one. Very lightly lube my cock and balls and open the black box. Secure them inside the Steelwerks chatity device that you haveso coveted. Tighten the screws using the S wrench and then place the wrench in your pocket. We will secure it more once you arrive. Once you arrive simply ring the door bell, I will buzz you in. Enter and completely undress. Except for the metal now placed on and around your body, of course. Turn off your phone, and put everything in your possession, including the remaining contents of that bag on the front table. Go to the table in the middle of the studio and put on each of the items laid out. I am sure you’ll be able to determine my desired and secure placement of each on you. Speaking of security, lock each item with the associated locks. Then put the hood on and pull the zipper down to your neck. Put the posture collar around your neck and secure both locks on it. That should seal your head where I want it. For now. I know you will not be able to see anything, but crawl and then enter the small cage, close the door, and lock it. I know your flight info and will be watching it. Good bye, do everything how I want it, and see you soon babe.”

Beep beep beep. The familiar sound of the iPhone when a call ends. My pulse racing as if I just finished a race, barely able to catch up breath.

I did as instructed, exited the bathroom and walked through the blinde. It felt like the hundreds or so people there were fully aware of my situation. My most sensitive regions trapped or filled by titanium and steel.

Upon landing I hoped in the taxi and headed to her studio. Paying for the taxi I nervously approached the door, pressing the doorbell. Immediately, only the buzzing of the entrance door greeted me. No voice. I walked up, entered the slightly ajar door, and closed it behind me. I assumed she was there — the door was open — but I didn’t hear anything. On the table were ballet boots, ankle cuffs, a Polymorph hood with only nose holes, wrist cuffs, a locking posture collar, two larger locks, and six golden, matching smaller locks. I glanced at the cage and the imposing lock was placed on the ground inside the cage.

No keys were in sight. I better get these right on the first try.

I immediately undressed, hung my clothes in the closet, placed my limited belongings on the front table, and began to secure myself. With each lock I was sealing my own fate.

My feet in ballet boots, ankle cuffs locked around them, were first with the ankles secured to each other with the larger lock.

Having to now sit on the floor, I secured the beautifully thick, padded, and comfortable cuffs on my wrists, locking each onto my body.

Now, before I secure my wrists, I place the thick rubber hood on, zipping it down, the feel of cool latex encasing every millionmeter of my head, covering my entire neck, nearly to my shoulders.

Now blind, feeling around the table, I find and then place the posture collar on. I then find the two locks and seal the posture collar, effectively locking the hood on as well.

I grab the larger lock and bring it with me, crawling to the cage. I turn around backing into the cage so I can close the door behind me. Fumbling around I find the large cage padlock, reach through the bags and lock the cage. I then locked my wrists to each other using the last padlock.

For a moment panic settlements in. I have no keys and have locked myself, bound, into an inescapable cage, without even seeing her.

A few deep breaths reminds me this is what I want. And I hope what she wants. What is in store for me I do not know.

I attempt to find comfort in the small cage, curling up and laying on my side. It’s dead silent except the occasional muffled traffic or horn of the streets of NYC outside. Losing all sense of time in my sensery deprived state, eventually I fall asleep.

I began to wake, not knowing how long I’ve been sleep I try to shift my feet and hands but they don’t move. It feels like there is a chain locked to each of the larger locks, then locked to the bars in thecage. I attempt to shift my head with no success. I can only sense the D ring on the front of my posture collar has been chained to a bar of the cage as well. Total control has begun.

She is here. Or definitely was here. But is she here now?

I attempt to say her name, to say hello, but the tightness of the latex rubber prevents my words. I cannot even open my mouth it’s so tight.

I hear her voice from within my latex encased head.

Don’t worry babe. You’re very secure, just how I want you. But not secure enough. I noticed you did not list piercings as a limit for our adventure. I gave you a chance. Well, I guess you did say permanent marks, but piercings are not considered permanent to me. At least not yet. How does that make you feel?

She must have seen my bulging erection trying to escape it’s titanium Steelwerks prison.

I do quite adore the fact you can communicate to me without words. Oh, how I can read your body. I don’t need to hear you — I canwatch your physical reaction. I thought you would feel that way. Before the evening is over you will be pierced at least five times. Not like we’ve done in the past. This time I’ll be leaving rings in each of these piercings. I will need some very secure leverage over your body, and these five piercings should give me what I want. For now. And, my god, they are going to look fucking awesome too. Get more rest babe, we have not even begin yet.

I immediately feel my head pulled and industrial sound protection headphones placed over my hears. Perfect silence. No buses, traffic, or noise at all. The only thing I can hear is my heart beat and associated breathing. And it is wonderful.


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