She’s at the bar… again. *Sigh* It was becoming positively painful to turn down the many drunken frat boys that approached her, hoping for an easy lay. How much more of this must she tolerate before finding a real man? Dressed tastefully in tight, dark jeans and a low-cut tight top that subtly caresed the curve of her tits, she sat cross-legged on the bar stool. Swinging her high-heeled foot, just Begging for attention.
It was reaching the part of the night when she switched from drinking watered down rum and cokes to drinking whiskey, neat. She had just about decided to give up and head home when she felt the cold draft from the door send shivers down her spine. She knew her nipples were hard from the cold, if only someone were here that could see them.
She smelt him, his deliciously masculine scent as he breezed past her. She coquettishly turned her head to watch him sit in a booth at the far end of the bar.Hmmm, maybe this night was not such a waste.He was tall, broad should and wearing a black leather jacket tastefully cut. She watched as he slid his long arms out of the jacket and placed it gingerly on the seat next to him.
“Excuse me, miss,” the bartender (a curvy blonde woman with her a large amount of cleavage showing) pulled her attention away from the man. “The gentlemen in the corner there said to give you a drink and to send you over to his table.” She pushed a fresh drink at her.Odd, he hasn’t even looked at me. How does he know I’m here?
The girl slide down off the bar stool and grabbed her purse, and fresh drink before heading over to the booth and the strange man in it. She approached the table with trepidation. She smoothed down her shirt, fluffed her long dark hair and strutted as best she could in her heels. The man still didn’t look at her as she approached him. She stood at the end of the table and waited for him to say something. He didn’t ignore her for long.
After a brief pause he ordered, “Sit.”
Feeling very shy, she slide as delicately as she could into the seat opposite him. “Sir, I don’t know who you are, but thank you for the drink.”
An amused smile crept over his face as he finally looked directly at her. She was surprised at the shocking shade of brown in his eyes: dark, almost black. She had to press her legs together, the devilish look on his face made her positively damp.It’s been far too long since I’ve had sex.
“You’re looking for a man, a real man,” he said simply.
She was shocked and her mouth popped open. She licked her lips as she nodded gently. The defined line of his jaw was making it hard for her to think.
His head cocked to one side as he asked, “Have you ever been sexually submissive before?”
The Shock she felt at this comment overrode any other emotions she was feeling. “Of course not,” she snapped, “And I don’t plan to.” She started moving as if to leave, but stopped when she felt his hand clamp around her delicate wrist. She felt her nipples perk up when he grabbed her.
“Then you have never felt pleasure beyond explanation. Never feel the lines between right and wrong, rational and insane, pain and pleasure blur. You’ve never fully lived, never found the lines youknewyou could never cross and crossed them.
You have been living a half life, an incomplete existence. You are never satisfied with men are you? The boys you date do so little to thrill you that you can’t bare it. Sex never satisfyes. The boundaries of your relationships are so unclear and unappetizing that you’ve spent the last six nights in this bar trying to find someone, anyone to take you to a place that you’ll remember.
I will take you to that place. You will trust me implicitly and I you. I will teach you what I know and in your lessons we will both take pleasure. If a deeper connection, a relationship on a level that you didn’t even know existed is something that interests you, be at thisaddress tomorrow at 9am. Bring a friend with you if you wish. Do not be late.” And with that he slide a card across the table, stood and left.
She heard the door swing open and closed as he left. She sat there, completely unable to form a coherent thought for several minutes. Eventually she felt her eyes flutter and she gasped.How long have I been holding my breath?The air made butterflies dance in her belly and made her tits swell up and down.
As quickly as she could manage, she curried out of the bar unaware of the bartender’s sly smile.
She stumbled into the dark parking lot and with shaking hands unlocked her car. She plunked down into the driver’s seat and took a deep breath. Her pussy was positively aching for attention. Throwing her pursuit into the passenger seat, she unbuttoned her jeans. Never in her entire life would she have thought that she could touch herself in a bar parking-lot, but right now she didn’t care.
Sliding her cold fingers underher panties and gasped at the wetness she found. She was seriously turned on. Tilting her head and letting her long hair fall down her back she felt her immense tits strain against her tight top. Her eyes closed and her mouth popped open as she found her clip with her fingers. “Ahhhhhhh,” she breathed.
Her knees spread as far as they could in the limited space of her little car. Her unoccupied hand found its way to her tits. She pulled down the neckline of her shirt and trusted up her breasts by pulling her bra down. Slowly she let her fingers trail over the curve of her DD’s all the while imagining Him. His fingers, and the way they clamped around her wrist were all she could think about.
Slowly she felt her hips start to grind against the seat, slowly, gently feeling the friction of her panties. Her fingers swirled gently around her clip, slipping through all the juices she was making. Her nipples were on fire as she caresed and gently pulled on them.
Never beforehad she felt this way. As she again imagined his fingers clamping down on her wrist she pressed hard on her clip and pinched her nipple. She nearly came just then. Letting her fingers in her panties explore further, she pressed into herself searching for her pleasure spot.
The moment she found it, her whole body changed. She was driving herself wild. Gasping for breath and moaning all the while, she started to bounce up and down on her fingers. She could feel her tits bouncing with her. Her breath was short, she was so close.
Her voice changed. Her breaths came in short burst. “Ah, Ah, Ah…”
*Tap, tap, tap* someone was knocking on her window.
Her eyes shot open and immediately recognized the bartender right outside the driver’s side window. She pulled her fingers away from her pussy and quickly did her best to cover her tits, but it was obvious that the bartender had scene. (Little did she know that the bartender had been watching for a while.)
“Miss, you can’t do that here,” the bartender smiled. The bartender was laughing at her! “You must be a pretty horny little girl. Aren’t cha?”
Her mouth dropped open and eyes widened in pure horror. She felt blood rush to her face; she had never been so embarrassed in her entire life. Feeling humiliated, she grabbed her keys and gunned out of the parking lot. Looking in the rear-view mirror she saw the bartender doubled over with laughter.
“Well one thing is for sure,” she thought, “there’s no way I’m meeting that guy tomorrow!” But even she knew that wasn’t true.
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